Streamline results in mapPartitions (Spark) - scala

Is there a way to return partial results in mapPartitions() ?
Currently I use it like this:
iter: iterator[InputType] => {
val additionalData = <some costly init operation>
val results = ArrayBuffer[OutputType]()
for(input: InputType <- iter) results += (transform(input, additionalData))
But of course if a partition is too big the results array will throw an OOM exception.
So my question: is there a way to send partial results every once in a while so as to avoid any OOM ?
I want to stick to mapPartitions because I initialize a costly object (e.g. get the value of a big broadcasted variable) before processing the input and I don't want to do that at every record like with map

If additionalData doesn't access the iterator you can just map:
iter: iterator[InputType] => {
val additionalData = ??? => transform(input, additionalData))


Scala broadcast join with "one to many" relationship

I am fairly new to Scala and RDDs.
I have a very simple scenario yet it seems very hard to implement with RDDs.
I have two tables. One large and one small. I broadcast the smaller table.
I then want to join the table and finally aggregate the values after the join to a final total.
Here is an example of the code:
val bigRDD = sc.parallelize(List(("A",1,"1Jan2000"),("B",2,"1Jan2000"),("C",3,"1Jan2000"),("D",3,"1Jan2000"),("E",3,"1Jan2000")))
val smallRDD = sc.parallelize(List(("A","Fruit","Apples"),("A","ZipCode","1234"),("B","Fruit","Apples"),("B","ZipCode","456")))
val broadcastVar = sc.broadcast(smallRDD.keyBy{ a => (a._1,a._2) } // turn to pair RDD
.collectAsMap() // collect as Map
//first join
val joinedRDD = accs => {
//get list of groups
val groups = List("Fruit", "ZipCode")
val i = "Fruit"
//for each group
//for(i <- groups) {
if (broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1, i) != None) {
( broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1, i).get._1,
broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1, i).get._2,
accs._2, accs._3)
} else {
//expected after this
//("A","Fruit","Apples",1, "1Jan2000"),("B","Fruit","Apples",2, "1Jan2000"),
//("A","ZipCode","1234", 1,"1Jan2000"),("B","ZipCode","456", 2,"1Jan2000")
//then group and sum
//cannot do anything with the joinedRDD!!!
//error == value copy is not a member of Product with Serializable
// Final Expected Result
//("Fruit","Apples",3, "1Jan2000"),("ZipCode","1234", 1,"1Jan2000"),("ZipCode","456", 2,"1Jan2000")
My questions:
Is this the best approach first of all with RDDs?
Disclaimer - I have done this whole task using dataframes successfully. The idea is to create another version using only RDDs to compare performance.
Why is the type of my joinedRDD not recognised after it was created so that I can continue to use functions like copy on it?
How can I get away with not doing a .collectAsMap() when broadcasting the variable. I currently have to include the first to items to enforce uniqueness and not dropping any values.
Thanks for the help in advance!
Final solution for anyone interested
case class dt (group:String, group_key:String, count:Long, date:String)
val bigRDD = sc.parallelize(List(("A",1,"1Jan2000"),("B",2,"1Jan2000"),("C",3,"1Jan2000"),("D",3,"1Jan2000"),("E",3,"1Jan2000")))
val smallRDD = sc.parallelize(List(("A","Fruit","Apples"),("A","ZipCode","1234"),("B","Fruit","Apples"),("B","ZipCode","456")))
val broadcastVar = sc.broadcast(smallRDD.keyBy{ a => (a._1) } // turn to pair RDD
.groupByKey() //to not loose any data
.collectAsMap() // collect as Map
//first join
val joinedRDD = bigRDD.flatMap( accs => {
if (broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1) != None) {
val bc = broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1).get => {
dt(p._2, p._3,accs._2, accs._3)
} else {
//expected after this
//("Fruit","Apples",1, "1Jan2000"),("Fruit","Apples",2, "1Jan2000"),
//("ZipCode","1234", 1,"1Jan2000"),("ZipCode","456", 2,"1Jan2000")
//then group and sum
var finalRDD = => {
(s.copy(count=0),s.count) //trick to keep code to minimum (count = 0)
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
.map(pair => {
In your map statement you return either a tuple or None based on the if condition. These types do not match so you fall back the a common supertype so joinedRDD is an RDD[Product with Serializable] Which is not what you want at all (it's basically RDD[Any]). You need to make sure all paths return the same type. In this case, you probably want an Option[(String, String, Int, String)]. All you need to do is wrap the tuple result into a Some
if (broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1, i) != None) {
Some(( broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1, i).get.group_key,
broadcastVar.value.get(accs._1, i),
accs._2, accs._3))
} else {
And now your types will match up. This will make joinedRDD and RDD[Option(String, String, Int, String)]. Now that the type is correct the data is usable, however, it means that you will need to map the Option to work with the tuples. If you don't need the None values in the final result, you can use flatmap instead of map to create joinedRDD which will unwrap the Options for you, filtering out all the Nones.
CollectAsMap is the correct way to turnan RDD into a Hashmap, but you need multiple values for a single key. Before using collectAsMap but after mapping the smallRDD into a Key,Value pair, use groupByKey to group all of the values for a single key together. When when you look up a key from your HashMap, you can map over the values, creating a new record for each one.

