postgres many tables vs one huge table - postgresql

I am using postgresql db.
my application manages many objects of the same type.
for each object my application performs intense db writing - each object has a line inserted to db at least once every 30 seconds. I also need to retrieve the data by object id.
my question is how it's best to design the database? use one huge table for all the objects (slower inserts) or use table for each object (more complicated retrievals)?

Tables are meant to hold a huge number of objects of the same type. So, your second option, that is one table per object, doesn't seem to look right. But of course, more information is needed.
My tip: start with one table. If you run into problems - mainly performance - try to split it up. It's not that hard.

Logically, you should use one table.
However, so called "write amplification" problem exhibited by PostgreSQL seems to have been one of the main reasons why Uber switeched from PostgreSQL to MySQL. Quote:
"For tables with a large number of secondary indexes, these
superfluous steps can cause enormous inefficiencies. For instance, if
we have a table with a dozen indexes defined on it, an update to a
field that is only covered by a single index must be propagated into
all 12 indexes to reflect the ctid for the new row."
Whether this is a problem for your workload, only measurement can tell - I'd recommend starting with one table, measuring performance, and then switching to multi-table (or partitioning, or perhaps switching the DBMS altogether) only if the measurements justify it.

A single table is probably the best solution if you are certain that all objects will continue to have the same attributes.
INSERT does not get significantly slower as the table grows – it is the number of indexes that slows down data modification.
I'd rather be worried about data growth. Do you have a design for getting rid of old data? Big DELETEs can be painful; sometimes partitioning helps.


Getting Over to Someone Why Views Can't Be Used as a Tables

For some reason I'm having a hard time getting over to some people that using a view in Postgres as you would use a table, is a bad idea.
As some background, there are a number of tables containing completely static data that is updated every few months via a batch import into different tables by date - table_201603 or table_201607. A view has then been created called 'table' which clients then use which is just a 'SELECT * FROM' of the table. When an updated batch of data is put into a new table the view is then updated to point at the new table. This means an in-place rename of the table does not need to take place that might mean downtime. This is in a version of Postgres before 9.3 where materialized views came in, just to clarify. These tables generally have about 100 million rows in them.
This is understandably leading to some confusing results when people are querying these views with very inconsistent query times. Sometimes queries are taking seconds, other times 20 or 30 milliseconds.
Additional: This is geospatial data, so they're doing geospatial queries on a view.
I know what many of the pitfalls here are - views are created on-the-fly like a sub-query, you're very much at the whim of the query planner as to what predicates get brought down and how long results are cached as results aren't physically stored as tables - but can anyone see anything else and suggest a better way of doing this? I can imagine this would be a reasonably common scenario so it might help others.
In general, this reminds me a use case for synonym. However, there are no synonyms in Postgres and they recommend using Views and or separation by schema$mo6$

Guideline when designing a database in Postgresql

I am designing a database in Postgresql and I would like to have some expert advices before refactorizing my work.
The database naturally contains different parts that I plan to separate into schemas in order to have a mangling of object names that reflect logical organization of them. About 20 tables are for scientific purposes and 20 others are technical and 20 furthers are about administrative tasks.
Is that a good idea or am I misleading myself into a management overhead that I will regret later?
The database contains 3 tables that are huge. By huge, I mean there is more than 60 millions of rows in it and they might grow a little bit. I think I will create special tablespace for that tables. I would like to do it, in order to separate logically the place where data are stored because the rest of the database should be backuped in a different way than that three tables.
Further more one those 3 tables contains binary data that are not heavy but weight a bit when multiplying by the amount of rows and also this table grows faster than the 2 others. Then I will periodically purge it after backuping the table.
Is it a good idea to have more than one tablespace in a database? If so, is there any precaution to be taken when proceeding this way?
Thank you in advance for your advices.
Choosing good names & grouping database stuffs is always a wise choice, and such overheads are not usually considerable.
About separating tablespace of a single database, it also should not cause any special problem, I've a similar database (but in mysql) that has a large file table and I had to move all of it's content to another server for some optimization reasons and i had no problem with it till now.
There is a very more important matter in RDBMS designing and that's CORRECT TABLE INDEXING. I think choosing good indexes is most critical phase of designing a relational database and you'll see it's effect soon (when you begin to write JOIN queries!).
In general, designing and implementing database is an experimental job that depends to your situation and expertness, so you can't seek for a solid instruction.

Postgres partitioning?

