I am trying to load a complex JSON file (multiple different data types, nested objects/arrays etc) from my local, read them in as a source using the Table API File System Connector, convert them into DataStream, and then do some action afterwards (not shown here for brevity).
The conversion gives me a DataStream of type DataStream[Row], which I need to convert to DataStream[RowData] (for sink purposes, won't go into details here). Thankfully, there's a RowRowConverter utility that helps to do this mapping. It works when I tried a completely flat JSON, but when I introduced Arrays and Maps within the JSON, it no longer works.
Here is the exception that was thrown - a null pointer exception:
at org.apache.flink.table.data.conversion.ArrayObjectArrayConverter.allocateWriter(ArrayObjectArrayConverter.java:140)
at org.apache.flink.table.data.conversion.ArrayObjectArrayConverter.toBinaryArrayData(ArrayObjectArrayConverter.java:114)
at org.apache.flink.table.data.conversion.ArrayObjectArrayConverter.toInternal(ArrayObjectArrayConverter.java:93)
at org.apache.flink.table.data.conversion.ArrayObjectArrayConverter.toInternal(ArrayObjectArrayConverter.java:40)
at org.apache.flink.table.data.conversion.DataStructureConverter.toInternalOrNull(DataStructureConverter.java:61)
at org.apache.flink.table.data.conversion.RowRowConverter.toInternal(RowRowConverter.java:75)
at flink.ReadJsonNestedData$.$anonfun$main$2(ReadJsonNestedData.scala:48)
Interestingly, when I setup my breakpoints and debugger this is what I discovered: RowRowConverter::toInternal, the first time it was called works, will go all the way down to ArrayObjectArrayConverter::allocateWriter()
However, for some strange reason, RowRowConverter::toInternal runs twice, and if I continue stepping through eventually it will come back here, which is where the null pointer exception happens.
Example of the JSON (simplified with only a single nested for brevity). I placed it in my /src/main/resources folder
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment
import org.apache.flink.table.api.DataTypes
import org.apache.flink.table.api.bridge.java.StreamTableEnvironment
import org.apache.flink.table.data.conversion.RowRowConverter
import org.apache.flink.table.types.FieldsDataType
import org.apache.flink.table.types.logical.RowType
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
object ReadJsonNestedData {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// setup
val jsonResource = getClass.getResource("/NESTED.json")
val jsonFilePath = jsonResource.getPath
val tableName = "orders"
val readJSONTable =
| CREATE TABLE $tableName (
| `discount` ARRAY<DECIMAL(12, 6)>
| )WITH (
| 'connector' = 'filesystem',
| 'path' = '$jsonFilePath',
| 'format' = 'json'
val colFields = Array(
val defaultDataTypes = Array(
DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.DECIMAL(12, 6))
val rowType = RowType.of(defaultDataTypes.map(_.getLogicalType), colFields)
val defaultDataTypesAsList = defaultDataTypes.toList.asJava
val dataType = new FieldsDataType(rowType, defaultDataTypesAsList)
val rowConverter = RowRowConverter.create(dataType)
// Job
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment()
val tableEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)
val ordersTable = tableEnv.from(tableName)
val dataStream = tableEnv
.map(row => rowConverter.toInternal(row))
I would hence like to know:
Why RowRowConverter is not working and how I can remedy it
Why RowRowConverter::toInternal is running twice for the same Row .. which may be the cause of that NullPointerException
If my method of instantiating and using the RowRowConverter is correct based on my code above.
Thank you!
IntelliJ 2021.3.2 (Ultimate)
AdoptOpenJDK 1.8
Scala: 2.12.15
Flink: 1.13.5
Flink Libraries Used (for this example):
The first call of RowRowConverter::toInternal is an internal implementation for making a deep copy of the StreamRecord emitted by table source, which is independent from the converter in your map function. The reason of the NPE is that the RowRowConverter in the map function is not initialized by calling RowRowConverter::open. You can use RichMapFunction instead to invoke the RowRowConverter::open in RichMapFunction::open.
Thank you to #renqs for the answer.