Scala Spark not returning value outside loop [duplicate]

I am new to Scala and Spark and would like some help in understanding why the below code isn't producing my desired outcome.
I am comparing two tables
My desired output schema is:
case class DiscrepancyData(fieldKey:String, fieldName:String, val1:String, val2:String, valExpected:String)
When I run the below code step by step manually, I actually end up with my desired outcome. Which is a List[DiscrepancyData] completely populated with my desired output. However, I must be missing something in the code below because it returns an empty list (before this code gets called there are other codes that is involved in reading tables from HIVE, mapping, grouping, filtering, etc etc etc):
val compareCols = Set(year, nominal, adjusted_for_inflation, average_private_nonsupervisory_wage)
val key = "year"
def compare(table:RDD[(String, Iterable[Row])]): List[DiscrepancyData] = {
var discs: ListBuffer[DiscrepancyData] = ListBuffer()
def compareFields(fieldOne:String, fieldTwo:String, colName:String, row1:Row, row2:Row): DiscrepancyData = {
if (fieldOne != fieldTwo){
row1.getAs(key).toString, //fieldKey
colName, //fieldName
row1.getAs(colName).toString, //table1Value
row2.getAs(colName).toString, //table2Value
row2.getAs(colName).toString) //expectedValue
else null
def comparison() {
for(row <- table){
var elem1 = row._2.head //gets the first element in the iterable
var elem2 = row._2.tail.head //gets the second element in the iterable
for(col <- compareCols){
var value1 = elem1.getAs(col).toString
var value2 = elem2.getAs(col).toString
var disc = compareFields(value1, value2, col, elem1, elem2)
if (disc != null) discs += disc
I'm calling the above function as such:
var outcome = compare(groupedFiltered)
Here is the data in groupedFiltered:
(1991,CompactBuffer([1991,7.14,5.72,39%], [1991,4.14,5.72,39%]))
(1997,CompactBuffer([1997,4.88,5.86,39%], [1997,3.88,5.86,39%]))
(1999,CompactBuffer([1999,5.15,5.96,39%], [1999,5.15,5.97,38%]))
(1947,CompactBuffer([1947,0.9,2.94,35%], [1947,0.4,2.94,35%]))
(1980,CompactBuffer([1980,3.1,6.88,45%], [1980,3.1,6.88,48%]))
(1981,CompactBuffer([1981,3.15,6.8,45%], [1981,3.35,6.8,45%]))
The table schema for groupedFiltered:
(year String,
nominal Double,
adjusted_for_inflation Double,
average_provate_nonsupervisory_wage String)
Spark is a distributed computing engine. Next to "what the code is doing" of classic single-node computing, with Spark we also need to consider "where the code is running"
Let's inspect a simplified version of the expression above:
val records: RDD[List[String]] = ??? //whatever data
var list:mutable.List[String] = List()
for {record <- records
entry <- records }
{ list += entry }
The scala for-comprehension makes this expression look like a natural local computation, but in reality the RDD operations are serialized and "shipped" to executors, where the inner operation will be executed locally. We can rewrite the above like this:
records.foreach{ record => //RDD.foreach => serializes closure and executes remotely
record.foreach{entry => //record.foreach => local operation on the record collection
list += entry // this mutable list object is updated in each executor but never sent back to the driver. All updates are lost
Mutable objects are in general a no-go in distributed computing. Imagine that one executor adds a record and another one removes it, what's the correct result? Or that each executor comes to a different value, which is the right one?
To implement the operation above, we need to transform the data into our desired result.
I'd start by applying another best practice: Do not use null as return value. I also moved the row ops into the function. Lets rewrite the comparison operation with this in mind:
def compareFields(colName:String, row1:Row, row2:Row): Option[DiscrepancyData] = {
val key = "year"
val v1 = row1.getAs(colName).toString
val v2 = row2.getAs(colName).toString
if (v1 != v2){
row1.getAs(key).toString, //fieldKey
colName, //fieldName
v1, //table1Value
v2, //table2Value
v2) //expectedValue
} else None
Now, we can rewrite the computation of discrepancies as a transformation of the initial table data:
val discrepancies = table.flatMap{case (str, row) =>
compareCols.flatMap{col => compareFields(col,, }
We can also use the for-comprehension notation, now that we understand where things are running:
val discrepancies = for {
(str,row) <- table
col <- compareCols
dis <- compareFields(col,,
} yield dis
Note that discrepancies is of type RDD[Discrepancy]. If we want to get the actual values to the driver we need to:
val materializedDiscrepancies = discrepancies.collect()
Iterating through an RDD and updating a mutable structure defined outside the loop is a Spark anti-pattern.
Imagine this RDD being spread over 200 machines. How can these machines be updating the same Buffer? They cannot. Each JVM will be seeing its own discs: ListBuffer[DiscrepancyData]. At the end, your result will not be what you expect.
To conclude, this is a perfectly valid (not idiomatic though) Scala code but not a valid Spark code. If you replace RDD with an Array it will work as expected.
Try to have a more functional implementation along these lines:
val finalRDD: RDD[DiscrepancyData] =

In Apache Spark, how to make an RDD/DataFrame operation lazy?

