How are the values printed in the foreach statement? - perl

I am very very new to perl programming.
While reading about the loops, for the foreach loop I got two examples.
The one example is,
foreach ('hickory','dickory','doc') {
print $_;
print "\n";
The $_ variable contains the each item. So, it prints.
In another example, they said did not specified the $_ variable in print statement. The empty print statement only there. How it prints the foreach arguments.
foreach ('hickory','dickory','doc') {
print "\n";
For this also the same output. How it prints the values. In that book they did not given any explanation for that. I was searched in internet. But I am not able to find anything.

Your question about print in foreach being answered, here is a little more on $_.
From General Variables in perlvar
Here are the places where Perl will assume $_ even if you don't use it:
The following functions use $_ as a default argument:
abs, alarm, chomp, chop, chr, chroot, cos, defined, eval, evalbytes, exp, fc, glob, hex, int, lc, lcfirst, length, log, lstat, mkdir, oct, ord, pos, print, printf, quotemeta, readlink, readpipe, ref, require, reverse (in scalar context only), rmdir, say, sin, split (for its second argument), sqrt, stat, study, uc, ucfirst, unlink, unpack.
All file tests (-f , -d ) except for -t , which defaults to STDIN. See -X
The pattern matching operations m//, s/// and tr/// (aka y///) when used without an =~ operator.
The default iterator variable in a foreach loop if no other variable is supplied.
The implicit iterator variable in the grep() and map() functions.
The implicit variable of given().
The default place to put the next value or input record when a <FH>, readline, readdir or each operation's result is tested by itself as the sole criterion of a while test. Outside a while test, this will not happen.
$_ is by default a global variable.
As you can see, it is available nearly everywhere and it is indeed used a lot. Note that the perlvar page describes a whole lot more of similar variables, many of them good to know about.
Here is an example. Consider that we read lines from a file, want to discard the ones which have only spaces or start with # (comments), and for others want to split them by spaces into words.
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";
while (<$fh>)
next if not /\S/;
next if /^\s*#/;
my #words = split;
# do something with #words ...
Let's see how many uses of $_ are in the above example. Here is an equivalent program
while (my $line = <$fh>)
next if not $line =~ m/\S/; # if not matching any non-space character
next if $line =~ m/^\s*#/; # if matching # after only (possible) spaces
my #words = split ' ', $line; # split $line by ' ' (any white space)
# do something with #words ...
Compare these two
the filehandle read <$fh> in the while condition assigns to $_, then available in the loop.
regular expression's match operator by default works on $_. The m itself can be dropped.
split by default splits $_. We also use the other default, for the pattern to split the string by, which is ' ' (any amount of any white space).
once we do $line = <$fh> the deal with $_ is off (it is undefined in the loop) and we have to use $line everywhere. So either do this or do while (<$fh>) and use $_.
To illustrate all this a bit further, let us find the longest capitalized word on each line
use List::Util 'max';
my $longest_cap = max map { length } grep { /^[A-Z]/ } #words;
The grep takes the list in #words and applies the block to each element. Each element is assigned to $_ and is thus available to the code inside the block as $_. This is what the regex uses by default. The ones that satisfy the condition are passed to map, which also iterates assigning them to $_, what is of course the default for length. Finally max from List::Util picks the largest one.
Note that $_ is never actually written and no temporary variable is needed.
Here is some of the relevant documentation. The I/O Operators in perlop discusses while (<$fh>) and all manner of related things. The regex part is in Regexp Quote-Like Operators in perlop and in perlretut. Also have a look at split.
Defaults are used regularly and to read code written by others you must understand them. When you write your own code though you can choose whether to use $_ or not, as one can always introduce a lexical variable instead of it.
So, when to use $_ as default (which need not be written) and when not to?
Correct use of defaults, $_ in particular, can lead to clearer and more readable code. What generally means better code. But it is quite possible to push this too far and end up with obscure, tricky, and brittle code. So good taste is required.
Another case is when some parts of the code benefit from having $_ for their defaults while at other places you then have to use $_ explicitly. I'd say that if $_ is seen more than once or twice in a section of code it means that there should be a properly named variable instead.
Overall, if in doubt simply name everything.