Here is the code, if anyone is interested.
class ConvertRowToRowDataMapFunction(fieldsDataType: FieldsDataType)
extends RichMapFunction[Row, RowData] {
private final val rowRowConverter = RowRowConverter.create(fieldsDataType)
override def open(parameters: Configuration): Unit = {
override def map(row: Row): RowData =
// at main function
// ... continue from previous
val dataStream = tableEnv
.map(new ConvertRowToRowDataMapFunction(dataType))
I've created a class containing a function that processes a spark dataframe.
class IsbnEncoder(df: DataFrame) extends Serializable {
def explodeIsbn(): DataFrame = {
val name = df.first().get(0).toString
val year = df.first().get(1).toString
val isbn = df.first().get(2).toString
val isbn_ean = "ISBN-EAN: " + isbn.substring(6, 9)
val isbn_group = "ISBN-GROUP: " + isbn.substring(10, 12)
val isbn_publisher = "ISBN-PUBLISHER: " + isbn.substring(12, 16)
val isbn_title = "ISBN-TITLE: " + isbn.substring(16, 19)
val data = Seq((name, year, isbn_ean),
(name, year, isbn_group),
(name, year, isbn_publisher),
(name, year, isbn_title))
The problem is I don't know how to create a dataframe within the class without creating a new instance of spark = sparksession.builder().appname("isbnencoder").master("local").getorcreate(). This is defined in another class in a separate file that includes this file and uses this class(the one I've included). Obviously, my code is getting errors because the compiler doesn't know what spark is.
You can create a trait that extends from serializable and create spark session as a lazy variable and then through out your project in all the objects that you create, you can extend that trait and it will give you sparksession instance.
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
trait SparkSessionWrapper extends Serializable {
lazy val spark: SparkSession = {
//object with the main method and it extends SparkSessionWrapper
object App extends SparkSessionWrapper {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val readdf = ReadFileProcessor.ReadFile("testpath")
val viewdf = spark.sql("Select * from TestTable")
object ReadFileProcessor extends SparkSessionWrapper{
def ReadFile(path: String) : DataFrame = {
val df = spark.read.format("csv").load(path)
As you are extending the SparkSessionWrapper on both the Objects that you created, spark session would get initialized when first time spark variable is encountered in the code and then you refer it on any object that extends that trait without passing that as a parameter to the method. It works or give you a experience that is similar to notebook.
I would like to create my own CacheStore using Slick to store data value in BinaryMode in a Postgres DB.
I have read the doc related to Binary Marshaller on Ignite Website.
I have been inspired by the code here https://github.com/gastonlucero/ignite-persistence/blob/master/src/main/scala/test/db/CachePostgresSlickStore.scala
So I have created that code :
val myCacheCfg = new CacheConfiguration[String, MySpecialCustomObject]("MYCACHE")
class myCacheSlickStore extends CacheStoreAdapter[String, MySpecialCustomObject] with PostgresSlickConnection with Serializable {.....}
trait PostgresSlickConnection extends PostgresSlickParameters {
val tableName: String
But I have this kind of error : "type mismatch;" for the line related to setCacheStoreFactory
Do you have any idea or example in order to create your own CacheStore with setStoreKeepBinary(true)?
Here a complete example to illustrate :
final case class myObject(
parameters_1: Map[String, Set[String]],
parameters_2: Map[String, Set[String]]
class CacheSlickStore extends CacheStoreAdapter[String, BinaryObject] {}
val JdbcPersistence =
val cacheCfg =
new CacheConfiguration[String, myObject](JdbcPersistence)
var cache: IgniteCache[String, myObject] = _
val config = new IgniteConfiguration()
ignition = Ignition.getOrStart(config)
cache = ignition.getOrCreateCache[String, myObject](JdbcPersistence)
If I cast CacheConfiguration it compiles but fails to run.
Finally the solution is to cast in scala to Any and not BinaryObject. You can find a solution here Github project
I needed a sink to Postgres DB, so I started to build a custom Flink SinkFunction. As FlinkKafkaProducer implements TwoPhaseCommitSinkFunction, then I decided to do the same. As stated in O'Reilley's book Stream Processing with Apache Flink, you just need to implement the abstract methods, enable checkpointing and you're up to go. But what really happens when I run my code is that commit method is called only once, and it is called before invoke, what is totally unexpected since you shouldn't be ready to commit if your set of ready-to-commit transactions is empty. And the worst is that, after committing, invoke is called for all of the transaction lines present in my file, and then abort is called, which is even more unexpected.
