Stored Procedures and Events Aurora via CloudFormation - aws-cloudformation

I use CloudFormation's AWS::RDS::DBCluster resource to create my Aurora MySQL database cluster.
My question is, has anyone created stored procedures as well as events in Aurora MySQL via CloudFormation? Is that even possible?
Delivering these via CloudFormation would allow me to recreate the infrastructure without deploying the stored procedures and events separately.

There's no way to configure stored procedures and events with the AWS::RDS::DBCluster CloudFormation resource directly.
My suggestion would be to provision an AWS::EC2::Instance containing a UserData script that installs the mysql client, then executes the contents of a user-provided MySQL script creating events/stored-procedures on the newly-created DB instance.


AWS Aurora RDS PostgreSql create global database for existing cluster through cloud formation script

We already have a cluster and instance of Aurora PostgreSql in abc region. Now as part of disaster recovery strategy, we are trying to create a read replica in a xyz region.
I was able to create it manually by clicking on "Add Region" in AWS web console. As explained here.
As part of it, following as been created.
1. A global database to the existing cluster
2. Secondary region cluster
3. Secondary region instance.
Everything is fine. Now I have to implement this through cloud formation script.
My first question is, can we do this through Cloud formation script without losing data if primary cluster and instance already created ?
If possible, please share aws doc for cloud formation scripts.
Please see the other post on this subject: CloudFormation templates for Global Aurora Database
The API that is required for setting up the GlobalCluster is AWS::RDS::GlobalCluster and this is currently not listed in CloudFormation documentation.
I was able to do the same using Terraform and that is documented for PostgreSQL here: Getting Aurora PostgreSQL Global Database setup using Terraform

Will Serverless support AWS DocumentDB?

I work in a company that's using Serverless to build cloud-native applications and services. Today we use DynamoDB and SQL Databases with AWS Aurora.
We want to go with DocumentDB for our next application, but we could not find anything about Serverless and AWS DocumentDB. Does Serverless support AWS DocumentDB? If not, is there any plans to support it in the future?
Serverless supports any AWS resources that you can define using CloudFormation. As per the Serverless docs here:
Define your AWS resources in a property titled resources. What goes in
this property is raw CloudFormation template syntax, in YAML...
The YAML for creating a DocumentDB cluster is, going to look something like:
Type: "AWS::DocDB::DBCluster"
DeletionPolicy: Delete
DBClusterIdentifier: "MyCluster"
MasterUsername: "MasterUser"
MasterUserPassword: "Password1234!"
Type: "AWS::DocDB::DBInstance"
DBClusterIdentifier: "MyCluster"
DBInstanceIdentifier: "MyInstance"
DBInstanceClass: "db.r4.large"
DependsOn: DBCluster
You can find the other CloudFormation resources that you can define in the resources parameter of your Serverless.yaml here.
DocumentDB is not a serverless service. You need to manage the backend server to use it.
Please refer to this blog:, you can see it is not in the list of "SERVERLESS SERVICES ON AWS".
No, this won't support serverless, if you really want this you can go with DynamoDB. Also, can see differences if you want.
MongoDB is supported in this database, which provide ease to learn
Stored procedures are needed in this, where data retrieval and data accumulation is done with help
Document size is limited to 16MB and storage is maximized up to 64TB of data.
Daily backups are managed by the database itself, and can be recovered whenever required
This is costly as we require paying around $200/month even if the user uses only some instances of database or only used few hours.
AWS is not involved in the user credentials stored area as that will be stored in DB directly
Available in specific regions
Can be easily migrated out of AWS into any MongoDB
In case of primary node failure, service promotes read-replica to primary. Multi A-Z has to be configured by users. Backup can be copied across regions
MongoDB is not directly supported i this and even not easy to migrate from MongoDB to DynamoDB
Stored procedures are not needed in this, which makes the process easier for users
There is no limit in the document size as it can be scaled up to the size of user requirements
Daily backups are not available which makes the user too backup the data which triggered explicitly by users, and can be recovered whenever needed
There is initial cost associated with this, but overall cost is less. Also, on-demand pricing is available where user manage with the lesser amount of $1/month. 25GB data is provided for free in first stage.
AWS controls the user access to the database through identity and access management where authentication and authorization is needed for low level as well
Available in all regions
Can not be easily migrated out of AWS into any MongoDB, you need to write a code to transform
Support global tables, which protect users against regional failure. Data is automatically replicated across multiple AZs in a single region.