If you are not declaring any variable in your foreach loop it sets by default $_
From perldoc about foreach:
The foreach keyword is actually a synonym for the for keyword, so you
can use either. If VAR is omitted, $_ is set to each value.
So it explains the first loop.
The second loop, as you already know now that $_ is set with each element from your array, will works because you are omitting the $var.
You could use foreach loop with explicit variable like this:
foreach my $item ( #list )
print "My item is: $item\n";
Or you can omit like you did and print will still work as #Dada said because:
If FILEHANDLE is omitted, prints to the last selected (see select)
output handle. If LIST is omitted, prints $_ to the currently selected
output handle.

I will explain why you getting same results with the different syntax:
If you omit the control variable from the beginning of the foreach
loop, Perl uses its favorite default variable, $_ . This is (mostly) just like any other scalar variable, except for its unusual name. For example:
foreach ('hickory','dickory','doc') {
print $_;
print "\n";
Output :
Although this isn’t Perl’s only default by a long shot, it’s Perl’s most common default. You’ll see many other cases in which Perl will automatically use $_ when you don’t tell it to use some other variable or value, thereby saving the programmer from the heavy labor of having to think up and type a new variable name. So as not to keep you in suspense, one of those cases is
print , which will print $_ if given no other argument:
foreach ('hickory','dickory','doc') {
print; # prints $_ by default
print "\n";
Output :-


Perl, find a match and read next line in perl

I would like to use targetfolder/*
to read some number from ASCII files.
#list = <#ARGV>;
# Is the whole file or only 1st line is loaded?
foreach $file ( #list ) {
open (F, $file);
# is this correct to judge if there is still file to load?
while ( <F> ) {
sub match_replace {
# if I want to read the 5th line in downward, how to do that?
# if I would like to read multi lines in multi array[row],
# how to do that?
if ( /^\sName\s+/ ) {
$name = $1;
I would recommend a thorough read of perlintro - it will give you a lot of the information you need. Additional comments:
Always use strict and warnings. The first will enforce some good coding practices (like for example declaring variables), the second will inform you about potential mistakes. For example, one warning produced by the code you showed would be readline() on unopened filehandle F, giving you the hint that F is not open at that point (more on that below).
#list = <#ARGV>;: This is a bit tricky, I wouldn't recommend it - you're essentially using glob, and expanding targetfolder/* is something your shell should be doing, and if you're on Windows, I'd recommend Win32::Autoglob instead of doing it manually.
foreach ... { open ... }: You're not doing anything with the files once you've opened them - the loop to read from the files needs to be inside the foreach.
"Is the whole file or only 1st line is loaded?" open doesn't read anything from the file, it just opens it and provides a filehandle (which you've named F) that you then need to read from.
I'd strongly recommend you use the more modern three-argument form of open and check it for errors, as well as use lexical filehandles since their scope is not global, as in open my $fh, '<', $file or die "$file: $!";.
"is this correct to judge if there is still file to load?" Yes, while (<$filehandle>) is a good way to read a file line-by-line, and the loop will end when everything has been read from the file. You may want to use the more explicit form while (my $line = <$filehandle>), so that your variable has a name, instead of the default $_ variable - it does make the code a bit more verbose, but if you're just starting out that may be a good thing.
match_replace(): You're not passing any parameters to the sub. Even though this code might still "work", it's passing the current line to the sub through the global $_ variable, which is not a good practice because it will be confusing and error-prone once the script starts getting longer.
if (/^\sName\s+/){$name = $1;}: Since you've named the sub match_replace, I'm guessing you want to do a search-and-replace operation. In Perl, that's called s/search/replacement/, and you can read about it in perlrequick and perlretut. As for the code you've shown, you're using $1, but you don't have any "capture groups" ((...)) in your regular expression - you can read about that in those two links as well.
"if I want to read the 5th line in downward , how to do that ?" As always in Perl, There Is More Than One Way To Do It (TIMTOWTDI). One way is with the range operator .. - you can skip the first through fourth lines by saying next if 1..4; at the beginning of the while loop, this will test those line numbers against the special $. variable that keeps track of the most recently read line number.
"and if I would like to read multi lines in multi array[row], how to do that ?" One way is to use push to add the current line to the end of an array. Since keeping the lines of a file in an array can use up more memory, especially with large files, I'd strongly recommend making sure you think through the algorithm you want to use here. You haven't explained why you would want to keep things in an array, so I can't be more specific here.
So, having said all that, here's how I might have written that code. I've added some debugging code using Data::Dumper - it's always helpful to see the data that your script is working with.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper; # for debugging
for my $file (#ARGV) {
print Dumper($file); # debug
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "$file: $!";
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
next if 1..4;
chomp($line); # remove line ending
close $fh;
sub match_replace {
my ($line) = #_; # get argument(s) to sub
my $name;
if ( $line =~ /^\sName\s+(.*)$/ ) {
$name = $1;
print Data::Dumper->Dump([$line,$name],['line','name']); # debug
# ... do more here ...
The above code is explicitly looping over #ARGV and opening each file, and I did say above that more verbose code can be helpful in understanding what's going on. I just wanted to point out a nice feature of Perl, the "magic" <> operator (discussed in perlop under "I/O Operators"), which will automatically open the files in #ARGV and read lines from them. (There's just one small thing, if I want to use the $. variable and have it count the lines per file, I need to use the continue block I've shown below, this is explained in eof.) This would be a more "idiomatic" way of writing that first loop:
while (<>) { # reads line into $_
next if 1..4;
chomp; # automatically uses $_ variable
} continue { close ARGV if eof } # needed for $. (and range operator)