When the Sink is initialized, It is of my understanding that the following should occur:
beginTransaction is called and sends an identifier to invoke
invoke adds the lines to the transaction, according to the identifier received
pre-commit makes all final modification on current transaction data
commit handles the finalized transaction of pre-commited data
So, I can't see why my program doesn't show this behaviour.
Here goes my sink code:
package PostgresConnector
import java.sql.{BatchUpdateException, DriverManager, PreparedStatement, SQLException, Timestamp}
import java.text.ParseException
import java.util.{Date, Properties, UUID}
import org.apache.flink.api.common.ExecutionConfig
import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.{SinkFunction, TwoPhaseCommitSinkFunction}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala._
import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
class PostgreSink(props : Properties, config : ExecutionConfig) extends TwoPhaseCommitSinkFunction[(String,String,String,String),String,String](createTypeInformation[String].createSerializer(config),createTypeInformation[String].createSerializer(config)){
private var transactionMap : Map[String,Array[(String,String,String,String)]] = Map()
private var parsedQuery : PreparedStatement = _
private val insertionString : String = "INSERT INTO mydb (field1,field2,point) values (?,?,point(?,?))"
override def invoke(transaction: String, value: (String,String,String,String), context: SinkFunction.Context[_]): Unit = {
val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[FlinkCEPClasses.FlinkCEPPipeline])
val res = this.transactionMap.get(transaction)
var array = res.get
array = array ++ Array(value)
this.transactionMap += (transaction -> array)
val array = Array(value)
this.transactionMap += (transaction -> array)
LOG.info("\n\nPassing through invoke\n\n")
override def beginTransaction(): String = {
val LOG: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[FlinkCEPClasses.FlinkCEPPipeline])
val identifier = UUID.randomUUID.toString
LOG.info("\n\nPassing through beginTransaction\n\n")
override def preCommit(transaction: String): Unit = {
val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[FlinkCEPClasses.FlinkCEPPipeline])
val tuple : Option[Array[(String,String,String,String)]]= this.transactionMap.get(transaction)
tuple.get.foreach( (value : (String,String,String,String)) => {
case e : SQLException =>
LOG.info("\n\nError when adding transaction to batch: SQLException\n\n")
case f : ParseException =>
LOG.info("\n\nError when adding transaction to batch: ParseException\n\n")
case g : NoSuchElementException =>
LOG.info("\n\nError when adding transaction to batch: NoSuchElementException\n\n")
case h : Exception =>
LOG.info("\n\nError when adding transaction to batch: Exception\n\n")
this.transactionMap = this.transactionMap.empty
LOG.info("\n\nPassing through preCommit...\n\n")
override def commit(transaction: String): Unit = {
val LOG : Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[FlinkCEPClasses.FlinkCEPPipeline])
if(this.parsedQuery != null) {
LOG.info("\n\n" + this.parsedQuery.toString+ "\n\n")
val LOG : Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[FlinkCEPClasses.FlinkCEPPipeline])
LOG.info("\n\nExecuting batch\n\n")
case e : SQLException =>
val LOG : Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[FlinkCEPClasses.FlinkCEPPipeline])
LOG.info("\n\n"+"Error : SQLException"+"\n\n")
this.transactionMap = this.transactionMap.empty
LOG.info("\n\nPassing through commit...\n\n")
override def abort(transaction: String): Unit = {
val LOG : Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[FlinkCEPClasses.FlinkCEPPipeline])
this.transactionMap = this.transactionMap.empty
LOG.info("\n\nPassing through abort...\n\n")
override def open(parameters: Configuration): Unit = {
val LOG: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[FlinkCEPClasses.FlinkCEPPipeline])
val driver = props.getProperty("driver")
val url = props.getProperty("url")
val user = props.getProperty("user")
val password = props.getProperty("password")
val connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url + "?user=" + user + "&password=" + password)
this.parsedQuery = connection.prepareStatement(insertionString)
LOG.info("\n\nConfiguring BD conection parameters\n\n")
And this is my main program:
package FlinkCEPClasses
import PostgresConnector.PostgreSink
import org.apache.flink.api.java.io.TextInputFormat
import org.apache.flink.api.java.utils.ParameterTool
import org.apache.flink.cep.PatternSelectFunction
import org.apache.flink.cep.pattern.conditions.SimpleCondition
import org.apache.flink.cep.scala.pattern.Pattern
