How to check whether each item in an array exists or not - mongodb

I'm trying to create a watch list where users can watch items. I was trying to create it by adding a watchlist field to my users collection. The watchlist would be an array of IDs corresponding to other items.
Users Collection:
id: ObjectId
name: string
watchlist: array i.e. [9872, 342, 4545, 234, 8745]
The question I have is related to querying this structure. I want to be able to write a query where I pass in a user id and an array of ~20 IDs and check which of those IDs the user watches (i.e. which of them exists in the watchlist field for that user).
I tried this initially:
_id: 507c35dd8fada716c89d0013,
watchlist: { $in: [342, 999, 8745, etc...] }
But this gives me the list of users that contain any of those watchlist items, which is not what I want. What I actually want is a response containing an array like this:
id: 342,
exists: true
id: 999,
exists: false
id: 8745,
exists: true
I'd even be ok just getting an array of items that match:
_id: 507c35dd8fada716c89d0013,
watching: [342, 8745]
Is this doable, or would I be better off moving the watchlist to a separate collection with users as an array? (My concern with the latter approach is that a user will only watch a few hundred items, but tens of thousands of users could potentially watch the same item.)

You can easily achieve the second output using $setIntersection operator.
[ {$match:{"_id": 507c35dd8fada716c89d0013}},
{ $project: { "watching": { $setIntersection: [ "$watchlist", [ 342, 999, 8745 ] ] } } }


Using MongoDB .findOne() function with nested document value

Consider I have this document in my MongoDB collection, Workout:
_id: ObjectId("60383b491e2a11272c845749") <--- Workout ID
user: ObjectId("5fc7d6b9bbd9473a24d3ab3e") <--- User ID
exercises: [
_id: ObjectId("...") <--- Exercise ID
exerciseName: "Bench Press",
sets: [
_id: ObjectId("...") <--- Set ID
_id: ObjectId("...") <--- Set ID
The Workout object can include many exercise objects in the exercises array and each exercise object can have many set objects in the sets array. I am trying to implement a delete functionality for a certain set. I need to retrieve the workout that the set I want to delete is stored in. I have access to the user's ID (stored in a context), exercise ID and the set ID that I want to delete as parameters for the .findOne() function. However, I'm not sure whether I can traverse through the different levels of arrays and objects within the workout object. This is what I have tried:
const user = checkAuth(context) // Gets logged in user details (id, username)
const exerciseID, setID // Both of these are passed in already and are set to the appropriate values
const workoutLog = Workout.findOne({
exercises: { _id: exerciseID }
This returns an empty array but I am expecting the whole Workout object that contains the set that I want to delete. I would like to omit the exerciseID from this function's parameters and just use the setID but I'm not sure how to traverse through the array of objects to access it's value. Is this possible or should I be going about this another way? Thanks.
When matching against an array, if you specify the query like this:
{ exercises: { _id: exerciseID } }
MongoDB tries to do an exact match on the document. So in this case, MongoDB would only match documents in the exercises array of the exact form { _id: ObjectId("...") }. Because documents in the exercises have other fields, this will never produce a match, even if the _ids are the same.
What you want to do instead is query a field of the documents in the array. The complete query document would then look like this:
"exercises._id": exerciseID
You can perform both find and update in one step. Try this:
"user": ObjectId("5fc7d6b9bbd9473a24d3ab3e"),
$pull: {
"exercises.$[exercise].sets": {
"_id": ObjectId("6039709fe0c7d52970d3fa30") // <--- Set ID
arrayFilters: [
"exercise._id" : ObjectId("6039709fe0c7d52970d3fa2e") // <--- Exercise ID

Find documents matching ObjectIDs in a foreign array

I have a collection Users:
_id: "5cds8f8rfdshfd"
name: "Ted"
attending: [ObjectId("2cd9fjdkfsld")]
I have another collection Events:
_id: "2cd9fjdkfsld"
title: "Some Event Attended"
_id: "34dshfj29jg"
title: "Some Event NOT Attended"
I would like to return a list of all events being attended by a given user. However, I need to do this query from the Events collection as this is part of a larger query.
I have gone through the following questions:
$lookup on ObjectId's in an array - This question has the array as a local field; mine is foreign
MongoDB lookup when foreign field is an array of objects - The array is of objects themselves
MongoDB lookup when foreign field is an array
I have tried various ways of modifying the above answers to fit my situation but have been unsuccessful. The second answer from the third question gets me closest but I would like to filter out unmatching results rather than have them returned with a value of 0.
My desired output:
_id: "2cd9fjdkfsld"
title: "Some Event Attended"
One option would be like this:
$lookup: // join
from: "Users", // on Users collection
let: { eId: "$_id" }, // keep a local variable "eId" that points to the currently looked at event's "_id"
pipeline: [{
$match: { // filter where
"_id": ObjectId("5c6efc937ef75175b2b8e7a4"), // a specific user
$expr: { $in: [ "$$eId", "$attending" ] } // attends the event we're looking at
as: "users" // push all matched users into the "users" array
}, {
$match: { // remove events that the user does not attend
"users": { $ne: [] }
You could obviously get rid of the users field by adding another projection if needed.

