Unable to publish to Azure web app from a .net core application - powershell

I have a hard time to publish to azure website via command line. First of all I tried with VS generated powershell scripts which are getting generated inside .\Properties\PublishProfiles. I referred the answer in the post Publishing ASP.Net Core app to Azure silently fails in command line. I am able to pass only one parameter(which is password) as publish Properties. I tried to execute like below
PS D:\Sajan\SampleApplications\ADNext\DotNETCore\DotNetCoreWebApiSample\src\DotNetCoreWebApiSample\Properties\PublishProfiles> & '.\DotnetCoreWebApiSample - Web Deploy-publish' -pa
ckOutput 'D:\Sajan\SampleApplications\ADNext\DotNETCore\DotNetCoreWebApiSample\src\Output' -pubProfilePath 'DotnetCoreWebApiSample - Web Deploy.pubxml'-publishProperties #{'Passwor
d' = 'klk'} -verbose
The above attempt atleast trying to invoke msdeploy, but did not succeed. I got below output
Publishing with publish method [MSDeploy]
Executing command ["C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -source:manifest='C:\Users\579859\AppData\Local\Temp\PublishTemp\obj\Output\SourceManifest.xml' -des
=DotnetCoreWebApiSample',UserName='$DotnetCoreWebApiSample',Password='{PASSWORD-REMOVED-FROM-LOG}',IncludeAcls='False',AuthType='Basic' -verb:sync -enablerule:AppOffline -enableRu
le:DoNotDeleteRule -retryAttempts:20]
Info: Using ID '25f52554-53e4-4a74-8392-df82e2a07806' for connections to the remote server.
I am not sure what is wrong here. I also tried to pass multiple parameters like below, but some syntax error was reported by powershell.
PS D:\Sajan\SampleApplications\ADNext\DotNETCore\DotNetCoreWebApiSample\src\DotNetCoreWebApiSample\Properties\PublishProfiles> & '.\DotnetCoreWebApiSample - Web Deploy-publish' -pa
ckOutput 'D:\Sajan\SampleApplications\ADNext\DotNETCore\DotNetCoreWebApiSample\src\Output' -pubProfilePath 'DotnetCoreWebApiSample - Web Deploy.pubxml'-publishProperties #{'usernam
e' = 'myusername' 'Password' = 'uL''AllowUntrustedCertificate' = false''AuthType' = 'Basic'} -verbose
Finally I tried to use Msdeploy directly like as below
#echo off
dotnet publish ".\DotNetCoreWebApiSample" --framework netcoreapp1.0 --output "D:\Sajan\SampleApplications\ADNext\DotNETCore\DotNetCoreWebApiSample\src\Output" --configuration Release
"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:contentPath='D:\Sajan\SampleApplications\ADNext\DotNETCore\DotNetCoreWebApiSample\src\Output',-dest:contentPath='DotnetCoreWebApiSample',ComputerName='https://dotnetcorewebapisample.scm.azurewebsites.net/msdeploy.axd',UserName="myUser",Password="L",IncludeAcls="False",AuthType="Basic" -enablerule:AppOffline -enableRule:DoNotDeleteRule -retryAttempts:20 -verbose
Now I am getting the error "Error: A '-dest' argument must be specified with the 'sync' verb." I am totally clueless here. Please note that I have already provided -verb:sync and still msdeploy is complaining the same. can someone help me how to publish a .net core web app with command line to an azure web app. For msdeploy, I referred the post http://asp.net-hacker.rocks/2016/07/04/deploy-aspnetcore-to-azure.html. I am using sdk with version "1.0.0-preview2-003131".

The -source attribute in your MSDeploy call has a comma at the end but no additional flags. Replace the comma before -dest with a space:
-source:contentPath='D:\Sajan\SampleApplications\ADNext\DotNETCore\DotNetCoreWebApiSample\src\Output' -dest:contentPath='D


