Query rows for matching JSONB column where key ends with a name and key value is a specific value - postgresql

Given the following rows with a jsonb column details. How do I write a query so that records where the key name ends with _col with value B are selected. So records with ids 1, 2.
id | details
1 | { "one_col": "A", "two_col": "B" }
2 | { "three_col": "B" }
3 | { another: "B" }
So far I've only find ways to match based on the value, not the key.

Use the function jsonb_each_text() which gives json objects as pairs (key, value):
with the_data(id, details) as (
(1, '{ "one_col": "A", "two_col": "B" }'::jsonb),
(2, '{ "three_col": "B" }'),
(3, '{ "another": "B" }')
select t.*
from the_data t,
lateral jsonb_each_text(details)
where key like '%_col'
and value = 'B';
id | details
1 | {"one_col": "A", "two_col": "B"}
2 | {"three_col": "B"}
(2 rows)


Different path formats for PostgreSQL JSONB functions

I'm confused by how path uses different formats depending on the function in the PostgreSQL JSONB documentation.
If I had a PostgreSQL table foo that looks like
{"values": [{"id": "a_b", "value": 5}, {"id": "c_d", "value": 6]}
{"values": [{"id": "c_d", "value": 7}, {"id": "e_f", "value": 8]}
Why does this query give me these results?
SELECT json_obj, -- {"values": [{"id": "a_b", "value": 5}, {"id": "c_d", "value": 6]}
json_obj #? '$.values[*].id', -- true
json_obj #> '$.values[*].id', -- ERROR: malformed array literal
json_obj #> '{values, 0, id}', -- "a_b"
JSONB_SET(json_obj, '$.annotations[*].id', '"hi"') -- ERROR: malformed array literal
FROM foo;
Specifically, why does #? support $.values[*].id (described on that page in another section) but JSONB_SET uses some other path format {bar,3,baz}?
Ultimately, what I would like to do and don't know how, is to remove non-alphanumeric characters (e.g. underscores in this example) in all id values represented by the path $.values[*].id.
The reason is that the operators have different data types on the right hand side.
SELECT oprname, oprright::regtype
FROM pg_operator
WHERE oprleft = 'jsonb'::regtype
AND oprname IN ('#?', '#>');
oprname | oprright
#> | text[]
#? | jsonpath
(2 rows)
Similarly, the second argument of jsonb_set is a text[].
Now '$.values[*].id' is a valid jsonpath, but not a valid text[] literal.
Thanks for the answers and comments about why the data types were different.
I wanted to post how I solved my problem:
Ultimately, what I would like to do and don't know how, is to remove
non-alphanumeric characters (e.g. underscores in this example) in all
id values represented by the path $.values[*].id.
WITH unnested AS (
SELECT f.pk, JSONB_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(f.json_obj -> 'values') AS value
FROM foo f
updated_values AS (
SELECT un.pk, JSONB_SET(un.value, '{id}', TO_JSONB(LOWER(REGEXP_REPLACE(un.value ->> 'id', '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', 'g'))), FALSE) AS new_value
FROM unnested un
WHERE value -> 'id' IS NOT NULL -- Had some values that didn't have 'id' keys
UPDATE foo f2
SET json_obj = JSONB_SET(f2.json_obj, '{values}', (SELECT JSONB_AGG(uv.new_value) FROM updated_values uv WHERE uv.pk = f2.pk), FALSE)
WHERE JSONB_PATH_EXISTS(f2.json_obj, '$.values[*].id') -- Had some values that didn't have 'id' keys

How to count number of elements in the following JSON

I have a column in my Metabase table where the column entry is like the following:
{ “text_fields”: { “Weight”: “{:optional=>true, :priority=>4, :index=>false}” }, “checkbox_fields”: {}, “dropdown_fields”: { “Brand Name”: “{:optional=>false, :priority=>1, :index=>false, :options=>[“Non Branded”]}” }}
I want to get a net count of
The desired answer, in this case, will be: 2 (1 text field + 0 checkbox field + 1 dropdown field)
Use jsonb_each to iterate over object keys/values, and jsonb_object_keys to extract the keys only.
Example (with sample data included):
SELECT * FROM mytable ;
{"text_fields": {"Weight": 1}, "checkbox_fields": {}, "dropdown_fields": {"Brand Name": 1}}
(1 row)
(SELECT sum((SELECT count(*) FROM jsonb_object_keys(v1)))
FROM jsonb_each(mycolumn) AS j1(k1,v1)
WHERE k1 IN ('text_fields', 'checkbox_fields', 'dropdown_fields')
) AS mytotal
FROM mytable;
mycolumn | mytotal
{"text_fields": {"Weight": 1}, "checkbox_fields": {}, "dropdown_fields": {"Brand Name": 1}} | 2
(1 row)

