UIView not displaying - swift

I am trying to create a simple UIView by calling the following function:
func loadCell() {
let cell : UIView!
cell = UIView(frame: CGRect(x:50, y:50, width:50, height:50))
cell.backgroundColor = UIColor(red:1.00, green:0.00, blue:0.00, alpha:1.00)
I do not get any errors, however the UIView doesn't seem to appear. The text "Test" is printed to the console which tells me it's not a function calling problem. Another thing to note is that I use the exact same code in a different function at a different part of my program to create a different UIView and that code works perfectly. I have absolutely no idea why this code isn't working. At first I thought it may be a zPosition issue, but after experimenting with the zPosition I see no difference.
I then thought it may have something to do with there already being other UIViews being displayed at the time of calling the function, and the new one that the function "should" be creating isn't getting displayed because the program is thinking "It's ok, you already have a UIView here sir! No need to display another!", as strange as that may be.
I am calling the loadCell function inside of another function called drawGrid(). drawGrid() is simple a nested for loop which creates a grid of UIViews x along and y high. The drawGrid() function works perfectly when spawning in level 1, however once level 1 is complete and I try to spawn in level 2 that is when it doesn't spawn the next set of UIViews. It prints all of my print("Test")s to the console multiple times which tells me it IS getting to that point in the program but doesn't want to create the next grid of UIViews.
Update 2:
var gridSizeX:Int = 10
var gridSizeY:Int = 10
var gridArray: [[UIView?]] = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: nil, count: gridSizeY), count: gridSizeX)
func loadCell(xPos:Int, yPos:Int) {
let xStart = Int(size.width/2/2) - ((gridSizeX * gridScale)/2)
let yStart = Int(size.height/2/2) - ((gridSizeY * gridScale)/2)
let cell : UIView!
cell = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: xStart + (xPos * gridScale), y:yStart + (yPos * gridScale), width:gridScale, height:gridScale))
cell.layer.borderWidth = 1
cell.layer.borderColor = UIColor(red:0.00, green:0.00, blue:0.00, alpha:0.02).cgColor
cell.backgroundColor = UIColor(red:1.00, green:1.00, blue:1.00, alpha:0)
gridArray[xPos][yPos] = cell
func drawGrid() {
for y in 0 ... gridSizeY {
for x in 0 ... gridSizeX {
loadCell(xPos:x, yPos:y)
func breakGrid() {
for y in 0 ... gridSizeY - 1 {
for x in 0 ... gridSizeX - 1 {
As you can see, the functions I posted here at the beginning are a little different as I removed unnecessary, irrelevant code not to get confused by. I have added it all back here, and if there is anything you are unsure about just ask :) I also added the "BreakGrid()" function with deletes/removes the previous grid of UIViews. and after deleted I run the drawGrid() again for the next level.

You are most likely calling your method too early, before your view is initialized (probably calling from viewDidLoad?). This would explain why print(self.view) is nil
Try calling your method for viewWillAppear
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

When I do print(self.view) it just prints nil
That means that your self.view is nil so nothing subviews your cell. You should check why your view is nil. Probably it has not been added to self by the time loadCell() is called.
So focus on why the view is nil.

I have checked your code it's work perfect. May your view not updated properly. Can you try this on main thread.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let cell : UIView!
cell = UIView(frame: CGRect(x:50, y:50, width:50, height:50))
cell.backgroundColor = UIColor(red:1.00, green:0.00, blue:0.00, alpha:1.00)

Please try this
func loadCell() {
let cell : UIView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x:50, y:50, width:50, height:50))
cell.backgroundColor = UIColor(red:1.00, green:0.00, blue:0.00, alpha:1.00)
It may be work for you
I have given the size at the time of initialization.