My software runs a cronjob every 30 minutes, which pulls data from Google Analytics / Social networks and inserts the results into a Postgres DB.
The data looks like this:
url text NOT NULL,
rangeStart timestamp NOT NULL,
rangeEnd timestamp NOT NULL,
createdAt timestamp DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
(various integer columns)
Since one query returns 10 000+ items, it's obviously not a good idea to store this data in a single table. At this rate, the cronjob will generate about 480 000 records a day and about 14.5 million a month.
I think the solution would be using several tables, for example I could use a specific table to store data generated in a given month: stats_2015_09, stats_2015_10, stats_2015_11 etc.
I know Postgres supports table partitioning. However, I'm new to this concept, so I'm not sure what's the best way to do this. Do I need partitioning in this case, or should I just create these tables manually? Or maybe there is a better solution?
The data will be queried later in various ways, and those queries are expected to run fast.
If I end up with 12-14 tables, each storing 10-20 millions rows, Postgres should be still able to run select statements quickly, right? Inserts don't have to be super fast.
Partitioning is a good idea under various circumstances. Two that come to mind are:
Your queries have a WHERE clause that can be readily mapped onto one or a handful of partitions.
You want a speedy way to delete historical data (dropping a partition is faster than deleting records).
Without knowledge of the types of queries that you want to run, it is difficult to say if partitioning is a good idea.
I think I can say that splitting the data into different tables is a bad idea because it is a maintenance nightmare:
You can't have foreign key references into the table.
Queries spanning multiple tables are cumbersome, so simple questions are hard to answer.
Maintaining tables becomes a nightmare (adding/removing a column).
Permissions have to be carefully maintained, if you have users with different roles.
In any case, the place to start is with Postgres's documentation on partitioning, which is here. I should note that Postgres's implementation is a bit more awkward than in other databases, so you might want to review the documentation for MySQL or SQL Server to get an idea of what it is doing.
Firstly, I would like to challenge the premise of your question:
Since one query returns 10 000+ items, it's obviously not a good idea to store this data in a single table.
As far as I know, there is no fundamental reason why the database would not cope fine with a single table of many millions of rows. At the extreme, if you created a table with no indexes, and simply appended rows to it, Postgres could simply carry on writing these rows to disk until you ran out of storage space. (There may be other limits internally, I'm not sure; but if so, they're big.)
The problems only come when you try to do something with that data, and the exact problems - and therefore exact solutions - depend on what you do.
If you want to regularly delete all rows which were inserted more than a fixed timescale ago, you could partition the data on the createdAt column. The DELETE would then become a very efficient DROP TABLE, and all INSERTs would be routed through a trigger to the "current" partition (or could even by-pass it if your import script was aware of the partition naming scheme). SELECTs, however, would probably not be able to specify a range of createAt values in their WHERE clause, and would thus need to query all partitions and combine the results. The more partitions you keep around at a time, the less efficient this would be.
Alternatively, you might examine the workload on the table and see that all queries either already do, or easily can, explicitly state a rangeStart value. In that case, you could partition on rangeStart, and the query planner would be able to eliminate all but one or a few partitions when planning each SELECT query. INSERTs would need to be routed through a trigger to the appropriate table, and maintenance operations (such as deleting old data that is no longer needed) would be much less efficient.
Or perhaps you know that once rangeEnd becomes "too old" you will no longer need the data, and can get both benefits: partition by rangeEnd, ensure all your SELECT queries explicitly mention rangeEnd, and drop partitions containing data you are no longer interested in.
To borrow Linus Torvald's terminology from git, the "plumbing" for partitioning is built into Postgres in the form of table inheritance, as documented here, but there is little in the way of "porcelain" other than examples in the manual. However, there is a very good extension called pg_partman which provides functions for managing partition sets based on either IDs or date ranges; it's well worth reading through the documentation to understand the different modes of operation. In my case, none quite matched, but forking that extension was significantly easier than writing everything from scratch.
Remember that partitioning does not come free, and if there is no obvious candidate for a column to partition by based on the kind of considerations above, you may actually be better off leaving the data in one table, and considering other optimisation strategies. For instance, partial indexes (CREATE INDEX ... WHERE) might be able to handle the most commonly queried subset of rows; perhaps combined with "covering indexes", where Postgres can return the query results directly from the index without reference to the main table structure ("index-only scans").

Performance improvement for fetching records from a Table of 10 million records in Postgres DB

I have a analytic table that contains 10 million records and for producing charts i have to fetch records from analytic table. several other tables are also joined to this table and data is fetched currently But it takes around 10 minutes even though i have indexed the joined column and i have used Materialized views in Postgres.But still performance is very low it takes 5 mins for executing the select query from Materialized view.
Please suggest me some technique to get the result within 5sec. I dont want to change the DB storage structure as so much of code changes has to be done to support it. I would like to know if there is some in built methods for query speed improvement.
Thanks in Advance
In general you can take care of this issue by creating a better data structure(Most engines do this to an extent for you with keys).
But if you were to create a sorting column of sorts. and create a tree like structure then you'd be left to a search rate of (N(log[N]) rather then what you may be facing right now. This will ensure you always have a huge speed up in your searches.
This is in regards to binary tree's, Red-Black trees and so on.
Another implementation for a speedup may be to make use of something allong the lines of REDIS, ie - a nice database caching layer.
For analytical reasons in the past I have also chosen to make use of technologies related to hadoop. Though this may be a larger migration in your case at this point.

PostgreSQL: What is the maximum number of tables can store in postgreSQL database?

Q1: What is the maximum number of tables can store in database?
Q2: What is the maximum number of tables can union in view?
Q1: There's no explicit limit in the docs. In practice, some operations are O(n) on number of tables; expect planning times to increase, and problems with things like autovacuum as you get to many thousands or tens of thousands of tables in a database.
Q2: It depends on the query. Generally, huge unions are a bad idea. Table inheritance will work a little better, but if you're using constraint_exclusion will result in greatly increased planning times.
Both these questions suggest an underlying problem with your design. You shouldn't need massive numbers of tables, and giant unions.
Going by the comment in the other answer, you should really just be creating a few tables. You seem to want to create one table per phone number, which is nonsensical, and to create views per number on top of that. Do not do this, it's mismodelling the data and will make it harder, not easier, to work with. Indexes, where clauses, and joins will allow you to use the data more effectively when it's logically structured into a few tables. I suggest studying basic relational modelling.
If you run into scalability issues later, you can look at partitioning, but you won't need thousands of tables for that.
Both are, in a practical sense, without limit.
The number of tables a database can hold is restricted by the space on your disk system. However, having a database with more than a few thousand tables is probably more an expression of an incorrect analysis of your application domain. Same goes for unions: if you have to union more than a handful of tables you probably should look at your table structure.
One practical scenario where this can happen is with Postgis: having many tables with similar attributes that could be joined in a single view (this is a flaw in the design of Postgis IMHO), but that would typically be handled at the application side (e.g. a GIS).
Can you explain your scenario where you would need a very large number of tables that need to be queried in one sweep?