Spring Cloud - Registry Service port customization - spring-cloud

I'd like to customize the Eureka port with Spring Cloud.
With the default port below, the services registry sees itself right (within the provided GUI)
name: services-registry
port: 8761
hostname: localhost
nonSecurePort: ${server.port}
register-with-eureka: true
fetch-registry: false
default-zone: http://${eureka.instance.hostname}:${server.port}/eureka/
But if I just change server.port to 8787, no service can register itself, not even the services registry itself.
2017-01-09 16:18:21.584 WARN 17496 --- [nfoReplicator-0] c.n.d.s.t.d.RetryableEurekaHttpClient : Request execution failure
2017-01-09 16:18:21.584 WARN 17496 --- [nfoReplicator-0] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient : DiscoveryClient_SERVICES-REGISTRY/xxx.org:services-registry:8787 - registration failed Cannot execute request on any known server
com.netflix.discovery.shared.transport.TransportException: Cannot execute request on any known server
2017-01-09 16:13:33.299 WARN 17496 --- [nfoReplicator-0] c.n.discovery.InstanceInfoReplicator : There was a problem with the instance info replicator
com.netflix.discovery.shared.transport.TransportException: Cannot execute request on any known server
Can someone explain this issue and save my day? Thanks!

Ok, got it... the label after service-url property (which can be aliased as serviceUrl in YML) is a HashMap KEY, not a property label. So it has to be kept as a Camel Case tag in any ways!


Failed to establish connection to Neo4j usign bolt scheme even after successfully enabling Bolt

I want to connect to Neo4j database using my creds. I am tunneling into a machine and once that is done, I open my broswer at the port: localhost:7474.
I tried with both neo4j and bolt scheme to connect at the url:
bolt://<node_ip>:7687 and neo4j://<node_ip>:7687 but the connection times out.
I tried checking the logs but only found that bolt scheme is enabled:
bash-4.2$ tail -f /logs/debug.log
2021-07-02 21:26:03.323+0000 WARN [o.n.k.a.p.GlobalProcedures] Failed to load `org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogKitLogger` from plugin jar `/home/sandbox/neo/plugins/apoc-`: org/apache/log/Logger
2021-07-02 21:26:03.946+0000 INFO [c.n.m.g.GlobalMetricsExtension] Sending metrics to CSV file at /home/sandbox/neo/metrics
2021-07-02 21:26:03.973+0000 INFO [o.n.b.BoltServer] Bolt enabled on
2021-07-02 21:26:03.974+0000 INFO [o.n.b.BoltServer] Bolt (Routing) enabled on
2021-07-02 21:26:03.974+0000 INFO [o.n.s.AbstractNeoWebServer$ServerComponentsLifecycleAdapter] Starting web server
2021-07-02 21:26:04.001+0000 INFO [o.n.s.m.ThirdPartyJAXRSModule] Mounted unmanaged extension [n10s.endpoint] at [/rdf]
2021-07-02 21:26:05.341+0000 INFO [c.n.s.e.EnterpriseNeoWebServer] Remote interface available at http://<node_ip>:7474/
2021-07-02 21:26:05.341+0000 INFO [o.n.s.AbstractNeoWebServer$ServerComponentsLifecycleAdapter] Web server started.
2021-07-02 21:35:34.565+0000 INFO [c.n.c.c.c.l.s.Segments] [system/00000000] Pruning SegmentFile{path=raft.log.0, header=SegmentHeader{formatVersion=2, recordOffset=56, prevFileLastIndex=-1, segmentNumber=0, prevIndex=-1, prevTerm=-1}}
2021-07-02 21:35:46.079+0000 INFO [c.n.c.c.c.l.s.Segments] [neo4j/32f6599b] Pruning SegmentFile{path=raft.log.0, header=SegmentHeader{formatVersion=2, recordOffset=56, prevFileLastIndex=-1, segmentNumber=0, prevIndex=-1, prevTerm=-1}}
The query log is empty, as I could not execute any query:
bash-4.2$ tail -f query.log
2021-07-02 21:25:52.510+0000 INFO Query started: id:1 - 1009 ms: 0 B - embedded-session neo4j - - call db.clearQueryCaches() - {} - runtime=pipelined - {}
2021-07-02 21:25:52.580+0000 INFO id:1 - 1080 ms: 112 B - embedded-session neo4j - - call db.clearQueryCaches() - {} - runtime=pipelined - {}
The other articles or answers that I read were mostly about misconfiguration: wrong ports but I don't think that is the case with me since I checked from debug.log file that my ports are alright.
FWIW, I am using 3 replicas for my Neo4j and right now, connecting to just one pod.
I am tunnelling both the ports:
ssh -L 7687:$IP:7687 -L 7474:$IP:7474 domain_name.com -N```
Perhaps you've already checked this, but if not, can you ensure that port 7687 is also forwarded. When I tunnelled via browser, my expectation was that 7474 would be sufficient, but it turned out that forwarding 7687 is also necessary.
So, instead of providing localhost in the connection string, I made a silly mistake of writing down the actual IP and that was the reason for connection timeout.

