How does Scala return in function - scala

I implemented to find max value in the list.
I know that in Scala, You don't have to use 'return', just drop it.
So I wrote like this,
def max(xs: List[Int]):Int={
if(xs.isEmpty) throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException
def f(cur_max:Int, xs:List[Int]):Int={
cur_max // <- it doesn't return value but just keep going below code.
if(cur_max < xs.head)
When it traversed to end of List, it should be returned cur_max value.
However, It just keeps going. Why doesn't it return cur_max.
To fix this problem, I put 'return' expression that Scala doesn't recommend like ('return cur_max').

In Scala it is not enought just to drop value - method returns last evaluated statement. In your case you have two statements:
if(cur_max < xs.head)
So the result of second expression one gets returned.
To fix it add else statement:
else if(cur_max < xs.head)

made several changes. some of them just code style to be more readable like having brackets on if expressions.
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
def f(cur_max: Int, xs: List[Int]): Int = {
if (xs.isEmpty) {
cur_max // <- it doesn't return value but just keep going below code.
} else {
if (cur_max < xs.head) {
f(xs.head, xs.tail)
else {
f(cur_max, xs.tail)
if (xs.isEmpty) {
throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException
} else {
f(xs.head, xs.tail)
basically there are some cases on your inner function, which you named f:
the list is empty -> you should return the current max value
the list is not empty AND the current max is smaller than the first element of the remaining list -> update the current max and call the function with the list tail
the list is not empty AND the current max is >= than the first element of the remaining list -> call the function with the list tail and the same current max


Scala unused expression error with if statement

I'm very new to Scala, and tried to write a simple Scala program that gets the maximum value. I found something weird (probably a language-specific feature). Here it is:
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
if (xs.isEmpty) {
throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException
def maxAux(x: List[Int], curMax: Int): Int = {
if (x.isEmpty) {
if (x.head > curMax) {
maxAux(x.tail, x.head)
else {
maxAux(x.tail, curMax)
maxAux(xs.tail, xs.head)
For some reason, inside of maxAux function, the return of the first if statement gives me an IntelliJ warning that it is an "unused expression". Turns out it is correct because that line doesn't seem to return. To get around that issue, the second if statement in maxAux I changed to an else if, and then everything worked as intended. The other fix would be to add a return statement before curMax, but apparently using return is bad style/practice.
TL;DR: Can anyone explain why in the code above curMax doesn't return?
The immediate problem is that Scala returns the value of the last expression in a block which is the second if/else expression. So the value of the first if is just discarded. This can be fixed by making the second if an else if so that it is a single expression.
A better solution is to use match, which is the standard way of unpicking a List:
def maxAux(x: List[Int], curMax: Int): Int =
x match {
case Nil =>
case max :: tail if max > curMax =>
maxAux(tail, max)
case _ :: tail =>
maxAux(tail, curMax)
In def maxAux, the control-flow can enter the first if-branch, whose body yields curMax. But that if-statement is not the last statement in maxAux, another if- or else-branch will follow, and they determine the result.
If you test your function (note that your code currently doesn't compile!), e.g. via println(max(List(1,3,2,5,0))), then you'll get a NoSuchElementException, which is a consequence of your current (incorrect) implementation.
You have various options now, e.g. the following two, which only minimally change your code:
Fix the if-else cascade (which you could also rewrite into a pattern matching block):
if (x.isEmpty) {
} else if (x.head > curMax) {
maxAux(x.tail, x.head)
} else {
maxAux(x.tail, curMax)
Use a return statement (though you should be careful with the use of return in Scala. See the comments under this answer):
if (x.isEmpty) {
return curMax

Why does Scala fail to compile this function as tail recursive?