what does print for mean in Perl?

I need to edit some Perl script and I'm new to this language.
I encountered the following statement:
print for (#$result);
I know that $result is a reference to an array and #$result returns the whole array.
But what does print for mean?
Thank you in advance.
In Perl, there's such a thing as an implicit variable. You may have seen it already as $_. There's a lot of built in functions in perl that will work on $_ by default.
$_ is set in a variety of places, such as loops. So you can do:
while ( <$filehandle> ) {
Each of these lines is using $_ and modifying it as it goes. Your for loop is doing the same - each iteration of the loop sets $_ to the current value and print is then doing that by default.
I would point out though - whilst useful and clever, it's also a really good way to make confusing and inscrutable code. In nested loops, for example, it can be quite unclear what's actually going on with $_.
So I'd typically:
avoid writing it explicitly - if you need to do that, you should consider actually naming your variable properly.
only use it in places where it makes it clearer what's going on. As a rule of thumb - if you use it more than twice, you should probably use a named variable instead.
I find it particularly useful if iterating on a file handle. E.g.:
while ( <$filehandle> ) {
next unless m/keyword/; #skips any line without 'keyword' in it.
my ( $wiggle, $wobble, $fronk ) = split ( /:/ ); #split $_ into 3 variables on ':'
print $wobble, "\n";
It would be redundant to assign a variable name to capture a line from <$filehandle>, only to immediately discard it - thus instead we use split which by default uses $_ to extract 3 values.
If it's hard to figure out what's going on, then one of the more useful ways is to use perl -MO=Deparse which'll re-print the 'parsed' version of the script. So in the example you give:
foreach $_ (#$result) {
print $_;
It is equivalent to for (#$result) { print; }, which is equivalent to for (#$result) { print $_; }. $_ refers to the current element.

Perl - Use of uninitialized value within %frequency in concatenation (.) or string

Not entirely sure why but for some reason i cant print the hash value outside the while loop.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
opendir(D, "cwd" );
my #files = readdir(D);
foreach $file (#files)
open F, $file or die "$0: Can't open $file : $!\n";
while ($line = <F>) {
$line=~ s/[-':!?,;".()]//g;
$line=~ s/^[a-z]/\U/g;
#words = split(/\s/, $line);
foreach $word (#words) {
print "$file\n";
print "$ARGV[0]\n";
print "$frequency{$ARGV[0]}\n";
print "$counter\n";
Any help would be much appreciated!
This line
print "$frequency{$ARGV[0]}\n";
Expects you to have an argument to your script, e.g. perl argument. If you have no argument, $ARGV[0] is undefined, but it will stringify to the empty string. This empty string is a valid key in the hash, but the value is undefined, hence your warning
Use of uninitialized value within %frequency in concatenation (.) or string
But you should also see the warning
Use of uninitialized value $ARGV[0] in hash element
And it is a very big mistake not to include that error in this question.
Also, when using readdir, you get all the files in the directory, including directories. You might consider filtering the files somewhat.
use strict;
use warnings;
Is something that will benefit you very much, so add that to your script.
I had originally written this,
There is no %frequency defined at the top level of your program.
When perl sees you reference %frequency inside the inner-most
loop, it will auto-vivify it, in that scratchpad (lexical scope).
This means that when you exit the inner-most loop (foreach $word
(#words)), the auto-vivified %frequency is out of scope and
garbage-collected. Each time you enter that loop, a new, different
variable will be auto-vivified, and then discarded.
When you later refer to %frequency in your print, yet another new,
different %frequency will be created.
… but then realized that you had forgotten to use strict, and Perl was being generous and giving you a global %frequency, which ironically is probably what you meant. So, this answer is wrong in your case … but declaring the scope of %frequency would probably be good form, regardless.
These other, “unrelated” notes are still useful perhaps, or else I'd delete the answer altogether:
As #TLP mentioned, you should probably also skip directories (at least) in your file loop. A quick way to do this would be my #files = grep { -f "cwd/$_" } (readdir D); this will filter the list to contain only files.
I'm further suspicious that you named a directory "cwd" … are you perhaps meaning the current working directory? In all the major OS'es in use today, that directory is referenced as “.” — you're looking for a directory literally named "cwd"?

