How to preserve sourceMappingURL with Firebase Hosting - firebase-hosting

The file I'm uploading contains //# in the last line, but when I check the source code after deployed, everything is minified without this line.
Is there anything I can do to preserve the reference to the source map?

Thanks to Frank's comment, I could look to the right place. Firebase Hosting has nothing to do with the problem.
I'm using webpack and minifying with webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin. sourceMap option at UglifyJS should be true by default, but for some reason it only preserved the reference to the source map when I explicitly set the option sourceMap: true.


Keycloak CSS is not updating in browser

I am upgrading Keycloak from 9.x to 12.x in a development environment. I initially copied some custom themes forward, and found that the styling was badly broken (no surprise). I reviewed my FTL files, copied some of the core changes into my theme, and things are much better - just some minor issues to adjust.
Now the problem. I've made the changes to my login.css file, but those changes aren't showing up in the browser. It continues to fetch an old version of my custom CSS file.
What I have tried (multiple times for most of these):
Clear browser cache
Restart Keycloak
Check ownership/permissions of theme files
Restart entire server
Load CSS file directly
Load CSS file directly with meaningless parameter added (trying to bypass any possible middleman caching)
Confirm new version of Keycloak is the one running
Load page in other browsers
I've also now grepped the entire Keycloak directory for some of the CSS rules I've removed, and I can't find any copies of the "old" css file anywhere that might be getting referenced by accident.
Also, there are no messages in the Keycloak log when loading the CSS file.
I want to figure out how to get Keycloak to deliver the updated CSS to the browser.
Blind guess, so please don't blame me if it doesn't work. (question should include minimal reproducible example):
Edit /opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml and update it as follows:
For me it worked when changed this file
like below way
I think it is because I am using single instance mode instead cluster ha mode.
Apart from disabling cache, as described above, you can also adjust the theme resource URLs, breaking the client-side cache. It's a bit of a hack, but you can directly modify the resource tag portion of the URL by adjusting the database value.
You must delete the path keycloak-server\standalone\tmp\kc-gzip-cache\sbgwq or otherelse folder... and test in a browser in incognit mode.

What is the vscode command to open a file in preview

I wrote an extension for vscode. After installation the extension folder contains documentation in a markdown file. I want to provide a command that loads this file into the preview pane so it displays rendered with images and hyperlinks etc.
You can do this sort of thing interactively:
and I have the full path to the markdown file, so now all I need is details of the command that implements this context menu item.
Web search does not produce complete or usable results.
After cloning the VS Code repo and trawling through the source I discovered the markdown.showPreview and associated commands.
To give credit where due, Lex Li reported the corresponding package.json entry in a comment while I was looking.
Without parameters this previews the content of the active editor, but as I said in a comment, it supports an optional Uri parameter and the code looks like this:
let pathToManual = path.join(context.extensionPath, "");
let uriManual: vscode.Uri = vscode.Uri.file(pathToManual);
vscode.commands.executeCommand('markdown.showPreview', uriManual);
For information on constructing workspace relative paths see the answer from Mark. The joinPath method he uses requires a base path as a Uri which is conveniently available for the workspace but not for the extension path.
If you need information on things like showing preview to one side then given the dearth of documentation I recommend cloning the repo and searching it for "markdown.showPreview", then exploring nearby code. If you fold the methods it gets easier to survey your options.
vscode.commands.executeCommand("markdown.showPreview", vscode.Uri.joinPath(vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri,''));
Your fileName there at the end of course. And that assumed you are in the first or only root of a workspace. You might be able to simplify it using:
vscode.Uri.path(<path to file)
instead of the joinPath that I used.

Attaching javadoc to libraries

as an example, I'd like to attach the javadoc to org.eclipse.swt
As I've read in similar threads, I went to the build path, expanded the swt library node and tried to enter the url as the javadoc location:
Trying to validate it however tells me that typical root files like package-list or index.html couldn't be found. Obviously pretty weird since the url ends with index.html. Am I doing something wrong?
You can only specify the URL for the javadocs if it has a package-list file. Otherwise you will have to use downloaded javadocs/src for the jar. Then you can do specify the location for those javadocs archives in the same window you tried. You can attached sources if you want to see the source instead of decompiled library classes.
Similar post
Do not include the index.html part at the end. You want a URL to which you can append "package-list" and actually get the right content.

iPhone Safari offline-cache manifest not working correctly

I'm working on a mobile site for the iphone. I've added a cache manifest and loaded it with a list of resources needed for offline capability. The manifest file has the correct content type. You can view the manifest file in the header of this page:
I had a bunch of links to pages but due to my user level i'm only allowed to post one link. You can see the manifest file there and the source code of the page i'm trying to cache.
I've set the correct MIME type on the server, but the cache only seems to work occasionally.. not all the time. I've tried following apples' official caching guidelines as well.
Can anyone point out where i'm going wrong?
I looked at the manifest file and found 'Â' characters in some of the blank lines. What text editor are you using? Make sure you use the proper encoding and line ending types.

iPhone MoveMe Example - trouble with DisplayStrings

I'm starting to play a bit with iPhone applications and I downloaded the MoveMe example from the apple web page.
I managed to run the app, however I do not get the strings displayed. I noticed that the DisplayStrings.strings file, although it exists in the app folder, does not appear as one of the resources.
I tried adding it as a resource, but then after compiling I get an error saying "copystrings failed with exit code 1". I cannot find anything online regarding what the origin of this problem is...
The file itself is in utf16 (big endian), and contains simply a list of strings separated by new lines.
Any ideas?
I was having the same problem and as a workaround I renamed DisplayStrings.strings to and added it as a resource. I then modified init in PlacardView.m to use the new filename. This made Xcode happy.
I fixed this by adding the DisplayStrings.strings file as a resource. However, when you do this it defaults the type to 'text.plist.strings' which is incorrect, since the file is just text. So, right click on the DisplayStrings.strings file in resources and change the type to 'text'. This solved the problem for me.