{{block type="core/template" column_count="4" category_id="50" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}} is not working in magento2 - categories

I am new to magento2. I want to show a particular category products in my home page. I am using this code:
{{block type="core/template" column_count="4" category_id="50" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}
But it's not working.
Thanks in advance,

You need to change your code like this :
{{block class="Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\ListProduct" category_id="50" name="home.products.list" template="Magento_Catalog::product/list.phtml"}}

If You want to add the products on home then follow the few steps.
Edit your home page -> click on Insert Widget-> select catalog product list->
Select category in Conditions

If you want to display product of particular category. Just add line of code in pages.
{{block class="Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\ListProduct"
name="category.products.list" as="product_list" category_id="51"


How to display categories listing in product listing page vuestorefront?

I am working on vuestorefront with magento 2.
In vuestorefront I am using vuetique theme.
I want to display category listing in layered navigation section on vuestorefront. Same as magento 2 layered navigation.
Please check below two attached screenshot.
vuestorefront screenshot
The simplest solution is to add categoryIds to defaultFilters section of your config file, if that doesn't work create one custom attribute(must be of type int or keyword in ES) in magento and use that(Add that to defaultFilters instead).

Breadcrumb doesn't work on a component I created (Joomla!)

I'm learning how to use Joomla! 3.2
I created a new component, then I added it to my main menu,
Here are the only parameters I changed in the main menu:
But now when I go to my new component the breadcrumb doesn't work correctly, there's only the home button and when I click on it I'm redirected to the same page:
Did i missed something very important? How can I fix it? The breadcrumb works on every other pages.
Ok I found the problem, I forgot to add this
$pathway = $app->getPathway();
$breadcrumb = $pathway->setPathway(array());
$pathway->addItem( JText::_( 'COM_PARTISPOLITIQUES' ),JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_partispolitiques&view=partispolitique'));
$pathway->addItem( "Current page name",'');
In the file view.html.php located in my component folder...
I am going to assume you are using the Helix template as it seems to be a common oversight.
Make sure that Enable Page Title is enabled from your menu Helix Page Title tab.
If not, please advise as to what template.

Display category and its content in TYPO3

I am using TYPO3 6.2.9 CMS.I make category and assigned to page.But I don't know how to display the category when i am showing the page i want all the category assign to that page must display then after clicking that category the content which i have assign to that category must display
There is no out-of-the box solution for this.
But you can use the following :
Or create your own extension where you gather the categories of your page and render them on your page. You then can also create a sort of category menu.
You can use category collection :
cObject RECORDS has also a categories property, so you could also use typoscript for rendering.
For this purpose you can use extensions to your website.
Catalogue extension package
Which relates to categorisers and if you want to you can customize it in your own manner.
Use of these extensions make simple in listing category.
The usage is also given in its manual ans its simple to adopt it.

how to change virtuemart 2 add to cart pop up text

Basically as above,
I have a Virtuemart 2 online site with Add to Cart pop up enabled when it pops up all is well apart form the
View Cart and Continue Browsing links they have no separator in between them, I would like to have
View Cart | Continue Browsing
Ive looked at vmprices.js but have no clue :(
Can some one shed some light please?
Thank you!
You have to look into these files to customize that popup:
Jafer Balti
The actual text that is shown to the visitor is located in:
Which can be changed, but should ideally be overridden.
This is harder to find than it should be because Dreamweaver does not search .ini files. Use the OS to search.
Additionally, the link for the "continue shopping" button can be changed by overriding the:

Wordpress TinyMCE button to add a piece of code at the bottom of the post?

I'm currently looking to see if there's a Wordpress plugin like a tinyMCE button that will allow me to add custom code at the end of the post, something like:
<h3>please enter title</h3
<div id="content">please enter content</div>
If you don't know of any plugin could you direct me to some tutorials on how to create a custom button?
Thanks a lot!
Here is a WP specific tut http://brettterpstra.com/adding-a-tinymce-button/
Here is a link to a tutorial on how to write a custom plugin. You will need to use it to insert a custom button with a custom functionality. It is not that difficult.