Are there any online REST API sandbox/playground - rest

I am looking for a quick way to spin up a very simple REST api, for testing purposes.
Specifically I want to be able to handle CORS preflight requests (i.e need ability to handle the OPTIONS verb)
E.g: A service that spins up a temporary node instance with express and allows me to add request handlers and gives me a temporary url. Or the equivalent in another language (java, ruby, etc)

Maybe try it allows you to quickly build and run whole express apps and it allows multiple different languages not just node.js.


Public valid REST Api with

I am currently evaluating the framework "wolkenkit" [1] for using it in an application. Within this application I will have a user interface for tenant-based data management. Only authenticated users will have access to this application.
Additionally there should be a public REST API following common standards and being callable by public (tenant security done with submission of a tenant-based API Key within the request headers).
As far as I have found out, the wolkenkit REST API does not seem to fit these standards in forms of HTTP verbs.
But as wolkenkit at all appears to me as a really flexible and easy-to-use framework, I wonder how to basically implement such a public API.
May it be e.g. a valid approach to create an own web application which internally connects to the wolkenkit backend? What about the additional performance overhead then?
In addition to the answer of mattwagl, I would like to point out a few things that you may be interested in.
First of all, since wolkenkit is based on CQRS, the application has a separate API for writing and reading. That means, that if you send a command (whose intent is to change state) this goes to the write API. If you subscribe for events or run a query, this goes to the read API.
This again means, that if you send a command, it's up to the write side to respond to it. As the write side is not meant to return application state, all it says is basically: "Thanks, I have received the command." To get the actual result you have to wait for the appropriate event, which means subscribing to the read API.
In the wolkenkit documentation there is a nice diagram which shows this in a clear way:
If you now add a separate REST API (which actually fulfills the requirements of REST), this means that you need to handle waiting for the result internally. In other words: Clients in wolkenkit are always meant to be asynchronous, REST is not. Hence it's your job to handle the asynchronous behavior of the wolkenkit APIs in your REST API. I think that this is the hardest part.
Once you have done this, you will have a synchronous REST API, and of course it will have some overhead. But I think that since its overhead is limited to passing through and translating network requests, it should be negligible.
Oh, and finally, there is another thing that you have to watch out for: Since REST as it was meant originally relies on the HTTP verbs to transport semantics, you need to map GET / POST / PUT / DELETE to the semantic commands of wolkenkit. As long as this can be done 1:1, everything's fine – problems start when there are multiple commands that (technically speaking) do an UPDATE.
PS: I'm also one of the developers of wolkenkit.
PPS: However you are going to solve this, I would be highly interested to hear from you! It would be very great if you could share your experiences with us, as you are most probably not the last one with this idea. If you want to contact us, the easiest way would be via Slack.
wolkenkit applications can be accessed using an HTTP- and a Websocket-API. These APIs are both provided by the tailwind module that wolkenkit uses under the hood. In the tailwind repo you can find a very simple documentation of the available HTTP routes.
You're right, the wolkenkit HTTP-API is not a classic REST-API. It's more RPC-style which in our experience is a good fit for applications. There are only 3 routes that your clients/tenants need to support: /v1/command (POST) is used for issuing commands. The commands you post should follow the command schema. /v1/events (POST) can be used for streaming events to clients. These events will follow the event schema. Finally you have /v1/read/:modelType/:modelName (POST) to read models. You can simply use HTTPie to test these routes.
Authentication of these APIs is currently done using OpenID-Connect. There's a very detailed article on how to setup authentication using Auth0. I'm not quite sure if this fits your use-case but you could basically use any Authentication Service that follows this standard or that is able to issue JWT tokens.
Finally you could also build your own JavaScript client-SDK that runs inside browsers by building a module that uses the wolkenkit-client-js under the hood. This SDK can just use the same API as any other client to connect to your application.
Hope this helps.
PS: Please note that I am one of the authors of wolkenkit.

What are the advantages of using REST APIs directly over API wrappers?

