UIImageView changes its size when contentmode is Scale to fill - swift

I have a UIImageView embedded inside a view. I have constraints that declare that the image view is Trailing, Leading and top spaces are 0 relative to its superview. My Button space is 20. However, when I run the app, and declare the image view content mode to be scale to fill, the 20 space from the button view becomes 0 as well, meaning it stretches itself to the superview frame, which is not desired.
what can I do to keep it in place like defined in the constraints?

I solved this by clicking on "Clip to bounds" in the image inspector in storyboard.


UIStackView in storyboard forces intrinsic content size

In storyboard I have added a UIStackView to a UIView and inside the UIStackView I've added a UIImageView with an image specified. The image specified is in XCAssets and has a 2X size of 59X60. The UIImageView is getting its width set to this intrinsic size but I want it to be 44X44 and the image to scale to fit. However in Storyboard with and Height settings are disabled and set to 59X60 for the ImageView and for the UIStackView as well. I want to have 5 of these same ImageViews with stars stack horizontally at 44X44 inside the UIStackView.
Update: It seems that adding a height constraint to the UIStackView will cause the scaling but the star is then distorted in appearance.
The width and height fields are grayed out because the image view is inside a stack view. You must use constraints to control the size of a stack view's arranged subviews.
First, make sure all five star views have “Content Mode” set to “Aspect Fit”:
Then, constrain all five star views to have equal width and height to each other:
Finally, constrain one of the star views to have a constant width of 44 and a constant height of 44:
If you want space between the stars, set the “Spacing” of the stack view:
If you want padding around the stars, you can do that outside the stack view, or you can set the stack view's “Layout Margins” to fixed constants (and turn off “Safe Area Relative Margins”):

Vertically centering UILabel programatically in scrollview that doesn't match the view swift

I have a horizontal scrollview that fills 1/3rd of the view.
I want to put a UILabel in the centre of the scroll view, which I have successfully done with:
let reagentsLocationx = mainscrollview.frame.width/2-100
However, I am struggling to centre the label vertically within the scrollview. When I use similar code for reagentsLocationy it centres the label in the view and not within the scroll view.
How do I centre the label, in Swift, just within the scrollview?
Many thanks.
I think this is because you are using frame and not bounds. I don't believe frame will ever be larger than your screen space, but bounds it equal to the view's actual size. Try basing it on the bounds of the scroll views height.
UIScrollView().contentSize.height might be what you are looking for.
No need of setting sizes in code.
Everything done in the storyboard.
Drag your scrollview into your view controller.
Set top, bottom, leading and trailing constraints from the scrollview to the parent view or safe area.
Drag your text label into the scrollview.
Set your top, bottom, leading and trailing constraints to the scrollview.
IMPORTANT set a second leading and trailing constraint, now from the text label to the parent view (UIView - not scrollview) or safe area.
This makes sure that the text label knows his width and so the scrollview knows it too.

UIImageView masks and bottom alignment

I am working on an app that has TableViewCells with varying heights. I am placing a UIImageView into them and each will use the same size image (the same size of the largest cell), however I need to mask the excess in the smaller cells (keeping the bottom, not the top).
To be more specific, I have 3 different cell heights, 112, 104 and 88. The images will all be 112 tall and I want the images to have the tops cut off on the smaller cells. Im pretty sure the answer lies within the bounds, frame and center attributes of a UIImageView, but I cant figure out exactly what I should be doing.
You will need to set the frame of your image view such that the bottom of the image view is aligned with the bottom of your cell.
You will also need to ensure the contentview of you cell is clipping content to its bounds (setClipToBounds to yes).
If I had to do this I would subclass the UITabelViewCell class and implement the layoutSubviews method. In your implementation don't forget to call super first so the content view has the right size (also if you go in editing mode). Then use the content view bounds and place your content accordingly.
When you add the image view to the cell, it should automatically cut off the top part, as long as you have the UIImageView bottom positioned within the frame, it should be what you wanted.

Scaling a sub classed UIView

I have created a subclass of UIView and am trying to scale and move the view from within its m file but am running into some problems. When I used the command:
self.frame = CGRectMake(self.frame.origin.x-10,self.frame.origin.y-10,self.frame.size.width/2,self.frame.size.height/2); the object moves location but does not resize (the view only contains a few UIImageViews). In the xib file of the sub class I have the options checked to Clip Subviews and to Autoresize Subviews but neither appears to happen. Any ideas as to why the view will not resize with this command and how I could get it to resize.
Resizing your view is not the same as scaling it. Think of your view as a picture frame. What you're doing above is moving the frame, and also moving the lower right corner (you're shortening the frame's wood bars) - but that does not automatically shrink the picture.
There are four ways of resizing a view with subviews:
Let the superview clips its subviews (by setting view.clipsToBounds = YES): Subviews do not resize or relayout, but only show in the area that is inside the frame.
Let the superview not clip its subviews (by setting view.clipsToBounds = NO): Changing superview size does not have any visual effect on subviews, they also show outside of the frame.
Give the subviews autoresizingMasks: The subviews do not change size, but they relayout according to their autoresizing mask (for instance, a subview may always stay 10 px off the lower right corner of the frame, or may always span exactly the width of the frame.) Note that this does not necessarily automatically scale subview content. Set subview.contentMode accordingly.
Scale the superview: By setting superview.transform = CGAffineTransformScale(superview.transform, 0.5, 0.5), you shrink the superview and all its subviews (you essentially zoom out). Note that this makes superview.frame undefined, which means you shouldn't use that anymore. It can also make things a bit blurry.
You could also "manually" change all the subviews, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having a nice view hierarchy.
As MishieMoo said, temporarily set the backgroundColor of your superview to something visible. This will very likely show you that your view is indeed changing.

How do I set the right margin of a UITextView?

I have a vertically-scrolling UITextView that fills the width of the screen. I need the text view to have margins (contentInset) of 20 pixels on the left and the right. But for some reason, I can't get the right-hand margin to work, either in Interface Builder or in XCode.
The reason I can't just make the text view narrower is because I am adding a subview which needs to run the full width of the screen. Also, I can't turn subview clipping off, because it plays havoc with a load of other elements on the screen.
Anyone know why the contentInset property is not affecting the right margin?
You could add an intermediate view that can be the superview to your text view and what was previously it's subview.
New View with Frame(0,0,width,height)
->TextView with Frame(20,0,width-20,height)
->Subview with Frame(0,0,width,height)