Error building ARM Config during "terraform init" command from azure Azure CLI

I am trying to run "terraform init" command using AZ CLI. Firstly it initialize the backend tfstorage container with tfstate files after that it is raising the error which is mentioned bellow.My az cli version is "2.38.0"
Error: Error building ARM Config: please ensure you have installed Azure CLI version 2.0.79 or newer. Error parsing json result from the Azure CLI: launching Azure CLI: exec: "az": executable file not found in %PATH%.**
Thanks in advance if somebody can rescue me
Navigate to the project directory path using power shell and run the command on the power shell.
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri aka.ms/installazurecliwindows -OutFile .\AzureCLI.msi; Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList '/I AzureCLI.msi /quiet'; rm .\AzureCLI.msi
Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli-windows?view=azure-cli-latest&tabs=azure-powershell
I was getting this error too, in my case it was a simply that when I ran this
Provider "azurerm" {
subscription_id = "${var.subscription_id}"
tenant_id = "${var.tenant_id}"
client_id = "${var.client_Id}"
client_secret = "${var.client_secret}"
features {}
Terraform was not able to capture those values from the .tfvars file, In my particular case, it was a typo on client_Id => (Id) is meant to be id.
If you want to set these variables from outside of the .tf files you can check this link out

MSDeploy reporting "could not find file" when using setParamFile

I'm using MSDeploy as part of a custom task in TFS2017 (Update 1) but I can't get the setParamFile option to work. It throws one of two errors. If I specify no path, it says "could not find file" (see trace below). If I specify the path to the file on the build machine, it says invalid path.
I'm sure it's something incredibly simply but it's got me beat and Google is, for once, not being my friend! Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have provided the log unaltered as all this is only on internal servers. Without the setParamFile parameter, it deploys fine without updating the variable connection strings I'm trying to update, obviously.
2017-04-15T22:41:13.5065833Z Executing the powershell script: D:\BuildAgent\tasks\MSDeployPackageMultiSync\1.1.16\MSDeployPackageSync.ps1
2017-04-15T22:41:13.6472111Z packageFile= Find-Files -SearchPattern D:\BuildAgent\_work\194fdc7b9\Data Collection App - Release\drop\_PublishedWebsites\Cabi.FormsAdmin.Api_Package\DCA_API.zip
2017-04-15T22:41:13.6472111Z packageFile= D:\BuildAgent\_work\194fdc7b9\Data Collection App - Release\drop\_PublishedWebsites\Cabi.FormsAdmin.Api_Package\DCA_API.zip
2017-04-15T22:41:13.6784674Z DCA_API.SetParameters.xml
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7097114Z Package= D:\BuildAgent\_work\194fdc7b9\Data Collection App - Release\drop\_PublishedWebsites\Cabi.FormsAdmin.Api_Package\DCA_API.zip
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7097114Z ParamFile= -setParamFile:'DCA_API.SetParameters.xml'
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7097114Z DestinationProvider= auto
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7097114Z DestinationComputer= prerelweb3,prerelweb4
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7097114Z Username=
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7097114Z AdditionalArguments=
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7253453Z Deploying package to prerelweb3,prerelweb4
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7253453Z Deploying to prerelweb3
2017-04-15T22:41:13.7253453Z "C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:package='D:\BuildAgent\_work\194fdc7b9\Data Collection App - Release\drop\_PublishedWebsites\Cabi.FormsAdmin.Api_Package\DCA_API.zip' -setParamFile:'DCA_API.SetParameters.xml' -dest:auto,computerName='prerelweb3',userName='',password='',authType='ntlm',includeAcls='False' -setParam:name='IIS Web Application Name',value='WebServices (Secure)\FormsAdmin' -setParam:kind=DestinationVirtualDirectory,scope='WebServices (Secure)\\FormsAdmin',value='e:\cabi_sites\WebServices_Secure\FormsAdmin' -allowUntrusted
**2017-04-15T22:41:14.1315861Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: Error: Could not find file ''DCA_API.SetParameters.xml''.**
2017-04-15T22:41:14.1315861Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: Error count: 1.
2017-04-15T22:41:14.1315861Z Deployment to prerelweb3 complete
2017-04-15T22:41:14.1315861Z Deploying to prerelweb4
2017-04-15T22:41:14.1315861Z "C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:package='D:\BuildAgent\_work\194fdc7b9\Data Collection App - Release\drop\_PublishedWebsites\Cabi.FormsAdmin.Api_Package\DCA_API.zip' -setParamFile:'DCA_API.SetParameters.xml' -dest:auto,computerName='prerelweb4',userName='',password='',authType='ntlm',includeAcls='False' -setParam:name='IIS Web Application Name',value='WebServices (Secure)\FormsAdmin' -setParam:kind=DestinationVirtualDirectory,scope='WebServices (Secure)\\FormsAdmin',value='e:\cabi_sites\WebServices_Secure\FormsAdmin' -allowUntrusted
**2017-04-15T22:41:14.4909648Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: Error: Could not find file ''DCA_API.SetParameters.xml''.**
2017-04-15T22:41:14.4909648Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: Error count: 1.
2017-04-15T22:41:14.4909648Z Deployment to prerelweb4 complete
I assume that you are using this task: MSDeployAllTheThings. According to the logs, you are using it from Release. So you need to make sure that the "DCA_API.SetParameters.xml" file is published to artifact drop during the build and is also downloaded correctly during release. And then, you need to enter the absolute path in the Additional Arguments so that the task can find the file. For your scenario, if the "DCA_API.SetParameters.xml" file is placed in the same folder with "DCA_API.zip" file, you need to use this:
-setParamFile:"D:\BuildAgent\_work\194fdc7b9\Data Collection App - Release\drop\_PublishedWebsites\Cabi.FormsAdmin.Api_Package\DCA_API.SetParameters.xml"
I tried with absolute path at my side and didn't see any issue with it.

