Gaussian iterative curve fitting [duplicate] - matlab

I have a set of frequency data with peaks to which I need to fit a Gaussian curve and then get the full width half maximum from. The FWHM part I can do, I already have a code for that but I'm having trouble writing code to fit the Gaussian.
Does anyone know of any functions that'll do this for me or would be able to point me in the right direction? (I can do least squares fitting for lines and polynomials but I can't get it to work for gaussians)
Also it would be helpful if it was compatible with both Octave and Matlab as I have Octave at the moment but don't get access to Matlab until next week.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Fitting a single 1D Gaussian directly is a non-linear fitting problem. You'll find ready-made implementations here, or here, or here for 2D, or here (if you have the statistics toolbox) (have you heard of Google? :)
Anyway, there might be a simpler solution. If you know for sure your data y will be well-described by a Gaussian, and is reasonably well-distributed over your entire x-range, you can linearize the problem (these are equations, not statements):
y = 1/(σ·√(2π)) · exp( -½ ( (x-μ)/σ )² )
ln y = ln( 1/(σ·√(2π)) ) - ½ ( (x-μ)/σ )²
= Px² + Qx + R
where the substitutions
P = -1/(2σ²)
Q = +2μ/(2σ²)
R = ln( 1/(σ·√(2π)) ) - ½(μ/σ)²
have been made. Now, solve for the linear system Ax=b with (these are Matlab statements):
% design matrix for least squares fit
xdata = xdata(:);
A = [xdata.^2, xdata, ones(size(xdata))];
% log of your data
b = log(y(:));
% least-squares solution for x
x = A\b;
The vector x you found this way will equal
x == [P Q R]
which you then have to reverse-engineer to find the mean μ and the standard-deviation σ:
mu = -x(2)/x(1)/2;
sigma = sqrt( -1/2/x(1) );
Which you can cross-check with x(3) == R (there should only be small differences).

Perhaps this has the thing you are looking for? Not sure about compatability:
From its documentation:
this function is doing fit to the function
y=A * exp( -(x-mu)^2 / (2*sigma^2) )
the fitting is been done by a polyfit
the lan of the data.
h is the threshold which is the fraction
from the maximum y height that the data
is been taken from.
h should be a number between 0-1.
if h have not been taken it is set to be 0.2
as default.

i had similar problem.
this was the first result on google, and some of the scripts linked here made my matlab crash.
finally i found here that matlab has built in fit function, that can fit Gaussians too.
it look like that:
>> v=-30:30;
>> fit(v', exp(-v.^2)', 'gauss1')
ans =
General model Gauss1:
ans(x) = a1*exp(-((x-b1)/c1)^2)
Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
a1 = 1 (1, 1)
b1 = -8.489e-17 (-3.638e-12, 3.638e-12)
c1 = 1 (1, 1)

I found that the MATLAB "fit" function was slow, and used "lsqcurvefit" with an inline Gaussian function. This is for fitting a Gaussian FUNCTION, if you just want to fit data to a Normal distribution, use "normfit."
Check it
% % Generate synthetic data (for example) % % %
nPoints = 200; binSize = 1/nPoints ;
fauxMean = 47 ;fauxStd = 8;
faux = fauxStd.*randn(1,nPoints) + fauxMean; % REPLACE WITH YOUR ACTUAL DATA
xaxis = 1:length(faux) ;fauxData = histc(faux,xaxis);
yourData = fauxData; % replace with your actual distribution
xAxis = 1:length(yourData) ;
gausFun = #(hms,x) hms(1) .* exp (-(x-hms(2)).^2 ./ (2*hms(3)^2)) ; % Gaussian FUNCTION
% % Provide estimates for initial conditions (for lsqcurvefit) % %
height_est = max(fauxData)*rand ; mean_est = fauxMean*rand; std_est=fauxStd*rand;
x0 = [height_est;mean_est; std_est]; % parameters need to be in a single variable
options=optimset('Display','off'); % avoid pesky messages from lsqcurvefit (optional)
[params]=lsqcurvefit(gausFun,x0,xAxis,yourData,[],[],options); % meat and potatoes
lsq_mean = params(2); lsq_std = params(3) ; % what you want
% % % Plot data with fit % % %
myFit = gausFun(params,xAxis);
figure;hold on;plot(xAxis,yourData./sum(yourData),'k');
plot(xAxis,myFit./sum(myFit),'r','linewidth',3) % normalization optional


How to do circular convolution between 2 functions with cconv?

