HQL equivalent for postgresql query - postgresql

I am trying to figure out the HQL equivalent of my query that has 2 subqueries, what I'm trying to do is I am getting the max amount for the past 6 months and then group them by month, and then I will get the average of the past 6 month result. And since the rows have version column, I also need to get maxed version for that specific row.
Here is my query, I'm using postgres by the way. Any help would be appreciated as I'm really having a hard time. Thanks in advance.
select avg(amount1) as maxField1 from
select max(amount1) as amount1 from table1 a
where a.id = :id
and a.date between :startDate
and :endDate
and a.version =
select max(b.version) from table1 b
where a.id = b.id
and a.date = b.date
group by to_char(a.date, 'YYYYMM')


postgresql query is fast with one filter value, very slow with other value

I have two tables each with 100 million+ rows, table_1 and tabke_2.
We insert 60,000+ rows with the same date of "today" in one column of each table. This "date" field is indexed in each of the two tables.
We're doing this insert every day.
Following the insert, if we run a query
select count(*)
from ((select field1 from table_1 where date_field = 'yyyy-mm-dd' --**yesterday's date** ) a
(select field1 from table_2 where date_field = 'yyyy-mm-dd' --**yesterday's date** ) b
ON a.field1 = b.field1) c
runs in 1 second
select count(*)
from ((select field1 from table_1 where date_field = 'yyyy-mm-dd' --**today's date** ) a
(select field1 from table_2 where date_field = 'yyyy-mm-dd' --**today's date** ) b
ON a.field1 = b.field1) c
runs in 6 hours!
Tomorrow, this query will run in 1 second, and the next day's date query runs for 6 hours.
I'm totally puzzled. Why does the same query runs for 1 second, but the recently inserted data query runs for 6 hours? The next day the 6 hours query runs in 1 second, and that day's date query runs for 6 hours...
I would check the explain plans for the queries, and I suspect that statistics are being automatically gathered after your slow-performing query that change the execution plan by the next day.
Edit: Oh so the fix would be to invoke analyse after loading new data.

How can I make the denominator a constant for each of the numbers in the same row in SQL?

I am trying to create a table with the average amount of sales divided by a cohort of users that signed up for an account in a certain month, however, I can only figure out to divide by the number of people that made a purchase in that specific month which is lower than the total amount of the cohort. How do I change the query below to make each of the avg_sucessful_transacted amounts divide by cohort 0 for each month?
thank you.
select sum (t.amount_in_dollars)/ count (distinct u.id) as Avg_Successful_Transacted, (datediff(month,[u.created:month],[t.createdon:month])) as Cohort, [u.created:month] as Months,
count (distinct u.id) as Users
from [transaction_cache as t]
left join [user_cache as u] on t.owner = u.id
where t.type = 'savings' and t.status = 'successful' and [u.created:year] > ['2017-01-01':date:year]
group by cohort, months
order by Cohort, Months
You will need to break out the cohort sizing into its own subquery or CTE in order to calculate the total number of distinct users who were created during the month which matches the cohort's basis month.
I approached this by bucketing users by the month they were created using the date_trunc('Month', <date>, <date>) function, but you may wish to approach it differently based on the specific business logic that generates your cohorts.
I don't work with Periscope, so the example query below is structured for pure Redshift, but hopefully it is easy to translate the syntax into Periscope's expected format:
WITH cohort_sizes AS (
SELECT date_trunc('Month', created)::DATE AS cohort_month
, COUNT(DISTINCT(id)) AS cohort_size
FROM user_cache u
cohort_transactions AS (
SELECT date_trunc('Month', created)::DATE AS cohort_month
, createdon
, owner
, type
, status
, amount_in_dollars
, id
, created
FROM transaction_cache t
LEFT JOIN user_cache u ON t.owner = u.id
WHERE t.type = 'savings'
AND t.status = 'successful'
AND u.created > '2017-01-01'
SELECT SUM(t.amount_in_dollars) / s.cohort_size AS Avg_Successful_Transacted
, (datediff(MONTH, u.created, t.createdon)) AS Cohort
, u.created AS Months
, count(DISTINCT u.id) AS Users
FROM cohort_transactions t
JOIN cohort_sizes s ON t.cohort_month = s.cohort_month
LEFT JOIN user_cache AS u ON t.owner = u.id
GROUP BY s.cohort_size, Cohort, Months
ORDER BY Cohort, Months

Postgresql count by past weeks

select id, wk0_count
from teams
left join
(select team_id, count(team_id) as wk0_count
from (
select created_at, team_id, trunc(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM age(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,created_at)) / 604800) as wk_offset
from loan_files
where loan_type <> 2
order by created_at DESC) as t1
where wk_offset = 0
group by team_id) as t_wk0
on teams.id = t_wk0.team_id
I've created the query above that shows me how many loans each team did in a given week. Week 0 is the past seven days.
Ideally I want a table that shows how many loans each team did in the last 8 weeks, grouped by week. The output would look like:
Any ideas on the best way to do this?
count(week = 0 or null) as wk0,
count(week = 1 or null) as wk1,
count(week = 2 or null) as wk2,
count(week = 3 or null) as wk3
teams t
left join
loan_files lf on lf.team_id = t.id and loan_type <> 2
cross join lateral
(select (current_date - created_at::date) / 7 as week) w
group by 1
In 9.4+ versions use the aggregate filter syntax:
count(*) filter (where week = 0) as wk0,
lateral is from 9.3. In a previous version move the week expression to the filter condition.
How about the following query?
SELECT team_id AS id, count(team_id) AS wk0_count
FROM teams LEFT JOIN loan_files ON teams.id = team_id
WHERE loan_type <> 2
AND trunc(EXTRACT(epoch FROM age(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, created_at)) / 604800) = 0
GROUP BY team_id
Notable changes are:
ORDER BY clause in subquery was pointless;
created_at in innermost subquery was never used;
wk_offset test is moved on the WHERE clause and not done in two distinct steps;
outermost subquery was not needed.

