Hubot use github webhook - github

I am totally new in hubot, and I am stuck at something seems easy.
I want to use this plugin to send messages to users via slack when they have a mention comment or there's a comment on their pull requests.
But I have some trouble setting on Github webhook, how to fill in this form correctly? What's the hubot_url should be? If I test on my local machine, should the URL be http://localhost:port/hubot/github-pull-request?room=ROOM&only-mentioned=1?
And what's the port of hubot if I test it on my local machine? It seems I fill it with wrong data. The delivery failed and got a service timeout error.


How to use Webhooks in rundeck to send status of the job executed

Completely new to Webhook concept and Rundeck. I have a job in rundeck where it checkes health of some servers, code being in python.
Fetch 200 Ok status after running Curl Command and using that status write a condition using python in RUNDECK
i want to use webhook to provide update via email/slack channel to 5-6 users
Created a webhook, i selected a job which it should invoke, but i didnt understand what options to be entered options section[Job Option arguments, in the form -opt1 value -opt2 "other value"]
when i click on the webhook URL it gives 404 error found.
this might be the very basic questions. sorry kindly help
i want to use webhook to provide update via email/slack channel to 5-6 users
Webhooks are used to enable third-party applications to trigger jobs. If you just want to send notifications of job status when a job is run, you don't need to use a webhook.
When you configure the job there's a "Notifications" tab. You can select when and how to send notifications. For slack specifically, there is a notification plugin you can install.
To pass options to webhook you need to pass it in this way. Here you have a good example to integrate it with python code.
UPDATE: Anyway, this answer is the way to achieve your goal.

using pact-broker webhooks locally?

I have setup the pact broker locally and able to publish the pacts which are also verified by the provider successfully. I am at the point to use webhook which kicks off a build of the provider project if the pact content has changed since the previous version. Can I use the webhook concept in my local because my consumer and provider are not configured in CI?
You'll need to create a local "CI server" on your machine. It doesn't really have to be a proper CI server, but it does have to be able to accept an HTTP request that will kick off a build somehow.
You should be able to create a very simple ruby/javascript/python HTTP server that will run the provider build in a backgrounded process when it receives a request. Or, you could install a copy of something like Jenkins locally.

Setup Github Webhook for AWS EC2 server

I have a webapp deployed in aws ec2 instance. I recently got to know about Github Webhook. Now i am trying to setup webhook service for my ec2 server. Can someone pls give a walk-through about:
1. How to receive the webhook payload for server endpoint.
2. What will be the Payload URL that one have to write in github webhook service.
First you need to go to your repo, and click through this sequence:
Settings -> Webhooks & Services -> Add webhook
Then paste the url where github will submit data for each new commit. You can find examples of payload in example.
Then implement the logic needed in the backend to work with info about new commits.

Azure Push Notification REST No Service is Hosted at the Specified Address

I am using Azure mobile services to do Push Notifications. I have a push notification service bus created. When I try to connect to that through a REST service I get the following response:
404No service is hosted at the specified address. TrackingId:dfc9aea1-e229-4eb7-b393-c8cd6bce258d_G19,TimeStamp:11/3/2014 8:39:21 PM
The POSTMAN request looks like so which duplicates the problem:
How do I further troubleshoot this because the service is there? What am I missing?
A reference to the above API can be found here:
After troubleshooting with Microsoft we found the problem to be two-fold.
The Connection String key you should be using is found on the hubs page. Named DefaultFullSharedAccessSignature.
The next thing is the hub name shouldn't be the namespace.
In my URIā€¦
Should be
I had the exact same issue when sending requests via Python and Postman.
I tried the above solution with no luck. My issue ended up being two-fold as well:
My namespace was named the same as my notification hub. Had to rename my hub.
I had to add an extra header to the POST: "X-WNS-Type": "wns/toast"
After making the changes, my toast notifications started working with successful responses from the Notification Hub web services.

github service hook and basic authentication

I'm trying to figure out how to secure a webhook reciever for a github service hook.
In the github manual pages, when you look in the section on what IP addresses github hooks will come from, it has this warning:
"We highly recommend that you don't white list IPs for Service Hooks. Instead, setup HTTPS and basic authentication to verify incoming requests."
In the documentation on post receive hooks I don't see any way to set up basic authentication.
How can I use basic authentication with github post-recieve/service/web hook that notifies me of a commit to a repository?
I think you can just use
like in any basic auth situation.
I will give it a try tomorrow, too :)