How do I print on a single line all content between certain start- and stop-lines?

chomp $_;
print OUT $line[$j],"\n";
This is my code I am trying to print data between Syn_Name and a blank line.
My code extracts the chunk that I need.
But the data between the chunk is printed line by line. I want the data for each chunk to get printed on a single line.
Simplification of your code. Using the flip-flop operator to control the print. Note that printing the final line will not add a newline (unless the line contained more than one newline). At best, it prints the empty string. At worst, it prints whitespace.
You do not need a transition array for the lines, you can use a while loop. In case you want to store the lines anyway, I added a commented line with how that is best done.
#chomp(my #line = <FILE>);
while (<FILE>) {
if(/Syn_Name/ .. /^\s*$/) {
print OUT;
print "\n" if /^\s*$/;
Idiomatic Perl
Make errors easier to fix
Warnings about common programming errors
Don't execute unless variable names are consistent
Developing this habit will save you lots of time
Perl's range operator
Working demos
Print chomped lines immediately
Join lines with spaces
One more edge case
Idiomatic Perl
You seem to have a background with the C family of languages. This is fine because it gets the job done, but you can let Perl handle the machinery for you, namely
chomp defaults to $_ (also true with many other Perl operators)
push adds an element to the end of an array
to simplify your first loop:
while (<FILE>)
push #line, $_;
Now you don't have update $i to keep track of how many lines you've already added to the array.
On the second loop, instead of using a C-style for loop, use a foreach loop:
The foreach loop iterates over a normal list value and sets the variable VAR to be each element of the list in turn …
The foreach keyword is actually a synonym for the for keyword, so you can use foreach for readability or for for brevity. (Or because the Bourne shell is more familiar to you than csh, so writing for comes more naturally.) If VAR is omitted, $_ is set to each value.
This way, Perl handles the bookkeeping for you.
for (#line)
# $_ is the current element of #line
Make errors easier to fix
Sometimes Perl can be too accommodating. Say in the second loop you made an easy typographical error:
for (#lines)
Running your program now produces no output at all, even if the input contains Syn_Name chunks.
A human can look at the code and see that you probably intended to process the array you just created and pluralized the name of the array by mistake. Perl, being eager to help, creates a new empty #lines array, which leaves your foreach loop with nothing to do.
You may delete the spurious s at the end of the array's name but still have a program produces no output! For example, you may have an unhandled combination of inputs that doesn't open the OUT filehandle.
Perl has a couple of easy ways to spare you these (and more!) kinds of frustration from dealing with silent failures.
Warnings about common programming errors
You can turn on an enormous list of warnings that help diagnose common programming problems. With my imagined buggy version of your code, Perl could have told you
Name "main::lines" used only once: possible typo at ./synname line 16.
and after fixing the typo in the array name
print() on unopened filehandle OUT at ./synname line 20, <FILE> line 8.
print() on unopened filehandle OUT at ./synname line 20, <FILE> line 8.
print() on unopened filehandle OUT at ./synname line 20, <FILE> line 8.
print() on unopened filehandle OUT at ./synname line 20, <FILE> line 8.
print() on unopened filehandle OUT at ./synname line 20, <FILE> line 8.
Right away, you see valuable information that may be difficult or at least tedious to spot unaided:
variable names are inconsistent, and
the program is trying to produce output but needs a little more plumbing.
Don't execute unless variable names are consistent
Notice that even with the potential problems above, Perl tried to execute anyway. With some classes of problems such as the variable-naming inconsistency, you may prefer that Perl not execute your program but stop and make you fix it first. You can tell Perl to be strict about variables:
This generates a compile-time error if you access a variable that wasn't declared via our or use vars, localized via my, or wasn't fully qualified.
The tradeoff is you have to be explicit about which variables you intend to be part of your program instead of allowing them to conveniently spring to life upon first use. Before the first loop, you would declare
my #line;
to express your intent. Then with the bug of a mistakenly pluralized array name, Perl fails with
Global symbol "#lines" requires explicit package name at ./synname line 16.
Execution of ./synname aborted due to compilation errors.
and you know exactly which line contains the error.
Developing this habit will save you lots of time
I begin almost every non-trivial Perl program I write with
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
