Compiling Sass files in NetBeans without Maven - Valo theme not found - netbeans

I'm trying to integrate some Vaadin7 tech into an existing non-Vaadin project (built using Ant/NetBeans). I've managed to get a "Hello World" page to appear, but it currently has no theming. I have the standard starting theme, "mytheme", which does nothing except import the built-in Valo theme. I've install Sass, and configured the project to automatically compile Sass files on save. When I edit a Sass file, I get the following error:
"C:\Ruby23\bin\sass.bat" "--cache-location" "C:\Users\archiem\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\8.2\sass-compiler" "C:\src\mywebapp\web\VAADIN\themes\mytheme\styles.scss" "C:\src\mywebapp\web\VAADIN\themes\mytheme\styles.css"
Error: File to import not found or unreadable: ../valo/valo.scss.
on line 30 of C:/src/mywebapp/web/VAADIN/themes/mytheme/mytheme.scss
from line 1 of C:\src\mywebapp\web\VAADIN\themes\mytheme\styles.scss
Use --trace for backtrace.
mytheme.scss contains the line:
#import "../valo/valo.scss";
It's completely understandable that Sass can't find this file, because there is no "valo" folder in "themes".
There is a JAR called vaadin-themes-7.7.6.jar, containing the package VAADIN.themes.valo, I assume this is what Sass needs. What is the best way to make this resource available to Sass? How do other people manually compile the Sass files in order to make tweaks to Vaadin's built-in themes?

What is the best way to make this resource available to Sass?
Add the vaadin-themes-7.x.y.jar to your classpath.
How do other people manually compile the Sass files in order to make
tweaks to Vaadin's built-in themes?
They use IDE specific Vaadin plugin to compile the custom themes.


importing an autotools project in eclipse doesn't find all includes, breaks autocomplete

I have an autotools project that references an external directory containing build output of a different project (headers, libs, etc...). configuring and building via command line works fine. After importing via eclipse as an existing autotools project, none of the headers/references in that second project are found by eclipse.
Eclipse also fails to find a few libraries/headers that are in non-standard system locations like /opt, etc... Thus, autocomplete, ctrl+click, etc... doesn't work on a lot of things.
Both the second project and the non-standard libraries are correctly referenced when building/compiling and are found properly by configure
I'm able to manually add the necessary paths in the C/C++ build settings to get all of the includes resolved, but I was under the impression that importing an autotools project should automatically find these references. Am I incorrect in that assumption?
An additional note, our configure script requires the use of --prefix to know where to find the second project. when importing the project the first time, it of course tries to autoconf everything without --prefix set and subsequently fails. I then go back in and modify eclipse to use the appropriate prefix OR manually re-run autogen and configure with --prefix=/some/path. Then re-index the project. so everything should be setup fine at this point.
The actual question seems to be this:
I'm able to manually add the necessary paths in the C/C++ build
settings to get all of the includes resolved, but I was under the
impression that importing an autotools project should automatically
find these references. Am I incorrect in that assumption?
Your own experience tells you otherwise, notwithstanding your prior expectation.
In an Eclipse Autotools project, an Autotools build system is used to (configure and) build the project instead of any of Eclipse's built-in builders. To the extent that there is a data flow between components, it is from Eclipse to the project, not the other way around. The distributed Autotools artifacts (,, etc.) are opaque to Eclipse, except inasmuch as it has content highlighting for those file types (IIRC). Artifacts built by configuring the project are not only opaque, but also ignored by policy.

Runtime error of NoClassDefFoundError when a eclipse plugin depends on other eclipse plugin

