How do I manually retain in Swift with ARC? - swift

I'm using Swift 3 with ARC in an iOS app, and I want to manually retain an object.
I tried object.retain() but Xcode says that it's unavailable in ARC mode. Is there an alternative way to do this, to tell Xcode I know what I'm doing?
Long Version:
I have a LocationTracker class that registers itself as the delegate of a CLLocationManager. When the user's location changes, it updates a static variable named location. Other parts of my code that need the location access this static variable, without having or needing a reference to the LocationTracker instance.
The problem with this design is that delegates aren't retained, so the LocationTracker is deallocated by the time the CLLocationManager sends a message to it, causing a crash.
I would like to manually increment the refcount of the LocationTracker before setting it as a delegate. The object will never be deallocated anyway, since the location should be monitored as long as the app is running.
I found a workaround, which is to have a static variable 'instance' that keeps a reference to the LocationTracker. I consider this design inelegant, since I'm never going to use the 'instance' variable. Can I get rid of it and explicitly increment the refcount?
This question is not a duplicate, as was claimed, since the other question is about Objective-C, while this one is about Swift.

The solution turned out to be to re-enable retain() and release():
extension NSObjectProtocol {
/// Same as retain(), which the compiler no longer lets us call:
func retainMe() -> Self {
_ = Unmanaged.passRetained(self)
return self
/// Same as autorelease(), which the compiler no longer lets us call.
/// This function does an autorelease() rather than release() to give you more flexibility.
func releaseMe() -> Self {
_ = Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).autorelease()
return self

This is easily done with withExtendedLifetime(_:_:) function. From the documentation:
Evaluates a closure while ensuring that the given instance is not destroyed before the closure returns.


Why is DispatchGroup deinit never called?

final class MyDispatchGroup: DispatchGroup {
deinit {
var dispatchGroup: MyDispatchGroup? = MyDispatchGroup()
dispatchGroup = nil
I couldn't find any information about it and I'm curious why does it behave this way.
Dispatch objects don’t conform to all sorts of inheritance behavior. Try overriding init. (And if you look at the header for the designated initializer says “/* not inherited */”.) Or try implementing another method in your subclass and then calling it from your instance. Or keep a strong reference for your class and look for it in the “Debug Memory Graph” navigator and you won’t find it there. None of this traditional inheritance behavior works.
Dispatch objects have a complicated history. Originally they were exposed via a C API and didn’t conform to ARC. Then they added ARC capabilities (which could be turned on or off with a compile-time flag) to this C API object. And then they wrapped the C API with a more traditional Swift object class definition, but are really still using this old C API behind the scenes.
Bottom line, DispatchGroup doesn’t support subclassing. Can't subclass DispatchGroup - "only visible via the Objective-C runtime"? suggests that this has been “fixed” in iOS 10+, but it is not. My only question is why, given all of that, and after all this time, they haven’t yet declared DispatchGroup to be final.

Closures and static funcs

I have a ViewModel class with a method like this:
func getUserSettings() {
UserSettingsManager.getInfo { (result, error) in
if error == nil {
self.userData = result
This class viewModel is instantiated and then viewModel.getUserSettings() is called. Such method is calling a static method UserSettings.getInfo which is passed an #escaping closure to be called as completion. That closure is capturing viewModel (it's using self within it's body).
What consequences does calling a static method have in terms of memory? How would that UserSettings class that is not instantiated be "deallocated"?
Could a strong reference cycle happen in this particular scenario? If so, how should self be captured: weak or strong?
What consequences does calling a static method have in terms of
memory? How would that UserSettings class that is not instantiated be
In the context of your question, the fact that the function is static doesn't have any special memory implications. Static methods have just as much potential to create reference cycles as non-static ones.
As you said, if there is no instance of UserSettingsManager, no instance will be deallocated. This fact alone does not eliminate the potential for reference cycles.
Could a strong reference cycle happen in this particular scenario? If so, how should self be captured: weak or strong?
Depending on what happens within getInfo, this could create a reference cycle. While, it seems unlikely, it's impossible to say for sure with the snippet you've posted.
For clarification, I should mention that you're currently capturing self strongly, which is default. This means the closure increments the strong reference count of the instance of self so that it can successfully interact with that instance when the closure is eventually invoked. To override this behavior and avoid a reference cycle, you'd use [weak self].
Finally, to visualize your current approach, you could think of it in the following manner:
UserSettingsManager → closure → self
That's a nice clean chain! A reference cycle would only occur if one of those links gained a reference back to another.

