Add->REST API Client... command fails in VS2015 - rest

I want to add a RESTful API to my UWP project. But I get the following error in VS2015 when clicking OK in the Add->REST API Client dialog:
Generating client code and adding to project started
Generate client code for REST API with following parameters:
REST API Name: XXXXXX, Base namespace: XXXXXX, Metadata file path: C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\WebToolsAutoRest\XXXXXX\201612291330467450\swagger.json
Exception: Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Generating client code and adding to project failed
Adding REST API client for failed
I found someone facing the same problem here. But it seems he didn't find a solution to this problem. Ant pointers?
Thanks in advance.

I was seeing the same thing too on vs2015 (I only have 2015 installed though). Apparently the work around is to copy and paste the Newtonsoft.Json.dll into the folder path C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE
I made sure to download the 7.0.1 version using NuGet.

I ran into this same problem and I'm wondering if it's because I have the Visual Studio 2017 RC installed on the same machine as VS2015.
Here's my workaround. I opened the solution in VS2017 and added the REST API client. Then I closed the solution in VS2017 and re-opened it in VS2015. It's an ugly solution but it seems to work.


WPF Application Crashes when making HTTP request via Facebook's Graph API

I wrote an application that gets my personal info from Facebook using the Graph API. When debugging the application in Visual Studio, everything runs fine. I created an installer using Advanced Installer and installed the program on my system. When I click a button that requires an Graph API request, the program stalls and crashes.
I was just able to debug using Visual Studio and got a FileNotFound exception saying, "Could not load file or assembly 'Facebook, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken...' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."
Not sure where to go from here, but any helpful tips would be appreciated.
This sounds like your setup package failed to deploy your app file or one of its dependencies. You should check into your installation folder for the deployed files and make sure all of them were successfully deployed/copied on local machine after installation.

SonarQube 5.6.6: Error OWASP ZAP & Dependency Check Plugin

While setting up the dashboard widgets on SonarQube 5.6.6 to display results from OWASP Dependency Check & ZAP and Xanitizer I encounter the following error message:
An error occurred while trying to display the widget "xanitizer". Please contact the administrator.
I have SonarQube running on a Windows 2008 Server R2 as a test instance.
What I did so far:
Installed the relevant plugins
Configured the plugin POM file with Windows paths (like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\ZAP-Scanning\reports)
Created a reports either by a Jenkins job (for OWASP stuff) or by Xanitizer app.
Pointed SonarQube to the absolute path of Xanitizer report file in SonarQube GIU
Created each a SonarQube project manually
Linked the projects to the corresponding widget
The result is always the error message you can find above.
As a workaround I contacted Steve Springet directly. He pointed me to some GitHub pages, which did not help.
As I am not a developer: Is there any tutorial that might help?
Implementing Checkmarx plugin took some minutes to have scan results displayed.
Apparently I got stuck somewhere in the files or the bridge between Windows and Linux syntax...
If helpful I can share the property and POM files with you.
This was a bug in the Xanitizer plugin. It has been fixed with version 1.4.0 of the plugin.

MobileFirst authenticationConfig.xml 7.1 migration error on Security Access Manager sample project - how to resolve?

I'm working with IBM MobileFirst 7.1, and trying to get integration for ISAM working. So far I've been working with the sample application provided here, but I'm having issues with it when working with 7.1 MobileFirst client-side tools.
If I download and unzip the v3.5 integration package, and unzip the ISAMforMobileFirst test project, and I build it with the v7.0 CLI, it builds successfully. However, if I build it with the v7.1 CLI, I get an error like this:
Migrating project from version to version
/Applications/IBM/MobileFirst-CLI-7.1/mobilefirst-cli/node_modules/generator-worklight-server/lib/build.xml:497: com.worklight.upgrader.UpgradeEngineException: FWLPL0019E: Migrating the ISAMforMobileFirst project from version to version has failed because Cannot parse /Users/ferriera/Downloads/AmWorklightAdapter-3.5/sample/ISAMforMobileFirst/server/conf/authenticationConfig.xml
at com.worklight.upgrader.WLUpgradeEngine.upgradeProject(
at com.worklight.upgrader.ant.UpgraderTask.execute(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
A colleague also sees this exact error in MobileFirst Studio 7.1 (in Eclipse) so I'm guessing it's not a CLI-specific error.
I would assume that support for something has changed in authenticationConfig.xml in 7.1, and this hasn't been reflected in the migrator.
A few questions:
Is ISAM integration supported in 7.1?
Whilst I realise the sample application isn't technically supported in 7.1, if/since ISAM integration is, in theory it should be feasible to make it work. What's changed in authenticationConfig.xml syntax?
Edit: looks like the failure happens due to the following: <parameter name="embedded-pki-bridge-ca-p12-file-path" value="<file-path>"/> and more specifically: <file-path>.
Change it to the actual file path, and it will not fail importing.
Nothing in the authenticationConfig.xml file is about ISAM really; it's all declarations of realms, login modules, security tests...
There is a clear failure, and a PMR should be opened.
As for a local workaround, I've attempted to remove segments in the file that I thought might trigger it, but did not succeed to find a pattern that causes it...

How to deploy ASP.NET MVC4 application with SQL Server CE to Azure website

I deployed a ASP.NET MVC4 app with SQL Server CE database, but I'm getting
Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request
I am using VS2012 to publish this app to azure website. How can I solve this issue? Thanks.
To summarize and so an answer can get marked on this to help the next person that comes by.
When running into issues on azure-web-sites FTP is a handy debugging tool which enables you to:
Verify that the dll exists in your bin directory
Sometimes the .gitignore file blocks directories from being checked in
Verify that your web.config file has the proper version of the assembly configured
NuGet can help, but it's ultimately up to you to verify your dependencies
Here is a good article to follow on the subject:
Unfortunately with VS 2013 Compact edition is not supported any more, so things are somewhat tricky.

installing asp.mvc 2 beta nunit project templates untrusted component error

I've been trying to get nunit 2.5 to work with mvc 2 (VS2008) after following some guides and updating registries. I though I was done. I can select nunit when choosing my testing frame work but there is no test project created. When I create a new mvcapplication.nunit.tests template it fails with the error.
Error: this template attempted to load an untrusted component 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Extensions', Version Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'
I'm a little lost as to where to find the component and how to make it trusted.
I think the best answer at this point is to change the problem...
Use Visual Studio 2010, the MVC3 platform and this plugin via nuget