Identifying Objects in Firebase PreBuilt UI in Swift

FirebaseUI has a nice pre-buit UI for Swift. I'm trying to position an image view above the login buttons on the bottom. In the example below, the imageView is the "Hackathon" logo. Any logo should be able to show in this, if it's called "logo", since this shows the image as aspectFit.
According to the Firebase docs page:
You can customize the signin screen with this function:
func authPickerViewController(forAuthUI authUI: FUIAuth) -> FUIAuthPickerViewController {
return FUICustomAuthPickerViewController(nibName: "FUICustomAuthPickerViewController",
bundle: Bundle.main,
authUI: authUI)
Using this code & poking around with subviews in the debuggers, I've been able to identify and color code views in the image below. Unfortunately, I don't think that the "true" size of these subview frames is set until the view controller presents, so trying to access the frame size inside these functions won't give me dimensions that I can use for creating a new imageView to hold a log. Plus accessing the views with hard-coded index values like I've done below, seems like a pretty bad idea, esp. given that Google has already changed the Pre-Built UI once, adding a scroll view & breaking the code of anyone who set the pre-built UI's background color.
func authPickerViewController(forAuthUI authUI: FUIAuth) -> FUIAuthPickerViewController {
// Create an instance of the FirebaseAuth login view controller
let loginViewController = FUIAuthPickerViewController(authUI: authUI)
// Set background color to white
loginViewController.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
loginViewController.view.subviews[0].backgroundColor = UIColor.blue
loginViewController.view.subviews[0].subviews[0].backgroundColor = UIColor.red
loginViewController.view.subviews[0].subviews[0].tag = 999
return loginViewController
I did get this to work by adding a tag (999), then in the completion handler when presenting the loginViewController I hunt down tag 999 and call a function to add an imageView with a logo:
present(loginViewController, animated: true) {
if let foundView = loginViewController.view.viewWithTag(999) {
let height = foundView.frame.height
print("FOUND HEIGHT: \(height)")
self.addLogo(loginViewController: loginViewController, height: height)
func addLogo(loginViewController: UINavigationController, height: CGFloat) {
let logoFrame = CGRect(x: 0 + logoInsets, y: self.view.safeAreaInsets.top + logoInsets, width: loginViewController.view.frame.width - (logoInsets * 2), height: self.view.frame.height - height - (logoInsets * 2))
// Create the UIImageView using the frame created above & add the "logo" image
let logoImageView = UIImageView(frame: logoFrame)
logoImageView.image = UIImage(named: "logo")
logoImageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit // Set imageView to Aspect Fit
// loginViewController.view.addSubview(logoImageView) // Add ImageView to the login controller's main view
But again, this doesn't seem safe. Is there a "safe" way to deconstruct this UI to identify the size of this button box at the bottom of the view controller (this size will vary if there are multiple login methods supported, such as Facebook, Apple, E-mail)? If I can do that in a way that avoids the hard-coding approach, above, then I think I can reliably use the dimensions of this button box to determine how much space is left in the rest of the view controller when adding an appropriately sized ImageView. Thanks!
This should address the issue - allowing a logo to be reliably placed above the prebuilt UI login buttons buttons + avoiding hard-coding the index values or subview locations. It should also allow for properly setting background color (also complicated when Firebase added the scroll view + login button subview).
To use: Create a subclass of FUIAuthDelegate to hold a custom view controller for the prebuilt Firebase UI.
The code will show the logo at full screen behind the buttons if there isn't a scroll view or if the class's private constant fullScreenLogo is set to false.
If both of these conditions aren't meant, the logo will show inset taking into account the class's private logoInsets constant and the safeAreaInsets. The scrollView views are set to clear so that a background image can be set, as well via the private let backgroundColor.
Call it in any signIn function you might have, after setting authUI.providers. Call would be something like this:
let loginViewController = CustomLoginScreen(authUI: authUI!)
let loginNavigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: loginViewController)
loginNavigationController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
present(loginNavigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
And here's one version of the subclass:
class CustomLoginScreen: FUIAuthPickerViewController {
private var fullScreenLogo = false // false if you want logo just above login buttons
private var viewContainsButton = false
private var buttonViewHeight: CGFloat = 0.0
private let logoInsets: CGFloat = 16
private let backgroundColor = UIColor.white
private var scrollView: UIScrollView?
private var viewContainingButton: UIView?
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// set color of scrollView and Button view inside scrollView to clear in viewWillAppear to avoid a "color flash" when the pre-built login UI first appears
self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
guard let foundScrollView = returnScrollView() else {
print("šŸ˜” Couldn't get a scrollView.")
scrollView = foundScrollView
scrollView!.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
guard let foundViewContainingButton = returnButtonView() else {
print("šŸ˜” No views in the scrollView contain buttons.")
viewContainingButton = foundViewContainingButton
viewContainingButton!.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Create the UIImageView at full screen, considering logoInsets + safeAreaInsets
let x = logoInsets
let y = view.safeAreaInsets.top + logoInsets
let width = view.frame.width - (logoInsets * 2)
let height = view.frame.height - (view.safeAreaInsets.top + view.safeAreaInsets.bottom + (logoInsets * 2))
var frame = CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height)
let logoImageView = UIImageView(frame: frame)
logoImageView.image = UIImage(named: "logo")
logoImageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit // Set imageView to Aspect Fit
logoImageView.alpha = 0.0
// Only proceed with customizing the pre-built UI if you found a scrollView or you don't want a full-screen logo.
guard scrollView != nil && !fullScreenLogo else {
print("No scrollView found.")
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.25, animations: {logoImageView.alpha = 1.0})
self.view.sendSubviewToBack(logoImageView) // otherwise logo is on top of buttons
// update the logoImageView's frame height to subtract the height of the subview containing buttons. This way the buttons won't be on top of the logoImageView
frame = CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height - (viewContainingButton?.frame.height ?? 0.0))
logoImageView.frame = frame
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.25, animations: {logoImageView.alpha = 1.0})
private func returnScrollView() -> UIScrollView? {
var scrollViewToReturn: UIScrollView?
if self.view.subviews.count > 0 {
for subview in self.view.subviews {
if subview is UIScrollView {
scrollViewToReturn = subview as? UIScrollView
return scrollViewToReturn
private func returnButtonView() -> UIView? {
var viewContainingButton: UIView?
for view in scrollView!.subviews {
if viewContainsButton {
viewContainingButton = view
return viewContainingButton
private func viewHasButton(_ view: UIView) {
if view is UIButton {
viewContainsButton = true
} else if view.subviews.count > 0 {
Hope this helps any who have been frustrated trying to configure the Firebase pre-built UI in Swift.