import org.apache.flink.core.fs.{FileSystem, Path}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala._
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.TimeCharacteristic
import org.apache.flink.cep.scala.{CEP, PatternStream}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.FileProcessingMode
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.{DataStream, StreamExecutionEnvironment}
import java.util.Properties
import org.apache.flink.api.common.ExecutionConfig
import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
class FlinkCEPPipeline {
val LOG: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[FlinkCEPPipeline])
LOG.info("\n\nStarting the pipeline...\n\n")
var env : StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
//var input : DataStream[String] = env.readFile(new TextInputFormat(new Path("/home/luca/Desktop/lines")),"/home/luca/Desktop/lines",FileProcessingMode.PROCESS_CONTINUOUSLY,1)
var input : DataStream[String] = env.readTextFile("/home/luca/Desktop/lines").name("Raw stream")
var tupleStream : DataStream[(String,String,String,String)] = input.map(new S2PMapFunction()).name("Tuple Stream")
var properties : Properties = new Properties()
tupleStream.addSink(new PostgreSink(properties,env.getConfig)).name("Postgres Sink").setParallelism(1)
tupleStream.writeAsText("/home/luca/Desktop/output",FileSystem.WriteMode.OVERWRITE).name("File Sink").setParallelism(1)
My S2PMapFunction code:
package FlinkCEPClasses
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.MapFunction
case class S2PMapFunction() extends MapFunction[String,(String,String,String,String)] {
override def map(value: String): (String, String, String,String) = {
var tuple = value.replaceAllLiterally("(","").replaceAllLiterally(")","").split(',')
My pipeline works like this: I read lines from a file, map them to a tuple of strings, and use the data inside the tuples to save them in a Postgres DB
If you want to simulate the data, just create a file with lines in a format like this:
The execution order of the TwoPhaseCommitSinkFUnction's methods is the following:
Starting pipeline...
I'm not an expert on this topic, but a couple of guesses:
preCommit is called whenever Flink begins a checkpoint, and commit is called when the checkpoint is complete. These methods are called simply because checkpointing is happening, regardless of whether the sink has received any data.
Checkpointing is happening periodically, regardless of whether any data is flowing through your pipeline. Given your very short checkpointing interval (10 msec), it does seem plausible that the first checkpoint barrier will reach the sink before the source has managed to send it any data.
It also looks like you are assuming that only one transaction will be open at a time. I'm not sure that's strictly guaranteed, but so long as maxConcurrentCheckpoints is 1 (which is the default), you should be okay.
So, here goes the "answer" for this question. Just to be clear: at this moment, the problem about the TwoPhaseCommitSinkFunction hasn't been solved yet. If what you're looking for is about the original problem, then you should look for another answer. If you don't care about what you'll use as a sink, then maybe I can help you with that.
As suggested by #DavidAnderson, I started to study the Table API and see if it could solve my problem, which was using Flink to insert lines in my database table.
It turned out to be really simple, as you'll see.
OBS: Beware of the version you are using. My Flink's version is 1.9.0.
Source code
package FlinkCEPClasses
import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.util.Properties
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.{TypeInformation, Types}
import org.apache.flink.api.java.io.jdbc.JDBCAppendTableSink
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.TimeCharacteristic
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.{DataStream, StreamExecutionEnvironment}
import org.apache.flink.table.api.{EnvironmentSettings, Table}
import org.apache.flink.table.api.scala.StreamTableEnvironment
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala._
import org.apache.flink.table.sinks.TableSink
import org.postgresql.Driver
class TableAPIPipeline {
// --- normal pipeline initialization in this block ---
var env : StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
var input : DataStream[String] = env.readTextFile("/home/luca/Desktop/lines").name("Original stream")
var tupleStream : DataStream[(String,Timestamp,Double,Double)] = input.map(new S2PlacaMapFunction()).name("Tuple Stream")
var properties : Properties = new Properties()
// --- normal pipeline initialization in this block END ---
// These two lines create what Flink calls StreamTableEnvironment.
