Installed MacVim, and now Eclipse is opening JSP files in it when i don't want it to - eclipse

I'm using this version of Eclipse
Version: Mars.2 Release (4.5.2)
Build id: 20160218-0600
on Mac Sierra. I just installed MacVim and now whenever I try and open a JSP file within Eclipse (using Shift ⇧+Command ⌘+R for example), the file is getting opened in MacVim instead of the Eclipse editor. I went to
General -> Editors -> File Assocations
and added "*.jsp", but even after restarting Eclipse, the JSP files still open in MacVim instead of the Eclipse editor.
How can I force my .jsp files to open in the Eclipse editor?

Generally, what you've done it's the right way.
You may have to select the right default to make it work:
Then you can check if the associated editors appear on file open submenu:
As you can see, JBoss Tools JSP Editor is highlighted to represent the default.
If these steps aren't working in your environment, there's probably a sort of settings corruption (experienced very often).
What you can try:
run eclipse -clean -refresh
create a brand new Workspace
make a new and clean eclipse installation
Make sure you have Eclipse WTP installed (or just install it):
P.S. use the update-site for your eclipse version (Mars), I'm on Neon.


Eclipse saves configuration even when removed

I'm in trouble with Eclipse configuration. I had Eclipse Juno with a certain configuration (perspectives, opened views like Logcat, console, etc), I removed it from my system and downloaded Eclipse Luna.
When I opened it the first time and selected the Workspace, Eclipse loaded the perspectives used in Juno (for example Remote System Explorer) but those perspectives weren't installed in Eclipse.
This also happens with the Logcat view, Eclipse Luna hasn't installed ADT (Android) and Logcat wasn't available.
Why is this configuration loaded if I removed Eclipse completely?
The workspace contains the information about the perspectives, views, ... in use.
So if you install a version of Eclipse without some of the plugins you were previously using you should probably create a new workspace. You can import your projects from the old workspace (but if the projects reference any of the old plugins you may get errors).

Eclipse: no C/C++ option after installing CDT plugin

I use Eclipse to program in Java and , having already familiar with this development environment , I would use it for C/C++ projects.
Version: Eclipse SDK 4.2.2 (Juno)
O.S.: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
I installed the CDT plugin by following the italian guide of the ubuntu documentation:
The only difference is that, at point 4, I have not included the source shown (Galileo), but the my version (Juno)
it's ok, found the source
CDT Main Features
CDT Optional Features
the installation is successful (indeed Eclipse show me CDT as the latest software installed, and an subsequent attempt to reinstall, Eclipse returns an error that it is already installed)
The problem is that when I restart Eclipse , I have no change. For instance , if I open the menu " File -> New -> Other" , I have no additional option to create a new C/C++ project.
I regularly installed on my computer the C/C++ compiler (gcc and g++ , version 4.6.3).
I also tried to install the plugin from the terminal:
sudo apt-get install eclipse-cdt
no change.
I search through the options in Eclipse to see if it was a problem enabling views of items in the menu, but nothing. Even in the "Window -> Preferences" I have no "C/C++" category .
I also changed my workspace ..... nothing .
Please help me, thanks
i had the same issue. i installed the latest eclipse, luna and mars. both had the c/c++ development tools.
my development environment had an older version of java installed, i.e. 1.6. apparently, luna/mars require 1.7 to be installed. i, at first, modified the eclipse.ini file to
i started eclipse and the c/c++ project was not available. so i couldn't create a c/c++ project because it wasn't available in the wizard.
i updated my java to 1.7 on my machine; changed the eclipse.ini file back
then started eclipse. viola. the option to create a c/c++ project is now available.
so basically, it seems that the newer eclipse requires 1.7 java. otherwise, it will disable features.
First of all, you have to open "C/C++ perspective". Try to go to menu "Window--Open Perspective -- Other--C/C++".
When you are in C/C++ perspective you should be able to create a new C/C++ project.
Also if you already have a loaded project, you can to convert to C++ project. Simply select it and then follow the right-click menu: "New" -- "Convert to a C/C++ Project (Adds C/C++ Nature)". Alternatively, simply go to menu File--New--Convert to C/C++ Project and it will show the list of all projects.
But again, the first and major step is to switch to C/C++ perspective.
Good luck!

