How to configure port for remote debugging in Configure debug port in Jboss Fuse 6.x?
Edit $JBOSS_FUSE_HOME/bin/karaf (%JBOSS_FUSE_HOME%/bin/karaf.bat)
Find line
address=5005 sets remote debug port
I need to shutdown port 1099 in Wildfly 10.1. This port normally used for remote JNDI/RMI and in Wildfly 10.1, the remote naming system has a
[security vulnerability][1].
The straightforward solution will be to configure a firewall to not allow traffic on 1099 port, but this is not acceptable by our client. I thought it possible to configure WF to not use remote JNDI/RMI but can't figure out how to configure it.
The JBoss documentation on Remote JNDI Interface says that you can deactivate the remote JNDI interface by executing the following command via CLI interface:
and it seems really stopping the service, but once you do server 'reload' the Wildfly resumes connection on the port 1099.
There are two main initial steps to tick for this to work:
exposing RMI adding following properties to the JBOSS startup script
making RMI behave and be firewall friendly
My doubt is on .jmxremote.port being the same or a different port as
<attribute name="RmiPort">1098</attribute>
Below sets the RMI registry port, which is 1900 by default.
And below sets the random RMI port to a fixed port.
Tested on Java 8 and a Tomcat process and a Spring-Boot(tomcat embedded) process through a firewall.
I have a Java application running on a WebLogic server. I have kept breakpoints in the doPost() method of the servlet I want to invoke on that server.
When I invoke that servlet, it is not stopping at any of the debug points. The WebLogic port used by the application is 3304. When I give this port in the debug configuration it throws the following error:
Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection refused.
Connection refused: connect
If I give any other ports, e.g. 3305, 3303 it opens the debug view, but the application cannot be debugged.
The JVM will be running on debug port 3304 only. So other ports will not work. The error you get may be because, the debug connection to this port is already made by another machine or client, or an existing connection started by you was not terminated. You will get the exact stacktrace from eclipse, when you click on More details>.
Quick Try: Restart the JVM.(Sorry for this tip if its a production server)
Have you started the VM with these params, which exposes the correct port and starts the server in debug mode.
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=<port number>
Where do you change the hostname(servername) for your application server. For example, if there is an application server JBoss which is running on local machine, port 8080 and is accessed using "http://localhost:8080/index.jsp, and if I want to change lets say to ", how do i do this?
This is called "virtual hosting". You can find the instructions for doing this with JBoss 5.1 here.
I have used Eclipse 3.4 to create a Dynamic Web Project. I have also configured my server to use port 8443 with ssl. If I start my server I can access my test.jsp by going to it's address
In eclipse, I have installed this server and added my project to the server. If I Run test.jsp it always launches as
My question is: How can I set up eclipse to run this on https://localhost:8443/ rather than the default 8080? Thanks in advance.
You should have a project called "Servers". There your tomcat should have its folder - for example "Tomcat 6.0.20 at localhost-config". There is server.xml there, in which you can enable SSL.
When you enable the SSL, the server accepts requests on port 8443 as well as on 8080. The server is not run on a port - it accepts connections on multiple ports. So just type https://localhost:8443/