Gatling during explanation - scala

I´m using Gatling, and I want to repeat a command for an hour so I see there´s one operator during.
The documentation it´s not clear enough
.during(duration, counterName, exitASAP) {
duration can be an Int for a duration in seconds, or a duration expressed like 500 milliseconds.
My question is, during will execute the task in 1 hour duration, or it will repeat the task for an hour.
I know we have repeat operator as well, but that it will require me to know how much time it takes my task to finish and then calc the number of repeats.

The code in the during block will run for the duration of seconds you give.
When the scenario is executed then the iterations in the during block are run until the duration.
Using .during() with amount of seconds. you can constantly increase the users, ramp, split the users but cannot repeat the task


Remove stop times from ResourcePool for OEE calculations [duplicate]

I am working on production model where the the input of raw material is on hourly bases and i am running the model for 8 hours ( 1 shift ) so basically for 16 hour the resources are idle. When i was not using the schedule part and running the model for 8 *7 hours ( 56 hours) then the time measurement for each job is fine but now when i schedule the output it include the idle time also. So How can i only calculate the busy time to see the average time spent by a job in a workshop ( from raw material to finish good.
This the time spent by a job in a process it should be 34-16= approx 18
Firstly, one note: although you state that you run 8 hour shifts, the 8 AM to 6 PM time period is actually 10 hours so I will ignore it in this solution and instead assume that the shifts are actually 8 hours and run from 9:00 to 17:00.
Here is a simple model that was used to test (model time unit is SECONDS):
There are 4 elements to make this work:
Service must be configure to allow pre-emption of tasks with recovery this is done by using Priorities / preemption options as below:
ResourcePool must be configure for 'End of Shift' preemption as shown below:
Calculations of true time (excluding dead time between shifts) is done in f_calcTATsec function:
// get 'Service' enter time for that agent
double startTime = col_startTimesSec.get(_agent);
// calculate time spent
double timeSpent = time() - startTime;
traceln("%.2f: agent spent %.2f in service", time(), timeSpent);
traceln("%.2f: 8hrs is %.2f, 16hrs is %.2f",
time(), (8 * hour()), (16 * hour()));
// below is a ternary statement which says:
// if 'timeSpent' is less than 8 hrs then use it
// otherwise
// exclude whole 16 hr periods (can be more than 1)
// and use the remainder
double trueTimeSpent = timeSpent <= (8 * hour()) ?
timeSpent :
timeSpent % (16 * hour());
// return time spent
traceln("%.2f: returning %.2f", time(), trueTimeSpent);
return trueTimeSpent;
Service object needs to be configured to record entry time for each Agent in col_startTimeSec collection and then call f_calcTATsec() function on exit, i.e. On enter = col_startTimesSec.put(agent, time()); and On exit = double trueTimeSpentSec = f_calcTATsec(agent);
When i was not using the schedule part and running the model for 8 *7 hours ( 56 hours) then the time measurement for each job is fine but now when i schedule the output it include the idle time also
So I assume you were using TimeMeasureStart/End blocks to do the time-in-system measurement. They just calculate the elapsed time from the start block to the end block, and so can never account for 'time that shouldn't count'. You don't have to use these blocks to calculate timings; typically you store relevant start times in the (custom) agent type flowing through the process and then calculate the relevant elapsed times as needed (e.g., at on-exit of a Service block, pseudo-code is "current time - time-on-entry = elapsed time in block").
Firstly though, you need to be clearer about what metric you're calculating and why. You want to exclude time where an in-progress (presumably pre-empted) job waits for the resource to return on-shift. But what about jobs which are queueing for a resource which then goes off-shift? What about if there are multiple possible resources that can be used with different shift patterns? What about the more general waiting of jobs for resources (when resources are on-shift)?
It sounds like what you may really want is both
The elapsed time spent working on a job (cf. waiting for anything).
The elapsed time jobs spend waiting for something (typically resources in a Seize/Service block — not just when tasks are pre-empted by shift-end — but could be other wait mechanisms, such as using Wait blocks).
The latter is just the total elapsed time minus the former.
So there are multiple ways to tackle this. Probably the easiest is to retain your overall elapsed time (via TimeMeasureStart/End blocks) and then calculate the working time separately: store it as a variable in the job agent and add to it in each block where it has 'work done to it' (e.g., for Service blocks without pre-emption use duration from on-seize to on-exit, for Delay blocks use duration from on-enter to on-exit).
To handle where a shift-end-pre-empted task waits for a resource to return on-shift you can use the Service block's "On task suspended" and "On task resumed" actions which trigger when a task is suspended (due to pre-emption) or resumed (when the original resource becomes available if that's the preemption option you chose).
This requires an extra variable to store the "current duration start time".
To be explicit:
Type double Variable cumulativeWorkingTimeMins in your Job agent type
Type double Vriable currentWorkStartTimeMins in your Job agent type
...and for a Service block (handling the pre-emption case)
'On seize unit' (or 'On enter delay') action of agent.currentWorkStartTimeMins = time(MINUTE);
'On task suspended' action of agent.cumulativeWorkingTimeMins += (time(MINUTE) - agent.currentWorkStartTimeMins);
'On task resumed' action of agent.currentWorkStartTimeMins = time(MINUTE);
'On exit' action of agent.cumulativeWorkingTimeMins += (time(MINUTE) - agent.currentWorkStartTimeMins);
[Note units specified in variable names to be clear, and explicit specification of units when getting the current time; this ensures the code is robust to changing your model time unit.]
NB: If you really wanted to just subtract the time pre-empted jobs are waiting for off-shift resources to return (and no other waiting time) — which doesn't seem to make sense as a metric — you can still do that using a variant of the above which just captures that waiting time.
(You'll also need to store the relevant final numbers in some HistogramData element or similar when the job finishes to be able to then show this data in charts: the TimeMeasureEnd blocks automatically capture this histogram data in their distribution variable but, when calculating timings yourself, you need to store data yourself for charts.)

