How to create a patch from clearcase snapshot view? - diff

I referred "How to create a patch for a directory in ClearCase?" . My question is extension of this. I have a snapshot view, which points to a projects branch. I updated the view and some files got updated. Now how can I create a zip file of these updated files (including directory structure), so that I can unzip the file to desired location, and updated files gets copied there.

A diff patch required a known base. Unless you set a label on your view just before the cleartool update (or setcs -current), you won't be able to produce a patch (the state of the view before the update would be lo.
You would need to parse the log produced by a cleartool update in order to zip only those files and unzip (override) said files to your destination folder.
So is there any way to get the zip from directories. Lets say we dont bother about clearcase view now. But once the update view is done, we should be able to scan the view physical directory and get the latest files, something like that
Since you just updated your snapshot view, the folder content represent the files at the right versions (ie, at the versions selected by the config spec)
All you need to do is zip the root view folder, and you can unzip (override) its content somewhere else.


Compare changes with latest from repo

Eclipse shows me with the symbol > which files I have modified, after the last repository update. Before commiting, I want to see the changes I made.
When I go right click->Team->Synchronize with repository I get exactly what I want. The problem is, I only get the view for this one file I clicked. I need to change the view back to Java, to be able to chose the next modified file.
Is it possible, to compare all modified files, one by one, with the latest edition from the repository, without changing the view after each file?
Instead of right clicking a specific file, you can right click the entire project and perform the same operation you describe.

Adding Files to Xcode project

Trying to add file to the project!
Right click on the subfolder and selected add file to projectName. I added file which are required into my project[Destination unChecked and selected folders Create groups for any added folders and selected Add to Targerts projectNameTest], and close the xcode and reopen! the file which are added to the project is not appear's. Then again right clicked on the project selected add file's from 'workspace' and add to project [repeated same scenario] And close the xcode still files are disappearing from my workspace.
each time i need to add the file again and again from the work space. When I close the Xcode.
what i need to do for this issue so When i Open Xcode the files need to be appears into my workspace
What i do generally when I need to add extra source files to my project is :
1. Drag the file from source to my project.
2. I add Tick mark to the "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)" option.
3. Now i can seed added file into my project.
Hope!! this helps.
If you want to add files with a CLI, as I do, since I use a remote mac for development, you can check XCodeControl at github. This method is much faster than licking somewhere, at least if you hung over ;)

Can't ignore a file in Mercurial Commit (TortoiseHG)

I've been using Mercurial for more than a year. Now, I added a new .Net project to it. I chose to ignore all the BIN / OBJ folders in the Solution folder and everything went well. I used masks to ignore entire folders or the right click -> Ignore command to ignore particular files.
Now, all of the sudden, I can't see the Ignore command any more! Normally, it should appear upon right-clicking a file. It doesn't. I also tried ignoring the file manually by adding this line in the .hgignore file:
But all that did was to (as you can see in the image below) mark my .hgignore file for commit, but the damn PNG file is still in the list. What's wrong with this guy? ::- D.
It's an already-added file. Ignoring only hides files that aren't yet tracked by Mercurial (and you can explicitly hg add ignored files if you want). Just revert it, and it'll be hidden.

Maintaining Directory Structure when loading local files into UIWebview on iPhone

I'm noticing a minor annoyance when working with local files in a UIWebview and hoping there is a simple workaround. As a simplified example lets say in my xCode project I have a folder called "WebProject" that contains an html file and a subfolder called "images" where the images reside. The html file references the images as you'd expect: src="images/MYIMAGE.jpg" for example, which works just dandy if this where are normal webpage. When you load the html file in a UIWebview, however, this image would not show up because it seems that all of the files are just thrown into one big bundle folder (so the image link is actually: src"MyIMAGE.jpg"). Is there anyway to enforce the directory structure of these files in the main bundle, so that this sort of thing does not happen? Thanks!
Just create the structure you want in the filesystem (using finder or whatever) and import that whole tree into your project. Make sure you select "Create folder references for any added folders"
You'll notice these folders are blue instead of the normal yellow used for groups. This folder structure will exist in the bundle and so your relative references will work as you expect.
Hope that helps.
See this page and this tech note for how to add resources, and maintain directory structure. Make sure you select the radio button that says "Create folder references for any added folders." Then when you go to write your code, folder-relative paths to the bundle will resolve just as if they are sub-directories. Because they are, even in your app's resources.

Problem removing and re-adding an image file into my iOS4 app bundle

My problem is something that should be so simple it is mind boggling. When I change the look (in PhotoShop) of an image file that is being stored in my app bundle. My method for replacing the old image in the bundle with the new one is this:
1) remove the old image from the app bundle (choosing to also move to trash)
2) drag the new image into my file hierarchy in xcode (choosing to copy to app directory)
when I do this, the app cannot find the image no matter what I do. The new images have the same name as the old images but none of the image loading methods (imageNamed, imageWithContentsOfFile, nibs) work. (Although I believe nibs also load with imageNamed, i'm not sure).
Is there something that I am missing here? I feel like it should be a relatively simple process but I am having all kinds of trouble. I also make sure to delete the app off of the target device and clean all targets before rebuilding and running after changing the image files just in case.
Any help would be appreciated.
Your problem is probably that the image is not copied to the target. In xcode groups & file pane, fine the node for targets, expand your app target and you'll see Copy Bundle resources expand it and you'll see all the files copied to the default resource bundle when you deploy your app to the sim/device. Only the resources found there will be available to your app. If you don't see your image there you can just drag it there and everything will work.
Now, in order to understand why this might happened we need to look at the different options for adding files to xcode.
When you're adding a file to xcode you are presented with a dialog that includes a few interesting and sometimes overlooked option.
The first - Should the file be copied to the project folder, or should it just point to the file original location. The safest way will be to always copy the files to the project's path. However for images (such in your case) I do it differently. I maintain a separate graphics folder for every app, I save images there (both sources, and final png). When I add an image I do not copy it to the project folder, rather xcode just points to its location. That way I can just edit the image in photoshop, do a rebuild, and the updated image will show up on the phone. Whats important to understand that the directory structure of files you include in the project have almost no meaning, files that appear in the Copy Bundle Resources for the target will always be copied to a single (and flat) bundle/"directory" on the phone. The only exception for this is if you actually add directories to xcode (Personally I recommend against it).
The second option when adding files, is to which targets to add the file. This is the list with checkboxes on the bottom, if when you added the image, your app target wasn't checked the file won't be included in the target Copy bundle resource, and won't be available for the phone.
A few caveats - When using references to files in other location, that location is relative to the project's path, so it's a good idea to keep all the files in directories below the project's root directory. That way you can still copy the entire project to a different location and it will still work.
Great advice above: I thought I would add more for future searches on this topic:
I was adding and removing images to the project just like above:
Remove the old image from the app bundle (choosing to also move to trash).
Drag the new image into my file hierarchy in xcode (choosing to copy to app directory).
However when I tried to drag the new image with the same name to my file hierarchy in xcode I was getting an error that this was not allowed.
Turns out when I was removing the old image Xcode was removing it from the project file hierarchy but the actual file wasnt being removed from the project's root directory.
I solved my problem by removing the image from the project's root directory and added the image again!
Do you put your images in a custom sub-folder? If you just drag in images into the Xcode project tree, if you copy them, the images will be copied to the root of the project directory, instead of the "Images" or other folder you might have set up.
Note that you can right-click on the image in your bundle, select "Get Info..." and reset its location, if it has been moved or copied to a folder you didn't expect.