ionicBootstrap not importing in app.component.ts ionic v2.1.18 - ionic-framework

Hi Everyone,
My name is Kris Chery. I am new to ionic and am using version 2.1.18. I have been following this tutorial which I think is very insightful about the powers of ionic.
I am stuck at the ionicBootstrap implementation. For now its a simple service that needs to display a message but for some reason. I can't seem to import ionic Bootstrap it is saying that ionicBoostrap wasn't exported from node modules.
This is information is imperative for me to my dream app. Any help would be much appreciated.
UPDATE: I have done a number or research on the matter but none led to a good explanation on how to fix it or to implement it properly.

I'd recommend not using that tutorial and using the official Angular docs instead. That was written back in July. Back then Angular 2 was only in RC phase and Ionic 2 was still in beta. A lot has changed since then.
You don't want to use bootstrapping for this, your app already does it's bootstrapping in app.ts. Instead in app.module.ts you can import other module and declare providers.
Angular 2 Tutorial:
Bootstrapping and modules:!#bootstrap


AngularFire - How to set logging level?

I'm using AngularFire, but I don't see any way to set the logging level for debugging purposes. The Firestore documentation shows you can, but AngularFire doesn't seem to give you access to this object.
How can I set the logging level using AngularFire? If there is no way to do it, how would you suggest I do it using the general firestore SDK in Angular?
It seems that there isn't a specific way to import it, however, after some research, I could find this Github issue, that provides you an option of importing, that might help you.
You can give it a try using this following code:
import * as firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/firestore';
This way, you can try to set logging level.
Besides that, these other two below posts from the Community, you can find more information and options on logging error for debugging with Angular. I believe they might help you as a starting point.
is it possible in angular to set the debug log level at runtime?
How to log errors with Firebase Hosting for a deployed Angular web app
These other two articles provide more information on the use of Firestore with Angular.
How the AngularFire Library makes Firebase feel like Magic
Using Cloud Firestore in Angular With AngularFire
Let me know if the information helped you!
As of 2021, the import syntax got updated since user13068860's answer. I got the following to work in AngularFire 6.1.5.
import firebase from 'firebase/app';

Manatee.Trello: Simple CRUD App for Updating Cards

I need to develop a simple CRUD console app to update a list of Trello cards from a CSV file. I'll run the app in TaskScheduler every night. I've installed #gregsdennis Manatee.Trello packages (impressive code!) but cannot find a single (complete example) of anything like this anywhere. All I've managed to do is auth in with app key and tokedn.
Is there a resource out there that shows simple (full) examples of how to get started? #gregsdennis—the C# libraries are extensive and obviously well thought out—I just need a jump start to get me going. Thanks to all in advance!
Here's the documentation site:

What do you lose by ejecting a React app that was created using create-react-app?

I'm interested in using Hot Module Replacement with a newly created React app.
Facebook Incubator's create-react-app uses Webpack 2 which can be configured to support HMR, however in order to do so, one needs to "eject" the create-react-app project.
As the documentation points out, this is a "one way" operation and cannot be reversed.
If I'm to do this, I want to know what I might be giving up. I've been unable to locate any documentation that explains the potential drawbacks of ejecting.
The current configuration allows your project to get updates from create-react-app core team. Once you eject you no longer get this.
It's kind of like pulling in bootstrap css via CDN as opposed to downloading the source code and injecting it directly into your project.
If you want more control over your webpack, there are ways to configure/customize it without ejecting:

Ionic v2 sample with javascript

I could not find a way to start Ionic v2 sample app ionic start appname --v2 with JavaScript and NOT TypeScript.
I have tried --v2 --js, --v2 --no-tsand I always get ts version of app.
Am I wrong or JavaScript version is not available any longer in sample start app?! => ionic-cli.
It seems weird.
Any idea to get it to work? Thank you for your help
Like you can see in this answer:
Just asked in ionic-v2 Slack channel and the answer was:
We're going all in on TS.
You could do your own work and covert it toa es6 workflow, but we want
people to use typescript
As #HerbiShtini mentioned in the comments, in this issue it's said that:
Ionic2 applications are only available as Typescript.

RichTextToolbar in GWT 2.3

I'm trying to create a RichTextArea (following the GWT Showcase : link )
When I do a code completion of RichTextToolbar, I'm not able to find it. Is this an external library?
And then I googled and found this : google code link. Is this the same library in the Google Showcase? Or is the RichTextToolbar is an old implementation that not being brought to version 2.3?
Update:I tested this and what I feel is although the implementation the same, the UI looks different though.
It seems that they created their own version of RichTextToolbar.
This class is part of the GWT Showcase.
Here is a decent explanation to get the RichTextToolbar working. You take the source code from showcase basicaly.