I was asked to do circular convolution between two functions by sampling them, using the functions cconv. A known result of this sort of convolution is: CCONV( sin(x), sin(x) ) == -pi*cos(x)
To test the above I did:
w = linspace(0,2*pi,1000);
l = linspace(0,2*pi,1999);
but the result I got was:
which is absolutely not -pi*cos(x).
Can anybody please explain what is wrong with my code and how to fix it?
In the documentation of cconv it says that:
c = cconv(a,b,n) circularly convolves vectors a and b. n is the length of the resulting vector. If you omit n, it defaults to length(a)+length(b)-1. When n = length(a)+length(b)-1, the circular convolution is equivalent to the linear convolution computed with conv.
I believe that the reason for your problem is that you do not specify the 3rd input to cconv, which then selects the default value, which is not the right one for you. I have made an animation showing what happens when different values of n are chosen.
If you compare my result for n=200 to your plot you will see that the amplitude of your data is 10 times larger whereas the length of your linspace is 10 times bigger. This means that some normalization is needed, likely a multiplication by the linspace step.
Indeed, after proper scaling and choice of n we get the right result:
res = 100; % resolution
w = linspace(0,2*pi,res);
dx = diff(w(1:2)); % grid step
stem( linspace(0,2*pi,res), dx * cconv(sin(w),sin(w),res) );
This is the code I used for the animation:
hF = figure();
subplot(1,2,1); hS(1) = stem(1,cconv(1,1,1)); title('Autoscaling');
subplot(1,2,2); hS(2) = stem(1,cconv(1,1,1)); xlim([0,7]); ylim(50*[-1,1]); title('Constant limits');
w = linspace(0,2*pi,100);
for ind1 = 1:200
suptitle("n = " + ind1);
% export_fig(char("D:\BLABLA\F" + ind1 + ".png"),'-nocrop');