JBoss Tools - Disabling Visual Editor

I just added JBoss tools and I like a lot of what I get from it. However, I noticed that my .xhtml files are loading a /lot/ slower (on the order of several seconds) than before I installed JBoss tools. I'm willing to accept some slowdown (there's always overhead from using tooling sitting ontop of Eclipse) but this is a pretty long wait. I suspect it has to do with the visual editor that JBoss has added for .xhtml. I am using windows 64 bit and I can't use this editor. I've also tried following the advice at this link
and adding to the eclipse.ini but I didn't notice any speedups. I also uninstalled the plugin for the JBoss visual editor and didn't see any results. After uninstalling the plugin the visual/source, source, and preview tabs are still at the bottom of the .xhtml editor, so maybe I uninstalled the wrong one?
I'm using Eclipse for Java EE Juno service release 1 Build id: 20120920-0800. I have the CDI, dynamic web module, Java, javascript, JSF 2.1, JAX-RS 1.1 JBoss Maven Integration 1.0 and JPA 2.0 facets installed on this project.
It is hard to say what you just uninstalled.
If you want just uninstall visual editor you can do such thing:
Just install onece again Eclipse and when you install JBoss Tools just doesn't select visual editor
Try to unistall visual editor. I think (but I never tested it) you should remove from plugins and features directoris wich starts from
I don't know if there can be some problems with dependencies and so on - you should make backup of Eclipse directory before making any changes.
Maybe it will be sufficient just open the files with other editor:
You can just open single file using other editor, just click in Package explorer view on the file with right click and choose Open with... menu - then you can open the file with for example HTML editor:
You can change the default editor for all files by open Window->Preferences menu and find Find associations position. There should be *.xhtml extensions - choose it and change the default editor.

Installation of FindBugs plugin with Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

I'm struggling to get the Eclipse FindBugs plugin to work and am sure there's a schoolboy error being made somewhere.
I extracted the file to a local folder C:\Program Files\findbugs-2.0.2-rc2 and running findbugs.bat, FindBugs works fine running it over a local Java (Eclipse) project.
I added the FindBugs update site, it found "FindBugs Feature," and installed it. Restarting, right-clicking on an open Java Project doesn't display the "FindBugs" option (that this video shows).
I looked in Window > Preferences to try to find a way to inform the plugin of the local FindBugs installation (in Program Files), but couldn't find anything.
Uninstalling "FindBug Feature", I tried extracting the FindBugs Eclipse plugin zip file into Eclipse's plugins folder, but after a restart, saw no difference.
Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details > Installed Software lists "FindBugs Feature".
Can anyone please offer a pointer on where I'm going wrong here? Thanks!
Windows 7, Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers Juno SR1, JDK 1.7.0_09, FindBugs 2.0.2-rc2
As suggested above, problem is likely caused by not having appropriate write access to the C:\Program Files\Eclipse\plugins folder.
Close Eclipse. Restart Eclipse as Administrator (right click - Run as Administrator). Reinstall plugin. Restart Eclipse.
It looks like the Findbugs plugin wasn't installed properly and/or disabled by Eclipse. There can be several causes.
Multiple versions of the same plugin. To make sure this isn't the case, remove all Findbugs versions (installed manually and via the marketplace), and reinstall one (preferably via the marketplace). Watch for any warnings during installation.
There is a (dependency) conflict with another plugin. However, if this is the case I think Eclipse will warn in the log which other plugin is the cause of the conflict.
Rights problem. Make sure you have write permissions in the main Eclipse folder and all it's child folders.
I remember reading somewhere that installing Eclipse under the C:\Program Files\ in Windows can also be causing problems. Try moving Eclipse to a different folder, e.g. C:\Eclipse
Hi I also faced the similar problem but from my own experience i can suggest you the solution :-
Plz ensure that you are using eclipse version 3.6 or higher. findbugs 2.0 is not compatible with Eclipse 3.5(Eclipse Galileo).
1) Plz extract the findbugs zip file into eclipse folder(wher your eclipse is installed). This will automatically move findbug plugins into eclipse plugins folder. Restart the eclipse and you will find findbugs option on right clicking on project.
2) if 1 step does not work plz remove all the findbug jars for the eclipse plugins folder and place the complete folder into the eclipse dropins folder. Restart the eclipse and you will see the difference.
You can follow these step's to make findbugs work in your eclipse.
1.Install FireBug plugin from marketplace.
Help->Eclipse Marketplace ->then search for FindBugs
2.Configure FindBug for your project
using Maven Without Maven
This worked fine for me using eclipse juno.

Drag editors between windows in eclipse

I recently updated my eclipse installation to Juno, and I found a important change I'd like to maintain:
In the Indigo version when I have a file opened and drag it tab between eclipse's windows it just moves to the new window. But in Juno version the attempt results in a floating window with the editor of the file just above the target window.
How can I make do this work in Juno? Is there any option for reverting this or I should install the Indigo version?
This is a known bug in the current version of Eclipse (4.2 / Juno). The aim is to fix it for the 4.3 milestone, according to the tracker:
In the meantime, your options are to revert to Indigo, or just open the file manually in the new window via the file tree.