How to quickly format Github reply code block? - github

Every time when i past some code snippets in Github reply box, it past with weird indentation... which i fix manually every time.. i could possibly indent/format it first in my code editor.. copy and paste directly.. which could work.. however when i am more in a rush.. and copy a block directly from my running code.. it kind of a hassle to format... or even worse when i type code directly there...
is there any browser extension? hide short-cut wizardry that im not aware of in Github to format and indent my reply quickly?

You might want to try:, it does look like it keeps formatting not only in GitHub, but also SO and others.
Many other extensions that might be useful here:


Phantom line display in Visual Studio Code IDE

In VS Code I have a tab with a plain text file I use for scratch while working during the day. I place all kinds code, questions, TODO lists, etc in this file and will reference it from time to time. It's helpful for history purposes.
At any rate, this file has ballooned up to well over 46,000 lines over the years and I'm now seeing this odd phantom line being injected at my cursor. I am unable to select it or remove it. I thought it was being displayed as VS Codes way of letting me know that a software update was available but when checking that was not the case. This is what it phantom line looks like, it seems to contain a history of CSS classes used over the years which is odd.
If I restart VS Code it goes away for a little while but then reappears. I have a feeling it might be because of the number of lines or perhaps memory but can't say for certain.
Has anyone else seen this behavior? I've probably enabled some setting by mistake and have no idea how to disable it.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Turns out it was the HTML End Tag Labels plugin that was trying to auto complete some HTML that was somewhere within the 46k lines.
I would have thought by identifying the file as type Plain Text, the plug-in would ignore trying to close HTML tags (since its not an HTML file) but alas that's not the case.
Thank you Mark Ahrens for the tip!

How can I copy the text of the Interactive Playground page in VS Code?

I thought this page would be very useful for me. So I wanted to save it on my local computer. But I could not copy the text in it.
I tried several ways:
right-click: invalid
try to find the file: don't know the name
search on Google but there is no solution now
Can somebody help me? Thank you very much!
The file is called vs_code_editor_walkthrough.ts in the GitHub repository for Visual Studio Code. You stated you were after the text of the file, so if you view it in its raw form you can easily get all of the text in its markdown format.
It won't look anywhere near as pretty as Visual Studio Code renders it. If you want to achieve that look, you'll probably need to be savvy with TypeScript, something I am not.

How do I turn off "Contains emphasized items" in Visual Studio code?

I need to figure out how to turn off emphasized items in Visual Studio Code
This might sound like a strange requirement, but in my workflow vscode functions as less an IDE than a cross-platform ViM-esque frontend with lots of remote development tools built-in.
Due to this use case, I don't need or want the linting features to show up in the file browser. How might I accomplish this?
Attempts to solve the problem
I've run out of search terms here and cannot find an answer.
Searches including terms in this question's title yielded little
SO-specific search queries also yielded little
This seems to be somewhat related, at least as a representation of the "feature" I'm referencing: VS code containes emphasized items but no error
VSCode "preferences" do not appear to show what I'm looking for, likely an issue with me not searching for the right variable name.
In my experience with VSCode it has been wonderfully customize-able, so I'm guessing there's a setting somewhere ready to be modified to accomplish this. Any help much appreciated, thanks!
My use case was a bit different: after viewing some files in a git submodule those files became linted, and errors and warnings cluttered up my VS Code Explorer file browser window on files I had no intention of ever handling. I basically wanted a way to clear out those lint warnings, and found it here. The solution is to reload the window:
CtrlShiftP on Windows/Linux, ⌘ShiftP on Mac -- then select "Developer: Reload Window"
One by-product of reloading the window is that it clears out those unwanted warnings (at least until the next time I visit the file). It also has the effect of clearing out warnings on files that I would normally want to see, of course, but chances are I'll be visiting those files again soon, so it's fine. Not a perfect solution, but it works for me and my use-case; hopefully it can help others.
I don't know how to turn it off, but I had this on multiple folders and I fixed it by renaming the folder to a random name, then naming it back to the name it was before and the error would go away.
If you have this issuse then uninstall extention then CtrlShiftP on Windows/Linux, ⌘ShiftP on Mac -- then select "Developer: Reload Window" then type developer: relode page this issuse automatically resovle
i have this issuse then i uninstall extension then this issuse resolve.
I was able to permanently prevent this by adding the files to the .gitignore file. It seems that this happens in a cloned repository when you add new files.

Automatically formatting HTML within PHP with VSCode?

I tried Intelephense and dozens of other extensions and settings but NONE of them achieved what I'm after. What I prioritize is automatic tag close and automatic indent... most of others VSC functionalities for HTML would be great too, like css classes or files paths suggestions, but what I really need is this 'basic' automatic format...
I'm sorry for this question, I know it's been done and answered before, it's just that I can't get my VSC to correctly work with HTML when mixed with PHP, and I've been trying for months now... Read everything I've found on Google, searched about it here and on Reddit, but wasn't able to reproduce any of the solutions, or better saying, none of them worked for me.
Could anyone give me some guidance?
Luckily I felt the same way as you so I just decided to go ahead and hammer out a solution to this very annoying problem with a VScode extension that doesn't register itself as a "formatting" extension I format the HTML onBeforeSave so you can still register a PHP formatting extension so between the two it gets the whole file. I use js-beautify so you can just use all the native HTML formatting settings in VSCode already.
Format HTML in PHP on the VSCode Extension Marketplace.

Track code changes to specific functions

Not sure how to even search for this topic so I'm just going to ask. I have a couple places in my code where changes to one function have to be also made to a similar function. Basically the operations in the functions are very similar but the data being worked on is different.
I don't like it but for now that's how it is. My question is anyone knows of a way or a tool that will notify me if a certain function has changed. If I get the notification I know to confirm the changes were made to other function.
Please don't tell me to change my code. I know this isn't ideal and thought has been put into alternatives, but nothing elegant has popped up.
Here is an idea I have. Maybe it will set the train of thought...
I can add a special comment in my code for a block that I want to be tracked. The comment will have opening and closing syntax:
I will then have a script that I tell to check a list of files, my_code.php, for now. It will look for the special comment syntax. "1234" will represent a file that holds the last modified code for that function, so 1234.php. If the contents between the comments do not match the code stored in the file then an alert is fired. Also I might add a relationship to the other code so the alert says something like
Code 1234 has changed. Please make sure code 5678 has been updated as well.
I think I can add this script to GIT somehow so it either is part of the core git commands like "push" or maybe just another command I have to run as part of our deployment process. A second option might be adding it to phpstorm's code inspector or something like that.
When the code has been modified and everything is good I will just manually copy the new code into the comparison file. There will not be a ton of updates so this will not be too tedious.
For now this is probably the route I'll go, but any critiques or suggestions are definately welcome.