In Swift 4, how do I remove a block-based KVO observer?

If I store an observer like this:
let observer: NSKeyValueObservation = foo.observe(\.value, options: [.new]) { (foo, change) in
How do I remove/disable/cleanup observer once I no longer need it?
My foo instance does not have any remove-like method that receives an NSKeyValueObservation instance, the observer itself doesn't have any remove-like either.
In iOS 11, you don't have to. Just let the observer go out of scope. There is no penalty any longer for letting an observer die before the observed or for letting the observed die before the observer, so you have no actual work to do.
On the other hand, if you really want to unregister the observer, remove it from whatever is retaining it, or tell it to invalidate. (Something must be retaining it, because if you don't persist the observer, it will die and your observer function will never be called.)
(You say "if I store an observer like this", but the way you are storing it, with let, is a somewhat silly way to store the observer. It would be better to put it in a Set from which you can remove it later, or at least store it in a Optional var that you can later set to nil.)
With Swift 5, I began using .observe(\.propertyName, ...) on core data objects as the tokens automatically unregister at deinit or an invalidate() call on the token.
This works remarkably well until I recently noticed that I was leaking objects. I was seeing leaked NSKeyValueObservance, NSKeyValueObservationInfo, and NSArray objects. After verifying that I was managing the tokens properly, I finally tracked down the problem.
If you perform an .observe() on a Core Data object, you must keep the object as well as the token. If the object turns into a fault before you invalidate/release the token, you will leak memory. You do not crash but once it turns into a fault you will leak memory even if you free the token.

Swift 2: Why is it necessary to apply ‘as!’ after getting new object by ‘copy()’?

I’ve created new SKEmitterNode object using copy() method. After that i’ve tried to write emitter.position but Xcode said «Ambiguous reference to member ‘position’». But, when i use type conversion «as! SKEmitterNode» after the «copy()», everything is ok. Can you explain me, please, why am i need to use «as!» in this case? I can’t understand this because when i check value type of «emit» variable in debugger, i can see that it’s already have the type SKEmitterNode, even without using «as! SKEmitterNode» after «copy()».
class GameScene: SKScene, SKPhysicsContactDelegate {
let bangEmitter : SKEmitterNode = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: "MyParticle")!
func makeBang(position: CGPoint) {
// this method causes an error in second line
// but, emit is already have type SKEmitterNode, as debugger says
var emit = bangEmitter.copy()
emit.position = position
// this works ok
var emit = bangEmitter.copy() as! SKEmitterNode
emit.position = position
Because copy() is a method defined by NSObject and is meant to be overriden by subclasses to provide their own implementation. NSObject itself doesn't support it and will throw an exception if you call copy() on it.
Since it's meant for subclassing, there's no way to tell what the class of the object that will be returned. In Objective-C, it returns an id; in Swift, this becomes AnyObject. Since you, the programmer, know what kind of object you are copying from, you can use as! SomeClass to tell the compiler what kind of object the copy is.
This also speaks to the difference between ObjectiveC and Swift. Objective-C is dynamic. In Objective-C, every time you send a message, the run time will check if the object responds to the message. This happens at run time. In Swift, you call a method and this happens at compile time. The compiler must know the object's type in order to call the right function / method.
This explains why you get emit as an SKEmitterNode in the debugger - this is run time. The compiler doesn't know that at compile time.
Using the as! is an indicator that a check may fail.
Swift 1.2 separates the notions of guaranteed conversion and forced conversion into two distinct operators. Guaranteed conversion is still performed with the as operator, but forced conversion now uses the as! operator. The ! is meant to indicate that the conversion may fail. This way, you know at a glance which conversions may cause the program to crash.
Look up the definition of the function copy() and you'll see that it always returns Any, therefore you always need to cast it to the object that you're seeking.