numerical integration for Gaussian function - indefinite integral

My approach
fun = #(y) (1/sqrt(pi))*exp(-(y-1).^2).*log(1 + exp(-4*y))
This gives NaN.
So I tried plotting it.
y= -10:0.1:10;
plot(y,exp(-(y-1).^2).*log(1 + exp(-4*y)))
Then understood that domain (siginificant part) is from -4 to +4.
So changed the limits to
However I do not want to always plot the graph and then know its limits. So is there any way to know the integral directly from -Inf to Inf.
If your integrals are always of the form
I would use a high-order Gauss–Hermite quadrature rule.
It's similar to the Gauss-Legendre-Kronrod rule that forms the basis for quadgk but is specifically tailored for integrals over the real line with a standard Gaussian multiplier.
Rewriting your equation with the substitution x = y-1, we get
The integral can then be computed using the Gauss-Hermite rule of arbitrary order (within reason):
>> order = 10;
>> [nodes,weights] = GaussHermiteRule(order);
>> f = #(x) log(1 + exp(-4*(x+1)))/sqrt(pi);
>> sum(f(nodes).*weights)
ans =
I'd note that the function below builds a full order x order matrix to compute nodes, so it shouldn't be made too large.
There is a way to avoid this by explicitly computing the weights, but I decided to be lazy.
Besides, event at order 100, the Gaussian multiplier is about 2E-98, so the integrand's contribution is extremely minimal.
And while this isn't inherently adaptive, a high-order rule should be sufficient in most cases ... I hope.
function [nodes,weights] = GaussHermiteRule(n)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Find the nodes and weights for a Gauss-Hermite Quadrature integration.
if (n < 1)
error('There is no Gauss-Hermite rule of order 0.');
elseif (n < 0) || (abs(n - round(n)) > eps())
error('Given order ''n'' must be a strictly positive integer.');
n = round(n);
% Get the nodes and weights from the Golub-Welsch function
n = (0:n)' ;
b = n*0 ;
a = b + 0.5 ;
c = n ;
[nodes,weights] = GolubWelsch(a,b,c,sqrt(pi));
function [xk,wk] = GolubWelsch(ak,bk,ck,mu0)
% Calculate the approximate* nodes and weights (normalized to 1) of an orthogonal
% polynomial family defined by a three-term reccurence relation of the form
% x pk(x) = ak pkp1(x) + bk pk(x) + ck pkm1(x)
% The weight scale factor mu0 is the integral of the weight function over the
% orthogonal domain.
% Calculate the terms for the orthonormal version of the polynomials
alpha = sqrt(ak(1:end-1) .* ck(2:end));
% Build the symmetric tridiagonal matrix
T = full(spdiags([[alpha;0],bk,[0;alpha]],[-1,0,+1],length(alpha),length(alpha)));
% Calculate the eigenvectors and values of the matrix
[V,xk] = eig(T,'vector');
% Calculate the weights from the eigenvectors - technically, Golub-Welsch requires
% a normalization, but since MATLAB returns unit eigenvectors, it is omitted.
wk = mu0*(V(1,:).^2)';
I've had success with transforming such infinite-bounded integrals using a numerical variable transformation, as explained in Numerical Recipes 3e, section 4.5.3. Basically, you substitute in y=c*tan(t)+b and then numerically integrate over t in (-pi/2,pi/2), which sweeps y from -infinity to infinity. You can tune the values of c and b to optimize the process. This approach largely dodges the question of trying to determine cutoffs in the domain, but for this to work reliably using quadrature you have to know that the integrand does not have features far from y=b.
