AKKA Streams: Performance degradation after connecting to AMQP - scala

I have been trying to create an application that runs recursive task (crawler) with akka streams and QPID message broker.
What I have noticed is that separate parts of the graph alone perform quite good, but when connected together performance drops down significantly.
Here is statistics for the graph running on my local machine:
sending messages to message queue can achieve > 1700 msg/sec;
making HTTP requests approx. 70 req/sec;
whole graph, including reading
messages from queue 2-4 items/sec;
Source code for the pipeline can be found here:
The pipeline is straightforward:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val queueName = "amqp-conn-it-spec-simple-queue-" + System.currentTimeMillis()
val queueDeclaration = QueueDeclaration(queueName)
val in = AmqpSource(
NamedQueueSourceSettings(AmqpConnectionDetails("localhost", 5672, Some(AmqpCredentials("guest", "guest"))), queueName)
bufferSize = 1028
val out = AmqpSink.simple(
AmqpSinkSettings(AmqpConnectionDetails("localhost", 5672, Some(AmqpCredentials("guest", "guest"))))
val urlsSink = Flow[String].map(ByteString(_)).to(out)
val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(in, urlsSink)((_,_)){ implicit b => (in, urlsSink0) =>
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
val pool = Http().superPool[String]()(materializer).log(":pool")
val download: Flow[String, Document, NotUsed] = Flow[String]
.map(url => (HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.GET, Uri(url)), url) )
.mapAsyncUnordered(8){ case (Success(response: HttpResponse), url) => parse(response, url)}
val filter = Flow[String].filter(notVisited).log(":filter")
val save = Flow[String].map(saveVisited)
val extractLinks: Flow[Document, String, NotUsed] = Flow[Document].mapConcat(document => getUrls(document))
in ~> save ~> download ~> extractLinks ~> filter ~> urlsSink0
Source.single(rootUrl).map(s => ByteString(s)).runWith(out)
How can this code be optimized to increase performance?


Akka-streams backpressure on broadcast with async processing

I am struggling with understanding if akka-stream enforces backpressure on Source when having a broadcast with one branch taking a lot of time (asynchronous) in the graph.
I tried buffer and batch to see if there was any backpressure applied on the source but it does not look like it. I also tried flushing System.out but it does not change anything.
object Test extends App {
/* Necessary for akka stream */
implicit val system = ActorSystem("test")
implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder: GraphDSL.Builder[NotUsed] =>
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
val in = Source.tick(0 seconds, 1 seconds, 1)
in.runForeach(i => println("Produced " + i))
val out = Sink.foreach(println)
val out2 = Sink.foreach[Int]{ o => println(s"2 $o") }
val bcast = builder.add(Broadcast[Int](2))
val batchedIn: Source[Int, Cancellable] = in.batch(4, identity) {
case (s, v) => println(s"Batched ${s+v}"); s + v
val f2 = Flow[Int].map(_ + 10)
val f4 = Flow[Int].map { i => Thread.sleep(2000); i}
batchedIn ~> bcast ~> f2 ~> out
bcast ~> f4.async ~> out2
I would expect to see "Batched ..." in the console when I am running the program and at some point to have it momentarily stuck because f4 is not fast enough to process the values. At the moment, none of those behave as expected as the numbers are generated continuously and no batch is done.
EDIT: I noticed that after some time, the batch messages start to print out in the console. I still don't know why it does not happen sooner as the backpressure should happen for the first elements
The reason that explains this behavior are internal buffers that are introduced by akka when async boundaries are set.
Buffers for asynchronous operators
internal buffers that are introduced as an optimization when using asynchronous operators.
While pipelining in general increases throughput, in practice there is a cost of passing an element through the asynchronous (and therefore thread crossing) boundary which is significant. To amortize this cost Akka Streams uses a windowed, batching backpressure strategy internally. It is windowed because as opposed to a Stop-And-Wait protocol multiple elements might be “in-flight” concurrently with requests for elements. It is also batching because a new element is not immediately requested once an element has been drained from the window-buffer but multiple elements are requested after multiple elements have been drained. This batching strategy reduces the communication cost of propagating the backpressure signal through the asynchronous boundary.
I understand that this is a toy stream, but if you explain what is your goal I will try to help you.
You need mapAsync instead of async
val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder: GraphDSL.Builder[NotUsed] =>
import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL.Implicits._
val in = Source.tick(0 seconds, 1 seconds, 1).map(x => {println(s"Produced ${x}"); x})
val out = Sink.foreach[Int]{ o => println(s"F2 processed $o") }
val out2 = Sink.foreach[Int]{ o => println(s"F4 processed $o") }
val bcast = builder.add(Broadcast[Int](2))
val batchedIn: Source[Int, Cancellable] = in.buffer(4,OverflowStrategy.backpressure)
val f2 = Flow[Int].map(_ + 10)
val f4 = Flow[Int].mapAsync(1) { i => Future { println("F4 Started Processing"); Thread.sleep(2000); i }(system.dispatcher) }
batchedIn ~> bcast ~> f2 ~> out
bcast ~> f4 ~> out2