VSO NuGet Publisher Build Step Fails

I am using Visual Studio Online - Package Manager Preview, along with the new build system. The package manager preview adds a number of build steps, including a "NuGet Publisher" step, which should push packages to the private feed hosted by Visual Studio Online.
Now the documentation is a little out of step here. As is the documentation on auth and personal access tokens. There are some indications that you shouldn't need auth between VSO and the Package Manager as long as you have permissions set up (the build service account has permissions to the service endpoint and to the package manager extension). The actual build step asks you to select from your list of Service Endpoints, so that is what I have attempted.
When I place no credentials on the Service Endpoint, I get the error:
Server Key must be set, set the password on the generic service
When I attempt to place the API key against the Service Endpoint it seems to be discarded on save... and the error changes to:
2015-11-18T08:35:24.5678951Z Invoking nuget with push C:\a\1\s\EventViewer\bin\Release\Project.Name. -s https://example.pkgs.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_packaging/example/nuget/v3/index.json usfusmx4ez6mlfqwpp2abzc7e37denfcp7bxsep2hqij3tp4qwvq on C:\a\1\s\EventViewer\bin\Release\Project.Name.
2015-11-18T08:35:24.5688946Z C:\LR\MMS\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\default\agent\worker\tools\NuGet.exe push C:\a\1\s\EventViewer\bin\Release\Project.Name. -s https://example.pkgs.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_packaging/Example/nuget/v3/index.json usfusmx4ez6mlfqwpp2abzc7e37denfcp7bxsep2hqij3tp4qwvq
2015-11-18T08:35:25.3467312Z Please provide credentials for: https://example.pkgs.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_packaging/Example/nuget/v3/index.json
2015-11-18T08:35:25.3667189Z ##[error]Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
2015-11-18T08:35:25.3677179Z UserName: Password:
2015-11-18T08:35:25.4647059Z ##[error]Unexpected exit code 1 returned from tool NuGet.exe
I have also attempted to use a personal access token to no avail.
How do I get the publish step working?
The in-box NuGet Publish task has two options: "external" feeds and "internal" feeds. External feeds are intended for 3rd party services like NuGet.org, Artifactory, and expect a service connection with an API key.
Internal feeds are those hosted by Team Services. Instead of a service connection, you add the URL of the feed's NuGet endpoint. The build system relies on the Project Collection Build Service (for collection-scoped build definitions) or Project Build Service (for "this project"-scoped build defs) being a Reader or Contributor to the feed. Docs for all that are available here.
UPDATE: It is all fixed now so you can use the standard packaging steps in vNext and they work like a charm.
For the time being, I am substituting the NuGet Publisher step with a PowerShell build step.
This slots into the build after the "NuGet Packager" step and allows me to specify all of the credentials by setting up a package source before pusing the package.
$feedUrl = "https://example.pkgs.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_packaging/Example/nuget/v3/index.json"
$packagePath = $ENV:BUILD_REPOSITORY_LOCALPATH + "\YourOrg.YourComponent." + $ENV:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER + ".nupkg"
Write-Host "Adding package Source"
$addSourceCommand = $ENV:BUILD_REPOSITORY_LOCALPATH + "\nuget sources add -name ""Example"" -source " + $feedUrl + " -username ""your.username"" -password ""yourpassword"""
Invoke-Expression -Command $addSourceCommand
Write-Host "Pushing package to NuGet"
$pushCommand = $ENV:BUILD_REPOSITORY_LOCALPATH + "\nuget push $packagePath -Source " + $feedUrl + " -ApiKey Example"
Invoke-Expression -Command $pushCommand
I landed here because I'm researching/configuring an internal deploy -- where I'm running my own NuGet Server (nuget.server, as opposed to visual studio online). The error was the same (or has similar text):
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
My solution, it turned out, was that the URL wasn't right.
The correct version is: http://server-name/NuGet/api/v2/package
For completeness, I had: http://server-name/NuGet/ which was wrong.

