How to make Swift 3 recognize a textfield name which is increasing? - swift

I have 26 textfields which will provide different float values each, and I want to create a loop to make it easier & faster to add those values into a single variable.
My textfields are named a1, a2, ... a26 so the only thing that changes is the number after 'a'. How can I make swift to recognize the textfield name as I'm increasing the variable 'x'.
I was thinking something like this:
var x : Int = 1
var total : Float = 0;
var y : Float = 0;
while (x == 26) {
y = a/(x).floatValue;
total += y;
My idea is obviously not working 😕

Make an array containing all 26 text fields, and iterate over them:
let textfields = [a1, a2, ..., a26]
for textfield in textfields {
total += textfield.floatValue

I agree with #jtbandes' comment that it is best to start with arrays and loops, so you never need all 26 to be separate variables. If your textFields are #IBOutlets, you can use an outlet collection (which is just a single array to hold all of the textFields).
#IBOutlet var textfields: [NSTextField]!
Then you'd simply do:
for textfield in textfields {
total += textfield.floatValue
In the interest of showing what is possible, assuming the textfields are properties of your class (and your class derives from NSObject), you can use key-value coding to get the values:
for i in 1...26 {
if let tf = value(forKey: "a\(i)") as? NSTextField {
total += tf.floatValue
Full example for macOS:
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController {
var a1 = NSTextField()
var a2 = NSTextField()
var a3 = NSTextField()
func total() {
// give them some values for testing purposes
a1.stringValue = "1.2"
a2.stringValue = "2.3"
a3.stringValue = "3.14"
var total: Float = 0.0
for i in 1...3 {
if let tf = value(forKey: "a\(i)") as? NSTextField {
total += tf.floatValue
ViewController().total() // 6.64
Full example for iOS:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var a1 = UITextField()
var a2 = UITextField()
var a3 = UITextField()
func total() {
// give them some values for testing purposes
a1.text = "1.2"
a2.text = "2.3"
a3.text = "3.14"
var total: Float = 0.0
for i in 1...3 {
if let tf = value(forKey: "a\(i)") as? UITextField {
total += ((tf.text ?? "") as NSString).floatValue
ViewController().total() // 6.64


How to pass an instance as a property using other properties in swift

I'm a newbie in swift and I'm trying to pass an instance of a class (CP) I made as a property of the ContentView struct for swift UI. This instance takes in parameter another property of the same ContentView struct. I want to be able to select an option from the alert menu, set the property to a variable that will determinate specific time sequences from a chronometer, and since the parameter of this instance is an inout string, the values will update in the instance. I found somebody in a similar situation on this website, and somebody suggested overriding the viewDidLoad function. However this does not apply to the SwiftUI framework.
Here is a sample of the code I believe is enough to understand the issue. débatCP, will be used in other elements so declaring it inside the first button action will not work.
struct ContentView: View {
#State var a = "Chronometre"
#State var partie = "Partie du débat"
#State var tempsString = "Temps ici"
#State var enCours = "CanadienParlementaire - Commencer"
#State var pausePlay = "pause"
#State var tempsMillieu = 420;
#State var tempsFermeture = 180
#State var round = 7;
#State var répartitionPM = "7/3"
var debatCP = CP(modePM: &répartitionPM)
#State private var showingAlert = false
//il va falloir un bouton pause
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button(action: {
self.showingAlert = true
if self.enCours != "Recommencer"{
let chrono = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { (chrono) in
self.debatCP.verifierEtatDebut(round: &self.round, tempsActuel: &self.tempsMillieu, pause: &self.pausePlay, partie: &self.partie, tempsStr: &self.tempsString)
if self.round <= 2{
self.debatCP.verifierEtatFin(round: &self.round, tempsActuel: &self.tempsFermeture, pause: &self.pausePlay, partie: &self.partie, tempsStr: &self.tempsString)
if self.round <= 0 {
self.enCours = "Canadien Parlementaire - Commencer"
self.tempsMillieu = 420
self.tempsFermeture = 180
self.round = 7
self.enCours = "Recommencer"
self.a = "CP"
}, label: {
.alert(isPresented: $showingAlert) {
Alert(title: Text("6/4 ou 7/3"), message: Text("6/4 pour avoir plus de temps à la fin et 7/3 pour en avoir plus au début"), primaryButton: .default(Text("6/4"), action: {
self.répartitionPM = "6/4";
}), secondaryButton: .default(Text("7/3"), action: {
self.répartitionPM = "7/3"
I get this error message : Cannot use instance member 'répartitionPM' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available
Here's the CP class
class CP:Debat{
init(modePM: inout String){
override var rondeFermeture:Int{
return 2;
override var tempsTotalMillieu : Int{
return 420;
override var tempsProtege:Int{//60
return 60;
override var tempsLibre:Int{//360
return 360;
override var tempsFermeture: Int{
return 180;
Along with a sample of the Defat Class
class Debat{
var rondeFermeture:Int{
return 0;
var tempsTotalMillieu:Int{//420
return 0;
var tempsProtege:Int{//60
return 0;
var tempsLibre:Int{//360
return 0;
var tempsFermeture:Int{
return 0
func formatTime(time:Int) -> String {
let minutes:Int = time/60
let seconds:Int = time%60
return String(minutes) + ":" + String(seconds)
func prochainTour(time: inout Int, round : inout Int)->Void{
if round > rondeFermeture {
let tempsAvantLaFin = time % self.tempsTotalMillieu
time -= tempsAvantLaFin
if round <= rondeFermeture{
let tempsAvantLaFin = time % self.tempsFermeture
time -= tempsAvantLaFin
#State var répartitionPM = "7/3"
var debatCP = CP(modePM: &répartitionPM)
The SwiftUI has different pattern to work with #State variables. It is not clear what is CP but anyway the following is the way to go
struct AContentView: View {
#State var repartitionPM = "7/3" // should be defined
var debatCP:CP!=nil // declare-only
init() {
debatCP = CP(modePM: $repartitionPM) // pass as binding
and CP should be something like
class CP:Debat{
#Binding var modePM:String
init(modePM:Binding <String>){
self._modePM = modePM