Adding Progress bar - Swift

I want to add a Progress bar to a tableViewController.
I have one function called HelpersFunctions which do all the calculation.
The function doCalculation is responsible for the calculation.
So, I add the following notification to doCalculation as follow:
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .return_progress, object: self)
for i in 1...n1 {
//Do all the calculation
So, once I reach NotificationCenter.default.post, it will move to a Tableview Controller called CreateNewElementVC
now, inside the ViewDidLoad, I added the following line:
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(showProgress), name: .return_progress, object: nil)
In the same swift file, I added the following:
let container_elementProperty: ProgressBarView = {
let view = ProgressBarView()
view.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0, alpha: 0.5)
view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
return view
#objc func showProgress() {
if(progressCounter > 1.0){timer.invalidate()}
print("Step 1")
container_elementProperty.frame = CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 200, height: 200)
container_elementProperty.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0, alpha: 0.5)
container_elementProperty.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleDismiss)))
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "queue1", qos: .userInteractive)
queue.async {
print("Step 2")
print("Step 3")
container_elementProperty.progress = progressCounter
progressCounter = progressCounter + progressIncrement
let x1: Float = Float(start_Counting)
let x2: Float = Float(End_Counting)
let xx: Float = x1 / x2 * 100
print("Start at: \(xx) %)")
So, first I put all the required data in the CreateNewElementVC, then there is a button called run to do all the calculation and then it will move to another TableViewController with all the result.
So while I am inside the function doCalculation, the progress bar should appear .
In fact, the Progress bar container_elementProperty (UIview) appeared just after the calculation is completed which make the progress bar is useless.
Any idea how to make the View called container_elementProperty UIView to be seen ?
I am close to solve this issue as I can see the progress in the stack as below image, I just want to show this on the screen before completing the calculation.
Why I am not able to put the view on the screen while doing the calculation as you can see that step 2 ran first.
The warning related to this issue is: UIView.addSubview(_:) must be used from main thread only.
A Sample Project can be checked on this link at github.
Appreciate any kind of support.
To simulate a progress, such as a network request you cannot simply do a for loop in the main thread, you should use GCD.
To update the progress of an ongoing action use Delegation, not KVO.
Using global variables makes your code flawed, avoid it!
This is a working version of your code.
# Write By Tushar on 11/02/2021#
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let totalValue:Float = 80.0
var firstNumber:Int? = 0
#IBOutlet weak var progressBar: UIProgressView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
progressBar.trackTintColor = .white
progressBar.tintColor = .red
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
progressBar.setProgress(0.0, animated: false)
func setProgress(firstValue:Float){
let processValue = firstValue/totalValue
progressBar.setProgress(processValue, animated: true)
#IBAction func btnResetClick(_ sender: UIButton) {
print("Reset Button Clicked")
firstNumber = 0
progressBar.setProgress(0.0, animated: false)
#IBAction func btnShowProgressClick(_ sender: UIButton) {
guard let presentValue = firstNumber else { return }
let newValue = presentValue + 1
firstNumber = newValue
setProgress(firstValue: Float(firstNumber!))

