getting turtles to consider other turtle's variables - netlogo

I am new to Netlogo and have become stumped with a problem.
I have written a model where one breed of turtles (wombats) randomly chose to move-to different burrows (a second breed of turtles). However, I now wish to make it so that the quality (represented by a number) of the burrow currently on the same patch as a wombat influences the probability of the wombat moving to a different burrow. I had envisaged this to look similar to:
ask wombats[
if random-float 100 >= burrow-fidelity * ( quality one-of burrows burrows-here / 2)
[move-to one-of burrows with [not any? wombats-here]]
however this does not work.
Is there anyway that I make the wombat report the size of the burrow currently sharing the same patch (there is only ever one burrow per a patch) and then make the wombat incorporate the reported value into the above equation where "quality one-of burrows burrows-here" is?
Thank you in advance

To report the value of another agent's variable, use the of keyword:
[ quality ] of one-of burrows-here


NetLogo : getting turtles to direct-link if a condition is true

I'm trying to implement YOYO leader election algorithm in netlogo
first step in this algorithm is to orient links ( direct link )from the minimum to the maximumbut between neighbors only !
I tried the command
[`ask turtles with [ [ who ] of self < [who] of one-of link-neighbors ]
create-direct-to turtle [who] of one-of link-neighbors ]`
this creates direct link from min to max ( neighbors ) but also creates a direct link from max to min ( neighbors )
and I don't know what's wrong :(
here's a screenshot , if you notice theres' a direct link from 0 to 2 and also from 2 to 0 and my goal is to have only from 0 to 2
Your problem is that every time you do one-of, it randomly selects. So you test against a random link-neighbor in the first line, find it's true and then randomly select a link-neighbor to connect to.
[ ask turtles with [ [ who ] of self < [who] of one-of link-neighbors ]
create-direct-to turtle [who] of one-of link-neighbors
More generally, this seems an odd way to achieve your goal. To start with, link-neighbors are the turtles that the turtle is already linked to. link is the generic name for all link breeds (I think you have created a breed called direct-link).
I am not entirely clear what you mean by minimum and maximum since your code is just from smaller to larger who value, regardless of what other who values are available. If you want to create a link from every turtle to every turtle with a higher who value, here is some code:
ask turtles
[ let targets turtles with [who > [who] of myself]
create-links-to targets
In general, it is bad practice to use who in NetLogo code. who is a completely arbitrary identifier that simply tracks the order that turtles are created. If you have turtles that die, then your code may crash because it is referring to a turtle that no longer exists. Or perhaps at some point you will have two breeds of turtles - who doesn't care if your turtle is a person or a dog or a factory or...
This may be one of the very few exceptions, but you might want to think about what you are intending who to mean. For example, as this is a leadership model, perhaps you could have a variable called 'charisma' and all the links are from turtles with lower values of charisma to higher values of charisma.

How to specifically change a variable of an agent in the agentset?

I am trying to change a variable (score) of a particular agent in the agent set if it meets the specific condition of a patch. This is called by an another agent. To be more clear. My idea is for instance if there is a breed (horse) and it sees the patch (grass) and it is standing on another breed (vertices - since horse move along a path connected by nodes represented by vertices) - a score variable to added to vertices-own where if the grass quality <=3, it would add a score to the vertex on which it stands.
ask horses[
ask patches in-cone 50 60 [
if grass-quality <= 3 ask vertices with [min-one-of vertices in-radius 0 [distance myself] [set vertex-score vertex-score + 1 ]]]]
I know something is wrong with this code logic. I am trying to convert my mentioned thought into codes. Kindly suggest me.
Thank you all.
Heng wah
NetLogo agent (turtle) positions are continuous numbers so it is generally wrong to try and say something like 'if another turtle is where I am'. While you may have got there using move-to, it's probably safer to have the horse identify a vertex that is very close to it rather than in the exact position. You have used radius 0 but I'm going to change that to 0.001 to allow for potential errors in position.
ask horses
[ if any? patches in-cone 50 60 with [ grass-quality <= 3 ]
[ let my-vertex min-one-of vertices in-radius 0.001 [distance myself]
ask my-vertex
[ set vertex-score vertex-score + 1 ]
This is not tested, but I have simply reorganised your code. You had some bracketing issues and you were also asking vertices to find the closest vertex (which would have been itself), rather than having the horse find the closest vertex.
It's also not necessary to separate the let and the ask but I thought that would be easier for you to see how it works.

How to have patches "belong" to turtle

I am brand new to Netlogo and am coding a world with caching animals. They will go to their caches (I set them as blue patches) if their energy value falls below 10. They can find these caches based on a random 'memory' value given to them which is used as an in-radius value. That way, they will face and go towards a cache within their in-radius memory if they are about to die. I am starting to incorporate a home-base system where the turtle remains in a smaller area with their own caches. Does anyone know how I can make a patch belong to an individual turtle? This would allow turtles to have their specific caches in their territory. I have looked into using links and breeds, but links are only between turtles and making the individual breeds for the 50+ turtles at a time seems ineffective and complex. I apologize I don't have any code attempting to have a cache (patch) belong to a turtle, I don't know where to start. Any ideas?
If you want a turtle to remember anything (patches or income or anything else), then you need to assign a variable in a turtles-own statement and then set the value appropriately. Here's some example code fragments. They won't work, and you actual code would likely look a lot different because you will need some design about the conditions under which a cache will be assigned, but they show you what a variable solution looks like.
[ my-caches
set my-caches (patch-set my-caches patch-here) ; code when a turtle finds a new cache site
If you want a patch that belongs to a turtle to make that patch unavailable to other turtles, then also set up a patch variable to store its owner.
[ my-owner
ask turtles
[ if [my-owner] of patch-here = nobody [set my-caches (patch-set my-caches patch-here)]
ask patch-here [set my-owner myself]
I suggest you do several NetLogo tutorials, then look at some library models (and understand them) before starting your own model. You need to understand basic concepts like turtles/patches, variables, ticks before trying to build a model.

Updating Simple Preferential Attachment Model in NetLogo

There is a model in NetLogo based on simple preferential attachment. Agents create links thusly:
to go
if count turtles > num-nodes [ stop ]
let partner one-of [both-ends] of one-of links
create-turtles 1 [
set color red
move-to partner
fd 1
create-link-with partner
In this model, a node's chance of being selected is directly proportional to the number of connections it already has. I want to edit this code so that there is a variable, prestige, which also determines the probability that a node will be selected. I understand that I need to create a variable for turtles called prestige, but I'm stuck on how to make it so that the probability that a link will be created is also proportional to the amount of prestige a turtle has.

How to get the value of a property of a random turtle?

I am creating an agent based model wherein I have a Boolean property called feature? for every turtle/agent. I need to set/ copy the value of feature? of a random turtle to another.
How do i achieve this? How do i complete this code:
ask turtles[
set feature? one-of other...
You could try
ask turtles [
ask one-of other turtles [set feature? [feature?] of myself]
But this asks all turtles to transfer their feature? to a random turtle other than themselves, which means that their own feature? could be reset by other turtles before they transfer it to another, and any given turtle could receive a feature? from more than one turtle. Is that what you want, or are you asking only certain turtles to do this?