A quick and dirty solution would be to look for a position, where your function is sufficiently small enough and then taking it as limits. This assumes that for x>0 the function fun decreases montonically and fun(x) is roughly the same size as fun(-x) for all x.
%// A small number
epsilon = eps;
%// Stepsize for searching bound
stepTest = 1;
%// Starting position for searching bound
position = 0;
%// Not yet small enough
smallEnough = false;
%// Search bound
while ~smallEnough
smallEnough = (fun(position) < eps);
position = position + stepTest;
%// Calculate integral
integral(fun, -position, position)
If your were happy with plotting the function, deciding by eye where you can cut, then this code will suffice, I guess.

Scale Space for solving Sum of Gaussians

I'm attempting to use scale space implementation to fit n Gaussian curves to peaks in a noisy time series digital signal (measuring voltage).
To test it I created the following sample sum of three gaussians with noise (0.2*rand, sorry no picture, i'm new here)
amp = [2; 0.9; 1.3];
mu = [19; 23; 28];
sigma = [4.8; 1.3; 2.5];
x = linspace(1,50,1000);
for n=1:3, y(n,:) = A(n)*exp(-(x-B(n)).^2./(2*C(n)^2)); end
noisysignal = y(1,:) + y(2,:) + y(3,:) + 0.2*rand(1,numel(x))
I found this article posted by user355856 answer to thread "Peak decomposition"!
I believe my code generates the correct result for plotting the zero crossings as a function of the gaussian filter resolution sigma, but I have two issues. The first is that it seems yet another fitting routine would be needed to identify the approximate location of the arch intercepts for approximating the initial peak sigma and mu values. The second is that the edges of the scale space plot have substantial arches that definitely do not correspond to any peak. I'm not sure how to screen these out effectively. Last thing is that is used a spacing of 50 when calculating the second derivative central finite difference since too much more destroyed feature, and to much less results in a forest of zero crossings. Would there be a better way to filter that to control random zero crossings in the gaussian peak tails?
function [crossing] = scalespace(x, y, sigmalimit)
figure; hold on; ylim([0 sigmalimit]);
for sigma = 1:sigmalimit %
yconv = convkernel(sigma, y); %convolve with kernel
xconv = linspace(x(1), x(end), length(yconv));
yconvpp = d2centralfinite(xconv, yconv, 50); % 50 was empirically chosen
num = 0;
for i = 1 : length(yconvpp)-1
if sign(yconvpp(i)) ~= sign(yconvpp(i+1))
crossing(sigma, num+1) = xconv(i);
num = num+1;
plot(crossing(sigma, crossing(sigma, :) ~= 0),...
sigma*ones(1, numel(crossing(sigma, crossing(sigma, :) ~= 0))), '.');
function [yconv] = convkernel(sigma, y)
t = sigma^2;
C = 3; % for kernel truncation
M = C*round(sqrt(t))+1;
window = (-M) : (+M);
G = zeros(1, length(window));
G(:) = (1/(2*pi()*t))*exp(-(window.^2)./(2*t));
yconv = conv(G, y);
This is my first post and I apologize in advance for any issues in style. I'm fairly new to programming, so any advice regarding the programming style or information provided in this question would be much appreciated. I also read through Amro's answer about matlab's GMM function! if anyone feels that would be a more efficient approach to modeling multiple gaussians in a digital signal.
Thank you!