why must eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone be provided in `bootstrap.properties` when config the spring cloud config server in a discovery manner?

I was aiming to config the location of spring cloud config server by setting spring.applicaton.name and server.port and eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone in application.properties together with spring.cloud.config.discovery.enabled=true and spring.cloud.config.discovery.service-id=cloud-config in bootstrap.properties, which turned out to be insufficient. The following error messages are shown in log:'
com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient : DiscoveryClient_BOOTSTRAP/ - was unable to refresh its cache! status = Cannot execute request on any known server
No instances found of configserver (cloud-config)
According to the docs, I moved eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone into bootstrap.properties and succeeded.
My question is, if spring.application.name and server.port are essential for a eureka client to register on the eureka server, why they can be unsettled in bootstrap.properties for the config client?
I suspect that the config client will first use eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone alone to connect with the eureka server and fetch service registration informations but not register itself so as to locate the config server and pull something. After that, since the config client is also a eureka client, it uses relative parameters in application.properties to register on eureka server. As some evidence of my suspect, I found the following logs during the startup of the application:
2017-09-07 06:13:09.651 INFO [bootstrap,,,] 74104 --- [ restartedMain] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient : Getting all instance registry info from the eureka server
2017-09-07 06:13:09.817 INFO [bootstrap,,,] 74104 --- [ restartedMain] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient : The response status is 200
2017-09-07 06:13:09.821 INFO [bootstrap,,,] 74104 --- [ restartedMain] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient : Not registering with Eureka server per configuration
2017-09-07 06:13:37.427 INFO [-,,,] 74104 --- [ restartedMain] com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient : Getting all instance registry info from the eureka server
Is it?

setting spring data jedis connection pool using application.yml file

We are using spring data redis. Below mentioned are property for sentinel configuration
spring.redis.sentinel.master: globalsessions_dev
spring.redis.sentinel.nodes: sentinel01.stage.shutterfly.com:26379,sentinel02.stage.shutterfly.com:26379,sentinel03.stage.shutterfly.com:26379
We would like to use connection pool also to be configured in same manner. Spring redis documentation does not provide details of connection pool yml property.
Thanks in advance.
profiles: live
port: 6379
max-wait: -1
max-active: -1
max-idle: -1
min-idle: 16
You could also use Spring tool suite, it has nice autocompletion of yaml properties ;)

