How to disable SSL in Azure's DocumentDB? - mongodb

I'm trying to run a blockchain explorer which requires connection to MongoDb. I decided to use DocumentDB, since it's supposed to be compatible with apps written for mongo. I used my DocumentDb credentials and found out that it won't work, because DocumentDB requires /ssl=true at the end of a connection string, enforcing SSL connection. This explorer cannot connect via SSL. So, I need to disable SSL for DocumentDB. How can I do that?

DocumentDB does not support disabling SSL (it's secure by default).

As blockchain explorer is written in nodejs, it should be pretty easy to modify it to connect using SSL.
Just append "/?ssl=true" at the end of connection string (i.e. dbString variable) generated .js files listed in (excluding settings.js which holds the actual values)


Google Cloud SQL - PostgreSQL database connection from QGIS for third parties

I have a Google Cloud SQL PostgreSQL database in which I can connect by using SSL and by entering my IP address in allowed connection settings. However, I do not want to list all the IP addresses that is going to connect to this database (because I do not know all the IP addresses). I have around 15 people which I want them to login to my database using QGIS and they should be able to change the data as this is a research. Security is not a big issue as this database will be online for a very short period of time. What connection method can you suggest? The users are not very proficient so I need to setup everything.
I hope you're doing fine.
I would like to suggest to set the connections with the Cloud SQL proxy as it will provide the security needed without using ssl or the need of authorize any network. so basically the set up is to:
Enable the API
Install the proxy client on your local machine
Determine how you will authenticate the proxy
If required by your authentication method, create a service account
Also you can find the steps on "Connecting to Cloud SQL from external applications"
Hope this works for you as I have never used it with QGIS but I believe that as you are using a proxy it won't be hard from there to use it with QGIS as if you connected to a local server.

Connection from google data studio to google cloud sql postgres with SSL

I've created one instance on Google Cloud with PostgreSql and I've connected the data studio with this database adding all the addresses specified in white list specified at link below
With that solution I have to open access to my database to a lot of addresses. And this issue, associated to the fact that SSL is not supported is
a big lack of security.
Is there any different way to use google data studio for reports?
Maybe using CloudSqlProxy and considering google data studio as an external application from the GC environment?
Thanks for cooperation
I am assuming you are concerned about data being exposed due to the lack of support for SSL. Though that is a valid concern in a lot of cases, for your specific use case, it should not matter:
All the ip addresses that you have to whitelist here are Google Server/infrastructure addresses.
Data Studio as an application runs on Google's servers. So the communication between Google Cloud SQL and Google Data Studio will be entirely within Google's network. Even if it is not SSL, that traffic should not be exposed to outside world.
The connection between any client computer (where report is being viewed) and Data Studio will always be HTTPS.
However, if you still want to have an SSL connection, you can create a Community Connector in Apps Script that uses the JDBC service to connect to databases using SSL.
Try using client.key in both client fields.
The solution posted below helped here,