MATLAB: 3d reconstruction using eight point algorithm

I am trying to achieve 3d reconstruction from 2 images. Steps I followed are,
1. Found corresponding points between 2 images using SURF.
2. Implemented eight point algo to find "Fundamental matrix"
3. Then, I implemented triangulation.
I have got Fundamental matrix and results of triangulation till now. How do i proceed further to get 3d reconstruction? I'm confused reading all the material available on internet.
Also, This is code. Let me know if this is correct or not.
% My surf addition
% collect Interest Points from Each Image
blobs1 = detectSURFFeatures(Ia);
blobs2 = detectSURFFeatures(Ib);
hold on;
plot(selectStrongest(blobs1, 36));
hold on;
plot(selectStrongest(blobs2, 36));
title('Thirty strongest SURF features in I2');
[features1, validBlobs1] = extractFeatures(Ia, blobs1);
[features2, validBlobs2] = extractFeatures(Ib, blobs2);
indexPairs = matchFeatures(features1, features2);
matchedPoints1 = validBlobs1(indexPairs(:,1),:);
matchedPoints2 = validBlobs2(indexPairs(:,2),:);
showMatchedFeatures(Ia, Ib, matchedPoints1, matchedPoints2);
legend('Putatively matched points in I1', 'Putatively matched points in I2');
for i=1:matchedPoints1.Count
figure(1) ; clf ;
imshow(cat(2, Ia, Ib)) ;
axis image off ;
hold on ;
h = line([xa(set)' ; xbb(set)'], [ya(set)' ; yb(set)']) ;
XP = triangulate(pts11, pts22,P2new);
function [ F ] = eightpoint( pts1, pts2,width,height)
X = 1:width;
Y = 1:height;
[X, Y] = meshgrid(X, Y);
x0 = [mean(X(:)); mean(Y(:))];
X = X - x0(1);
Y = Y - x0(2);
denom = sqrt(mean(mean(X.^2+Y.^2)));
N = size(pts1, 1);
%Normalized data
T = sqrt(2)/denom*[1 0 -x0(1); 0 1 -x0(2); 0 0 denom/sqrt(2)];
norm_x = T*[pts1(:,1)'; pts1(:,2)'; ones(1, N)];
norm_x_ = T*[pts2(:,1)';pts2(:,2)'; ones(1, N)];
x1 = norm_x(1, :)';
y1= norm_x(2, :)';
x2 = norm_x_(1, :)';
y2 = norm_x_(2, :)';
A = [x1.*x2, y1.*x2, x2, ...
x1.*y2, y1.*y2, y2, ...
x1, y1, ones(N,1)];
% compute the SVD
[~, ~, V] = svd(A);
F = reshape(V(:,9), 3, 3)';
[FU, FS, FV] = svd(F);
FS(3,3) = 0; %rank 2 constrains
F = FU*FS*FV';
% rescale fundamental matrix
F = T' * F * T;
function [ XP ] = triangulate( pts1,pts2,P2 )
for i=1:n
[~,~,va] = svd(A);
X(:,i) = va(:,4);
XP(:,:,1) = [X(1,:)./X(4,:);X(2,:)./X(4,:);X(3,:)./X(4,:); X(4,:)./X(4,:)];
function [ P1,P2 ] = compute2Pmatrix( F )
[~, ~, V] = svd(F');
ep = V(:,3)/V(3,3);
P2 = [skew(ep)*F,ep];
From a quick look, it looks correct. Some notes are as follows:
You normalized code in eightpoint() is no ideal.
It is best done on the points involved. Each set of points will have its scaling matrix. That is:
[pts1_n, T1] = normalize_pts(pts1);
[pts2_n, T2] = normalize-pts(pts2);
% ... code
% solution
F = T2' * F * T
As a side note (for efficiency) you should do
[~,~,V] = svd(A, 0);
You also want to enforce the constraint that the fundamental matrix has rank-2. After you compute F, you can do:
[U,D,v] = svd(F);
F = U * diag([D(1,1),D(2,2), 0]) * V';
In either case, normalization is not the only key to make the algorithm work. You'll want to wrap the estimation of the fundamental matrix in a robust estimation scheme like RANSAC.
Estimation problems like this are very sensitive to non Gaussian noise and outliers. If you have a small number of wrong correspondence, or points with high error, the algorithm will break.
Finally, In 'triangulate' you want to make sure that the points are not at infinity prior to the homogeneous division.
I'd recommend testing the code with 'synthetic' data. That is, generate your own camera matrices and correspondences. Feed them to the estimate routine with varying levels of noise. With zero noise, you should get an exact solution up to floating point accuracy. As you increase the noise, your estimation error increases.
In its current form, running this on real data will probably not do well unless you 'robustify' the algorithm with RANSAC, or some other robust estimator.
Good luck.
Good luck.
Which version of MATLAB do you have?
There is a function called estimateFundamentalMatrix in the Computer Vision System Toolbox, which will give you the fundamental matrix. It may give you better results than your code, because it is using RANSAC under the hood, which makes it robust to spurious matches. There is also a triangulate function, as of version R2014b.
What you are getting is sparse 3D reconstruction. You can plot the resulting 3D points, and you can map the color of the corresponding pixel to each one. However, for what you want, you would have to fit a surface or a triangular mesh to the points. Unfortunately, I can't help you there.
If what you're asking is how to I proceed from fundamental Matrix + corresponding points to a dense model then you still have a lot of work ahead of you.
relative camera locations (R,T) can be calculated from a fundamental matrix assuming you know the internal camera params (up to scale, rotation, translation). To get a full dense matrix there are a few ways to go. you can try using an existing library (PMVS for example). I'd look into OpenMVG but I'm not sure about matlab interface.
Another way to go, you can compute a dense optical flow (many available for matlab). Look for a epipolar OF (It takes a fundamental matrix and restricts the solution to lie on the epipolar lines). Then you can triangulate every pixel to get a depthmap.
Finally you will have to play with format conversions to get from a depthmap to VRML (You can look at meshlab)
Sorry my answer isn't more Matlab oriented.

