Using Scaldi I want to inject Actors into other Actors. When should I use inject vs injectActorRef?
For example, in the Module I have a binding that looks like this: binding toProvider new SomeActor(). When injecting SomeActor which method should I use?
I am creating the router from Akka configuration.
val router = context.actorOf(FromConfig.props(MyActor.props), "router")
I want to unit test the Actor that the router is in, and being able to inject the router into the Actor would be helpful.
Is it possible to instead inject this router using Scaldi? I know in the Scaldi module I can bind using new.
binding toProvider new OrderProcessor
But I can't seem to find a way to create bindings from config.
The properties can be injected.
In the Module
binding identifiedBy "props-from-config" to FromConfig.props(MyActor.props)
And in the Actor inject the props and create the actor.
private val propsFromConfig = inject[Props]("props-from-config")
val router: ActorRef = context.actorOf(propsFromConfig, "router")
Then in the unit test bind any props. The Actor is creating an actor from props, and does not know that the props are coming from config.
It seems like i am able to inject Services or Akka Actors without the use of Module. May i know what is the purpose of Module then?
class Hello(implicit inj:Injector) extends Controller with AkkaInjectable {
val greetingService = inject[GreetingService]
implicit val system = inject [ActorSystem]
val greetingActor = injectActorRef[greetingActor]
def greet(person:Person) = Action {
Even without the below it works just fine
class MainModule extends Module {
binding to new GreetingService
bind [ActorSystem] to ActorSystem("ScaldiAkkaExample") destroyWith (_.terminate())
binding toProvider new StatisticsProvider
Module basically instantiates the services and when you inject them to your controllers, all controllers share the same instance (which is what we want).
Without declaring the bindings in module you will have a new instance of service in every controller (which is not what we want).
However in Akka its the opposite
Quote from scaldi
I would like to point out how Actor are bound. It is important, that you bind them with toProvider function. It will make sure that Scaldi always creates new instances of the Actor classes when you inject them with injectActorRef or injectActorProps
I try to start unit testing a mid size Xtext project.
The generator currently relies on some external resources that I would like to mock inside my test. Thus, I inject the needed object via #Inject into the Generator class.
e.g in pseudocode:
class MyGenerator implements IGenerator{
ExternalResourceInterface resourceInterface;
I create the actual binding inside the languages RuntimeModule:
class MyRuntimeModule{
public void configure(Binder binder) {
binder.bind(ExternalResourceInterface .class).to(ExternalResourceProductionAcess.class);
This works fine for the production environment.
However, in the generator test case, I would like to replace the binding with my mocked version, so that the following call to the CompilationTestHelper uses the mock:
compiler.assertCompilesTo(dsl, expectedJava);
Where do I tell guice/Xtext to bind the injection to the mock?
If you annotate your test case with RunWith and InjectWith, your test class will be injected via a specific IInjectorProvider implementation.
If that injector provider uses a custom module (like you have shown), the test case gets injected using that configuration. However, you have to make sure you use this injector throughout the test code (e.g. you do not rely on a registered injector, etc.).
Look for the following code as an example (have not compiled it, but this is the base structure you have to follow):
public class TestClass {
CompilationTestHelper compiler
I am trying to implement gwt editor framework.
I have created a driver as follows:
final Driver driver = GWT.create(Driver.class);
ABC is my class and I am passing object of my ABC class to
Now instead of class I want to use Interface.
But since we cant create instance of an interface how shall i proceed
for the same?
Can we use interfaces in above mentioned case ?
The Editor framework won't ever instantiate anything (other than its own internal things, of course), so using interfaces is safe, and just like with classes.
Try it, it just works.
I am new to using Mockito and I am running through an example test class written in our GWT project.
At some places ,in order to get a Mock we used Mockito.mock(SecurityDao.class)
but in other places in the same test class we instantiated other classes using the "new" keyword.
I think that in order to mock a class i need to pass in the interface as the parameter to Mockito.mock ,and if my class does not implement an interface then i need to use the "new" keyword to instantiate the class.
Is this correct?When should i really use Mockito.mock??
Always use Mockito#mock() when creating an object other than that under test. Mockito can create mocks for interfaces and classes.