Grpc - use rx observable - system.reactive

I am trying to expose an observable via a GRPC stream.
my simplified code looks like this:
public override async Task Feed(Request request, IServerStreamWriter<Response> responseStream, ServerCallContext context)
var result = new Result();
await Observable.ForEachAsync(async value =>
await responseStream.WriteAsync(value);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Info("Session ended:" + ex);
I receive the following error:
W0123 14:30:59.709715
Grpc.Core.Internal.ServerStreamingServerCallHandler2 Exception
occured in handler. System.ArgumentException: Der Wert liegt außerhalb
des erwarteten Bereichs. bei
W0123 14:30:59.732716 Grpc.Core.Server Exception while handling RPC.
System.InvalidOperationException: Der Vorgang ist aufgrund des
aktuellen Zustands des Objekts ungültig. bei
status, Metadata trailers, Tuple2 optionalWrite) bei
--- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde --- bei
task) bei
task) bei Grpc.Core.Server.d__34.MoveNext()
How would you recommend to handle this? I guess I would need to process the ForEachAsync in the same thread.

With the gRPC streaming API, you are only allowed to write one item at a time. If you start another WriteAsync() operation before the previous one finishes, you'll get an exception. You also need to finish all your writes before returning from the method handler (the Feed method in this case). The reason only one write is allowed at a time is to ensure gRPC's flow control works well.
In your case the Rx API doesn't seem to be capable of ensuring that, so one way to solve this would be to use an intermediate buffer.

How about this?
public override async Task Feed(Request request, IServerStreamWriter<Response> responseStream, ServerCallContext context)
var result = new Result();
await Observable.Scan(Task.CompletedTask, (preceding,value) =>
preceding.ContinueWith(_ => responseStream.WriteAsync(value))
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Info("Session ended:" + ex);
I haven't tested it yet, but I think it works anyway.

There are two issues preventing the OP's method from working as expected both stemming from the responseStream.WriteAsync's expectation that only one write can be pending at a time.
When the observable is subscribed to, each 'onNext' will be processed on the same thread that raised the notification. This means you be able to enforce the one write at a time rule. You can use the ObserveOn method to control how each notification will be scheduled.
var eventLoop = new EventLoopScheduler();
var o = myObservable.ObserveOn(eventLoop);
ForEachAsync doesn't work like it looks like one might think with async lambdas. If you drop the async/await here and instead call WriteAsync like this, then the Write will be executed in the expected context.
Here is a complete example...
public override async Task Feed(Request request, IServerStreamWriter<Response> responseStream, ServerCallContext context)
var o = getMyObservable(request);
var eventLoop = new EventLoopScheduler(); //just for example, use whatever scheduler makes sense for you.
await o.ObserveOn(eventLoop).ForEachAsync<Response>(value =>
catch (TaskCanceledException) { }
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Info("Session ended:" + ex);
Log.Info("Session ended normally");


In Spring WebClient used with block(), get body on error

I am using WebClient from Spring WebFlux to communicate with a REST API backend from a Spring client.
When this REST API backend throws an exception, it answers with a specific format (ErrorDTO) that I would like to collect from my client.
What I have tried to do is to make my client throw a GestionUtilisateurErrorException(ErreurDTO) containing this body once the server answers with a 5xx HTTP status code.
I have tried several options :
I/ onStatus
WebClient gestionUtilisateursRestClient;
.body(Mono.just(utilisateur), UtilisateurDTO.class)
response -> {
ErreurDTO erreur = response.bodyToMono(ErreurDTO.class).block();
return Mono.error(new GestionUtilisateursErrorException(erreur));
This method doesn't work because webclient doesn't allow me to call the block method in the onStatus. I am only able to get a Mono object and I can't go further from here.
It seems like "onStatus" method can't be used in a WebClient blocking method, which means I can throw a custom Exception, but I can't populate it with the data from the response body.
II/ ExchangeFilterFunction
WebClient gestionUtilisateursRestClient() {
return WebClient.builder()
.defaultHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
private Mono<ClientResponse> gestionUtilisateursExceptionFilter(ClientResponse clientResponse) {
return clientResponse.bodyToMono(ErreurDTO.class)
.flatMap(erreurDto -> Mono.error(new GestionUtilisateursErrorException(
return Mono.just(clientResponse);
This method works but throw a reactor.core.Exceptions$ReactiveException that I am struggling to catch properly (reactor.core.Exceptions is not catchable, and ReactiveException is private).
This Exception contains in its Cause the exception I need to catch (GestionUtilisateurErrorException) but I need a way to catch it properly.
I also tried to use "onErrorMap" and "onErrorResume" methods but none of them worked the way I needed.
Edit 1 :
I am now using the following workaround even if I feel it's a dirty way to do what I need :
.body(Mono.just(utilisateur), UtilisateurDTO.class)
.onStatus(h -> h.is5xxServerError(),
response -> {
return response.bodyToMono(ErreurDTO.class).handle((erreur, handler) -> {
handler.error(new GestionUtilisateursErrorException(erreur));
catch(Exception e) {
LOGGER.debug("Erreur lors de l'appel vers l'API GestionUtilisateur (...)");
if(ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(e) instanceof GestionUtilisateursErrorException) {
throw((GestionUtilisateursErrorException) e.getCause());
else {
throw e;
Here, it throws the expected GestionUtilisateursErrorException that I can handle synchronously.
I might implement this in a global handler to avoid writing this code around each call to my API.
Thank you.
I've encountered a similar case for accessing the response body that might be of use to you using the Mono.handle() method (see
Here handler is a SynchronousSink (see and can call at most next(T) one time, and either complete() or error().
In this case, I call 'handler.error()' with a new GestionUtilisateursErrorException constructed with the 'erreur'.
.onStatus(h -> h.is5xxServerError(),
response -> {
return response.bodyToMono(ErreurDTO.class).handle((erreur, handler) -> {
// Do something with erreur e.g.
// Call and either handler.error() or handler.complete()
handler.error(new GestionUtilisateursErrorException(erreur));