The first is the shebang line, an ordinary comment as far as Perl is concerned. The use lines enable the strict pragma and the warnings pragma.
Not wanting to be a strict-zombie, as Mark Dominus chided, I'll point out that use strict; as above with no option makes Perl strict in dealing with three error-prone areas:
strict vars, as described above;
strict refs, disallows use of symbolic references; and
strict subs, requires the programmer to be more careful in referring to subroutines.
This is a highly useful default. See the strict pragma's documentation for more details.
Perl's range operator
The perlop documentation describes .., Perl's range operator, that can help you greatly simplify the logic in your second loop:
In scalar context, .. returns a boolean value. The operator is bistable, like a flip-flop, and emulates the line-range (comma) operator of sed, awk, and various editors. Each .. operator maintains its own boolean state, even across calls to a subroutine that contains it. It is false as long as its left operand is false. Once the left operand is true, the range operator stays true until the right operand is true, AFTER which the range operator becomes false again. It doesn't become false till the next time the range operator is evaluated.
In your question, you wrote that you want “data between Syn_Name and a blank line,” which in Perl is spelled
/Syn_Name/ .. /^\s*$/
In your case, you also want to do something special at the end of the range, and .. provides for that case too, ibid.
The final sequence number in a range has the string "E0" appended to it, which doesn't affect its numeric value, but gives you something to search for if you want to exclude the endpoint.
Assigning the value returned from .. (which I usually do to a scalar named $inside or $is_inside) allows you to check whether you're at the end, e.g.,
my $is_inside = /Syn_Name/ .. /^\s*$/;
if ($is_inside =~ /E0$/) {
Writing it this way also avoids duplicating the code for your terminating condition (the right-hand operand of ..). This way if you need to change the logic, you change it in only one place. When you have to remember, you'll forget sometimes and create bugs.
Working demos
See below for code you can copy-and-paste to get working programs. For demo purposes, they read input from the built-in DATA filehandle and write output to STDOUT. Writing it this way means you can transfer my code into yours with little or no modification.
Print chomped lines immediately
As defined in your question, there's no need for one loop to collect the lines in a temporary array and then another loop to process the array. Consider the following code
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# for demo only
while (<FILE>)
if (my $is_inside = /Syn_Name/ .. /^\s*$/) {
my $is_last = $is_inside =~ /E0$/;
print OUT $_, $is_last ? "\n" : ();
whose output is
We always print the current line, stored in $_. When we're at the end of the range, that is, when $is_last is true, we also print a newline. When $is_last is false, the empty list in the other branch of the ternary operator is the result—meaning we print $_ only, no newline.
Join lines with spaces
You didn't show us an example input, so I wonder whether you really want to butt the lines together rather than joining them with spaces. If you want the latter behavior, then the program becomes
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# for demo only
my #lines;
while (<FILE>)
if (my $is_inside = /Syn_Name/ .. /^\s*$/) {
push #lines, $_;
if ($is_inside =~ /E0$/) {
print OUT join(" ", #lines), "\n";
#lines = ();
This code accumulates in #lines only those lines within a Syn_Name chunk, prints the chunk, and clears out #lines when we see the terminator. The output is now
Syn_Name foo bar baz
One more edge case
Finally, what happens if we see Syn_Name at the end of the file but without a terminating blank line? That may be impossible with your data, but in case you need to handle it, you'll want to use Perl's eof operator.
Returns 1 if the next read on FILEHANDLE will return end of file or if FILEHANDLE is not open … An eof without an argument uses the last file read.
So we terminate on either a blank line or end of file.
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# for demo only
my #lines;
while (<FILE>)
#if (my $is_inside = /Syn_Name/ .. /^\s*$/) {
if (my $is_inside = /Syn_Name/ .. /^\s*$/ || eof) {
push #lines, $_;
if ($is_inside =~ /E0$/) {
print OUT join(" ", #lines), "\n";
#lines = ();
Syn_Name foo bar
Syn_Name quux potrzebie
Here instead of chomp, the code removes any trailing invisible whitespace at the ends of lines. This will make sure spacing between joined lines is uniform even if the input is a little sloppy.
Without the eof check, the program does not print the latter line, which you can see by commenting out the active conditional and uncommenting the other.
Another simplified version:
foreach (grep {chomp; /Syn_Name/ .. /^\s*$/ } <FILE>) {
print OUT;
print OUT "\n" if /^\s*$/;

How is $_ different from named input or loop arguments?