I have an eclipse plugin project com.prosseek.asttest, and I spin off a new plugin project com.prosseek.impactAnalyzer that has one class Now asttest project depends on impactAnalyzer project. I had no choice but to make impactAnalyzer project eclipse plugin as it uses JDT library.
After setting up the build path in com.prosseek.asttest, it builds without a problem.
However, when I execute the plugin, I got an error missing class.
What might be wrong?
If you are running this as an OSGI or Eclipse Application, you need to explicity export packages as available to other plugins as by default they are not. Open your manifest editor in plugin 1. Click on the runtime tab and add the packages as "Exported" then the class loader in blugin 2 will be able to find it.
Also looks like you might be doing the class path configuration wrong. in plugin 2 make sure you add plugin 1 as a dependency in the dependencies tab of the manifest editor. Looks like you are doing a dependency configuration as if it were a regular java application
Based on Duncan's answer, I could fix this issue.
Export packages in impactAnalyzer
Actually I didn't add it manually, but it's already exported, as (I guess) I did it with Quick Assist automatically.
Required Plug-ins
I had to Add com.prosseek.impactAnalyzer in the dependecies.
Run configuration update
I had one more step to do, I had to open run configuration to add required plug-ins.
Export the plugin
When exporting the asttest plugin, I also had to export impactAnalyzer also.

Eclipse: script compiler as part of a project

This question is not limited to lex and yacc, but how can I add a custom script compiler as part of a project? For example, I have the following files in the project:
The binary 'script_compiler' will be generated using grammar.y and grammar.l compiled by lex, yacc and g++. And then I want to use that generated script_compiler to compile test.script to generate This file should be compiled along with the rest of the java files in the project. This setting is possible with XCode or make, but is it also possible with Eclipse alone? If not, how about together with Maven plugin?
(I might setup the script compiler as a separate project, but it would be nice if they can be put in the same project so that changes to the grammar files can be applied immediately)
Thanks in advance for your help!
You can add a custom "Builder" from the project properties dialog. This can be an ant script (with an optional target) or any other script or executable.
There are also maven plugins for ant and other scripting languages
If you just want to run an external program in Maven this is what you want: -- you can then run Maven targets from your IDE or command line and it should do the right thing either way.
To integrate with the normal compilation bind the plugin to the "generate-sources" phase and add the location where the Java files are generated to the "sourceRoot" option of the exec plugin. That way the compiler will pick them up.
Ideally you generate the code into a folder "target/generated-sources/MY_SCRIPT_NAME". That is the standard location for generated sources in the Maven world and e.g. IntelliJ IDEA will pick up source files inside of that location. Note that this doesn't work if the files are directly in "target/generated-sources".
The other option is to write your own Maven plugin, which is actually quite easy as well. See e.g.

How to add a library into Processing from Eclipse platform?

I installed the Processing plugin for Eclipse. it works fine. But then i copied the folder gifAnimation into C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\processing.plugin.core_0.2.5.1\Resources\libraries. All the other libraries are there.
but "import gifAmination.*;" does not work.
and gives the following error.
Library import "gifAnimation" could not be found. Check the library folder in your sketchbook.
It's been awhile since I used Processing in Eclipse, but I think you need to add libraries explicitly to the build path. There is a tutorial here which will walk you through the whole process of getting Eclipse working with Processing, including adding extra libraries. The main thing you need to do is browse to your added libraries, and use Eclipse's 'Add to Build Path" menu option.

cmake, add_subdirectory without adding it to the generated project file?

I have a project that is build with cmake. In my cmakelists I have a
to build the dependency "foo" which has it's own cmakelists.
Now it is so that also the whole foo sources and headers are included in the generated Project file (I'm using Eclipse). But all I want is to only have my project available in Eclipse (Eclipse has problems with subprojects in the same folder structure).
So that the cmakelists from "foo" is only used to build "foo" automatically and link it to my project. I don't want to see it in my IDE however.
Is this possible? If yes: How?
When I use Eclipse with CMake, I create the Eclipse project manually (with the New Project wizard) and for CMake I use the standard makefile generator. It requires a little extra setup: you need to set the build directory in the project properties if you're doing an out-of-source build, and I usually set the build command to make VERBOSE=1.
I'm not sure since I haven't used the Eclipse generator(s), but for the lack of a better solution, perhaps this method would solve your issue, since it gives you more control over the Eclipse project.
No, how should the ide know what to compile if you don't tell it what to compile? If you don't want to have the project in you project file, just don't add it.
Just compile the external lib by itself (use "cmake externals/foo") and then add the libraries in your project's CMakeLists.txt with
target_link_libraries(your_project externals/foo/bin/foo.lib)