Cancelling Fetch results in client being Disconnected

When cancelling IMailFolder.Fetch method with the cancellationToken, I get an exception that the client is disconnected.
I debugged MailKit and traced the issue to ImapEngine.Iterate() method where there is the following:
try {
while (current.Step ()) {
// more literal data to send...
if (current.Bye)
Disconnect ();
} catch {
Disconnect ();
} finally {
current = null;
Is it the right approach to disconnect the client on every exception type being caught?
Should this also apply to the case when we are cancelling the operation, so we can prioritize another operation, and we do not want to disconnect?
How else would you cancel a command that is in progress if not disconnecting the socket?

UWP streamsocket ping networktimer issues

I have a StreamSocket in UWP and I send my messages like this using a DataWriter object using the StoreAsync() method:
public static async Task<bool> SendNetworkMessage(NetworkMember member, NetworkMessage message)
DataWriter writer = member.DataWriter;
//Check that writer is not null
if (writer != null)
//Serialize Message
string stringToSend = SerializeObject<NetworkMessage>(message);
//Send Message Length
//Send Message
await writer.StoreAsync();
return true;
catch (Exception e)
Debug.WriteLine("DataWriter failed because of " + e.Message);
return false;
else { return false; }
All is well, the only problem is that I don't know if a connection went down.
Now I want to check my connection using a DispatcherTimer like this:
private static async void NetworkTimer_Tick(object sender, object e)
foreach (NetworkMember member in networkMemberCollection)
if (member.Connected == true && member.Disconnecting == false)
await SendNetworkMessage(member, new PingMessage());
However, this is causing timing issues which is causing ObjectDisposedExceptions on the DataWriter. It seems that the DispatcherTimer thread cannot use the StreamSocket when I send a message from a different thread. My question is: How can I make sure the Ping is sent each time but that SendNetworkMessage operations are done in order instead of overlapping?
It seems that the DispatcherTimer thread cannot use the StreamSocket when I send a message from a different thread.
How can I make sure the Ping is sent each time but that SendNetworkMessage operations are done in order instead of overlapping?
It's possible, and I think your code using foreach and await operation can ensure the work of sending message in order.
the only problem is that I don't know if a connection went down.
If you want to know if the connection went down, you can refer to Handling WinRT StreamSocket disconnects (both server and client side).

How to properly detect and then remove jobs that cannot be recovered using

For various valid reasons, some jobs in the job store are old and can no longer be recovered. For instance, when the Job class is no longer part of the .NET assemblies after a refactor. I'm wondering how to gracefully catch these problems when the scheduler starts, and then delete the unrecoverable jobs.
When the app starts, I basically do this (abridged):
IScheduler scheduler = <create a scheduler and a jobstore object>
try{ scheduler.Start() } catch {}
try{ scheduler.Start() } catch {}
try{ scheduler.Start() } catch {}
If I call Start() three times, the scheduler eventually starts. The reason I have to do this hacky thing is because Start() will throw exceptions for unrecoverable, old jobs.
Failure occured during job recovery. and Could not load type 'MyOldClassName' from assembly 'MyAssembly'.
I want to gracefully remove the broken jobs and avoid these exceptions. In my actual code, I log these exceptions.
Is there a better way to do this?
I found one way to do this. Calling this before Start() cures the problem.
var jobs = this._scheduler.GetJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey>.AnyGroup());
foreach (var jobKey in jobs)
// attempt to access the jobType. If it fails, then we know it's broken
Type t = _scheduler.GetJobDetail(jobKey).JobType;
catch (JobPersistenceException ex)
if (ex.InnerException != null)
if (ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(TypeLoadException))
// log this
catch (Exception ex)
// log this

UCMA 3.0 API Conferencing Error : Cannot join a different conference after receiving a conference invitation or conference escalation request