As I use $_ a lot I want to understand its usage better. $_ is a global variable for implicit values as far as I understood and used it.
As $_ seems to be set anyway, are there reasons to use named loop variables over $_ besides readability?
In what cases does it matter $_ is a global variable?
So if I use
for (#array){
print $_;
or even
print $_ for #array;
it has the same effect as
for my $var (#array){
print $var;
But does it work the same? I guess it does not exactly but what are the actual differences?
It seems $_ is even scoped correctly in this example. Is it not global anymore? I am using 5.12.3.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #array = qw/one two three four/;
my #other_array = qw/1 2 3 4/;
for (#array){
for (#other_array){
print $_;
print $_;
that prints correctly 1234one1234two1234three1234four.
For global $_ I would have expected 1234 4 1234 4 1234 4 1234 4 .. or am i missing something obvious?
When is $_ global then?
Ok, after having read the various answers and perlsyn more carefully I came to a conclusion:
Besides readability it is better to avoid using $_ because implicit localisation of $_ must be known and taken account of otherwise one might encounter unexpected behaviour.
Thanks for clarification of that matter.
are there reasons to use named loop variables over $_ besides readability?
The issue is not if they are named or not. The issue is if they are "package variables" or "lexical variables".
See the very good description of the 2 systems of variables used in Perl "Coping with Scoping":
package variables are global variables, and should therefore be avoided for all the usual reasons (eg. action at a distance).
Avoiding package variables is a question of "correct operation" or "harder to inject bugs" rather than a question of "readability".
In what cases does it matter $_ is a global variable?
The better question is:
In what cases is $_ local()ized for me?
There are a few places where Perl will local()ize $_ for you, primarily foreach, grep and map. All other places require that you local()ize it yourself, therefore you will be injecting a potential bug when you inevitably forget to do so. :-)
The classic failure mode of using $_ (implicitly or explicitly) as a loop variable is
for $_ (#myarray) {
/(\d+)/ or die;
sub foo {
 open(F, "foo_$_[0]") or die;
while (<F>) {
where, because the loop variable in for/foreach is bound to the actual list item, means that the while (<F>) overwrites #myarray with lines read from the files.
$_ is the same as naming the variable as in your second example with the way it is usually used. $_ is just a shortcut default variable name for the current item in the current loop to save on typing when doing a quick, simple loop. I tend to use named variables rather than the default. It makes it more clear what it is and if I happen to need to do a nested loop there are no conflicts.
Since $_ is a global variable, you may get unexpected values if you try to use its value that it had from a previous code block. The new code block may be part of a loop or other operation that inserts its own values into $_, overwriting what you expected to be there.
The risk in using $_ is that it is global (unless you localise it with local $_), and so if some function you call in your loop also uses $_, the two uses can interfere.
For reasons which are not clear to me, this has only bitten me occasionally, but I usually localise $_ if I use it inside packages.
There is nothing special about $_ apart from it is the default parameter for many functions. If you explicitly lexically scope your $_ with my, perl will use the local version of $_ rather than the global one. There is nothing strange in this, it is just like any other named variable.
sub p { print "[$_]"; } # Prints the global $_
# Compare and contrast
for my $_ (b1..b5) { for my $_ (a1..a5) { p } } print "\n"; # ex1
for my $_ (b1..b5) { for (a1..a5) { p } } print "\n"; # ex2
for (b1..b5) { for my $_ (a1..a5) { p } } print "\n"; # ex3
for (b1..b5) { for (a1..a5) { p } } print "\n"; # ex4
You should be slightly mystified by the output until you find out that perl will preserve the original value of the loop variable on loop exit (see perlsyn).
Note ex2 above. Here the second loop is using the lexically scoped $_ declared in the first loop. Subtle, but expected. Again, this value is preserved on exit so the two loops do not interfere.