Possible to set default gateway to look like something else in a browser? - router

I currently have a NETGEAR Router. When you go to the default gateway it shows the GUI for setting up and editing settings etc in a browser. I would like to change what that page looks like. Is it possible to create my own HTML/CSS page as the home page or index and have a link or button that takes you to the GUI?
Thank you in advance.

The GUI you speak of is stored in the device's firmware. Typically, making changes to the GUI is not something supported by networking hardware.
If your device can be flashed with something like Tomato or DD-WRT (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_router_firmware_projects), you could probably modify the GUI from one of those projects to your liking and install it on your device.


Feasibility of a desktop app that should overlay another app

I'm looking at developing a desktop app that should overlay Word on windows. I have looked into office plugins, but they are too limited in their functionality. Essentially, I want to achieve something like what is shown in the image below.
These highlighted text segments should move as the user scrolls etc., but do not have to be instant or could be shown when the user has been at one location in the document for more than a second, etc.
Is this possible? The overlay should not interfere with the word functionality, and what framework should one go for in the development Electron? Windows is the main platform where it should work but would be great with an easy port to Mac.
Any resources are much appreciated, and I was thinking it could be built kind of like Loom video. Have already looked at this and trying out this one.

How to list and allow selection of input devices to be used for WebSpeech API?

Is there a way to programmatically list available input devices and allow to change the current one being used for the WebSpeech API?
I'm aware Chrome shows a video icon on the address bar where a device can be chosen, but I want to make this setting available on the web app itself.
Yes, there's a way- take a look at https://webaudiodemos.appspot.com/input/index.html, it lets the user select the input. PS: This works just for chrome.
Also you can look this example using webrtc, however I'm not sure if it can be integrated with webspeechapi: https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/devices/input-output/
Also, take a look at this post: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2015/10/media-devices It has a lot of information
Sorry to burst your buble but it can't be done, the only way to have access to the devices is using the system API's and the web browser limits your access to specific API's that he chooses to expose, unfortunately for you the device related ones are not exposed.
On a side note, think of the repercussions of exposing your devices to every website you visit...

Chrome Packaged App and Dual Monitors

I am working on a packaged app that will use multiple displays. I need to be able to open windows in specific displays. I've also tried opening windows and then, using javascript, moving them to a monitor. But the app will not move any further than the bounds of the active display.
Any ideas on how to get this to work?
Use chrome.system.display.getInfo with this you can get the display info for each active display.
With displayInfo.workArea you can get the working area of each display, you just have to think of one big display and each display is a workArea. With this information you can move your window with
AppWindow#setBounds to the correct monitor. Be carfull, AppWindow#moveTo is not working.
Use AppWindow#setBounds
chrome.app.window.get('mainWindow').setBounds({"height": 200, "left": 2000})
Tested on v34
Boom. Change this to correct answer.
This was not the solution I was hoping for but as one of the comments mentioned there is a bug with Chrome and multiple monitors. In my case this is an internal application so I'm able to install anything i need to make this work.
My solution was to create a console application which launches the chrome app and then moves the windows around using the Windows32 API. Obviously not ideal but it works and the user still just needs one click to launch the app.
You can write a chrome extension to get this done. In the Background script you can listen to chrome.windows.onCreated event and use chrome.windows.update function to move the windows to other monitors

Showing dynamic web-content from iOS local server (i.e. using browser as remote screen)

I want to show some really simple graphics in a http-page in the local network using an iOS App as local server.
Now I heard showing some http-page over the local network is quite easy, using for example CocoaHTTPServer.
Would it also be possible to adjust the content of the page dynamically, from the iPhone side?
user types in URL at the desktop-pc-browser of his choice
user goes to his sofa, flicking through text/images with his iPhone, looking at the remote screen
(no need to go to the browser to refresh page?)
Would this be feasible?
Of course I could also try to set up some Bluetooth-Connection, connecting between iOS/MacOS Apps, but I figured the browser version would be much more flexible :)
Stable connection? No need to support each and every browser? Then open up a websocket connection between your app and your browser. You’d then advise your browser to reload or show another picture through the websocket.
If you need to support more browsers, you might need comet / long-polling support. I’m not sure, though, whether CocoaHTTPServer supports it.
If none of these work, you could have your webapp do an Ajax request every now and then, in order to check whether something has changed.

How to send a user to the main iPhone Settings screen from within your iPhone App

I currently have an application that requires the user to maintain a VPN tunnel. On load I check if the VPN tunnel is available.
I am wondering if there is any way for me to display an UIAlertView which on clicking "OK" takes the user to the iPhone main settings screen, so they can turn on VPN.
I know how to store app specific settings and that seem to be the most common articles out there, but is there any way to get your app to redirect the user to the main iPhone settings page?
As said, there's no way to do this currently. You'll have to create your own settings screen inside your app.
See a similar thread here:
How do I open the Settings application from my application?
iPhone has it's own NSURL protocols for apps, such as youtube:, mail:, etc. Judging by the "Airplane Mode" alert, there is clearly one for the Settings app. I imagine it is open, but don't know what the syntax would be off the top of my head. Check the docs about the protocols.