msdeploy via powershell and psake fails

So I'm trying to use powershell and psake for my build and deployment. I've tried without any success to call the following psake task.
Exec { msdeploy.exe "-verb:sync"
"-dest:auto,computername=http://my-server-name-here:8090/MsDeployAgentService2/" -setparam:Name="IIS Web Application Name,Value=iis-web-app-name-here" "-allowUntrusted" }
So in an effort to get things moving I removed the offending setparam:Name="IIS Web Application Name,Value=iis-web-app-name-here". It worked but took the IIS Web Application Name parameter from the ..SetParameters.xml as expected.
<setParameter name="IIS Web Application Name" value="Default Web Site/project.name_deploy" />
There's clearly something wrong with the syntax of setparam:Name="IIS Web Application Name,Value=iis-web-app-name-here" but I've tried a dozen (or more) variations including
-setparam:"IIS Web Application Name=iis-web-app-name-here" > omitting the name,value
-setparam:"IIS` Web` Application` Name=iis-web-app-name-here" > using back ticks
I really can't work out what I'm doing wrong and may have to resort back to using an msbuild file to get things moving.
The error I receive is : > all arguments must begin with -
I believe you need to quote the parameters as follows:
setparam:Name="IIS Web Application Name",Value="iis-web-app-name-here"
Note the additional quotes before the comma and after the equals sign following Value.

Breaking MsBuild package & deploy into separate MsBuild and MsDeploy commands

I'm having a few problems breaking out an MsBuild package+deploy command into two separate commands. (I need to do this to pass additional parameters to MsDeploy).
The command that works fine looks like this:
msbuild "src\Solution.sln"
The separated packaging command looks like this:
msbuild "src\Solution.sln"
which works fine. But then the MsDeploy portion:
fails, with the following error in WmSvc.log
wmsvc.exe Error: 0 : Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
setAcl/C:\temp\web (Read)
wmsvc.exe Error: 0 : Not authorized.
Details: No rule was found that could authorize user 'staging-deploy',
provider 'setAcl', operation 'Read', path 'C:\temp\web'.
(and several more Read/Write operations)
Something is clearly going wrong with the paths it's trying to access (as it works fine with the other method) - I'm not sure it's even trying to use the iisApp targeting correctly, and at the moment I don't think the correct web.config's will be deployed either.
I've got this fixed now - I needed a different command to the one the automatically generated .cmd file was using, but comparing the two allowed me to fix it up (thanks #Vishal R. Joshi)
The differences I needed was:
basic authentication
allow untrusted certificates
?site=staging.webserver on the end of the MsBuild.axd path, as with my original command
override the IIS Web App name that is set in the params file
enable the do not delete rule
The winning command is as follows:
-setParam:name='IIS Web Application Name',value='staging.website.com'
-disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension
Hope this helps someone!
Add a delegation rule on the server using inetmgr to allow staging-deploy to carry out set-Acl operations.
Inetmgr -> Click on server node -> Management Service Delegation (in Management) -> Click Add rule to the right -> Choose the template labelled "Set Permissions for Applications" -> Accept defaults and click OK.
This should let you deploy any package or manifest with setAcl as long as the user you are deploying as, has permissions to the site you are deploying to.
You are able to specify the -setParam:name='',value='' flag when calling the MyProject.deploy.cmd file that is created when you generate a Package from a web project. The cmd is a friendly wrapper around msdeploy.exe, so you have no need to specify all the rest of the defaults.
Here's the details: http://evolutionarydeveloper.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/specifying-environment-variables-at.html