When constructing a Swift UnsafeMutablePointer manually, is destroy/dealloc obligatory after alloc?

Let's say that in Swift I construct a C array manually and pass it, like this:
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
let c = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
var arr = UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>.alloc(4)
arr[0] = CGPoint(x:0,y:0)
arr[1] = CGPoint(x:50,y:50)
arr[2] = CGPoint(x:50,y:50)
arr[3] = CGPoint(x:0,y:100)
CGContextStrokeLineSegments(c, arr, 4)
(I know I don't have to do that, but just bear with me.) If I don't call destroy and/or dealloc on this UnsafeMutablePointer, am I leaking the memory for four CGPoints?
The documentation for UnsafeMutablePointer is pretty clear:
/// This type provides no automated
/// memory management, and therefore the user must take care to allocate
/// and free memory appropriately.
So if you allocate but don’t deallocate, you will leak memory. There’s no auto-deallocation on destruction of the pointer object.
Re whether you should destroy before deallocating, it’s also pretty clear:
/// The pointer can be in one of the following states:
/// - memory is not allocated (for example, pointer is null, or memory has
/// been deallocated previously);
/// - memory is allocated, but value has not been initialized;
/// - memory is allocated and value is initialized.
But bear in mind you can transition back and forth between these states. So after allocating then initializing then de-initialzing (aka destroying) the objects, the memory is no longer in the “initialized” state, so you can either re-initialize or deallocate it. You can also allocate, then deallocate, without ever initializing.
And when calling dealloc:
/// Deallocate `num` objects.
/// Precondition: the memory is not initialized.
/// Postcondition: the memory has been deallocated.
Therefore you must call destroy on any initialized objects before calling dealloc. You are probably right in that since something like CGPoint is totally inert (just a struct of two floating point nums) it probably doesn’t do any harm not to call destroy before you call dealloc but you can’t be certain without knowing the implementation (of both the pointer struct and the compiler probably, since the standard lib is a quasi-part of the language there could be some baked-in optimizations), and generally, it’s just not a good habit to get into. Sooner or later you’ll forget to destroy a String, and then you’ll be sorry.
(none of this accounts for the move operations btw which combine initializing new memory with destroying old memory)
If you were hoping for some kind of automated self-cleanup of memory by UnsafePointer, I don’t think this would be possible as a) it’s a struct, so can’t implement a deinit to auto-deallocate when going out of scope, and b) it doesn’t track it’s own size – you have to track how much you allocate, and supply that back explicitly in the call to deallocate.
There is something in the standard library that does auto-deallocate memory without you having to do it yourself – HeapBufferStorage, the one and only class in the standard library. Presumably it’s a class specifically to benefit from an implementation of deinit. There’s also HeapBuffer to manage it with, and this has a handy isUniquelyReferenced() function that allows you to tell if it’s been copied (even though it’s a struct) and so would allow you to implement copy-on-write capability similar to arrays and strings.
In Swift 2 UnsafeMutablePointer can be made a bit less frustrating by pairing alloc/dealloc with the new defer keyword:
let ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.alloc(1)
defer { ptr.dealloc(1) }
This is for others like me who found this question/answer thread by searching CGContextStrokeLineSegments. If your purpose is to call this function in Swift, you don't have to construct a C array pointer even though the function's second parameter is an UnsafeMutablePointer. You can directly pass a Swift array into it, even a non-mutable one, instead of a C pointer with its allocation and deallocation. For example:
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
if let c = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
let arr = [CGPoint(x:0,y:0), CGPoint(x:50,y:50), CGPoint(x:50,y:50), CGPoint(x:0,y:100)]
CGContextStrokeLineSegments(c, arr, 4)