Access tasks' properties via Gradle Tooling API - gradle-tooling-api

I'm using the gradle tooling API to run functional tests for my own build script.
I would like to access tasks' properties, e.g. the destinationDir of a JavaCompile task, and i don't know how to accomplish this.
Simple example:
Snippet in my buildScript (I defined a SourceSet 'openjpa'):
compileOpenjpaJava {
destinationDir = file(getOpenjpaClassesDir())
private String getOpenjpaClassesDir(){
return "build/classes_openjpa"
In my functional test I read about a way to access the tasks, but I cannot access the destinationDir-property.
GradleProject project = connection.getModel(GradleProject.class);
project.tasks.each { myTask ->
if ("compileOpenjpaJava" == {
return myTask.destinationDir.absolutePath // brings a runtime error like: unknown property 'destinationDir'
A similar question w/o answers is here: Gradle tooling api get task outputs
Is it possible at all to access tasks' properties?


gradle openapi generator doesn't work for selective generation

When we run gradle openapi generator tasks, part of the generated output has an infrastructure folder with all of the shared/common files required for the client to build.
When I start specifying the apis and models that I want generated, then this infrastructure folder is no longer created, so nothing builds!!
What am I doing wrong?
task buildMyClient(type: org.openapitools.generator.gradle.plugin.tasks.GenerateTask){
generatorName = "kotlin"
inputSpec = "$rootDir/openapi/specs/myservice.yaml".toString()
outputDir = "$buildDir/generated".toString()
apiPackage = "com.mycompany.myservice"
packageName = "com.mycompany.myservice"
modelPackage = "com.mycompany.myservice.model"
globalProperties = [
apis: "MyController",
models: "MyApiRequest,MyApiResponse,EmbeddedApiResponse"]
configOptions = [
"enumPropertyNaming": "UPPERCASE"
Here are the docs on the gradle plugin:
Here are the docs on global properties:
Seems that I might have to specify all supporting files? How do I do that? There isn't some way to use the default?

Specify injection order of user-defined monitor files in apama_project

Can an apama_project specify the injection order of user-defined types?
It appears the engine_deploy does not automatically resolve the user-defined dependency graph.
Using the apama_project tool, I have setup a project with two *.mon files. 1.mon depends on an event definition in 2.mon.
| |-1.mon // depends 2.mon
| |-2.mon
The intent was to see if the engine_deploy tool could identify the dependency tree of user-defined types. Unfortunately, it does not appear to:
engine_deploy -d ../Deployment .
INFO: copying the project file from /home/twanas/base_project to output directory ../Deployment
WARN: Overwriting output deployment directory ../Deployment
ERROR: Failed to generate initialization list as the project has below error(s):
/home/twanas/base_project/monitors/1.mon: 1: the name rt in the com namespace does not exist
/home/twanas/base_project/monitors/1.mon: 5: "A" does not exist
Full source:
// 1.mon
using com.rt.sub_a;
monitor B {
action onload() {
on all A() as a {
log a.toString();
// 2.mon
package com.rt.sub_a;
event A {
string mystring;
Assuming the user is developing on linux so does not use the 'SoftwareAG Designer' - how can this be achieved?
On a separate note - the apama_project and engine_deploy are great additions to toolbase.
The issue was actually caused by invalid EPL using com.rt.sub_a;
The tools did indeed resolve the user-defined dependencies which is excellent.

gradle get value from extension (pass as input to task)