If I replace the first line of the following recursive depth first search function with the lines commented out within the foreach block, it will fail to compile as a tail recursive function (due to the #tailrec annotation) even though the recursion is still clearly the last action of the function. Is there a legitimate reason for this behavior?
#tailrec def searchNodes(nodes: List[Node], visitedNodes: List[Node], end: String, currentLevel: Int) : Int = {
if (nodes.exists(n => == end)) return currentLevel
val newVisitedNodes = visitedNodes ::: nodes
var nextNodes = List[Node]()
nodes.foreach(n => {
if ( == end){
return currentLevel
nextNodes = nextNodes ::: n.addAdjacentNodes(visitedNodes)
if (nextNodes.size == 0) return -1
return searchNodes(nextNodes, newVisitedNodes, end, currentLevel + 1)
As the other answer explains, using return in scala is a bad idea, and an anti-pattern. But what is even worse is using a return inside a lambda function (like your commented out code inside foreach): that actually throws an exception, that is then caught outside to make the main function exit.
As a result, the body of your function is compiled into something like:
def foo(nodes: List[Node]) = {
val handle = new AnyRef
try {
nodes.foreach { n =>
if( == "foo") throw new NonLocalReturnControl(handle, currentLevel)
} catch {
case nlrc: NonLocalReturnControl[Int] if nlrc.key == handle => nlrc.value
As you can see, your recursive call is not in a tail position here, so compiler error is legit.
A more idiomatic way to write what you want would be to deconstruct the list, and use the recursion itself as the "engine" for the loop:
def searchNodes(nodes: List[Node], end: String) = {
#tailrec def doSearch(
nodes: List[(Node, Int)],
visited: List[Node],
end: String
) : Int = nodes match {
case Nil => -1
case (node, level) :: tail if == end => level
case (node, level) :: tail =>
tail ::: node.addAdjacentNodes(visited).map(_ -> level+1),
node :: visited,
doSearch( -> 0), Nil, end)
I'm not sure exactly what the compiler is thinking, but I think all your return statements will be causing problems.
Using return is an antipattern in scala - you don't need to write it, and you shouldn't. To avoid it, you'll have to restructure your if ... return blocks as if ... value ... else ... other value blocks.
This shape is possible because everything is an expression (sort of). Your def has a value, which is defined by an if ... else block, where the if and the else both have values, and so on all the way down. If you want to ignore the value of something you can just put a new line after it, and the return value of a block is always the value of the last expression in it. You can do that to avoid having to rewrite your foreach, but it would be better to write it functionally, as a map.

How do you print an integer value within an object in scala?

object perMissing {
def solution(A: Array[Int]): Int = {
def findMissing(i: Int, L: List[Int]): Int = {
if (L.isEmpty || L.head != i+1) {
else findMissing(i+1, L.tail)
if (A.length == 0) 1
else findMissing(0, A.toList.sorted)
I'm new to the world of Scala. I come from Python and C world.
How do we print an integer value, eg. for debugging? For instance, if I want to see the value of i in every iteration.
I compile my code using scalac and run it using scala.
According to the signature of your findMissing function, it should return an Int. However, if you look at the implementation of that function, only one of the code paths (namely the else part) returns an Int - the if part on the other hand does not return anything (besides Unit), since the call to println is the last line of that particular code block. To fix this issue, just return the increased value by putting it at the end of the block:
def findMissing(i: Int, l: List[Int]): Int = {
val inc = i + 1
if (l.isEmpty || l.head != inc) {
else findMissing(inc, l.tail)
Since findMissing is tail recursive, you could additionally annotate it with #tailrec to ensure it will be compiled with tail call optimization.

For loop mismatch in scala function

I read the tutorials on how to write a for loop in scala but it doesn't seem to work.
object Main {
def pascalTriangle(rows:Int):List[Int]= {
var previousRow:List[Int] = Nil
var row:List[Int] = Nil
for(i <- 1 to rows) {
for( j <- 1 to i+1){
if (j == 1 || j == i)
row :+ 1
row :+ previousRow(j) + previousRow(j - 1)
previousRow = row
println (row)
row = Nil
def main(args: Array[String]) {
I keep getting a type mismatch error within the for loop's conditions.
Your method pascalTriangle is declared to return a List[int].
However, the last expression in the body of the method is your outer for-loop. This is the expression whose value will be returned by the method.
As for-loops (that don't use the yield keyword) evaluate to (): Unit, there is a type-mismatch with the expected return type (for-loops without yield are used only for side-effect).
If you wanted to, for example, return row, you would need to simply write 'row' at the end of the method, after the outer for-loop.