Eliminating internal collecting when constructing a Source as a response to data

I have a Flow (createDataPointFlow) which is constructed by performing a mapAsync which collects data points (via Sink.seq) which I would otherwise like to stream directly (i.e. without collecting first).
However, it is not obvious to me how I can do this without collecting items, it seems I need some sort of mechanism to publish my items directly to the output portion of the flow I am creating, but I'm new to this and don't know how to do that without getting explicit actors involved, which I would like to avoid.
How can I achieve this without the need to collect things to a Sink first? Remember what I want to achieve is full streaming without the explicit buffering that Sink.seq(...) is doing.
object MyProcess {
def createDataSource(job:Job, dao:DataService):Source[JobDataPoint,NotUsed] = {
// Imagine the below call is equivalent to streaming a parameterized query using Slick
val publisher: Publisher[JobDataPoint] = dao.streamData(Criteria(job.name, job.data))
// Convert to a Source
val src: Source[JobDataPoint, NotUsed] = Source.fromPublisher(publisher)
def createDataPointFlow(dao:DataService, parallelism:Int=1): Flow[Job,JobDataPoint, NotUsed] =
Flow[Job].mapAsync(parallelism)(job =>
def apply(src:Source[Job,NotUsed], dao:DataService,parallelism:Int=5) = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(){ implicit builder =>
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
val jobs:Outlet[Job] = builder.add(src).out
//val bcastJobsSrc: Source[Job, NotUsed] = src.toMat(BroadcastHub.sink(256))(Keep.right).run()
//val bcastOutlet:Outlet[Job] = builder.add(bcastJobsSrc).out
val bcastJobs:UniformFanOutShape[Job,Job] = builder.add(Broadcast[Job](4))
val rptMaker = builder.add(MyProcessors.flow(dao,parallelism))
val dpFlow = createDataPointFlow(dao,parallelism)
val jobPrinter:Inlet[Job] = builder.add(Sink.foreach[Job](job=>println(s"[MyGraph] Received job: ${job.name} => $job"))).in
val jobList:Inlet[Job] = builder.add(Sink.fold(List.empty[Job])((list,job:Job)=>job::list)).in
val reporter: Inlet[ReportTable] = builder.add(Sink.foreach[ReportTable](r=>println(s"[Report]: $r"))).in
val dpSink: Inlet[JobDataPoint] = builder.add(Sink.foreach[JobDataPoint](dp=>println(s"[DataPoint]: $dp"))).in
jobs ~> bcastJobs
bcastJobs ~> jobPrinter
bcastJobs ~> jobList
bcastJobs ~> rptMaker ~> reporter
bcastJobs ~> dpFlow ~> dpSink
So after re-reading the documentation about the various stages available it turns out that what I needed was a flatMapConcat:
def createDataPointFlow(dao:DataService, parallelism:Int=1): Flow[Job,JobDataPoint, NotUsed] =

How to signal the Sink when all elements have been processed?

I have a graph that accepts a sequence of files, processes them one by one ant then at the end of the execution, the program should return success (0) or failure (-1) if all the executions have succeeded or failed.
How could this last step be achieved? How could the Sink know when it is receiving the result for the last file?
val graph = createGraph("path-to-list-of-files")
val result = graph.run()
def createGraph(fileOrPath: String): RunnableGraph[NotUsed] = {
printStage("PREPARING") {
val producer: Source[ProducerFile, NotUsed] = Producer(fileOrPath).toSource()
val validator: Flow[ProducerFile, ProducerFile, NotUsed] = Validator().toFlow()
val provisioner: Flow[ProducerFile, PrivisionerResult, NotUsed] = Provisioner().toFlow()
val executor: Flow[PrivisionerResult, ExecutorResult, NotUsed] = Executor().toFlow()
val evaluator: Flow[ExecutorResult, EvaluatorResult, NotUsed] = Evaluator().toFlow()
val reporter: Sink[EvaluatorResult, Future[Done]] = Reporter().toSink()
val graphResult = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder: GraphDSL.Builder[NotUsed] =>
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
producer ~> validator ~> provisioner ~> executor ~> evaluator ~> reporter
printLine("The graph pipeline was created")
Your reporter Sink already materializes to a Future[Done], which you can hook to if you want to run some code when all your elements have processed.
However, at the moment you are not exposing it in your graph. Although there is a way to expose it using the graph DSL, in your case it is even easier to use the fluent DSL to achieve this:
val graphResult: RunnableGraph[Future[Done]] = producer
This will give you back the Future[Done] when you run your graph
val result: Future[Done] = graph.run()
which then you can hook to - e.g.
result.onComplete {
case Success(_) => println("Success!")
case Failure(_) => println("Failure..")

How do you deal with futures in Akka Flow?