3D curvefitting

I have discrete regular grid of a,b points and their corresponding c values and I interpolate it further to get a smooth curve. Now from interpolation data, I further want to create a polynomial equation for curve fitting. How to fit 3D plot in polynomial?
I try to do this in MATLAB. I used Surface fitting toolbox in MATLAB (r2010a) to curve fit 3-dimensional data. But, how does one find a formula that fits a set of data to the best advantage in MATLAB/MAPLE or any other software. Any advice? Also most useful would be some real code examples to look at, PDF files, on the web etc.
This is just a small portion of my data.
a = [ 0.001 .. 0.011];
b = [1, .. 10];
c = [ -.304860225, .. .379710865];
Thanks in advance.
To fit a curve onto a set of points, we can use ordinary least-squares regression. There is a solution page by MathWorks describing the process.
As an example, let's start with some random data:
% some 3d points
data = mvnrnd([0 0 0], [1 -0.5 0.8; -0.5 1.1 0; 0.8 0 1], 50);
As #BasSwinckels showed, by constructing the desired design matrix, you can use mldivide or pinv to solve the overdetermined system expressed as Ax=b:
% best-fit plane
C = [data(:,1) data(:,2) ones(size(data,1),1)] \ data(:,3); % coefficients
% evaluate it on a regular grid covering the domain of the data
[xx,yy] = meshgrid(-3:.5:3, -3:.5:3);
zz = C(1)*xx + C(2)*yy + C(3);
% or expressed using matrix/vector product
%zz = reshape([xx(:) yy(:) ones(numel(xx),1)] * C, size(xx));
Next we visualize the result:
% plot points and surface
line(data(:,1), data(:,2), data(:,3), 'LineStyle','none', ...
'Marker','.', 'MarkerSize',25, 'Color','r')
surface(xx, yy, zz, ...
'FaceColor','interp', 'EdgeColor','b', 'FaceAlpha',0.2)
grid on; axis tight equal;
xlabel x; ylabel y; zlabel z;
As was mentioned, we can get higher-order polynomial fitting by adding more terms to the independent variables matrix (the A in Ax=b).
Say we want to fit a quadratic model with constant, linear, interaction, and squared terms (1, x, y, xy, x^2, y^2). We can do this manually:
% best-fit quadratic curve
C = [ones(50,1) data(:,1:2) prod(data(:,1:2),2) data(:,1:2).^2] \ data(:,3);
zz = [ones(numel(xx),1) xx(:) yy(:) xx(:).*yy(:) xx(:).^2 yy(:).^2] * C;
zz = reshape(zz, size(xx));
There is also a helper function x2fx in the Statistics Toolbox that helps in building the design matrix for a couple of model orders:
C = x2fx(data(:,1:2), 'quadratic') \ data(:,3);
zz = x2fx([xx(:) yy(:)], 'quadratic') * C;
zz = reshape(zz, size(xx));
Finally there is an excellent function polyfitn on the File Exchange by John D'Errico that allows you to specify all kinds of polynomial orders and terms involved:
model = polyfitn(data(:,1:2), data(:,3), 2);
zz = polyvaln(model, [xx(:) yy(:)]);
zz = reshape(zz, size(xx));
There might be some better functions on the file-exchange, but one way to do it by hand is this:
x = a(:); %make column vectors
y = b(:);
z = c(:);
%first order fit
M = [ones(size(x)), x, y];
k1 = M\z;
%least square solution of z = M * k1, so z = k1(1) + k1(2) * x + k1(3) * y
Similarly, you can do a second order fit:
%second order fit
M = [ones(size(x)), x, y, x.^2, x.*y, y.^2];
k2 = M\z;
which seems to have numerical problems for the limited dataset you gave. Type help mldivide for more details.
To make an interpolation over some regular grid, you can do like so:
ngrid = 20;
[A,B] = meshgrid(linspace(min(a), max(a), ngrid), ...
linspace(min(b), max(b), ngrid));
M = [ones(numel(A),1), A(:), B(:), A(:).^2, A(:).*B(:), B(:).^2];
C2_fit = reshape(M * k2, size(A)); % = k2(1) + k2(2)*A + k2(3)*B + k2(4)*A.^2 + ...
%plot to compare fit with original data
surfl(A,B,C2_fit);shading flat;colormap gray
hold on
plot3(a,b,c, '.r')
A 3rd-order fit can be done using the formula given by TryHard below, but the formulas quickly become tedious when the order increases. Better write a function that can construct M given x, y and order if you have to do that more than once.
This sounds like more of a philosophical question than specific implementation, specifically to bit - "how does one find a formula that fits a set of data to the best advantage?" In my experience that is a choice you have to make depending on what you're trying to achieve.
What defines "best" for you? For a data fitting problem you can keep adding more and more polynomial coefficients and making a better R^2 value... but will eventually "over fit" the data. A downside of high order polynomials is behavior outside the bounds of the sample data which you've used to fit your response surface - it can quickly go off in some wild direction which may not be appropriate for whatever it is you're trying to model.
Do you have insight into the physical behavior of the system / data you're fitting? That can be used as a basis for what set of equations to use to create a math model. My recommendation would be to use the most economical (simple) model you can get away with.