Programmatically Adding/Removing Images to Subview in Swift

Using code found in another post on here, I was able to programmatically draw and erase a subview, including location, width, and height, as shown in func addLoadButton and func removeSubview below. I have also figured out how to programmatically draw a picture on the main View Controller, as shown in func trailerLoadImage below. However, after many hours and attempts, I have tried to programmatically add and remove images into that subview without success.
My end goal is to be able to press three different trailer load type buttons to insert three different images (button 1 loads image 1, button 2 loads image 2, etc.) in a subview located in a specific location on the screen, and to be able to remove the images one at a time (may not be in order put on screen) by tapping on the images with a finger. The subview can be permanent or can be created and removed programmatically (as used below).
What code would I use to insert an image or multiple different images into a subview that has already been created, to remove the image(s) in the reverse order added, and to clear all images out of the subview? If this canā€™t be done, an acceptable alternative would be the ability to remove the image from the main VC by either tapping on it or pressing a button to clear all added images.
//Class declaration
class ViewController: UIViewController, UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource, UITextFieldDelegate {
//Boolean to include load type one in calculations
var trailerLoad : Bool = false
var trailerLoadDistanceFromFront = 20
//Boolean to include load type two in calculations
var trailerLoadTwo : Bool = false
var trailerLoadTwoDistanceFromFront = 80
//Boolean to include load type three in calculations
var trailerLoadThree : Bool = false
var trailerLoadThreeDistanceFromFront = 120
var trailerLoadWidth : Int = 0
var trailerLoadX : Int = 0
//Boolean true only when subView on trailer is active
var subViewActive : Bool = false
override func viewDidLoad() {
//Picker view data sources and delegates included in here and work fine
//Adds subview for loads
#IBAction func addLoadButton(_ sender: Any) {
let trailerLoadView: UIView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 252, y: 233, width: 378, height: 100))
trailerLoadView.backgroundColor = .blue
trailerLoadView.alpha = 0.5
trailerLoadView.tag = 100
trailerLoadView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
subViewActive = true
//If subViewActive is true, calls alert to get distance load type one is from front, moves on to insert and position image, changes trailerLoad bool to true
#IBAction func trailerLoadOneButton(_ sender: Any) {
//If subViewActive is true:
//Calls alert to get distance load type one is from front, puts in var trailerLoadDistanceFromFront
//Calls trailerLoadImage() to insert and position load type one image
//Changes bool trailerLoad to true
//If subViewActive is false:
//Calls alert to tell user that they need to click Add Load button (create subview) before adding load types one, two, or three
//Add trailer load type one image, scales and positions it relatively accurately in view.
//To be duplicated and modified for load types two and three in the future, with different images (trailerLoadTypeTwoPic and trailerLoadTypeThreePic)
func trailerLoadImage() {
trailerLoadWidth = 378 * 60 / trailerTotalLength
trailerLoadX = 378 * trailerLoadDistanceFromFront / trailerTotalLength
let imageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: (252 + trailerLoadX), y: (333 - trailerLoadWidth), width: trailerLoadWidth, height: trailerLoadWidth));
let image = UIImage(named: ā€œtrailerLoadTypeOnePicā€);
imageView.image = image;
//Calls func removeSubview to remove subview
#IBAction func resetButton(_ sender: Any) {
//Removes subview for loads
#objc func removeSubview(){
subViewActive = false
if let viewWithTag = self.view.viewWithTag(100) {
Thank you very much to anybody that offers assistance or advice.
Don't use tags! Just create variables in global scope for your views
var imageViews = [UIImageView]()
then when you need to add them first append them to your array and then add them to view
Then when you need to remove your all views from their superview, use method removeFromSuperview() for each view in array
imageViews.forEach { $0.removeFromSuperview() }
or if you need to remove just one view at specific index
imageViews.remove(at: index)

