To get likes of last month with Graph Api like "fanpagekarma" and "quintly" in FACEBOOK - facebook

Is there a way to get the likes of last month using Graph API, of course, I am not admin, because being admin it is possible to get it. But using tools like and is possible! I don't know if it is possible. Thanks for all! :D
Example of Fanpage Karma
Example of Quintly


How do i get latest comments without using FQL with the help of graph API?

I am looking to get the latest comments for the Facebook page which I have created, I can fetch it using FQL, but now I don't want to use FQL Because it'll be Deprecated after few months, so I need to Do it through Open Graph API,
Can anybody help me out here?
Help will be appreciated.
/{page-id}/tagged shows the posts that this page was tagged in and the 'posts to page'
...if you mean the user posts. If you want to get the latest comments to page posts, you need to get the latest posts with /page-id/feed first and use the /post-id/comments endpoint for each one. Or easier: /page-id/feed?fields=comments
If you need older entries, you need to use paging:

How to get all user's likes using facebook's graph API

How can I query facebook's graph API to retrieve all user's likes (not only pages but also photos and others)?
For instance, how could I get all the pictures a user has liked? Using facebook's search bar you can find them easily by clicking on "photos has liked".
I wrote a script that scrapes the page content and does that but it's not very efficient.
I have recently come accross a similar problem, maybe this helps you solve it.{page_id}/feed?fields=likes.limit(1).summary(true)&since={start_date}&until={end_date}&access_token={access_token}
This will give you a list of all posts that received likes during the specified time period. If you manage to write a code summing up the following JSON path you got your sum for "all user's likes":
Not entirely sure is this is exactly what you were searching for, hope it helps you though - and if not you, someone else.
As for likes you can also use the same way to extract Shares and Comments:
Best regards
There isn't to my knowledge any way to get this from the API without grabbing every type of response from the API and then sorting through for likes. Facebook search bar uses an internal API different from the Graph API.

graph api - retrieve list of likes of a page

I've been searching & found it's probably not possible.. but I thought I'd ask anyway:
I have this facebook page & I'd like to display the user-images(=avatars) of everyone who liked my page. I think it's really strange this isn't possible using the facebook API!
So basically I need to retrieve a list of users who liked my page. Something like this: (yet likes doesn't exist).
If I'd use the simple facebook plugin - it does display user images of people who liked my page.; so how come the plugin can retrieve these images but API can not ?
Any help is much appreciated!
thanks in advance,
There isn't an API call or FQL query you can call to get the list of users who like the page. Facebook has prevented this type of call for privacy reasons. You should stick with using the plugin instead.

Any way to pull likes by dates from facebook graph api? (New Likes instaed of Global Likes)

I basically need an access to a fanpage's likes by dates, i mean.. not the global likes when you access the graph but the ability to see how much likes the page got yesterday/today..
Any way to do that?
Have a look at - you (by which I mean the user of your app) need to be admin of the page though. You get page_fans, *_adds, *_removes, etc.. On how to execute FQL using the Graph API:

Facebook count likes generated for an external site

We have references to other companies on our website and provide the option for people to 'like' them. After a quick skim of the Facebook documentation, I can't work out how to calculate the number of likes our website generates for others so we can measure our effectiveness. Is this possible?
The easiest way to get this from the graph api for example there you can find the total number of likes and comments
You can subscribe to "edge.create" and count user likes of any like button on your site.
There is another source (website or something) that have a like button with the same url? if not, you can query link_stat table using FQL to know the number of likes of a url. if yes, I think that the only option is to store the likes count in your website code, in a database or something.