I installed X-chat on Ubuntu 14.04.
in the first step I enter all the details (nickname, realname etc) and choose freenode as server and click Connect.
But I see the following error:
Looking up irc.freenode.net
* Connecting to chat.freenode.net ( port 8001...
and nothing happens and there is a timeout error.
and when I type:
/join #python
I see the following:
Not connected. Try /server <host> [<port>]
You aren't connecting to the IRC port. Your client is specifying port 8001 but you need to connect to 6667
Check that you and your provider are not blocking port 6667.
To test this, fire up a terminal and type:
telnet chat.freenode.net 6667
Examine the output to see if the command succeeds (if it does, you'll be presented with freenode's welcome banner):
$ telnet chat.freenode.net 6667
Connected to chat.freenode.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
:jackson.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** Looking up your hostname...
:jackson.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** Checking Ident
:jackson.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** Found your hostname
If it does not, examine your network configuration, firewall, router and anything at your provider that may block that outbound port.
Some providers, especially schools and colleges, block port 6667 for security and you should try one of freenode's many other ports instead: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/chat
I have a PgAdmin server running on localhost and I'm trying to connect to it from another computer on the same network (they have the same IPv4 address).
I've gone through a lot of questions but all of them explain how to connect to a remote server, which I assume is running on an available host.
I've tried:
adding listen_addresses = '*' to postgresql.conf (on both computers)
adding host all all md5 to pg_hba.conf (on both computers, replacing with a variety of ip addresses)
some other things I saw in tutorials but don't remember
What I'm trying to understand is:
Is it possible to connect remotely to a server running on localhost?
If it is possible, which IP address does the remote computer need to connect?
You need to resolve some basic questions first:
What is the IP of the computer where PG is running? e.g.
Which port is PG exposed on? e.g. 9999
After you collected the two above information you can go on the second computer where you have pgAmin and execute
telnet <host> <port>
substituting <host> and <port> with the info collected above. If telnet replies with
Trying ::1...
Connected to <host>.
Escape character is '^]'.
this should mean that the port is open and PG should be listening on that host:port. You found your connection string to PG!
I am just sharing my understanding here. Corrections are welcome.
pgAdmin can connect to one/more postgres servers via TCP over using JDBC like protocol. pgAdmin is just a stand-alone web-interface ( web adapter ).
So some web-server configuration/tuning should be needed in pgAdmin configuration to enable access from remote machines.
I've installed Postgres.app and modified the port number to 5466, I've enabled listen_addresses='*'.
I've setup 'trust' in pg_hba.conf.
I can connect through the socket via psql. However, psql -h localhost -p 5466 fails and returns *"server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request."
Port 5466 is mapped to postgresql.
Any help as to why I can connect to the socket, but not to localhost would be appreciated. If i connect on another port an error is returned instantly telling me there is no server there, but when I connect on the correct port the connection hangs and returns the error above.
The problem was a program to monitor internet traffic blocked all ports other than 80: https://github.com/PostgresApp/PostgresApp/issues/169
I am trying to get irssi to work over SSH on my Bluehost dedicated IP server.
Bluehost support says port 6667 is open, but you have to have an app listening to it, so running nc -l on the server and then telnet'ing in works, but if I run irssi on the server then it can't connect to freenode.net - it says the connection timed out.
If you do nmap -v -sT then you see the 6667/TCP port, but it's listed as closed.
How can get irssi to run using an ssh shell on Bluehost?
It Would be great to have under a Screen session you could re-login to from anywhere.
Make sure that you ask them if 6667 is open outbound TCP and UDP.
Sometimes they can mistake it for inbound or only open TCP for example. You can telnet to your IRC host on port 6667 even if something is not listening on the Bluehost side, assuming IRC is up and accepting connections, and Bluehost has the port opened, a telnet from your Bluehost account to the IRC server will work fine.
Is there a dedicated port (lower than 1024) specifically for clients to send text based console output to a server? I've googled extensively but to no avail. What's the best port (lower than 1024) for sending text based console output if any?
A port is just a number. You can see well known port assignments in /etc/services.
You need a server application to be listening on the given port to accept your input. There are number of remote terminal protocols and their implementations, among which are Telnet (port 23) and Secure Shell, or SSH (port 22).
The simplest way to test your socket client is to setup netcat on the server to listen on whatever port you want (port is 777 in the example bellow), and then try to connect to it from somewhere else:
server:~# nc -l -p 777
client:~$ nc server 777
Note that on Unix you normally need super-user (root) rights to bind "privileged", i.e. bellow 1024, ports.
I'm going to use telnet (port 23) since that's closest to what I want. Sending console messages to a server from a client. okey dokey thanks!
Well guys, I'm trying to get that MongoDB feature working for hours:
I start mongod with external configuration file on Mac OS X platform. Almost all the settings in the config file is default. I've turned of the authentication and make sure http interface is on :
nohttpinterface = false
MongoDB starts successfully and does it's job. And just to make sure that it listens on port 27017, I do following:
(web)Roy-MacBook:/ roy$ curl localhost:27017
You are trying to access MongoDB on the native driver port. For http diagnostic access, add 1000 to the port number
which is fine. And I try to check the same thing for the port 28017:
(web)Roy-MacBook:/ roy$ curl localhost:28017
curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
Even though with telnet:
(web)Roy-MacBook:/ roy$ telnet localhost 28017
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Trying fe80::1...
telnet: connect to address fe80::1: Connection refused
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
I don't know if I have to tell that I've tried with a browser. I don't run any custom web or any other server that blocks the port 28017. I could only find one bug here:
but it is related with --auth command that I don't use nor I have any user show out of "db.system.users.find()".
One strange thing is when I turn on mms-name, mms-token or mms-interval in configuration as shown as their config reference here (www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/File+Based+Configuration), mongod gives following error:
error command line: unknown option mms-name
use --help for help
I though that might be the relative problem.. Any opinion will be appreciated, thanks.
This looks like a bug in the config parser. Take this line OUT of your config file:
nohttpinterface = false
When I added that line it turned the HTTP interface off on my Mac even though it's set to false.