Recursive JSONB postgres

I am trying to build a recursive CTE in Postgres that supports both arrays and objects, to return a list of key-value pairs and don't seem to be able to find a good example. This is my current code.
with recursive jsonRecurse as
j.key as Path
from jsonb_each(to_jsonb('{
"key1": {
"key2": [
"key3": "test3",
"key4": "test4"
"key5": [
"key7": "test7"
}'::jsonb)) j
union all
jr.path || '.' || jr2.Key
from jsonRecurse jr
left join lateral jsonb_each(jr.value) jr2 on true
where jsonb_typeof(jr.value) = 'object'
from jsonRecurse;
As you can see the code stops recursing as soon as I hit an array instead of an object. I've tried playing around with using a case statement and putting the function call to jsonb_each or jsonb_array_element in the case statement instead but I get an error telling me to use lateral joins instead.
I have used this example table to make the query more readable:
create table my_table(id serial primary key, jdata jsonb);
insert into my_table (jdata) values
"key1": {
"key2": [
"key3": "test3",
"key4": "test4"
"key5": [
"key7": "test7"
You have to join both jsonb_each(value) and jsonb_array_elements(value) conditionally, depending on the type of value:
with recursive extract_all as
key as path,
from my_table
cross join lateral jsonb_each(jdata)
union all
path || '.' || coalesce(obj_key, (arr_key- 1)::text),
coalesce(obj_value, arr_value)
from extract_all
left join lateral
jsonb_each(case jsonb_typeof(value) when 'object' then value end)
as o(obj_key, obj_value)
on jsonb_typeof(value) = 'object'
left join lateral
jsonb_array_elements(case jsonb_typeof(value) when 'array' then value end)
with ordinality as a(arr_value, arr_key)
on jsonb_typeof(value) = 'array'
where obj_key is not null or arr_key is not null
select *
from extract_all;
path | value
key1 | {"key2": [{"key3": "test3", "key4": "test4"}]}
key5 | [{"key6": [{"key7": "test7"}]}]
key1.key2 | [{"key3": "test3", "key4": "test4"}]
key5.0 | {"key6": [{"key7": "test7"}]}
key1.key2.0 | {"key3": "test3", "key4": "test4"}
key5.0.key6 | [{"key7": "test7"}]
key1.key2.0.key3 | "test3"
key1.key2.0.key4 | "test4"
key5.0.key6.0 | {"key7": "test7"}
key5.0.key6.0.key7 | "test7"
(10 rows)
Elements of json arrays have no keys, we should use their indexes to build a path. Therefore the function jsonb_array_elements() should be called with ordinality. Per the documentation (see Table Functions):
If the WITH ORDINALITY clause is specified, an additional column of type bigint will be added to the function result columns. This column numbers the rows of the function result set, starting from 1.
The function call
jsonb_array_elements(case jsonb_typeof(value) when 'array' then value end)
with ordinality as a(arr_value, arr_key)
returns pairs (value, ordinality) aliased as (arr_value, arr_key).

Postgres: How to string pattern match query a json column?

I have a column with json type but I'm wondering how to select filter it i.e.
select * from fooTable where myjson like "orld";
How would I query for a substring match like the above. Say searching for "orld" under "bar" keys?
{ "foo": "hello", "bar": "world"}
I took a look at this documentation but it is quite confusing.
Use the ->> operator to get json attributes as text, example
with my_table(id, my_json) as (
(1, '{ "foo": "hello", "bar": "world"}'::json),
(2, '{ "foo": "hello", "bar": "moon"}'::json)
select t.*
from my_table t
where my_json->>'bar' like '%orld'
id | my_json
1 | { "foo": "hello", "bar": "world"}
(1 row)
Note that you need a placeholder % in the pattern.

Updating PostgreSQL JSONB key value by adding 1 to existing key value

Im getting error while updating JSON data
"id": 1,
"value": 100
}$$::jsonb AS jsondata;
and I want to update value to 101 by adding 1, after visiting many websites I found this statement
UPDATE testTable
SET jsondata = JSONB_SET(jsondata, '{value}', (jsondata->>'value')::int + 1);
but above one is giving error "cannot convert jsonb to int"
and my expected output is
"id": 1,
"value": 101
Look at the signature of jsonb_set (using \df jsonb_set)
Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type
pg_catalog | jsonb_set | jsonb | jsonb_in jsonb, path text[], replacement jsonb, create_if_missing boolean DEFAULT true | normal
What you want is this..
UPDATE testTable
SET jsondata = jsonb_set(
to_jsonb((jsondata->>'value')::int + 1)