Powershell where-object | get-date - powershell

Hello i want to get only the month and year of a file with Date context
for example:
Where-Object {$_.StartDate-eq (Get-Date).AddDays(0).ToString("mm.yyyy") } |
current status:
Get-Content "file" -Encoding:String |
Select -Skip 1 |
ConvertFrom-Csv |
Where-Object {$_.StartDate -eq (Get-Date).ToString("MM.yyyy") } |
Where-Object {-not $_.DestinationNumber.StartsWith("+49") -and $_.DestinationNumber.StartsWith("+")} |
ForEach { [DateTime]$_.EndTime - [DateTime]$_.StartTime } |
ForEach { $Total=0 } { $Total += $_.TotalMinutes}
i hope any body can help me.

Lower Case 'm' denotes minutes, you will have to use upper case M for month. Something like..
{$_.StartDate-eq (Get-Date).AddDays(0).ToString("MM.yyyy")
You don't need to invoke AddDays method, if u just have to get the current date. You can simple try,
--EDIT as per OP Clarification--
From the context it appears that you want to convert $_.StartDate to MM.yyyy format. If that's the case (assuming you have a valid date time value in $_.StartDate) you can use the Get-Date method on it. Something like,
Where-Object {(Get-Date($_.StartDate)).ToString("MM.yyyy") -eq (Get-Date).ToString("MM.yyyy") }


ForEach-Object changing result of SearchUnifiedAuditLog

I have a powershell script to retrieve the most recent login for guest users. It works fine.
(Based on https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/office/Get-Guest-User-Last-Login-39f8237e)
$startDate = "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" -f (get-date).AddDays(-365) #look 1 year back (not sure what the maximum is, but 1 year seems to work)
$endDate = "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" -f (get-date) #current date.
$externalUserExtention = "*#EXT#*"
function logtoText($filePath, $msg) {
$msg >> $filepath;
function find_last_login_date($user) {
$lastLoginDate = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -UserIds $user.UserPrincipalName -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate| Foreach-Object {$_.CreationDate = [DateTime]$_.CreationDate; $_} | Group-Object UserIds | Foreach-Object {$_.Group | Sort-Object CreationDate | Select-Object -Last 1} | Select CreationDate
Write-Host "User " $user.UserPrincipalName "| Last Login Date -" $lastLoginDate.CreationDate
logtoText $filePath ($user.UserPrincipalName + "," + $lastLoginDate.CreationDate)
Write-Output $user.UserPrincipalName
Clear-Content $filePath
logtoText $filePath ('Username', 'Last Login DateTime')
#Get All External Users
$allExternalUsers = Get-MsolUser -All | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.UserPrincipalName -Like $externalUserExtention }
ForEach($externalUser in $allExternalUsers) {
The output is as expected:
User user1#external.com#EXT##tenant.onmicrosoft.com | Last Login Date -
User user2#external.com#EXT##tenant.onmicrosoft.com | Last Login Date - 11/04/2020 12:02:12
User userNNNN#external.com#EXT##tenant.onmicrosoft.com | Last Login Date - 12/04/2020 14:22:25
The extra Write-Output inside find_last_login_date is just their for debugging this.
Now when I change it to ForEach-Object it does something weird. Probably it makes sense to the experts, but not to me :-)
ForEach($externalUser in $allExternalUsers) {
ForEach-Object -InputObject $allExternalUsers {
And the output becomes
User userX#external.com#EXT##tenant.onmicrosoft.com | Last Login Date - 10/01/2021 14:05:36 05/01/2021 20:48:45 05/01/2021 16:09:25 04/01/2021 07:36:26 22/12/2020 08:01:07 19/12/2020 10:24:08 18/12/2020 14:20:51 18/12/2020 08:05:55 16/12/2020 17:32:28 14/12/2
020 08:20:56 13/12/2020 07:58:13 11/12/2020 10:58:58 10/12/2020 08:08:28
So it seems to trigger the script to only look for the last login date once and also the select top 1 fails, etc.
Any idea what I am doing wrong? At first I thought it was about the "nested" ForEach-Object but even with the code to do the search inside a function it keeps doing this.
Is it by default doing things in parallel and do I need to wait for completion of all tasks? Something telse?
I'm looking at ForEach-Object to parallelize the above script as it takes a very long time to run on a large tenant.
From the docs :
When you use the InputObject parameter with ForEach-Object, instead of piping command results to ForEach-Object, the InputObject value is treated as a single object. This is true even if the value is a collection that is the result of a command, such as -InputObject (Get-Process). Because InputObject cannot return individual properties from an array or collection of objects, we recommend that if you use ForEach-Object to perform operations on a collection of objects for those objects that have specific values in defined properties, you use ForEach-Object in the pipeline.
ForEach-Object -InputObject $allExternalUsers {
$allExternalUsers | ForEach-Object {

