I have Googled this and searched the Tableau forums but I'm coming up empty. How can I calculate a distinct count of City Names using Tableau?
Is it not:
Create Calculated Field Analysis->Create Calulatated Field
Name it and enter the below formula
COUNTD([City Name])
Then pull that into your measures?
This should give you your total count. Or am I missing something in your question?
Another easy way to tackle this problem:
"we need two information as city name and city name (Count Distinct)"
1.To get city name Select [city name] and drag it to row shelf.
2.Again Drag city name into row shelf and Right click on city name in row shelf and Go into measures and select Count Distinct.
Describe in the below link about how to do count Distinct of city name
Is it possible to change the order of a column that's used for row grouping?
Country, Account , total
Group rows by Country but display like this:
Account, Total, Country
This can be done manually after the grid is rendered but cannot find a way to render it with this ordering.
I couldn't find an option to order this column to the end of the grid since this column is auto generated by AG-Grid
many thanks
I'm new to tableau.
I have a data like this.
And I want to get employee count under 30 age per department. like this..
[my goal]
I want to show all departments (if there is no employee)
To get result, I do these steps,
make relationship of dept - emp (one datasource)
make datasource filter (emp.age < 30)
make sheet and set row as dept_no, countd(emp_no)
But I could only get like this.
[my result]
How can I get my goal..!!??
Help me!!
It is simple hereafter. Use join (instead of relationship) on the side of dept table and Take dept_no column from dept_table instead of emp_table. To do this follow these steps
double click on first added table (say emp). A join window will open (thgis differs from relationship)
add dept table and use right join
right click age convert to dimension
right click again age and convert to continuous
create filter at most 29 on age and don't forget to check include null values in the table
If you want to add all values in view. create a calc field with calculation as
INT([Age] <30)
add sum of this field to view
edit the calculation to show all nulls as 0
ZN(INT([Age] <30))
I have data with sales, details including gender, location, date, etc. There's one row for each sale, so the total number of sales is a count of the rows.
customerid sale_date regionid studentid sex
18761372 01/09/2016 AFB07458 C2F815C6 1
18761372 01/09/2016 AFB07459 206AA234 0
07189635 01/09/2016 AFB07460 F218C8F1 1
07189635 01/09/2016 AFB07461 F021CD27 0
07189635 01/09/2016 AFB07462 E6145555 1
I'm trying to produce a line graph that shows number of sales by month, split by male and female. However male sales are ~5million for the year, and female are ~13 million. So it's hard to compare whether there's any difference in how the sales vary by month (i.e. whether males are proportionately more likely to buy in september).
I manage to get this to work by creating the following calculated field:
If [sex] = 0
THEN 1/5000000
ELSE 1/13000000
This does what I need, but it's not a great solution as it involves me manually checking what each total is and writing it down (admittedly not much of an issue with sex, but if I'm doing it on something with multiple fields then it would become very time consuming.
Is there a way of doing this more elegantly? I tried to use sums and case statements in there but I got "cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments".
I would approach this with a calculated field that shows a percent of total, by month.
Right click on your pill, select 'Quick Table Calculation' and choose 'Percent of Total'.
That way, instead of looking at a count of orders where one group always appears greater, you are looking at their share which will be more uniform.
Maybe I'm understanding this wrong but it seems fairly straight forward. Using the sample data provided I just:
Add the date field pill "sale date" to the column shelf(set it to pull back the month)
Drag the "number of records" to the rows shelf(automatically sum the results)
In the "Show Me" section in the top right select line chart.
Drag the sex pill onto the color card, this will break the line into to two, one for male the other for female(you may have to convert the sex pill to a dimension, to do this right click the pill and select "convert to dimension")
Let me know if this solves it for you?
I have below data
Name Product
I want only those customers that have more than 2 distinct products. So in the above example, we get only XYZ, so the count is 1.
Not sure how to do it.
If you only want to see the customers without information on the different products, you can drag the Name pill to rows, create a calculated field distinct_products as
and drag it to filter. Select 'at least' and enter '2'.
If you still want to see the product information you can solve this using Level of Detail expressions in Tableau together with a filter.
Create a new calculated field distinct_products as follows:
{exclude [Product]: COUNTD([Product])}
Drag this to filters and choose attribute. Then select 'At Least' and enter '2' as value. Now the filter is in place. What you then need is to drag the 'Name' pill to rows.
If you want the products to be shown in a single row: drag the Product pill to 'Text'. If you want the products to appear in multiple rows, drag it to rows.
I have created a cross tab however if I have a firstname field it merges the rows together if there are two names which are the same. How do you get it to display the names in the each row. In the example below Sarah is not displayed twice as the cells are merged together.
Firstname Lastname
Judy Collins
Sarah Dane
Joe Dine
Mary Lane
It sounds like you grouped your crosstab on the first name only. I would recommend:
Make a new Formula (Call it "FullName")
In the formula, combine the first name and last name, e.g. something like {First Name}&{Last Name}
Edit your crosstab to group by the FullName formula instead.
Does this help?
Based on your comment, I don't think your comment is with Crystal. You need a "unique ID" of some sort, a distinct number for each person. My original suggestion was trying to use the user's full name as a unique ID, but that won't work if your dataset is big enough to include multiple people with the same name. Does your dataset have any kind of unique ID? What is this crosstab trying to display? There might be a better way.