I have built an akka graph that defines a flow. My objective is to reformat my future response and save it to a file. The flow can be outlined bellow:
val g = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder: GraphDSL.Builder[NotUsed] =>
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
val balancer = builder.add(Balance[(HttpRequest, String)](6, waitForAllDownstreams = false))
val merger = builder.add(Merge[Future[Map[String, String]]](6))
val fileSink = FileIO.toPath(outputPath, options)
val ignoreSink = Sink.ignore
val in = Source(seeds)
in ~> balancer.in
for (i <- Range(0,6)) {
balancer.out(i) ~>
wikiFlow.async ~>
// This maps to a Future[Map[String, String]]
Flow[(Try[HttpResponse], String)].map(parseHtml) ~>
merger.out ~>
// When we merge we need to map our Map to a file
Flow[Future[Map[String, String]]].map((d) => {
// What is the proper way of serializing future map
// so I can work with it like a normal stream into fileSink?
// I could manually do ->
// d.foreach(someWriteToFileProcess(_))
// with ignoreSink, but this defeats the nice
// akka flow
}) ~>
I can hack this workflow to write my future map to a file via foreach, but I'm afraid this could somehow lead to concurrency issues with FileIO and it just doesn't feel right. What is the proper way to handle futures with our akka flow?
The easiest way to create a Flow which involves an asynchronous computation is by using mapAsync.
So... lets say you want to create a Flow which consumes Int and produces String using an asynchronous computation mapper: Int => Future[String] with a parallelism of 5.
val mapper: Int => Future[String] = (i: Int) => Future(i.toString)
val yourFlow = Flow[Int].mapAsync[String](5)(mapper)
Now, you can use this flow in your graph however you want.
An example usage will be,
val graph = GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
val intSource = Source(1 to 10)
val printSink = Sink.foreach[String](s => println(s))
val yourMapper: Int => Future[String] = (i: Int) => Future(i.toString)
val yourFlow = Flow[Int].mapAsync[String](2)(yourMapper)
intSource ~> yourFlow ~> printSink

How to assemble an Akka Streams sink from multiple file writes?

I'm trying to integrate an akka streams based flow in to my Play 2.5 app. The idea is that you can stream in a photo, then have it written to disk as the raw file, a thumbnailed version and a watermarked version.
I managed to get this working using a graph something like this:
val byteAccumulator = Flow[ByteString].fold(new ByteStringBuilder())((builder, b) => {builder ++= b.toArray})
def toByteArray = Flow[ByteString].map(b => b.toArray)
val graph = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() {implicit builder =>
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
val streamFan = builder.add(Broadcast[ByteString](3))
val byteArrayFan = builder.add(Broadcast[Array[Byte]](2))
val output = builder.add(Flow[ByteString].map(x => Success(Done)))
val rawFileSink = FileIO.toFile(file)
val thumbnailFileSink = FileIO.toFile(getFile(path, Thumbnail))
val watermarkedFileSink = FileIO.toFile(getFile(path, Watermarked))
streamFan.out(0) ~> rawFileSink
streamFan.out(1) ~> byteAccumulator ~> byteArrayFan.in
streamFan.out(2) ~> output.in
byteArrayFan.out(0) ~> slowThumbnailProcessing ~> thumbnailFileSink
byteArrayFan.out(1) ~> slowWatermarkProcessing ~> watermarkedFileSink
FlowShape(streamFan.in, output.out)
Then I wire it in to my play controller using an accumulator like this:
val sink = Sink.head[Try[Done]]
val photoStorageParser = BodyParser { req =>
The problem is that my two processed file sinks aren't completing and I'm getting zero sizes for both processed files, but not the raw one. My theory is that the accumulator is only waiting on one of the outputs of my fan out, so when the input stream completes and my byteAccumulator spits out the complete file, by the time the processing is finished play has got the materialized value from the output.
So, my questions are:
Am I on the right track with this as far as my approach goes?
What is the expected behaviour for running a graph like this?
How can I bring all my sinks together to form one final sink?
Ok, after a little help (Andreas was on the right track), I've arrived at this solution which does the trick:
val rawFileSink = FileIO.toFile(file)
val thumbnailFileSink = FileIO.toFile(getFile(path, Thumbnail))
val watermarkedFileSink = FileIO.toFile(getFile(path, Watermarked))
val graph = Sink.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(rawFileSink, thumbnailFileSink, watermarkedFileSink)((_, _, _)) {
implicit builder => (rawSink, thumbSink, waterSink) => {
val streamFan = builder.add(Broadcast[ByteString](2))
val byteArrayFan = builder.add(Broadcast[Array[Byte]](2))
streamFan.out(0) ~> rawSink
streamFan.out(1) ~> byteAccumulator ~> byteArrayFan.in
byteArrayFan.out(0) ~> processorFlow(Thumbnail) ~> thumbSink
byteArrayFan.out(1) ~> processorFlow(Watermarked) ~> waterSink
graph.mapMaterializedValue[Future[Try[Done]]](fs => Future.sequence(Seq(fs._1, fs._2, fs._3)).map(f => Success(Done)))
After which it's dead easy to call this from Play:
val photoStorageParser = BodyParser { req =>
def createImage(path: String) = Action(photoStorageParser) { req =>