We have a UCMA 3.0 based application/bot that matches end users with experts. It migrates incoming one-one chat requests from end users into a multi user conference and then invites experts into the resulting multi user conference. The application itself continues to be a participant in the conference. At any given time, there may be several such conferences being brokered by our application but only one per end user. However, a single expert may be participating in more than one conference at the same time.
In our application logs we occasionally see the following exception.
Error in Conference Migration conf call # 63809878 ,Address;gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:TQRREACE System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot join a different conference after receiving a conference invitation or conference escalation request.
at Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.ConferenceSession.VerifyAndGetConferenceAddress(String conferenceUri, String parameterName)
at Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.ConferenceSession.BeginJoinCommon(String conferenceUri, ConferenceJoinOptions options, AsyncCallback userCallback, Object state)
at Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.ConferenceSession.BeginJoin(String conferenceUri, ConferenceJoinOptions options, AsyncCallback userCallback, Object state)
at a(String A_0, String A_1, String A_2, Boolean A_3, Boolean A_4)
Below is the code snippet used to make conference. Previously this site was an OCS 2007 R2 Installation and was migrated to Lync 2010 Server.
Site is running in mixed mode. It occurs only on production server and we are not able to generate this exception on dev server, we
have tested it after generating more than 15 conferences simultaniously but no luck.
private void CreateAdHohConf(string user1Uri, string user2uri, string subject)
Exception exception = null;
// Create conference scheduling details for the conference.
ConferenceScheduleInformation scheduleInfo = new ConferenceScheduleInformation();
// Restrict the conference to invited users only.
scheduleInfo.AccessLevel = ConferenceAccessLevel.Everyone;
// Set a subject for the conference.
scheduleInfo.Subject = subject;
scheduleInfo.Description = subject;
scheduleInfo.ConferenceId = ConferenceServices.GenerateConferenceId();
scheduleInfo.ExpiryTime = System.DateTime.Now.AddHours(8);
scheduleInfo.IsPasscodeOptional = true;
scheduleInfo.PhoneAccessEnabled = false;
// Don't automatically assign a leader.
scheduleInfo.AutomaticLeaderAssignment = AutomaticLeaderAssignment.Everyone;
// Add the caller and recipient as participants.
scheduleInfo.Participants.Add(new ConferenceParticipantInformation("sip:" + user1Uri, ConferencingRole.Leader));
scheduleInfo.Participants.Add(new ConferenceParticipantInformation("sip:" + user2uri, ConferencingRole.Leader));
scheduleInfo.Mcus.Add(new ConferenceMcuInformation(McuType.ApplicationSharing));
scheduleInfo.Mcus.Add(new ConferenceMcuInformation(McuType.InstantMessaging));
scheduleInfo.Mcus.Add(new ConferenceMcuInformation(McuType.AudioVideo));
scheduleInfo.Mcus.Add(new ConferenceMcuInformation(McuType.Meeting));
//Scheduling conference
ConferenceServices objLocalConfSvc = lyncAgent.LocalEndpoint.ConferenceServices;
Conference confSession = null;
result =>
confSession = objLocalConfSvc.EndScheduleConference(result);
catch (RealTimeException rtex)
exception = rtex;
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex;
}, objLocalConfSvc);
//Begin Join conference
ConferenceJoinOptions joinOptions = new ConferenceJoinOptions() { CanManageLobby = false, JoinMode = JoinMode.Default };
objLocalConfSession.BeginJoin(new RealTimeAddress(confSession.ConferenceUri).Uri, joinOptions,
result => {
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex;
//Again, for sync. reasons.
// Wait until join RealTimeAddress(this._conference.ConferenceUri).Uri,
catch (InvalidOperationException ioex)
exception = ioex;
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex;
//Begin Escalation
Conversation objLocalConv=;
result =>
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex;
//Sync It
, objLocalConv);
// Wait until escalation completes.
catch (InvalidOperationException ioex)
exception = ioex;
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex;
if (exception != null)
lyncAgent.Logger.Error( "Error in Conference Migration conf call # " + GetHashCode() + " , Address :" + confSession.ConferenceUri , exception);
Please suggest what could be the possible problem on priority basis.
Thanks in advance.
Does this method reside in an object where it is possible that it will be called by multiple sources at the same time?
If so, using what appears to be a class level variable like _waitForConferenceScheduling could be problematic. Thread A could end up accidentally letting Thread B proceed before Thread B's async action is actually completed. So Thread B could call .BeginEscalate before .EndJoin was called.
When I write UCMA code, I generally use nested callbacks to prevent this type of thing from happening.
Other than that, I'd recommend you run OCSLogger on your application server and the Lync Front End server to gather SIPStack, S3 and Collaboration logs. Looking at the actual SIP messages in detail will provide some clues.
You'd be looking for an INVITE to the conference and the response back to that INVITE.
We managed to detect the reason. It happens if any one in the participant list have already added any contact for meeting in conversation with our endpoint.