Post Photos to Facebook Album in Order without moving album cover - facebook

I'm using to post photos to Facebook albums. The photos maintain a rough ordering based on the order that the photos are posted, except for the beginning of the album.
Every group of photos that is posted has a few that will move the album covers and post photos at the beginning of the album, rather than at the end in order of photos posted.
I need a solid way of posting photos to Facebook albums where the photos are posted at the end of all the existing photos in the album and do not move the photos at the beginning of the album. There must be some setting to post the photo at the end rather than the beginning. position is deprecated, but seems to be what I want here:

The only way I could get the order to be correct was to post the photos slowly (7-8 seconds between each photo uploaded)


app upload picture to specific album without posting on page wall

How to post a picture to a specific album in page from app without posting the image on page wall? Currently I can post picture to a specific album, but I don't want to see that on page wall becouse the app will post a lot of pictures. So how that is possible?
This is an example of app that uploads generated picture to specific album but dosn't publish it on its wall, I'm trying to do the same.
Yes this is possible by providing no_story parameter equal to 1 while uploading photo.
This information once was documented for photo object, but not anymore exists in current documentation.
This is described in Developer Blog post: Suppressing auto-generated feed stories when uploading photos

FB Photo Application and Album creation linkage

I have a sample application that uploads photos to a user's FB account. Of course, FB creates an album with the name of the app and loads the photos in that album.
If the user changes the name of the album, then FB still uploads photos to the same album (although the album has been renamed).
How does FB know which album belongs to my application? There are no obvious signs of linkage between my appid and the album ids / links that FB creates for the album.
Thanks in advance.
There's likely an association on the backend between the AppID and the AlbumID.
There's no simple way to know your app albumID.
Three suggestions for you:
Allow the user to choose the album to upload the photo to. You can do this by uploading to albumid/photos instead of me/photos.
If you want to know your album, once you have uploaded one photo, you can use the returned ID along with FQL to query the photo table. This works independently of album and will let you query on object_id and return the album object id. e.g., SELECT album_object_id from photo where object_id = '(yourobjectid)' Store this, it won't change.
Upload a tiny test photo and use the method from 2 above. This will let you know your current album id. Then delete the tiny test photo.
Hope this helps.

How can I get the photo ID of the Facebook Cover Photo album?

How can I get the facebooks' user cover photo via the PHP SDK?
Thanks in advance.
I have tried to loop through the Graph API, but it didn't work because the album was in the second page, and wasn't displayed.
There's no way to get this without looping through the album list - you could specify a higher limit in the request for the initial list of albums if you really need to do this without paginating through the albums

How to get cover photo of album and photos of the album using FBGraph Api

I am working with FBGraphAPI in my project. I managed to get the list of albums. I tried to get picutre (cover_photo) and photos in albums. But somehow i stuck in it.
Which inbuilt method i need to use to get cover_photo and photos in the album? And how to use it?
To get the cover_photo, you need to use<id>/picture?type=album&access_token=<token>
where id is the cover_photo from your album returned in the album list.
and token is your current session token
Note. It needs to be https and you need to specify the token. This is what makes it different than, for example, rendering a user's photo.
By photos in album, not sure if you mean the list of photos or the actual photo itself?
The basic process is to use the id of the album returned and then call<id>/photos
This will return a list of photos in the album.
Within this list will be 'source' which contains the url of the photo.
Also a dictionary of different photo resolutions.

Facebook Connect for iPhone: How to upload an image (UIImage) to user's wall without having to use json-embedded link or photos.upload?

Is there any way to upload an image (UIImage) directly from an iPhone app to a user's wall/feed?
All the samples I see are either using a json-embedded link or they use the photos.upload call with album ID (aid) which results in the user getting the image in his photo album(s).
What I want to do is to upload an (UI)Image created (by the user) inside an iPhone app and upload to his/her wall. Is this possible? Sample code would be highly appreciated.
This isn't possible. To understand why, you have to consider the conceptual model that Facebook currently uses: Posts on a user's wall are just bits of text optionally attached to some link URL. That link URL can be some random image on the web, or it can just as well be an image that the user already has in their photo albums.
But a wall post cannot inherently "contain" an image in and of itself. Therefore you need to host the image somewhere, be it on your own site, or on Facebook itself, inside one of the user's albums by uploading it first to there.
I'm trying to figure out the same thing myself. One thing I did find out is that if you post the "Wall Photos" album they do get posted to the wall. However you only have a wall photos album if you've uploaded photos to your wall from your profile page before. And even then, you need to get the album aid and then post to it.
Found a much better solution. First upload the photo to your default album, then make a post to the wall with the link to your photo that was returned when uploading (not a link to the image but the page the image is on).