Powershell LDAP query to get all groups, owners,members by OU - powershell

I need to write a powershell script that will take in an OU
and return all the groups and their owners but if no owner then all the members
I have almost 0 powershell knowledge any help would be useful, I do that the active directory module installed

Try this sample:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory ;
Get-ADGroup -Filter {name -like "*Your Group Name*"} -Properties Description,info | Select Name,samaccountname #| Export-Csv D:\output.csv -NoTypeInformation
Get-ADGroupMember YourGroupName # to list members ;


exporting AD users displayName for selected groups only - powershell

I am new to powershell so please excuse me if the answer is quite simple. I am trying to get user list sorted by selected AD groups and export that to table or csv at least. Due to the fact that:
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "TestGroupName"
... gives me only user IDs for my AD, I used below:
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "TestGroupName" | Get-ADObject -Properties displayName
This works perfectly but I do not want to type manually each group there so I decided to first export groups that I need which are beginning with "Test":
Get-ADGroup -Filter "name -like 'Test*'" |Select-Object Name | Export-csv -path \Groups.csv
Now I want to use information from Groups.csv to list all user displayName for groups listed in Groups.csv so I tried something like that:
Import-Csv -Path .\Groups.csv | Get-ADGroupMember ForEach($Name in $Groups) | Get-ADObject -Properties displayName | Export-csv -path \UsersByGroups.csv
unfortunately it does not work properly maybe because I still do not get exactly how to use ForEach
Can someone with more experience have a look and help?
Just pipe the groups output by Get-ADGroup -Filter ... directly to Get-ADGroupMember:
Get-ADGroup -Filter "name -like 'Test*'" |Get-ADGroupMember |Get-ADObject -Properties displayName

Powershell - Populate list of AD users in large security group that are in a particular OU

I'm trying to get an AD Security Group down to a manageable size, but due to display limits in Powershell, this is proving difficult for me. The group is down to 47,720 now after removing all disabled AD accounts. Now I'm trying to filter it down to Enabled users that live in this particular OU. Below is what I've used with success in the console.
Get-ADGroup "very_large_secgroup" -properties Member | Select-Object -expandproperty member | get-aduser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=PurgeStudents,OU=DisabledAccounts,DC=contoso,DC=com" | Select-Object SamAccountName,DistinguishedName
When I try to count this, or pipe it via Out-File though, I get:
get-aduser : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters that
take pipeline input.
At line:1 char:92
+ ... ty member | get-aduser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=PurgeStudents,OU=Dis ...
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, as I am a novice in Powershell magic.
Instead of using -Filter *, you could filter for all previous retrieved users. And there is a cmdlet to get the members of a group:
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "very_large_secgroup" -Recursive | Foreach-Object {Get-ADUser -Filter "Name -like $_.Name" -SearchBase "OU=PurgeStudents,OU=DisabledAccounts,DC=contoso,DC=com" | Select-Object -Properties SamAccountName, DistinguishedName}

Get-ADUser using old pre-Windows 2000 Logon name instead of CN

I'm trying to use Add-ADGroupMember cmdlet in PowerShell, but I've realized PS doesn't recognize the object if I use the CN, and it only seems to recognize the pre-Windows 2000 logon name.
That attribute had a character limitation of 20 characters, so some of our accounts have different CNs and Pre-Windows 2000 logon names.
My whole process is:
Step 1: Get a list of my users (this gives me the legacy pre-Windows 2000 logon names):
Get-ADUser -Filter {department –notlike “Field”} –SearchBase “OU=Accounts,OU=HQ,OU=Production,DC=MYDC,DC=MYDC1,DC=MYDC2” -Properties department | select name | Out-file C:\Users\Public\Users.txt
Step 2: Add those users to my security group:
$UserList = Get-Content "C:\Users\Public\Users.txt"
$GroupName = "MY-SEC-Group"
$Members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName -Recursive | Select -ExpandProperty SAMAccountName
ForEach ($user in $UserList)
If ($Members -contains $user)
Write-Host "$user is member of $GroupName"
Write-Host "$user is not a member. Attempting to add now, run script again for verification"
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName -Members $User
For all accounts where the legacy logon name and the CN are the exact same, there are no issues. But in situations where they are different, I get the error "Object not found"
Is there a better/more up-to-date cmdlet to use? Maybe one that relies on the CN instead of the legacy logon name? Or do I need to add in CN to all my scripts now?
Get-ADGroupMember returns objects that point to the concrete user in ActiveDirectory and contain different fields including distinguishedName, SamAccountName , SID, Name and so on. In your code you create a txt file with Names (not SamAccountName) but use SamAccountName in Get-ADGroupMember. So, you just compare names with SamAccountName values (that's incorrect).
Just replace
select name | Out-file C:\Users\Public\Users.txt
select SamAccountName | Out-file C:\Users\Public\Users.txt
SamAccountName (just as SID) is the unique attribute in AD -
https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/389thoughts/2017/02/03/uniqueness-requirements-for-attributes-and-objects-in-active-directory/ so, you should use it in your code.

Get a specific AD Group membership then export to csv

I have a list of computers that I need to find a specific AD Group Membership and output to csv.
How can I do this from PS ?
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership (Get-ADComputer ComputerName) | select-object name
Thanks you
You are not trying to find groups of users, but computers. using Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership is useless.
Get-Content .\ListOfComputer.txt | Get-ADComputer -properties Memberof
| Where-Object {$_.MemberOf -like "*Specific Word*"} | export-csv SpecificADGroupMembership.csv -Append

Powershell: add group to all OU Permissions

how is it possible to add the Group "administrator" to all OUs Permission entries with fullcontrol by powershell?
quest active roles can be used.
i failed on my try:
$test=Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter 'Name -like "*"' -searchscope onelevel | FT Name | ForEach-Object{ Add-QADPermission -"$test" -Account "administrators" -ApplyTo ChildObjects -Rights genericall}
Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter 'Name -like "*"' -searchscope onelevel | Select -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName | ForEach-Object{ Add-QADPermission "$_" -Account 'domainName\administrator' -Rights 'GenericAll' -ApplyTo 'ChildObjects'}
That should get all OUs in the root of the domain, and then for each OU it will add the administrator group to all child objects and anything that descends from them. If you want to include the first level OUs you will want to probably want to change 'ChildObjects' to 'All'.
If you have any issues or questions please leave a comment.