Time Distribution and time spent in process in anylogic

I am working on production model where the the input of raw material is on hourly bases and i am running the model for 8 hours ( 1 shift ) so basically for 16 hour the resources are idle. When i was not using the schedule part and running the model for 8 *7 hours ( 56 hours) then the time measurement for each job is fine but now when i schedule the output it include the idle time also. So How can i only calculate the busy time to see the average time spent by a job in a workshop ( from raw material to finish good.
This the time spent by a job in a process it should be 34-16= approx 18
Firstly, one note: although you state that you run 8 hour shifts, the 8 AM to 6 PM time period is actually 10 hours so I will ignore it in this solution and instead assume that the shifts are actually 8 hours and run from 9:00 to 17:00.
Here is a simple model that was used to test (model time unit is SECONDS):
There are 4 elements to make this work:
Service must be configure to allow pre-emption of tasks with recovery this is done by using Priorities / preemption options as below:
ResourcePool must be configure for 'End of Shift' preemption as shown below:
Calculations of true time (excluding dead time between shifts) is done in f_calcTATsec function:
// get 'Service' enter time for that agent
double startTime = col_startTimesSec.get(_agent);
// calculate time spent
double timeSpent = time() - startTime;
traceln("%.2f: agent spent %.2f in service", time(), timeSpent);
traceln("%.2f: 8hrs is %.2f, 16hrs is %.2f",
time(), (8 * hour()), (16 * hour()));
// below is a ternary statement which says:
// if 'timeSpent' is less than 8 hrs then use it
// otherwise
// exclude whole 16 hr periods (can be more than 1)
// and use the remainder
double trueTimeSpent = timeSpent <= (8 * hour()) ?
timeSpent :
timeSpent % (16 * hour());
// return time spent
traceln("%.2f: returning %.2f", time(), trueTimeSpent);
return trueTimeSpent;
Service object needs to be configured to record entry time for each Agent in col_startTimeSec collection and then call f_calcTATsec() function on exit, i.e. On enter = col_startTimesSec.put(agent, time()); and On exit = double trueTimeSpentSec = f_calcTATsec(agent);
When i was not using the schedule part and running the model for 8 *7 hours ( 56 hours) then the time measurement for each job is fine but now when i schedule the output it include the idle time also
So I assume you were using TimeMeasureStart/End blocks to do the time-in-system measurement. They just calculate the elapsed time from the start block to the end block, and so can never account for 'time that shouldn't count'. You don't have to use these blocks to calculate timings; typically you store relevant start times in the (custom) agent type flowing through the process and then calculate the relevant elapsed times as needed (e.g., at on-exit of a Service block, pseudo-code is "current time - time-on-entry = elapsed time in block").
Firstly though, you need to be clearer about what metric you're calculating and why. You want to exclude time where an in-progress (presumably pre-empted) job waits for the resource to return on-shift. But what about jobs which are queueing for a resource which then goes off-shift? What about if there are multiple possible resources that can be used with different shift patterns? What about the more general waiting of jobs for resources (when resources are on-shift)?
It sounds like what you may really want is both
The elapsed time spent working on a job (cf. waiting for anything).
The elapsed time jobs spend waiting for something (typically resources in a Seize/Service block — not just when tasks are pre-empted by shift-end — but could be other wait mechanisms, such as using Wait blocks).
The latter is just the total elapsed time minus the former.
So there are multiple ways to tackle this. Probably the easiest is to retain your overall elapsed time (via TimeMeasureStart/End blocks) and then calculate the working time separately: store it as a variable in the job agent and add to it in each block where it has 'work done to it' (e.g., for Service blocks without pre-emption use duration from on-seize to on-exit, for Delay blocks use duration from on-enter to on-exit).
To handle where a shift-end-pre-empted task waits for a resource to return on-shift you can use the Service block's "On task suspended" and "On task resumed" actions which trigger when a task is suspended (due to pre-emption) or resumed (when the original resource becomes available if that's the preemption option you chose).
This requires an extra variable to store the "current duration start time".
To be explicit:
Type double Variable cumulativeWorkingTimeMins in your Job agent type
Type double Vriable currentWorkStartTimeMins in your Job agent type
...and for a Service block (handling the pre-emption case)
'On seize unit' (or 'On enter delay') action of agent.currentWorkStartTimeMins = time(MINUTE);
'On task suspended' action of agent.cumulativeWorkingTimeMins += (time(MINUTE) - agent.currentWorkStartTimeMins);
'On task resumed' action of agent.currentWorkStartTimeMins = time(MINUTE);
'On exit' action of agent.cumulativeWorkingTimeMins += (time(MINUTE) - agent.currentWorkStartTimeMins);
[Note units specified in variable names to be clear, and explicit specification of units when getting the current time; this ensures the code is robust to changing your model time unit.]
NB: If you really wanted to just subtract the time pre-empted jobs are waiting for off-shift resources to return (and no other waiting time) — which doesn't seem to make sense as a metric — you can still do that using a variant of the above which just captures that waiting time.
(You'll also need to store the relevant final numbers in some HistogramData element or similar when the job finishes to be able to then show this data in charts: the TimeMeasureEnd blocks automatically capture this histogram data in their distribution variable but, when calculating timings yourself, you need to store data yourself for charts.)