Recommended way to connect cloud foundry to mongodb atlas

I've got a spring boot app which is connected to mongodb atlas.
Everything is working locally.
I now want to publish this to pivotal cloud foundry.
Secure connection between PCF and atlas
In mongodb atlas I need to open up the firewall an allow certain ip numbers.
How should I configure mongodb atlas to connect to pcf in the most secure way?
Autoconfigure getting in the way
cloud foundry is overriding my connection urls to point to localhost:27017 instead of my atlas cluster.
What is the recommended way to connect to mongodb atlas?
In mongodb atlas I need to open up the firewall an allow certain ip numbers. How should I configure mongodb atlas to connect to pcf in the most secure way?
White listing IP addresses for applications that run on CF is not particularly effective. The reason it's not effective is that you don't know the IP address from which you'll be connecting, because it depends on where Diego decides to run your application. In other words, it depends on the cell where your application is told to run. To compound matters, that will change when you restart / restage your application.
Because the IP can vary, what you end up needing to do is white list all of your Cells. The problem with this and why it's not effective is that you've ended up white listing every app running on the platform.
What you can do to improve the security a bit is to make use of application security groups. ASG's can be used to limit outgoing traffic. You can also control them at the space level. That means you can configure your default running security group to not allow access to your MongoDb server, but you can allow access for individual spaces by binding an ASG to only those spaces with apps that need to talk to your MongoDb servers.
The downside of this approach is that it requires you to be a platform administrator, which means it will only work if you own your CF installation (not going to work for public providers).
More on ASG's here:
For public providers, you can use a proxy. To make this work, you need to have your application configured to talk through a proxy when it attempts to access your Mongodb servers. You control the proxies, which have fixed IPs, so you can white list the proxies to allow access to just your app. If you don't want to run your own proxy servers, there are public proxy providers that you can use.
cloud foundry is overriding my connection urls to point to localhost:27017 instead of my atlas cluster. What is the recommended way to connect to mongodb atlas?
It's possible to disable auto configuration. One way is described in the docs here. If you include the Spring Cloud Connectors dependencies and use them manually, then the auto configuration will not run.
The other option is to tell the Java build pack not to install the auto configuration. You can do that by setting the following environment variable for your application, either with cf set-env or via a manifest.yml file.
Be careful if you do this as it will disable everything provided by the auto reconfiguration, which includes setting the "cloud" profile for your app. If you use this option to disable auto reconfiguration, you'll probably also want to set SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE='cloud' to manually enable the cloud profile.
I suppose your other option is to simply embrace the auto configuration. It's a little confusing / magical at first, but I've found this article to explain it very well.
Hope that helps!

Configuring MongoDB replicaSet for SSl vs Secure communication between replica sets

We have a mondogDB deployment currently in our test environment. We have a 7 member Replica Set and no Arbiter.
We want to configure the data replication between the replica set members secure.
We don't want to configure SSL for the clients to our MongoDB cluster as the communication from the client to this MongoDB cluster is via Stunnel. So the client doesn't need to use SSL to connect.
Just curious to see if this possible i.e configure only the data being replicated between replica set members Secure but not the actual communication from the Client to this MongoDB cluster
_THanks much
I've not tried this personally but I do believe you can do this. In addition to compiling mongodb with ssl, or purchasing one of the MongoDb subscriptions that support SSL you will need to run with the following option:
set to preferSSL. This will use SSL for inter-server communications but allow both SSL and non-SSL for other connections:
That of course is all in addition to the other configuration settings required for running with SSL:
Note that this is new for version 2.6. I don't have a version of mongodb compiled with ssl support so it's not been tested by me.
#DurgaDeep in MongoDB v2.6 you can run the MongoDB instance in mixed mode SSL while also specifying the x509 certificates for the cluster members to authenticate each other. Please note that SSL is not part of the default community build and you may need to build the binary on your own if you are using community build. x509 certificates is only available on subscription builds so that will not work for you if you are using a community build.
The easiest option to achieve what you want to do irrespective of the MongoDB version would be to setup stunnel between the replica-set nodes and let it take care of encrypted channel independently. This is the usual route a lot of applications take which do not have SSL embedded as an option.

Security in Cassandra

How are Cassandra clusters usually built in security way? Should they always be kept locally or are there any security functions that makes it reasonable to open up for external connections to the cluster? As far as I've understand I seems like Cassandra doesn't have any "inbuild security engine" for handling these kind of things. I'm planning on building a service to talk with the Cassandra from, should that connection be made locally (on the same net as the cluster) or from external using the DNS?
Cassandra supports builtin password authentication and authorisation since version 1.2.
User credentials and privileges are kept internally, in system auth tables. This can be viewed as its "inbuild security engine".
As for protecting connections (encryption), since version 1.2, there's SSL support for both internode and client-to-node communication. DataStax Enterprise platform additionally extends that with Kerberos/LDAP support to allow single-sign-on.
Configure a stateful firewall to allow incoming connections, but allow outgoing only if someone requested something from the server. Also C* has inbuilt SSL support, but not all APIs can use the SSL, so you'll have to pick a compatible one.