When should I choose one over the other?
The way I see it API wrappers are so much simpler to use but I feel like there's something I'm not seeing, so can you enlighten me?
REST is a software design to decouple clients from APIs though it is often misunderstood as simple URI design thingy due to the fact that it is often based on HTTP.
Advantages of using APIs and clients that support REST is clearly, that clients are not coupled to any API in particular and are therefore tolerant to changes done on the server side like moving resources to different endpoints. Like a browser is able to present content of a sheer infinite number of web pages, true RESTful clients should behave identical and be able to communicate with any API that supports REST. It may learn on the fly how to deal with new content type by looking up some processing routines dynamically (similar to plugins of certain applications) or fallback to a default handling (reporting errors or presenting unknown data as plain text).
An API wrapper is often used to create clients that are limited to a certain API only. This simplifies development as the client can contain certain logic needed for interaction with the API like en/de-coding messages sent to or received from the service, list all available operations and similar stuff. Often URI endpoints are also either injected through properties or hardcoded into the application. Also, the content type is often limited to XML or JSON and the rules on how to treat responses are hardcoded into the client directly. All these steps however tightly couple the client to the API. In case the API changes (or is enriched by further endpoints) the API wrapper has to be updated and shipped to each consumer otherwise users either won't be able to use the API or make use of the latest features.
API wrapper are often tailor made for the usage of the API and are also often much simpler to implement. They, however, also require constant updating in cases the API itself is changing as the wrapper is incapable of handling these changes itself. REST clients on the other hand are far more complicate to develop as the client somehow has to know (or learn) the semantical meaning of a certain response and has to infer somehow how to act upon received responses. Some parts of it are yet an active field of research (at least in automated processing).
As you asked on when to use which: In cases where you have to create an all-purpose client, a REST client is for sure the right thing to do. However, identifying the correct semantical treatment will be the true chanllenge for these clients IMO. In cases where you only need to provide a client frontend for customers (or users) and not much change is expected on the API itself, a wrapper may be much easier to implement. However, please don't call such a client RESTful!

Constructing a back-end suitable for app and web interface

Let's suppose I was going to design a platform like Airbnb. They have a website as well as native apps on various mobile platforms.
I've been researching app design, and from what I've gathered, the most effective way to do this is to build an API for the back-end, like a REST API using something like node.js, and SQL or mongoDB. The font-end would then be developed natively on each platform which makes calls to the API endpoints to display and update data. This design sounds like it works great for mobile development, but what would be the best way to construct a website that uses the same API?
There are three approaches I can think of:
Use something completely client-side like AangularJS to create a single-page application front end which ties directly into the REST API back-end. This seems OK, but I don't really like the idea of a single-page application and would prefer a more traditional approach
Create a normal web application (in PHP, python, node.js, etc), but rather than tying the data to a typical back end like mySQL, it would basically act as an interface to the REST API. For example when you visit the server would then call the corresponding REST endpoint (ie and render the HTML for the user. This seems like kind of a messy approach, especially since most web frameworks are designed to work with a SQL backend.
Tie the web interface in directly in with the REST api. For example, The endpoint can return both html or json depending on the HTTP headers. The advantage is that you can share most of your code, however the code would become more complex and you can't decouple your web interface from the API.
What is the best approach for this situation? Do you choose to completely decouple the web application from the REST API? If so, how do you elegantly interface between the two? Or do you choose to merge the REST API and web interface into one code base?
It's a usually a prefered way but one should have a good command of SPA.
Adds a redundant layer from performance perspective. You will basically make twice more requests all the time.
This might work with super simple UI, when it's just a matter of serializing your REST API result into different formats but I believe you want rich UI and going this way will be a nightmare from both implementation and maintainance perspective.
Extract your core logic. Put it into a separate project/assembly and reuse it both in your REST API and UI. This way you will be able to reuse the business logic which is the same both for UI and REST API and keep the representation stuff separately which is different for UI and REST API.
Hope it helps!
Both the first and the second option seem reasonable to me, in the sense that there are certain advantages in decoupling the backend API from the clients (including your web site). For example, you could have dedicated teams per each project, if there's a bug on the web/api you'd only have to release that project, and not both.
Say you're going public with your API. If you're releasing a version that breaks backwards compatibility, with a decoupled web app you'd be able to detect that earlier (say staging environment, given you're developing both in-house). However, if they were tightly coupled they'd probably work just fine, and you'll find out you've broken the other clients only once you release in production.
I would say the first option is preferable one as a generic approach. SPA first load delay problem can be resolved with server side rendering technique.
For second option you will have to face scalability, cpu performance, user session(not on rest api of course because should be stateless), caching issues both on your rest api services and normal website node instances (maybe caching not in all the cases). In most of the cases this intermediate backend layer is just unnecessary, there is not any technical limitation for doing all the stuff in the recent versions of browsers.
The third option violates the separation of concerns, in your case presentational from data models/bussines logic.