Programmatically place the Cursor inside a textField of a custom tableView header

How can you programmatically make sure that the cursor of a tableView-HeaderView-TextField gets active (i.e. is the first responder) ??
My table looks like this (i.e with the custom TextField header). So far, the cursor only gets inside the grey header field by clicking inside the textfield. But I would like to be able to get the cursor inside the textfield programmatically....
The code for my custom tableview-header looks like this :
// drawing a custom Header-View with a TextField on top of the tableView
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {
let container = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, 50))
let textField = UITextField(frame: CGRectMake(10, 15, self.view.frame.size.width/2 - 40, 45))
textField.delegate = self
self.txtfield = textField
textField.textColor = UIColor.blackColor()
let placeholder = NSAttributedString(string: "..add player", attributes: [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.darkGrayColor()])
textField.attributedPlaceholder = placeholder
textField.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor()
var headPlusBttn:UIButton = UIButton.buttonWithType(UIButtonType.ContactAdd) as! UIButton
headPlusBttn.center.x = self.view.frame.size.width - 20
headPlusBttn.center.y = 38
headPlusBttn.enabled = true
headPlusBttn.addTarget(self, action: "addTeam:", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)
return container
My first approach was to set the first-responder of the headerViewForSection like this (see code):
// reload entries
func reloadEntries() {
// the following does unfortunately not work !!!!!
Not sure why this does not work. Maybe, the Section-Nr (Int=1) is wrong. But I tried several section-numbers. No curser where it should be.
Any help appreciated !
Usually adding a delay helps in situations like this. It allows the OS to do everything it wants with the view, and then it won't mess up what you're trying to do at the same time.
Maybe something like this:
func reloadEntries() {
let delay = (Int64(NSEC_PER_SEC) * 0.1)
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, triggerTime), dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
I haven't tested this to do what you want, so you may need to find a different place to put this.
Also, are you sure you want to affect the view in section 1? From your image it looks like you want to mess with the header in section 0.
Be sure to drop into the debugger and check that the header isn't nil. Your code implies that that's a valid condition. You might try writing it like this (at least for testing):
if let header = self.tableView.headerViewForSection(1) {
else {
print("There is no header.")