Why doesn't my recursive function return the max value of a List

I have the following recursive function in Scala that should return the maximum size integer in the List. Is anyone able to tell me why the largest value is not returned?
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
var largest = xs.head
println("largest: " + largest)
if (!xs.tail.isEmpty) {
var next = xs.tail.head
println("next: " + next)
largest = if (largest > next) largest else next
var remaining = List[Int]()
remaining = largest :: xs.tail.tail
println("remaining: " + remaining)
return largest
Print out statements show me that I've successfully managed to bring back the largest value in the List as the head (which was what I wanted) but the function still returns back the original head in the list. I'm guessing this is because the reference for xs is still referring to the original xs list, problem is I can't override that because it's a val.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
You should use the return value of the inner call to max and compare that to the local largest value.
Something like the following (removed println just for readability):
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
var largest = xs.head
if (!xs.tail.isEmpty) {
var remaining = List[Int]()
remaining = largest :: xs.tail
var next = max(remaining)
largest = if (largest > next) largest else next
return largest
I have an answer to your question but first...
This is the most minimal recursive implementation of max I've ever been able to think up:
def max(xs: List[Int]): Option[Int] = xs match {
case Nil => None
case List(x: Int) => Some(x)
case x :: y :: rest => max( (if (x > y) x else y) :: rest )
(OK, my original version was ever so slightly more minimal but I wrote that in Scheme which doesn't have Option or type safety etc.) It doesn't need an accumulator or a local helper function because it compares the first two items on the list and discards the smaller, a process which - performed recursively - inevitably leaves you with a list of just one element which must be bigger than all the rest.
OK, why your original solution doesn't work... It's quite simple: you do nothing with the return value from the recursive call to max. All you had to do was change the line
largest = max(remaining)
and your function would work. It wouldn't be the prettiest solution, but it would work. As it is, your code looks as if it assumes that changing the value of largest inside the recursive call will change it in the outside context from which it was called. But each new call to max creates a completely new version of largest which only exists inside that new iteration of the function. Your code then throws away the return value from max(remaining) and returns the original value of largest, which hasn't changed.
Another way to solve this would have been to use a local (inner) function after declaring var largest. That would have looked like this:
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
var largest = xs.head
def loop(ys: List[Int]) {
if (!ys.isEmpty) {
var next = ys.head
largest = if (largest > next) largest else next
return largest
Generally, though, it is better to have recursive functions be entirely self-contained (that is, not to look at or change external variables but only at their input) and to return a meaningful value.
When writing a recursive solution of this kind, it often helps to think in reverse. Think first about what things are going to look like when you get to the end of the list. What is the exit condition? What will things look like and where will I find the value to return?
If you do this, then the case which you use to exit the recursive function (by returning a simple value rather than making another recursive call) is usually very simple. The other case matches just need to deal with a) invalid input and b) what to do if you are not yet at the end. a) is usually simple and b) can usually be broken down into just a few different situations, each with a simple thing to do before making another recursive call.
If you look at my solution, you'll see that the first case deals with invalid input, the second is my exit condition and the third is "what to do if we're not at the end".
In many other recursive solutions, Nil is the natural end of the recursion.
This is the point at which I (as always) recommend reading The Little Schemer. It teaches you recursion (and basic Scheme) at the same time (both of which are very good things to learn).
It has been pointed out that Scala has some powerful functions which can help you avoid recursion (or hide the messy details of it), but to use them well you really do need to understand how recursion works.
The following is a typical way to solve this sort of problem. It uses an inner tail-recursive function that includes an extra "accumulator" value, which in this case will hold the largest value found so far:
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
def go(xs: List[Int], acc: Int): Int = xs match {
case Nil => acc // We've emptied the list, so just return the final result
case x :: rest => if (acc > x) go(rest, acc) else go(rest, x) // Keep going, with remaining list and updated largest-value-so-far
go(xs, Int.MinValue)
Nevermind I've resolved the issue...
I finally came up with:
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
var largest = 0
var remaining = List[Int]()
if (!xs.isEmpty) {
largest = xs.head
if (!xs.tail.isEmpty) {
var next = xs.tail.head
largest = if (largest > next) largest else next
remaining = largest :: xs.tail.tail
if (!remaining.tail.isEmpty) max(remaining) else xs.head
Kinda glad we have loops - this is an excessively complicated solution and hard to get your head around in my opinion. I resolved the problem by making sure the recursive call was the last statement in the function either that or xs.head is returned as the result if there isn't a second member in the array.
The most concise but also clear version I have ever seen is this:
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
def maxIter(a: Int, xs: List[Int]): Int = {
if (xs.isEmpty) a
else a max maxIter(xs.head, xs.tail)
maxIter(xs.head, xs.tail)
This has been adapted from the solutions to a homework on the Scala official Corusera course:
but here I use the rich operator max to return the largest of its two operands. This saves having to redefine this function within the def max block.
What about this?
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
maxRecursive(xs, 0)
def maxRecursive(xs: List[Int], max: Int): Int = {
if(xs.head > max && ! xs.isEmpty)
maxRecursive(xs.tail, xs.head)
What about this one ?
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
var largest = xs.head
if( !xs.tail.isEmpty ) {
if(xs.head < max(xs.tail)) largest = max(xs.tail)
My answer is using recursion is,
def max(xs: List[Int]): Int =
xs match {
case Nil => throw new NoSuchElementException("empty list is not allowed")
case head :: Nil => head
case head :: tail =>
if (head >= tail.head)
if (tail.length > 1)
max(head :: tail.tail)