Design rest service for one to one

Scenario: We are creating/desiging a REST service to help us configure a system (and it's network, etc), but we run into some problems related to designing this API. We would like to configure the hostname of the system using a REST call/
Challenge: Because most APIs and design guidelines are related to lists of entities and not just a single one, I can't decide on how the rest API should look like.
Currently we are considering using something like:
GET /system/0
PUT /system/0 {....}
Problem: There is just one system entity so it doesn't feel good to identify this using 0 because there is only one of it.
Are there any REST guidlines about how this should be done?
Actually, REST does not enforce a particular format for the URL, you can even have an URL like /569284d7-1b59-4343-92d4-90e8753bcbd7 and it's OK. In REST the server guides the client through state changes, it's not about the client knowing what URLs to access.
Most web API's are created in a CRUD style, with hierarchies of resources like your example /system/0, /system/1 because it's easier to understand and implement (might not always be RESTful depending on how tight the coupling of the client is to the URLs, but it serves most needs so people chose to do it like that).
So my advice would be to keep it simple and not over-think it. Using /system/0 is just fine, even if now you have only one system.
Just my 2 cents!

Adapter Proxy for Restful APIs

this is a general 'what technologies are available' question.
My company provides a web application with a RESTful API. However, it is too slow for my needs and some of the results are in an awkward format.
I want to wrap their restful server with a proxy/adapter server, so when you connect to the proxy you get the RESTful API I wish the real one provides.
So it needs to do a few things:
passthrough most requests
cache some requests
do some extra requests on the original server to detect if a request is cacheable
for instance: there is a request for a field in a record: GET /records/id/field which might be slow, but there is a fingerprint request GET /records/id/fingerprint which is always fast. If there exists a cache of GET /records/1/field2 for the fingerprint feedbeef, then I need to check the original server still has the fingerprint feed beef before serving the cached version.
fix headers for some responses - e.g. content-type, based upon the path
do stream processing on some large content, for instance
GET /records/id/attachments/1234
returns a 100Mb log file in text format
remove null characters from files
optionally recode the log to filter out irrelevant lines, reducing the load on the client
cache the filtered version for later requests.
While I could modify the client to achieve this functionality, such code would not be re-usable for other clients (different languages), and complicates the client logic.
I had a look at whether clojure/ring could do it, and while there is a nice little proxy middleware for it, it doesn't handle streaming content as far as I can tell - the whole 100Mb would have to be downloaded. Also it doesn't include any cache logic yet.
I took a look at whether squid could do it, but I'm not familiar with the technology, and it seems mostly concerned with passing through requests rather than modifying them on the fly.
I'm looking for hints where I might find the correct technology to implement this. I'm mostly language agnostic if learning a new language gets me access to a really simple way to do it.
I believe you should choose a platform that is easier for you to implement your custom business logic on. The following web application frameworks provide easy connectivity with REST APIs, and allow you to create a web application that could work as a REST proxy:
Play framework (Java + Scala)
express + Node.js (Javascript)
Sinatra (Ruby)
I'm more familiar with Play, of which I know it provides utilities for caching you could find useful, and is also extendable by a number of plugins.
If you are familiar with Scala, you could have a also have a look at Finagle. It is a framework build be Twitter's infrastructure team to provide protocol-agnostic connectivity. It might be an overkill for REST to REST proxy, but it provides abstractions you might find useful.
You could also look at some 3rd party services like Apitools, which allows to create a proxy programmatically (in lua). Apirise is a similar service (of which I'm a co-founder) that intends to do provide similar functionalities with a user-friendly UI.
Beeceptor does exactly what you want. It plugs in-between your web-app and original API to route requests.
For your use-case of caching a few responses, you can create a rule. That way it shall not hit the original endpoint.
The requests to original APIs can be mocked, and you can inspect response
You can simulate delays.
(Note: it is a shameless plug, I am the author of Beeceptor and thought it should help you and other developers.) is looking useful - although I don't yet know if it can stream process for transcoding.