Updating multiple subdocument arrays in MongoDB

I have a collection full of products each of which has a subdocument array of up to 100 variants (SKUs) of that product:
'_id': 12345678,
'handle': 'my-product-handle',
'updated': false
'variants': [
'_id': 123412341234,
'sku': 'abc123',
'inventory': 1
'_id': 123412341235,
'sku': 'abc124',
'inventory': 2
My goal is to be able to update the inventory quantity of all instances of a SKU number. It is important to note that in the system I'm working with, SKUs are not unique. Therefore, if a SKU shows up multiple times in a single product or across multiple products, they all need to be updated to the new inventory quantity.
Furthermore, I need the "updated" field to be changed to "true" *only if the inventory quantity for that SKU has changed"
As an example, if I want to update all instances of SKU "abc123" to have 25 inventory, the example of above would return this:
'_id': 12345678,
'handle': 'my-product-handle',
'updated': true
'variants': [
'_id': 123412341234,
'sku': 'abc123',
'inventory': 25
'_id': 123412341235,
'sku': 'abc124',
'inventory': 2
MongoDB 3.6 has introduced the filtered positional operator $[<identifier>] which can be used to update multiple elements of an array which match an array filter condition. You can read more about this operator here:
For example, to update all elements of the variants array where sku is "abc123" across every document in the collection:
db.collection.update({}, { $set: { "variants.$[el].inventory": 25 }}, { multi: true, arrayFilters: [{ "el.sku": "abc123"}] })
Unfortunately I'm not aware of any way in a single query to update a document's field based on whether another field in the document was updated. This is something you would have to implement with some client-side logic and a second query.
EDIT (thanks to Asya's comment):
You can do this in a single query by only matching documents which will be modified. So if nMatched and nModified are necessarily equal, you can just set updated to true. For example, I think this would solve the problem in a single query:
db.collection.update({ variants: { $elemMatch: { inventory: { $ne: 25 }, sku: "abc123" } } }, { $set: { "variants.$[el].inventory": 25, updated: true }}, { multi: true, arrayFilters: [{ "el.sku": "abc123"}] })
First you match documents where the variants array contains documents where the sku is "abc123" and the inventory does not equal the number you are setting it to. Then you go ahead and set the inventory on all matching subdocuments and set updated to true.

Aggregate query with no $match

I have a collection in which unique documents from a different collection can appear over and over again (in example below item), depending on how much a user shares them. I want to create an aggregate query which finds the most shared documents. There is no $match necessary because I'm not matching a certain criteria, I'm just querying the most shared. Right now I have:
$group: {
'item': {
$first: '$item'
'total': {
$sum: 1
However this only returns 1 result. It occurs to me I might just need to do a simple find query, but I want the results aggregated, so that each result has the item and total is how many times it's appeared in the collection.
Example of a document in the stories collection:
_id: ObjectId('...'),
user: {
id: ObjectId('...'),
propertyA: ...,
propertyB: ...,
item: {
id: ObjectId('...'),
propertyA: ...,
propertyB: ...,
users and items each have their own collections as well.
Change the line
Currently you group by the constant '' and therefore you only get one document as result.

Adding indexes in mogodb

I currently have a mongodb database which is pretty unstructured. I am attempting to extract all the followers of a given set of profiles on twitter. My database looks like this:
Where each key is a user and the value is a single follower. When I attempt to create an index on these keys, I simply run out of the available index as I have a lot of users (8 million). After googling, I find that the maximum number of indexes I can have is about 64. How do I create a proper indexing on this database? OR would you suggest a different way for me to store my data?
You should structure your data differently.
I would recommend you to have a collection of "user" documents, where every user has an array "followers". This array should be filled with unique identifiers of the users who follow (like name, _id or your own ID number).
{ name: "userA",
followers: [
{ name: "userB",
followers: [
You can then create an index on the followers field to quickly find all users who follow an other user. When you want to find all users who follow the users "userX", "userY" and "userZ", you would then do it with this query:
db.users.find({followers: { $all: ["userX", "userY", "userZ" ] } });
To add a follower to a user, use the $push operator:
db.users.update({name:"userA"}, { $push: { followers: "userB" } } );
The $pull operator can be used to remove array enries:
db.users.update({name:"userA"}, { $pull: { followers: "userB" } } );