how to fix the wrong word wrap?

for a very long time I can’t solve a simple problem, namely: transferring a word to a new line and automatically reducing the label if the word does not fit. Tell me how to be in this situation.
#IBOutlet weak var wordLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var transcriptionLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var translationLabel: UILabel!
var index = 0
var word = ""
var transcription = ""
var translation = ""
override func viewDidLoad() {
wordLabel.text = word
transcriptionLabel.text = ""
translationLabel.text = ""
wordLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
wordLabel.minimumScaleFactor = 0.1
transcriptionLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
transcriptionLabel.minimumScaleFactor = 0.1
translationLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
translationLabel.minimumScaleFactor = 0.1
self.transcriptionLabel.alpha = 0.0
self.translationLabel.alpha = 0.0
Thanks humblePilgrim, for the suggested answer, it really helped. I leave the link to the source and attach the answer itself.
Swift 4.2
extension UILabel {
// Adjusts the font size to avoid long word to be wrapped
func fitToAvoidWordWrapping() {
guard adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth else {
return // Adjust font only if width fit is needed
guard let words = text?.components(separatedBy: " ") else {
return // Get array of words separate by spaces
// I will need to find the largest word and its width in points
var largestWord: NSString = ""
var largestWordWidth: CGFloat = 0
// Iterate over the words to find the largest one
for word in words {
// Get the width of the word given the actual font of the label
let wordWidth = word.size(withAttributes: [.font: font]).width
// check if this word is the largest one
if wordWidth > largestWordWidth {
largestWordWidth = wordWidth
largestWord = word as NSString
// Now that I have the largest word, reduce the label's font size until it fits
while largestWordWidth > bounds.width && font.pointSize > 1 {
// Reduce font and update largest word's width
font = font.withSize(font.pointSize - 1)
largestWordWidth = largestWord.size(withAttributes: [.font: font]).width
I thank user Dam for the answer.

Cannot get and set value using completion block in Xcode 10.1

I'm using Xcode 10.1 where I tried to calculate the radius in a completion block by setting the value of another variable called as diameter. The code is given below
import UIKit
import Foundation
var radius:Double = 10
var diameter: Double{
return radius * 2
radius = newValue
diameter = 30
I'm expecting that the output should be 60.0 but it showing:
error: Computed property.playground:43:1: error: variables currently
must have an initial value when entered at the top level of the REPL
var area: Double{
The output is properly shown in the online compiler of swift but not in Xcode. Now How to get the proper output?
You have to write this code in a class or struct then create the object of the class or struct then you have to assign diameter value and print it.
This code you can run in playground
class Demo {
var radius:Double = 10
var diameter: Double {
return radius * 2
radius = newValue
let d = Demo()
d.diameter = 30
This code you can run in Xcode.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var radius:Double = 10
var diameter: Double {
return radius * 2
radius = newValue
override func viewDidLoad() {
diameter = 30
print(diameter) // Output: 60.0