how to write data from Database Log to an output in anylogic?

I'm running a similation where i would lige to know the total amount of time agents spends in a delay block. I can access the data when running single simulations in the Dataset log under flowchart_stats_time_in_state_log
However i would like to to write the data from block 5 (spraying) to an output in order to store the data when running multiple simulations.
Im guessing that the value reffence should look something like the expression below. It is not working however so i would aprreciate it alot if anybody could help me out or suggest an alternate solution for getting the data.
Btw. Time measures dose not work for this situation since i need to know the total amount of time spend in a block after a 12 hour shift. with time measures i do not get the data from the agents that are still in the block when the simulation ends.
Based on the goal of summing all processing times, you could solve it mathematically. Set the output equal to block.statsUtilization.mean() * capacity * time() calculated on simulation end.
For example, if you have a capacity of 1 and a run length of 100 minutes, then if you had a utilization of 50%; that means you had an agent in the block for 50 minutes. Utilization = time busy / total time. Because of this relationship, we can calculate how long agents were actually in the block.
Another alternative would be to have a variable to track time in block, incrementing when the agents leave. At end of the run, you would need to call a function to iterate over the agents still in the block to add their time. AnyLogic allows you to pretty easily loop over queues, delays, or anything that holds agents:
for( MyAgent agent : delayBlockName ){
variable += time() - agent.enterBlockTime;
To implement this solution, you would need to create your own agent (name it something better than MyAgent) with a variable for when the agent enters the block. You would then need to then mark the time each agent enters the block.

Does `persistentEntityRegistry.eventStream` really took atleast ~8-12 seconds to get triggered

Just wanted what is the possible reasons why my persistentEntityRegistry.eventStream takes an approximately ~8-12 seconds to be emitted.
I have just figured out that its the cassandra that's taking a delay. What I've done is to set cassandra-query-journal.eventual-consistency-delay to 200ms.
My references are the following:!topic/lagom-framework/cLXf6r5Ouw4!topic/akka-user/TH8hL-A8I4k/discussion

I want to find out how much time does each step of SOAP Processing takes i.e,Parsing time,invoking time etc?

I know how to find out complete processing time of the SOAP Message but i want to find out the time taken to perform individual steps of SOAP Processing so that i can improve the efficiency
You could always create DateTime and grab the time at the time of execution, it wont be perfect but you can then just subtract the times and get the final millisecond or seconds value from each execution.