Spring cloud sidecar can not un-register nodeJS service once it is shut down

I suspect this is an issue, can anyone help to have a check?
In my sideCar application, I have application.yml:
port: 5678
name: nodeservice
port: ${nodeServer.instance.port:3000}
health-uri: http://localhost:${nodeServer.instance.port:3000}/app/health.json
hostname: ${host.instance.name:localhost}
leaseRenewalIntervalInSeconds: 5 #default is 30, recommended to keep default
instanceId: ${spring.application.name}:${spring.application.instance_id:${random.value}}
defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/
And in my main spring config app, I have:
String url_node = "";
try {
InstanceInfo instance = discoveryClient.getNextServerFromEureka("nodeservice", false);
// InstanceInfo instance = discoveryClient.getNextServerFromEureka("foo", false);
url_node = instance.getHomePageUrl();
} catch (Exception e) {
Now I start my nodeJS server, I have in spring app:
url for nodeService is: http://SJCC02MT0NUFD58.local:3000/
This is perfect, but after I shutdown my nodeJS server,
http://localhost:3000/app/health.json url is totally down, BUT, in the main java spring app, I still see the same output there.
So it seemed even if the NodeJS service is no longer available, eureka is still remembering that in memory.
Anything wrong for my configuration?
Another question is why the url being discovered by spring is http://SJCC02MT0NUFD58.local:3000/, not http://localhost:3000? I already configured Eureka.server.instance.host to be localhost.
You are seeing the appropriate behavior. Eureka and ribbon are built to be very resilient (AP in CAP). In the case you described, a service had at least one instance, then there were none, the ribbon eureka client keeps the last know list of servers around as a last resort. You're just printing the names, if you try to connect to that service it will fail. This is where you use the Hystrix Circuit Breaker that can provide a fallback in the case that no instances are up.

Spring Boot with server.contextPath set vs. URL to hystrix.stream via Eureka Server

I have Eureka Server with Turbine instance running and a few discovery clients that are connected to it. Everything works fine, but if I register a discovery client that has server.contextPath set, it didn't get recognized by InstanceMonitor and Turbine stream is not able to combine its hystrix.stream.
This is how it looks in the logs of Eureka/Turbine server:
2015-02-12 06:56:23.265 INFO 1 --- [ Timer-0] c.n.t.discovery.InstanceObservable : Hosts up:3, hosts down: 0
2015-02-12 06:56:23.266 INFO 1 --- [ Timer-0] c.n.t.monitor.instance.InstanceMonitor : Url for host: http://user-service:8887/hystrix.stream default
2015-02-12 06:56:23.268 ERROR 1 --- [InstanceMonitor] c.n.t.monitor.instance.InstanceMonitor : Could not initiate connection to host, giving up: []
2015-02-12 06:56:23.269 WARN 1 --- [InstanceMonitor] c.n.t.monitor.instance.InstanceMonitor : Stopping InstanceMonitor for: user-service default
com.netflix.turbine.monitor.instance.InstanceMonitor$MisconfiguredHostException: []
at com.netflix.turbine.monitor.instance.InstanceMonitor.init(InstanceMonitor.java:318)
at com.netflix.turbine.monitor.instance.InstanceMonitor.access$100(InstanceMonitor.java:103)
at com.netflix.turbine.monitor.instance.InstanceMonitor$2.call(InstanceMonitor.java:235)
at com.netflix.turbine.monitor.instance.InstanceMonitor$2.call(InstanceMonitor.java:229)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
It tries to get hystrix stream from http://user-service:8887/hystrix.stream where the correct URL including sever.contextPath should be http://user-service:8887/uaa/hystrix.stream
The application.yml of that client contains:
port: 8887
contextPath: /uaa
ignored: /css/**,/js/**,/favicon.ico,/webjars/**
enabled: false
My question is: should I add some additional configuration options to this user-service discovery client to register proper hystrix.stream URL location?
I didn't dig into that yet, I will let you know if found something before getting answer to that question.
Current solution
There is one problem when it comes to using server.contextPath and management.context-path. When both are set, turbine stream is being served on ${HOST_URL}/${server.contextPath}/${management.context-path}/hystrix.stream. In that case I had to drop using server.contextPath (I replaced it with a prefix in controllers #RequestMapping).
Now, when you user management.context-path, then your hystrix.stream is being served from the URL that uses it as a prefix. In that case you have to follow Spencer's suggestion and set
And of course this management.context-path must be set with the same value for all your Discovery Clients - it can be done easily with Spring Cloud Config http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-config/spring-cloud-config.html
You can set turbine.instanceUrlSuffix.<CLUSTERNAME>=/uaa/hystrix.stream. Where <CLUSTERNAME> is the value set in turbine.aggregator.clusterConfig. All of the config options from the Turbine 1 wiki work. You don't need to add the port to the suffix as Spring Cloud Netflix Turbine adds the port from eureka.