Swift 3: Storing Class in array, can't read properties after retrieval

I'm trying to build up a animation library and I have this object I am referring to as a MedicalCard. It's a subclass of UIView. Nothing particularly fancy about it, there's a couple of properties:
var isRotated: Bool = false
var idx: Int = -1
let btnToggle = UIButton()
In my viewcontroller I create a bunch of these by looping through a dictionary that has some stored values for each card:
let arrCardData = [
["color":UIColor.lightGray, "title":"Card 1"],
["color", "title":"Card 2"],
["color", "title":"Card 3"],
["color", "title":"Card 4"]
and then after the instantiation I store them in an array:
var idx = -1
var cardY = 50.0
let cardW = self.view.frame.size.width
for dictThisCard in arrCardData {
idx = idx + 1
let thisCard = MedicalCard()
thisCard.backgroundColor = dictThisCard["color"] as? UIColor
thisCard.frame = CGRect(x:0.0, y:cardY, width:Double(cardW), height:308.0)
thisCard.idx = idx
cardY = cardY + 100.0
so far so good, I can add a print(thisCard.idx) and get that value in the log.
In the medical card class I have a button that starts the animation, it simply calls back to the viewcontroller through a notification which card's button was touched:
func toggleCard(_ myButton:UIButton) {
//call back to move cards
let noteName = Notification.Name("animateCards"), object:nil, userInfo:["idx":self.tag])
here's where I am falling off the rails, back in the viewcontroller I get the card idx from the notification and then retrieve that card from the array. I can log it and based on the frame and memory address it's the right card:
func animateCards(note:Notification) -> Void {
//get card from idx passed
let dictUserInfo = note.userInfo
let cardIDX = dictUserInfo!["idx"] as! Int
let thisCard = arrCards[cardIDX];
var angle: CGFloat = CGFloat.pi/2
here's the log:
<AnimationPlayground.MedicalCard: 0x7f91bdf0af10; frame = (0 50; 375 308); layer = <CALayer: 0x618000037360>>
<AnimationPlayground.MedicalCard: 0x7f91bdf0af10; frame = (0 50; 375 308); layer = <CALayer: 0x618000037360>>
but I can't see the properties here.

Swift refactoring assistance

I have a meter laid out on a storyboard that is comprised of ten segments. There are an additional ten segments on top of the original segments that are colored to simulate a lighted segment - these are outlets. (See image below.) Currently I am using a switch statement to hide and unhide each outlet/segment based on a constantly varying input level. But, as you can see in the code below, it's not pretty. I keep reading that polymorphism is often the way to improve a switch statement, but I can't see how that would help here.
switch input {
case 0...9:
seg1.hidden = false
seg2.hidden = true
seg3.hidden = true
seg4.hidden = true
seg5.hidden = true
seg6.hidden = true
seg7.hidden = true
seg8.hidden = true
seg9.hidden = true
seg10.hidden = true
case 10...19:
seg1.hidden = false
seg2.hidden = false
seg3.hidden = true
seg4.hidden = true
seg5.hidden = true
seg6.hidden = true
seg7.hidden = true
seg8.hidden = true
seg9.hidden = true
seg10.hidden = true
and on and on for eight more levels.
//You can have these segments in an array like this-
let segments = [seg1, seg2, seg3, seg4, seg5,seg6, seg7, seg8, seg9, seg10]
// Function that will setup the segments based on input
func setUpSegmentsForInputValue(segments:[UIView], value:Int) {
for (index, segment) in segments.enumerate() {
segment.hidden = (value/10) != index
// Call the function with whatever input values
setUpSegmentsForInputValue(segments: segments, value: someValue)
You could add all of your outlets to an array. Map the input to an "index range" and then decide in a for loop if outlet is in "index range". Then set hidden property accordingly.
#IBOutlet weak var seg1 = UIView()
#IBOutlet weak var seg2 = UIView()
#IBOutlet weak var seg3 = UIView()
#IBOutlet weak var seg4 = UIView()
let segs = [seg1, seg2, seg3, seg4]
let input = 19
let range = 0 ... input / 10
for (index, seg) in segs.enumerate() {
if range ~= index {
seg.hidden = false
}else {
seg.hidden = true
Alternative (instead of the for loop):
#IBOutlet weak var seg1 = UIView()
#IBOutlet weak var seg2 = UIView()
#IBOutlet weak var seg3 = UIView()
#IBOutlet weak var seg4 = UIView()
let segs = [seg1, seg2, seg3, seg4]
let input = 19
let range = 0 ... input / 10
segs.enumerate().forEach { index, seg in
seg.hidden = !(range ~= index)
Hope this helps.