I have following code in my plugin:
void apply(Project project) {
project.task("task1") << {
println "Task 1"
def extension = project.extensions.findByName(EXTENSION)
project.task("task2",type: TestTask) {
println "Task 2 "
def extension = project.extensions.findByName(EXTENSION)
// conventionMapping.test = {extension.test}
// println(project.extensions.findByName(EXTENSION).test)
// test = "test"
In task 1 extension.test return correct value. However in task2 extension.test always return null. What I am doing wrong? Is there a better way to pass some of the extensions values as input for task? I am using gradle 1.12 with jdk 1.8 on Mac. Best Regards
Edit :correct version:
project.task("task2", type: TestTask) {
project.afterEvaluate {
def extension = project.extensions.findByName(EXTENSION)
test = project.extensions.findByName(EXTENSION).test
task1 prints the value at execution time (notice the <<), task2 at configuration time (before the rest of the build script after the apply plugin: ... has been evaluated). This explains why the println for task1 works as expected, and the println for task2 doesn't.
However, configuring a task at execution time is too late. Instead, a plugin needs to defer reading user-provided values until the end of the configuration phase (after build scripts have been evaluated, but before any task has been executed). There are several techniques for doing so. One of the simpler ones is to wrap any such read access with project.afterEvaluate { ... }.
Updated answer as some time has passed and Gradle evolved its concepts and its syntax in the meantime.
To use up-to-date and optimally configured task you should use following syntax:
tasks.register("task1") {
doLast {
def extension = project.extensions.findByName(EXTENSION)
test = project.extensions.findByName(EXTENSION).test
Task Action:
A task has both configuration and actions. When using the doLast, you
are simply using a shortcut to define an action. Code defined in the
configuration section of your task will get executed during the
configuration phase of the build regardless of what task was targeted.
Deprecated << Operator
<< was deprecated in 4.x and removed in 5.0. See task action (doLast) on how to evaluate task logic at execution phase when all extensions and configurations should be evaluated.
Task Configuration Avoidance
To avoid the cost of creating a task if this won't be executed on your invoked Gradle command TaskContainer.register(String) method.
Avoid afterEvaluate
afterEvaluate should in most cases be avoided, see #sterling's comments from the link. You have now the possibility to evaluate task action part in execution phase, and additionally you can also rely on Task Inputs/Outputs with the combination of Lazy Configuration.

Copy different files to build directory based on executed Gradle task

I have created a plugin for Gradle to deploy to my company's OpenVMS directory structures, which adds deployDev, deployTest, and, when credentials are provided, deployProd tasks to an application build. I have extracted our configuration files for all environments to a separate project so that we can deploy configuration separately from the application.
These custom tasks depend on the application plugin's distZip task and I haven't found a good way to get the appropriate configuration files into the zip based on the called task (e.g. deployDev includes dev config).
I have tried having the deploy* tasks copy configuration files during the configuration phase with:
task distZip(type:Zip, overwrite:true) {
archiveName = ''
from "build/props"
deployDev.configure {
deployTest.configure {
project.tasks.findByName('deployProd')?.configure {
def copyResources(String environment){
copy {
from "src/$environment/resources"
into 'build/props'
This doesn't work due to configuration phase executing on all tasks, so even when we execute deployDev, the test configuration has been copied over the dev resources.
I also have tried:
task distZip(type:Zip, overwrite:true) {
archiveName = ''
from "build/props"
outputs.upToDateWhen {false}
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->
if (graph.hasTask('deployProd')) {
}else if(graph.hasTask('deployTest')){
}else if(graph.hasTask('deployDev')){
def copyResources(String environment){
copy {
from "src/$environment/resources"
into 'build/props'
However, with this proposal the distZip task always is UP-TO-DATE. Is there a correct way to do this?

Filtering available Gradle tasks by task group

With the command gradle tasks one can get a report of all available tasks. Is there any way to add a parameter to this command and filter tasks by their task group.
I would like to issue a command like gradle tasks group:Demo to filter all tasks and retrieve a list of only those tasks that belong to the task group called Demo.
From v5.1, you can do this: gradle tasks --group=<group-name>
Gradle docs.
You can do so by adding the following task to your build script:
task showOnlyMyTasks << {
tasks.each {
task -> if ( == 'My task group name') {
And then run:gradle showOnlyMyTasks
If you need only the list, you can use gradle -q
Old answer: There is no such feature. Feel free to suggest new features at
Now available since Gradle 5.1, see this answer: