Not able to find my stateless service that uses the WcfCommunicationListener - azure-service-fabric

I am trying to find my stateless service using IServiceProxyFactory CreateServiceProxy method. It seems to find the service instance but when I invoke a method it gets an error "Client is trying to connect to invalid address net.tcp://localhost...". The stateless service uses WcfCommunicationListener.

The default implementation of IServiceProxyFactory is ServiceProxyFactory, that creates an instance of FabricTransportServiceRemotingClientFactory which in turn gives you an FabricTransportServiceRemotingClient. This one communicates (as the name suggests) using Fabric transport over TCP. Fabric transport expects the Service to have a fabric transport listener FabricTransportServiceRemotingListener on a address like fabric:/applicationname/servicename.
If you want to connect to your service that is listening to connections using the WcfCommunicationListener then you need to connect to it using WcfCommunicationClient that you can create like this:
// Create binding
Binding binding = WcfUtility.CreateTcpClientBinding();
// Create a partition resolver
IServicePartitionResolver partitionResolver = ServicePartitionResolver.GetDefault();
// create a WcfCommunicationClientFactory object.
var wcfClientFactory = new WcfCommunicationClientFactory<IMyService>
(clientBinding: binding, servicePartitionResolver: partitionResolver);
var myServiceClient = new WcfCommunicationClient(
The above sample is from the documentation
So, either change your service to use fabric transport if you want to use ServiceProxy to create a client, or change your client side to use WcfCommunicationClient instead.


Is it possible to have a single frontend select between backends (defined dynamically)?

I am currently looking into deploying Traefik/Træfik on our service fabric cluster.
Basically I have a setup where I have any number of Applications (services), defined with a tenant name and each of these services is in fact a separate Web UI.
I am trying to figure out if I can configure a single frontend to target a backend so I don't have to define a new frontend each time I deploy a new UI app. Something like
rule = "HostRegexp:localhost,{tenantName:[a-z]+}"
backend = "fabric:/WebApp/{tenantName}"
The idea is to have it such that I can just deploy new UI services without updating the frontend configuration.
I am currently using the Service Fabric provider for my backend services, but I am open to using the file provider or something else if that is required.
The servicemanifset contains labels, so as to let traefik create backends and frontends.
The labels are defined for one service, lets call it WebUI as an example. Now when I deploy an instance of WebUI it gets a label and traefik understands it.
Then I deploy ANOTHER instance with a DIFFERENT set of parameters, its still the WebUI service and it uses the same manifest, so it gets the same labels, and the same routing. But what I would really want was to let it have a label containing some sort of rule so I could route to the name of the service instance (determine at runtime not design time). Specifically I would like for the runtime part to be part of the domainname (thus the suggestion of a HostRegexp style rule)
I don't think it is possible to use the matched group from the HostRegexp to determine the backend.
A possibility would be to use the Property Manager API to dynamically set the frontend rule for the service instance after creating it. Also, see this for a complete example on using the API.

Communication between microservice using ServiceID from discovery instead of directory host?

I'm new microservice, I'm reading some example about discovery server, I see we can call another microservice api by using url like:
"inventory-service" is a service instance I registered in discovery.
So my question is what is the benefit of using serviceId intead of call directory host:port:
Let asume you register inventory-service with Eureka server by configuring Eureka serviceUrl in src/main/resources/
Then build inventory-service and start 2 instances of it by running following commands.
java -jar -Dserver.port=9001 target/inventory-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar
java -jar -Dserver.port=9002 target/inventory-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar
When you visit Eureka Dashboard http://localhost:8761/ you will see 2 instances of inventory-service registered.
If you want to apply Client Load Balancing from your consumer application you would need a config like this:
If you want to start new instances you would need to register them in your consumer configuration.
With ServiceID you don't have to worry about it, because all instances will register with the same identifier. It will be added automatically in the list of available servers.It is one of the advantages of using ServiceId instead hostname

HttpEndpoint and Proxy Options in Vert.x

I am working on Vert.x Service Discovery registering HttpEndPoints. Is there a way to specify ProxyOptions when publishing HttpEndPoint to service discovery?
You don't provide the options when creating the record but when retrieving the service reference.
ServiceReference reference = discovery.getReferenceWithConfiguration(record, new HttpClientOptions()
This explained in the retrieving a service reference section of the documentation:
When retrieving a service reference you can pass a JsonObject used to
configure the service object.

Service Fabric Naming Service not forwarding to endpoint assigned to Guest Executable

I have setup an application with two services, one a standard aspnet core api, and another node express app by following the guide here:
When I deploy the application locally I can use the naming service to hit the AspNetCore application such as:
Likewise, I expect to be able to hit the api of my guest executable using this address:
However, this does not work.
If I use the direct url of the service such as:
http://localhost:30032/ I can see the node js app is in fact working as expected.
Now, I know when running the AspNet core application it is explicitly sending it's listening address back to the naming service but the guest executable is not so that explains why they might behave differently. Also, from what I understand the current version of service fabric does not provide the guest executable the information about a dynamically assigned port so it must be hard coded in the service endpoint and also in the application to listen on the same port.
E.g. If I have:
<Endpoint Name="NodeAppTypeEndpoint" Port="30032" Protocol="http" Type="Input" UriScheme="http"/>
Then in the nodejs app I must also have:
const port = process.env.PORT || 30032;
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Listening on port: ${port}`);
Noticed 30032 in both places.
From the documentation:
Furthermore you can ask Service Fabric to publish this endpoint to the
Naming Service so other services can discover the endpoint address to
this service. This enables you to be able to communicate between
services that are guest executables. The published endpoint address is
of the form UriScheme://IPAddressOrFQDN:Port/PathSuffix. UriScheme and
PathSuffix are optional attributes. IPAddressOrFQDN is the IP address
or fully qualified domain name of the node this executable gets placed
on, and it is calculated for you.
I interpreted this to mean that if my ServiceManifest.xml has both UseImplicitHost="true" then it should automatically give the naming service the url constructed by the endpoint description.
http://localhost:19081/sf_node_test_02/NodeApp -> http://localhost:30032
Is it correct that service fabric will automatically give the naming service this listening address for this service?
Is there anyway for me to inspect the mapping in the naming service?
This would let me know if it does have an entry for my node application but it is just different than what I expect or if in fact it has no entry.
If it doesn't have an entry then I don't know how this guest executable application would be visible to the public when deployed in the cloud either.
You can use the QueryManager of FabricClient to list registered endpoints for services in your cluster. This should reveal if there is an endpoint for your node service.
var fabricClient = new FabricClient();
var applicationList = fabricClient.QueryManager.GetApplicationListAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var application in applicationList)
var serviceList = fabricClient.QueryManager.GetServiceListAsync(application.ApplicationName).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var service in serviceList)
var partitionListAsync = fabricClient.QueryManager.GetPartitionListAsync(service.ServiceName).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var partition in partitionListAsync)
var replicas = fabricClient.QueryManager.GetReplicaListAsync(partition.PartitionInformation.Id).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var replica in replicas)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(replica.ReplicaAddress))
var replicaAddress = JObject.Parse(replica.ReplicaAddress);
foreach (var endpoint in replicaAddress["Endpoints"])
var endpointAddress = endpoint.First().Value<string>();
Console.WriteLine($"{service.ServiceName} {endpointAddress} {endpointAddress}");

Publicly exposing a WCF restful service via http from Service Fabric

I am trying to expose a WCF based restful service via http and am so far unsuccessful. I'm trying on my local machine first so prove it works. I found a suggestion here that I remove my local cluster and then manually run this powershell command from the SF SDK folder as administrator to recreate it with the machine name binding: .\DevClusterSetup.ps1 -UseMachineName
It created the cluster successfully. I can use the SF Explorer and see in the cluster manifest that entries in the NodeList show the machine name rather than localhost. This seems good.
But the first problem I notice is that if I expand my way through SF Explorer down to the node my app is running on I see an endpoints entry but the URL is not what I'd expect. I am seeing this: http://surfacelap/d5be9425-3247-4290-b77f-1a90f728fb8d/39cda0f7-cef4-4c7f-8af2-d05786a834b0-131111019607641260
Is that what I should see even though I have an endpoint setup? I did not expect the guid and other numbers in the path. This makes me suspect that SF is not seeing my service as being publicly accessible and instead is maybe only setup for internal access within the app? If I dig down into my service manifest I see this as expected:
<Endpoint Name="ResolverEndpoint" Protocol="http" Type="Input" Port="80" />
But how do I know if the service itself is mapped to it? When I use the crazy long url above and try a simple method of my service I get an http 202 response and no response data as expected. If I then change the method name to one that doesn't exist I get the same thing, not the expected http 404. I've tried using both my machine name and localhost. Same result.
So clearly I'm doing something wrong. Below is my CreateServiceInstanceListeners override. In it you can see I use "ResolverEndpoint" as my endpoint resource name, which matches the service manifest:
protected override IEnumerable<ServiceInstanceListener> CreateServiceInstanceListeners()
return new[] { new ServiceInstanceListener((context) =>
new WcfCommunicationListener<IResolverV2>(
serviceContext: context,
wcfServiceObject: new ResolverServiceV2(),
listenerBinding: new WebHttpBinding(WebHttpSecurityMode.None),
endpointResourceName: "ResolverEndpoint"
What am I doing wrong here?
Here's a way to get it to work:
Essential changes to your code are the use of the public name of your cluster as endpoint URL and an additional WebHttpBehavior behavior on that endpoint.
The endpoint resources specified in the service manifest is shared by all of the replica listeners in the process that use the same endpoint resource name. So if your service has more than one partition it is possible that more than one replica from different partition may end up in the same process. In order to differentiate the messages addressed to different partitions, the listener adds partition ID and additional instance GUID to the path.
If you are going to have a singleton partition service and know that there will not be more than one replicas in the same process you can directly supply EndpointAddress you want to the listener to open at. Use the CodePackageActivationContext API to get the port from the endpoint resource name, node name or IP address from the NodeContext and then provide the path you want the listener to open at.
Here is the code in the WcfCommunicationListener that constructs the Listen Address.
private static Uri GetListenAddress(
ServiceContext serviceContext,
string scheme,
int port)
return new Uri(
Please note that you can now have only once application, one service and one partition on a node and when you are testing locally, keep the instance count of that service as 1. When deployed in the actual cluster you can use -1 instance count.