// It seems pretty similar to a normal stream initialization.
val settings = EnvironmentSettings.newInstance().useBlinkPlanner().inStreamingMode().build()
val tableEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env,settings)
//Since I wanted to sink data into a database, I used JDBC TableSink,
//because it is very intuitive and is a exact match with my need. You may
//look for other TableSink classes that fit better in you solution.
var tableSink : JDBCAppendTableSink = JDBCAppendTableSink.builder()
.setQuery("INSERT INTO mytable (data1,data2,data3) VALUES (?,?,point(?,?))")
val fieldNames = Array("data1","data2","data3","data4")
val fieldTypes = Array[TypeInformation[_]](Types.STRING,Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP,Types.DOUBLE, Types.DOUBLE)
// This is the crucial part of the code: first, you need to register
// your table sink, informing the name, the field names, field types and
// the TableSink object.
// Then, you transform your DataStream into a Table object.
var table = tableEnv.fromDataStream(tupleStream)
// Finally, you insert your stream data into the registered sink.
I'm using the PostGIS extension for PostgreSQL and I'm trying to retrieve a PGgeometry object from a table.
This version is working fine :
import java.sql.DriverManager
import java.sql.Connection
import org.postgis.PGgeometry
object PostgersqlTest extends App {
val driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
val url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/gis"
var connection:Connection = null
try {
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url)
val statement = connection.createStatement()
val resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT geom FROM table;")
while ( resultSet.next() ) {
val geom = resultSet.getObject("geom").asInstanceOf[PGgeometry]
} catch {
case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace()
I need to be able to do the same thing using Slick custom query. But this version doesn't work :
Q.queryNA[PGgeometry]("SELECT geom FROM table;")
and gives me this compilation error
Error:(50, 40) could not find implicit value for parameter rconv: scala.slick.jdbc.GetResult[org.postgis.PGgeometry]
val query = Q.queryNA[PGgeometry](
Is there a simple way to add the PGgeometry data type in Slick without having to convert the returned object to a String and parse it?
To use it successfully, you need define a GetResult, and maybe SetParameter if you want to insert/update it to db.
Here's some codes extracted from slick tests (p.s. I assume you're using slick 2.1.0):
implicit val getUserResult = GetResult(r => new User(r.<<, r.<<))
case class User(id:Int, name:String)
val userForID = Q[Int, User] + "select id, name from USERS where id = ?"
But, if your java/scala type is jts.Geometry instead of PGgeometry, you can try to use slick-pg, which has built-in support for jts.Geometry and PostGIS for slick Lifted and Plain SQL.
To overcome the same issue, I used slick-pg (0.8.2)and JTS's Geometry classes as tminglei mentioned in the previous answer. There are two steps to use slick-pg to handle PostGIS's geometry types: (i) extend Slick's PostgresDriver with PgPostGISSupport and (ii) define an implicit converter for your plain query as shown below.
As shown in this page, you should first extend the PostgresDriver with PgPostGISSupport:
object MyPostgresDriver extends PostgresDriver with PgPostGISSupport {
override lazy val Implicit = new Implicits with PostGISImplicits
override val simple = new Implicits with SimpleQL with PostGISImplicits with PostGISAssistants
val plainImplicits = new Implicits with PostGISPlainImplicits
Using the implicit conversions defined in plainImplicits in the extended driver, you can write your query as:
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString // Or any other JTS geometry types.
import MyPostgresDriver.plainImplicits._
import scala.slick.jdbc.GetResult
case class Row(id: Int, geom: LineString)
implicit val geomConverter = GetResult[Row](r => {
Row(r.nextInt, r.nextGeometry[LineString])
val query = Q.queryNA[Row](
"""SELECT id, geom FROM table;"""