Assuming that I would like to write a function foo that transforms a DataFrame:
object Foo {
def foo(source: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
...complex iterative algorithm with a stopping condition...
since the implementation of foo has many "Actions" (collect, reduce etc.), calling foo will immediately triggers the expensive execution.
This is not a big problem, however since foo only converts a DataFrame to another, by convention it should be better to allow lazy execution: the implementation of foo should be executed only if the resulted DataFrame or its derivative(s) are being used on the Driver (through another "Action").
So far, the only way to reliably achieve this is through writing all implementations into a SparkPlan, and superimpose it into the DataFrame's SparkExecution, this is very error-prone and involves lots of boilerplate codes. What is the recommended way to do this?
It is not exactly clear to me what you try to achieve but Scala itself provides at least few tools which you may find useful:
lazy vals:
val rdd = sc.range(0, 10000)
lazy val count = rdd.count // Nothing is executed here
// count: Long = <lazy>
count // count is evaluated only when it is actually used
// Long = 10000
call-by-name (denoted by => in the function definition):
def foo(first: => Long, second: => Long, takeFirst: Boolean): Long =
if (takeFirst) first else second
val rdd1 = sc.range(0, 10000)
val rdd2 = sc.range(0, 10000)
{ println("first"); rdd1.count },
{ println("second"); rdd2.count },
true // Only first will be evaluated
// first
// Long = 10000
Note: In practice you should create local lazy binding to make sure that arguments are not evaluated on every access.
infinite lazy collections like Stream
import org.apache.spark.mllib.random.RandomRDDs._
val initial = normalRDD(sc, 1000000L, 10)
// Infinite stream of RDDs and actions and nothing blows :)
val stream: Stream[RDD[Double]] = Stream(initial).append( {
case rdd if !rdd.isEmpty =>
val mu = rdd.mean
rdd.filter(_ > mu)
case _ => sc.emptyRDD[Double]
Some subset of these should be more than enough to implement complex lazy computations.

Stop processing large text files in Apache Spark after certain amount of errors

I'm very new to Spark. I'm working in 1.6.1.
Let's imagine I have large file, I'm reading it into RDD[String] thru textFile.
Then I want to validate each line in some function.
Because file is huge, I want to stop processing when I reached certain amount of errors, let's say 1000 lines.
Something like
val rdd = sparkContext.textFile(fileName) => myValidator.validate(line))
here is validate function:
def validate(line:String) : (String, String) = {
// 1st in Tuple for resulted line, 2nd ,say, for validation error.
How to calculate errors inside 'validate'?. It is actually executed in parallel on multiple nodes? Broadcasts? Accumulators?
You can achieve this behavior using Spark's laziness by "splitting" the result of the parsing into success and failures, calling take(n) on the failures, and only using the success data if there were less then n failures.
To achieve this more conveniently, I'd suggest changing the signature of validate to return some type that can easily distinguish success from failure, e.g. scala.util.Try:
def validate(line:String) : Try[String] = {
// returns Success[String] on success,
// Failure (with details in the exception object) otherwise
And then, something like:
val maxFailures = 1000
val rdd = sparkContext.textFile(fileName)
val parsed: RDD[Try[String]] = => myValidator.validate(line)).cache()
val failures: Array[Throwable] = parsed.collect { case Failure(e) => e }.take(maxFailures)
if (failures.size == maxFailures) {
// report failures...
} else {
val success: RDD[String] = parsed.collect { case Success(s) => s }
// continue here...
Why would this work?
If there are less then 1000 failures, the entire dataset will be parsed when take(maxFailures) is called, the successful data will be cached and ready to use
If there are 1000 failures or more, the parsing would stop there, as the take operation won't require anymore reads

How can we avoid MapPartition related issues?

val counts = parsed.mapPartitions(iter => {
iter.flatMap(point => {
println("points"+point) => i,point(i)))
val count = parsed.mapPartitions(iter => {
iter.flatMap(point => {
println("pointsssss" + point.deep) => (i, point(i)))
When I execute count.foreach(println), I also get output from counts. How can I avoid this problem ?
The reason you see both print statements is that countByValue is itself an action and not a transformation, and it triggers evaluation of the RDD (in this case, both of them). From the docs:
def countByValue(): Map[T, Long]
Return the count of each unique value in this RDD as a map of (value, count) pairs. The final combine step happens locally on the master, equivalent to running a single reduce task.
Your next code, count.foreach(println) happens thus outside of Spark, in normal Scala Collections, in the master node.
Check the logic if this is not the behavior you want, I have the suspicion that you want countByKey() instead (also an action).