how to setup tables of aws aurora mysql using aws cloudformation or aws cdk?

how to setup tables of aws aurora mysql using aws cloudformation or aws cdk?
in my setup i have a serverless app using lambda for various microservices. the datebase is a serverless aurora mysql database. to provision the aws infrastructure i will use aws CDK. i like to setup the database using some migration tools like liquibase or sequelize.
for the moment i am using a separat lambda function. the lambda function executes liquibase to setup db changes. but i have to execute the function separately after deployment with CDK is succeded.
an execution triggered after the execution of the cloudformation stack (cdk stack) would be optimal?! I would like to avoid a CI / CD stack via code pipeline.
does anyone has best practice to setup database at provision time?
Cloud watch rules
Cloud watch rules based on cloudformation events can be used to route events for processing lambda. Cloud watch rules can be a part of the CDK deployment description.
The triggered function can then execute liquibase, flyway, sequelize or something else to spinup or change db.
---- or ----
Cloudformation custom resource
AWS cloudformation custom ressource can execute a lambda function during cloudformation lifecycle.
The triggered function can then execute liquibase, flyway, sequelize or something else to spinup or change db.
I use Cloudformation custom resources for running database migrations and initial database setup scripts at deployment time.
This is the recommended way for running DB migrations for serverless applications if you don't want to rely on a CI/CD pipeline to do it for you.
Here's a well written blog post by Alex DeBrie about CF custom resources:

AWS DMS - Scheduled DB Migration

I have Postgresql db in RDS. I need to fetch data from a bunch of tables in postgresql db and push data into a S3 bucket every hour. I only want the delta changes (any new inserts / updates) to be sent in the hourly. Is it possible to do this using DMS or is EMR a better tool for performing this activity?
You can create an automated environment of migration data from RDS to S3 using AWS DMS (Data Migration Service) tasks.
Create a source endpoint (reading your RDS database - Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, etc...);
Create a target endpoint using S3 as an engine endpoint (read it: Using Amazon S3 as a Target for AWS Database Migration Service);
Create a replication instance, responsible to make a bridge between source data and target endpoint (you will only pay while processing);
Create a database migration task using the option 'Replication data change only' on migration type field;
Create a cron lambda, which starts a DMS task, with stack Python following these instructions of this articles Lambda with scheduled events e Start DMS tasks with boto3 in Python.
Connecting these resources above you may can have what you want.
Renan S.

Loading data from S3 to PostgreSQL RDS

We are planning to go for PostgreSQL RDS in AWS environment. There are some files in S3 which we will need to load every week. I don't see any option in AWS documentation where we can load data from S3 to PostgreSQL RDS. I see it is possible for Aurora but cannot find anything for PostgreSQL.
Any help will be appreciated.
One option is to use AWS Data Pipeline. It's essentially a JSON script that allows you to orchestrate the flow of data between sources on AWS.
There's a template offered by AWS that's setup to move data between S3 and MySQL. You can find it here. You can easily follow this and swap out the MySQL parameters with those associated with your Postgres instance. Data Pipeline simply looks for RDS as the type and does not distinguish between MySQL and Postgres instances.
Scheduling is also supported by Data Pipeline, so you can automate your weekly file transfers.
To start this:
Go to the Data Pipeline service in your AWS console
Select "Build from template" under source
Select the "Load S3 to MySQL table" template
Fill in the rest of the fields and create the pipeline
From there, you can monitor the progress of the pipeline in the console!