Publish stream in github - github

I'm starting working on a little TypeScript plugin that I will put into Github.
I use Gulp to build my project and I think I will add this plugins to npm & bower at begining.
In many project in Github, you can see this kind of "images"( example of boostrap ):
After some research, I didn't find a tutorial to add this "images" in my readme...
If someone have a tutorial :)

I found after looking in all link in my Github project
You just need to go in Settings > Integrations & services
After just click in browse directory button to get some services needed to your project.
It seems to be the same for npm and others..


How to create eclipse plugin to checkout project and configure it

I want to automate the project check out and configuration, for that I am trying to create plugin. I tried to search the web but no luck so far.
I have started with the basic example templates but how to code checkout and configuration, can't figure out. Please suggest.
Thank you.

How to start with protractor automation using jasmin

I am new to protractor. I started to automate a small application using protractor. My question is do we create the project straight away using package.json by mentioning dependencies or
Do we install selenium , protractor through command prompt then write scripts. Once all done and working fine, then build the project using package.json again?
Please some one clarify me.
Thanks in advance
Protractor is used for end to end testing of another web project
You can create a separate folder called e2e in your project folder.
You can use the same package.json file, but create a new configuration file for e2e.
In the npm scripts you can first, build the project first and then run the test script.
Finally, I would say that a separate project is not required, as they are part of the same application.
I have worked on a couple of protractor projects. Feel free to ask anything.
Hope this answers your question.
You can create a simple project by downloading angular CLI project onto your workspace.
You can refer to any angular CLI site or video to start with. You will get all needed folders to start with, like e2e, src, etc and files like package.json, protractor conf etc.

nopcommerce 4.2 payment methods missing

I have NopCommerce source code and I cannot see any payment methods which used to come default with nopcommerce. It says download from Marketplace but I cant find PayPal Standard plugin on the marketplace
In the root plugin folder I can see the plugin Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalStandard which has some files. I believe this is a source code of the plugin. Then I can also see an empty folder of Payments.PayPalStandard
I can see the plugin in action on the demo nopcommerce site so I believe it is still relevant and available.
Am I missing something? Where can I find the plugin and how can I install it on my application
Please download no source code from github.
Refer this link for download deployed code.
It's not possible that any payment plugin not there into plugin folder.
So please dowload from given link and check there are many payment plugins inbuilt.
Currently I have downoad nopCommerce_4.20_NoSource_SelfContained.rar and checked Payments.PayPalStandard is there.
\Plugins is a Visual Studio solution folder that contains plugin projects. Physically it's located in the root of your solution. But plugins DLLs are automatically copied in \Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins\ directory which is used for already deployed plugins because the build output paths of all plugins are set to ..\..\Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins\{Group}.{Name}\. This allows plugins to contain some external files, such as static content (CSS or JS files) without having to copy files between projects to be able to run the project.
You need to build the project Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalStandard, to publish the binary files in the output directory of \Presentation\Nop.Web project. Then run the project and complete the installation process of the plug-in in the administrative panel.

Manage dependencies of ionic project - Github

I am working on an ionic project which needs to be shared with multiple developers using Github. We are not syncing the following folders to github, so they are part of the .gitignore file
How would a new developer (who gets the app from github) would manage the dependencies that are part of these folders.
If I do 'ionic state restore' from the terminal then it fetches all the cordova plugins that are part of package.json. So, this takes care of the 'plugins/' folder.
However, www/lib folder is still empty. What do I need to do to get all the ionic/angular related javascript files that reside in the www/lib folder.
(Assuming the you have both bower and npm installed, if not follow these links to get your setup done: npm, bower)
Ionic uses bower as its library package manager. Run these commands after you clone the project from github:
npm install (refers package.json to install plugins)
bower install (referes bower.json to install libs)
Hope it was helpful, Happy coding. :)

Redmine 2.6.1 See Project in tree view

I am looking for a way to get redmine to show the projects list as a tree view.
I have looked a lot in internet and so far have found two plugins that should do it but none of them work.
The first on was: redmine_projects_accordion ( and the other was: Projects_Tree_View (
I am using redmine 2.6.1
Thanks for the help!
If anyone is looking also for a solution to this I found one! There is a project call Redmine Projects Treeview. Here you can download a plugin that does work with version 2.6.1.
Here is the link:
Thanks to the CSS Ninja here is an explanition on how this works:
Here is also the Project website:
In order to make it work download the files from here: extract the folder projectstreeview-code-81-trunk from the zip files and rename it to "projects_treeview" and put it in the plugin folder of redmine. Restart Redmine and it should work.
Hope this helps someone else....