Creating 'Empty' Records for Days of the Month Without Records

I have a very simpl postgres (9.3) query that looks like this:
SELECT a.date, b.status
FROM sis.table_a a
JOIN sis.table_b b ON a.thing_id = b.thing_id
AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM a.date) = 2015
Some days of the month of June do not exist in table_a and thus are obviously not joined to table_b. What is the best way to create records for these not represented days and assign a placeholder (e.g. 'EMPTY') to their 'status' column? Is this even possible to do using pure SQL?
Basically, you need LEFT JOIN and it looks like you also need generate_series() to provide the full set of days:
SELECT d.date
, a.date IS NOT NULL AS a_exists
, COALESCE(b.status, 'status_missing') AS status
SELECT date::date
FROM generate_series('2015-06-01'::date
, '2015-06-30'::date
, interval '1 day') date
) d
LEFT JOIN sis.table_a a USING (date)
LEFT JOIN sis.table_b b USING (thing_id)
Use sargable WHERE conditions. What you had cannot use a plain index on date and has to default to a much more expensive sequential scan. (There are no more WHERE conditions in my final query.)
Aside: don't use the basic type name (and reserved word in standard SQL) date as identifier.
Related (2nd chapter):
PostgreSQL: running count of rows for a query 'by minute'

multiple extract() with WHERE clause possible?

So far I have come up with the below:
WHERE (extract(month FROM orders)) =
(SELECT min(extract(month from orderdate))
FROM orders)
However, that will consequently return zero to many rows, and in my case, many, because many orders exist within that same earliest (minimum) month, i.e. 4th February, 9th February, 15th Feb, ...
I know that a WHERE clause can contain multiple columns, so why wouldn't the below work?
WHERE (extract(day FROM orderdate)), (extract(month FROM orderdate)) =
(SELECT min(extract(day from orderdate)), min(extract(month FROM orderdate))
FROM orders)
I simply get: SQL Error: ORA-00920: invalid relational operator
Any help would be great, thank you!
Sample data:
Desired output:
I recreated your table and found out you just messed up the brackets a bit. The following works for me:
(extract(day from OrderDate),extract(month from OrderDate))
min(extract(day from OrderDate)),
min(extract(month from OrderDate))
from orders
Use something like this:
with cte1 as (
extract(month from OrderDate) date_month,
extract(day from OrderDate) date_day,
from tablename
), cte2 as (
select min(date_month) min_date_month, min(date_day) min_date_day
from cte1
select cte1.*
from cte1
where (date_month, date_day) = (select min_date_month, min_date_day from cte2)
A common table expression enables you to restructure your data and then use this data to do your select. The first cte-block (cte1) selects the month and the day for each of your table rows. Cte2 then selects min(month) and min(date). The last select then combines both ctes to select all rows from cte1 that have the desired month and day.
There is probably a shorter solution to that, however I like common table expressions as they are almost all the time better to understand than the "optimal, shortest" query.
If that is really what you want, as bizarre as it seems, then as a different approach you could forget the extracts and the subquery against the table to get the minimums, and use an analytic approach instead:
select orderdate
from (
select o.*,
row_number() over (order by to_char(orderdate, 'MMDD')) as rn
from orders o
where rn = 1;
The row_number() effectively adds a pseudo-column to every row in your original table, based on the month and day in the order date. The rn values are unique, so there will be one row marked as 1, which will be from the earliest day in the earliest month. If you have multiple orders with the same day/month, say 01-Jan-2013 and 01-Jan-2014, then you'll still only get exactly one with rn = 1, but which is picked is indeterminate. You'd need to add further order by conditions to make it deterministic, but I have no idea what you might want.
That is done in the inner query; the outer query then filters so that only the records marked with rn = 1 is returned; so you get exactly one row back from the overall query.
This also avoids the situation where the earliest day number is not in the earliest month number - say if you only had 01-Jan-2014 and 02-Feb-2014; comparing the day and month separately would look for 01-Feb-2014, which doesn't exist.
SQL Fiddle (with Thomas Tschernich's anwer thrown in too, giving the same result for this data).
To join the result against your invoice table, you don't need to join to the orders table again - especially not with a cross join, which is skewing your results. You can do the join (at least) two ways:
to_char(o.orderdate, 'DD-MM-YYYY'),
row_number() over (order by to_char(orderdate, 'MMDD')) as rn
FROM orders o
) o, invoices i
WHERE i.invno = o.invno
AND rn = 1;
to_char(o.orderdate, 'DD-MM-YYYY'),
SELECT orderno, orderdate, invno
row_number() over (order by to_char(orderdate, 'MMDD')) as rn
FROM orders o
WHERE rn = 1
) o, invoices i
WHERE i.invno = o.invno;
The first looks like it does more work but the execution plans are the same.
SQL Fiddle with your pastebin-supplied query that gets two rows back, and these two that get one.