Changing positions of SplitApp Master/Details Pages - sapui5

Does anyone know how to change the location/position of the Master Page of a SplitApp? By default it is always on the left hand side. I want to be able to put one on the right hand side (or even have the master page on the top, as a header).
Are there any other objects I can use instead to achieve this? SplitApp is required as we want to navigate the details pages without changing the master page.

What you are looking for is a sap.ui.unified.sample.SplitContainer with orientation: Horizontal
But yes, this control doesn't have something like master and detail pages unlike SplitApp. But you have to find workaround on click events and by changing the secondaryContent and content accordingly.
Note that this control is still in experimental mode


View Container with View Single Title

I have a singular view residing in a view container, and I wish to have one title encompassing them. For instance, this view's default position is in the panel, but when moved to the activity bar in another view container, the title is displayed as [view container title]:[view title]. While this makes sense, it would be nice to display my view as [view or view container title], without a colon expecting a second part. The VSCode standard views like Problems, Output, Debug Console exhibit the wanted behavior. They just display as "Output" or "Problems" when placed in another container, rather than something like "Panel:Output". Is it possible to have a single title with no colon/second part? Thanks.
You may try to use the contextualTitle property of the view. Based on its documentation when launched, it should fit your needs:
For extension authors contributing views or view containers
When views are moved around the workbench, they sometimes need to be presented differently, either with an icon or extra context if they aren't in their default location. When contributing a view, authors may now provide an icon property and a contextualTitle. If not provided, these will default to the icon and title of the view container to which they are contributed.
I'm not sure they updated the API or updated the behavior since then but, if not, you will probably face the same issue I had while trying to use it. I even opened an issue to the VS Code team (, but they marked the issue as designed and I gave up on using it.
Hope this helps

Ionic v4 ion-slides problems

I have created a component in my project that is purely an ion-slides UI component. I've injected into the main page of my side-drawer template app and I'm experiencing a number of issues/annoyances:
The content doesn't always center within the main pane. It seems as though the width of the individual ion-slide items all get set with an inline element style width that is greater than the pane width! I've realised that this only happens when the whole app is loaded. If I click on the side menu item of the page to reload it individually, the issue disappears. This leads me to believe it's an issue with the order that components are rendered. Can anyone help me understand what is happening? Is it a bug?
Undesired behaviour
I can't work out how to get navigation arrows to display/work - is this possible?
The above Stackblitz should help to give you an idea of my setup but it doesn't show the problem I'm experiencing. It does show one other peculiarity though:
With loop set to true in the options, when you get to the last slide and you go to the next slide, it jumps to second element rather than the first! Any help on understanding why this is happening will be appreciated.

Stacked UI elements: how to have only the visible ones to respond to click

I have 3 dropdown that are stacked on top of each other; I use canvas group to make the non relevant ones invisible; although the click is intercepted only on the topmost control.
How do you work around this? Should I keep track of the position in the hierarchy and swap it when I need to have a specific dropdown control so I can use it? Feels like a lot of work...hopefully is there an easier way?
The image component of UI elements has a Raycast Target property that you can set to false. This will make them unclickable.

Neos 2.1: Unable to add new page/interact with backend

I got another problem with Neos. Whenever I try to add a new Page/Shortcut/... the Backend, the top left area becomes mostly unuseable. Top left area after I tried to add new elements
I cannot switch pages, but can edit the current page.
When I push things to live, or refresh the site, the added 'null'-pages disapeer.
Copy/Paste works without problems.
As long as I not try to move things in top left area no error appears.
And no javascript request or network traffic is visible when creating new page elements.
But I don't know how to get rid of this and even don't know where to start search.
Hope you help.
Nice, with a shot in the dark(hope that I used that right) I,ve figured it out. Somwhere in my CSS was something that was in conflict with Neos, so that the inputfield disapeared.
So the solution for that problem was to disable all my css.

Left-aligned tabs in GWT

I have a project in which I need a way to display essentially a list of tabs, each with their own content pages, down the left side of the page. I'm using TabLayoutPanels elsewhere to good effect, but after looking at how they are constructed it seems like it would be quite a bit of work to undo Google's carefully constructed layout and get it to work in any other orientation than top-aligned.
This doesn't seem like it would be an uncommon layout, so does anyone know of a successful implementation of this kind of container?
Best you can do is use DeckPanel, and make your custom tab controls to switch visible widget in that DeckPanel.