Accessibility (Voice Over) with Sprite Kit

I'm attempting to add support for Voice Over accessibility in a puzzle game which has a fixed board. However, I'm having trouble getting UIAccessibilityElements to show up.
Right now I'm overriding accessibilityElementAtIndex, accessibilityElementCount and indexOfAccessibilityElement in my SKScene.
They are returning an array of accessible elements as such:
func loadAccessibleElements()
self.isAccessibilityElement = false
let pieces = getAllPieces()
accessibleElements.removeAll(keepCapacity: false)
for piece in pieces
let element = UIAccessibilityElement(accessibilityContainer: self.usableView!)
element.accessibilityFrame = piece.getAccessibilityFrame()
element.accessibilityLabel = piece.getText()
element.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraitButton
Where piece is a subclass of SKSpriteNode and getAccessibilityFrame is defined:
func getAccessibilityFrame() -> CGRect
return parentView!.convertRect(frame, toView: nil)
Right now one (wrongly sized) accessibility element seems to appear on the screen in the wrong place.
Could someone point me in the right direction?
Many thanks
I've tried a hack-ish work around by placing a UIView over the SKView with UIButton elements in the same location as the SKSpriteNodes. However, accessibility still doesn't want to work. The view is loaded as such:
func loadAccessibilityView()
view.isAccessibilityElement = false
view.accessibilityElementsHidden = false
skView.accessibilityElementsHidden = false
let accessibleSubview = UIView(frame: view.frame)
accessibleSubview.userInteractionEnabled = true
accessibleSubview.isAccessibilityElement = false
let pieces = (skView.scene! as! GameScene).getAllPieces()
for piece in pieces
let pieceButton = UIButton(frame: piece.getAccessibilityFrame())
pieceButton.isAccessibilityElement = true
pieceButton.accessibilityElementsHidden = false
pieceButton.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraitButton
pieceButton.setTitle(piece.getText(), forState: UIControlState.Normal)
pieceButton.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(named: "blue-button"), forState: UIControlState.Normal)
pieceButton.alpha = 0.2
pieceButton.accessibilityLabel = piece.getText()
pieceButton.accessibilityFrame = pieceButton.frame
pieceButton.addTarget(self, action: Selector("didTap:"), forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, nil)
The buttons are placed correctly, however accessibility just isn't working at all. Something seems to be preventing it from working.
I've searched in vain for a description of how to implement VoiceOver in Swift using SpriteKit, so I finally figured out how to do it. Here's some working code that converts a SKNode to an accessible pushbutton when added to a SKScene class:
// Add the following code to a scene where you want to make the SKNode variable named ā€œleaveā€ an accessible button
// leave must already be initialized and added as a child of the scene, or a child of other SKNodes in the scene
// screenHeight must already be defined as the height of the device screen, in points
// Accessibility
private var accessibleElements: [UIAccessibilityElement] = []
private func nodeToDevicePointsFrame(node: SKNode) -> CGRect {
// first convert from frame in SKNode to frame in SKScene's coordinates
var sceneFrame = node.frame
sceneFrame.origin = node.scene!.convertPoint(node.frame.origin, fromNode: node.parent!)
// convert frame from SKScene coordinates to device points
// sprite kit scene origin is in lower left, accessibility device screen origin is at upper left
// assumes scene is initialized using SKSceneScaleMode.Fill using dimensions same as device points
var deviceFrame = sceneFrame
deviceFrame.origin.y = CGFloat(screenHeight-1) - (sceneFrame.origin.y + sceneFrame.size.height)
return deviceFrame
private func initAccessibility() {
if accessibleElements.count == 0 {
let accessibleLeave = UIAccessibilityElement(accessibilityContainer: self.view!)
accessibleLeave.accessibilityFrame = nodeToDevicePointsFrame(leave)
accessibleLeave.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraitButton
accessibleLeave.accessibilityLabel = ā€œleaveā€ // the accessible name of the button
override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
self.isAccessibilityElement = false
leave.isAccessibilityElement = true
override func willMoveFromView(view: SKView) {
accessibleElements = []
override func accessibilityElementCount() -> Int {
return accessibleElements.count
override func accessibilityElementAtIndex(index: Int) -> AnyObject? {
if (index < accessibleElements.count) {
return accessibleElements[index] as AnyObject
} else {
return nil
override func indexOfAccessibilityElement(element: AnyObject) -> Int {
return accessibleElements.indexOf(element as! UIAccessibilityElement)!
Accessibility frames are defined in the fixed physical screen coordinates, not UIView coordinates, and transforming between them is kind of tricky.
The device origin is the lower left of the screen, with X up, when the device is in landscape right mode.
It's a pain converting, I've no idea why Apple did it that way.