PowerShell returning 0 for length of string

I'm trying to get the length of the longest value in a PowerShell object. However, doing this results in $longenstPackageVersion keeping it's initial value of 0 -
$longenstPackageVersion = 0
$packages | Select-Object #{Name="PackageVersion"; Expression ={"$($_.properties.Id) $($_.properties.Version)"}} | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Length -gt $longenstPackageVersion) { $longenstPackageVersion = $_.Length } }
So I tried outputting the length of every value, but nothing was output -
$packages | Select-Object #{Name="PackageVersion"; Expression ={"$($_.properties.Id) $($_.properties.Version)"}} | ForEach-Object { $_.Length }
Finally I tried to first convert each value to a string and then output it's length, but 0 was displayed for every value -
$packages | Select-Object #{Name="PackageVersion"; Expression ={"$($_.properties.Id) $($_.properties.Version)"}} | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString().Length }
Why is PowerShell unable to check the length of each value like this? And crucially, how can I amend my code to get it working as expected?
I found that I could output to an array, and then use Measure-Object to get the maximum length that I required.
$longenstPackageVersionLength = (($packages | ForEach-Object { "$($_.properties.Id) $($_.properties.Version)" }) | Measure-Object -Maximum -Property Length).Maximum

Append existing column in csv by matching values with array and with condition

I will do my best to break this down as simply as I can.
what I have so far that is working:
Currently I have two csv files...
Now I want to add a column (inside test2.csv) to match the sValue# from both test1.csv and test2.csv with the condition of ($_.DomainCatagories='DomainOne' from test2.csv) and ($_.selectDomainOne from test1.csv)
To do this, I am using the following code...
#Create Column
$domainNameOne = #{}
$domainNameOne = Import-Csv 'C:\Scripts\Tests\test1.csv' | Where-Object {$_.selectDomainOne} | Select-Object -Expand 'selectDomainOne'
(Import-Csv 'C:\Scripts\Tests\test2.csv') |
Select-Object -Property *, #{n='Test1sValues';e={
if($_.DomainCatagories -eq 'DomainOne'){
if(($domainNameOne -contains $_.test2ColumnS) -and ($_.test2ColumnS)){
} Else {
'Not found in test1'
}}}} | Export-Csv "C:\Scripts\Tests\test2-Temp" -NoType
Move-Item "C:\Scripts\Tests\test2-Temp" 'C:\Scripts\Tests\test2.csv' -Force
After the code is run, I get the following test2.csv (isCorrect)...
"DomainOne","sValue2","aValue2","","iValue2","dValue2","Not found in test1"
What I have that is not working:
Next I run the following code...
#Append Column
$domainNameThree = #{}
$domainNameThree = Import-Csv 'C:\Scripts\Tests\test1.csv' | Where-Object {$_.selectDomainThree} | Select-Object -Expand 'selectDomainThree'
(Import-Csv 'C:\Scripts\Tests\test2.csv') | % {
if($_.DomainCatagories -eq 'DomainThree'){
if(($domainNameThree -contains $_.test2ColumnS) -and ($_.test2ColumnS)){
$_.Test1sValues = $_.test2ColumnS
} Else {
$_.Test1sValues = 'Not found in test1'
}}} | Export-Csv "C:\Scripts\Tests\test2-Temp" -NoType
Move-Item "C:\Scripts\Tests\test2-Temp" 'C:\Scripts\Tests\test2.csv' -Force
Instead of adding the values in the correct rows, it completely blanks out the whole file and saves it as an empty file.
End Goal
What I want the code to produce, is this (notice values filled in on last 3 rows in the last column)...
"DomainOne","sValue2","aValue2","","iValue2","dValue2","Not found in test1"
What am I doing wrong in that 2nd code snippet?
The example you show from What I have that is not working: is missing a key portion. Export-Csv will take everything piped into it to populate the CSV but you are not providing any.
Problem is that you are not passing anything through the pipe. Merely just updating one property. The simplest thing to do is add $_ after the if statement. Or you could just use a calculated property which you have done before in another one of your questions. The example below from Compare dates with different formats in csv file even uses an if statement.
Import-Csv $csvFile | Select-Object *, #{n='MatchDates';e={ if((([datetime]$_.Date1).Date -eq $_.Date3) -and (([datetime]$_.Date2).Date -eq $_.Date3) -and (([datetime]$_.Date1).Date -eq $_.Date2)){ 'Match Found' }Else{ 'No Match Found' }}} |
Export-Csv "$csvFile-results.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force

Using powershell, how do I extract a 7-digit number from a subject-line (of an email ), regular expressions?

I have the following code which lists the first 5 items in the Inbox folder (of Outlook).
How would I extract only the number portion of it( say - 7 digit arbitrary numberss, which are embedded within other text)? Then using Powershell commands, I'd really like to take those extracted numbers and dump them to a CSV file(thus, they can be easily incorporated into an existing spreadsheet I use).
Here's what I tried :
$outlook = new-object -com Outlook.Application
$sentMail = $outlook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(6) # == olFolderInbox
$sentMail.Items | select -last 10 TaskSubject # ideally, grabbing first 20
$matches2 = "\d+$"
$res = gc $sentMail.Items | ?{$_ -match $matches2 | %{ $_ -match $matches2 | out-null; $matches[1] }
but this does not run correctly, but rather .. keeps me hanging with awaiting-input symbol: like so :
Do I need to perhaps create a separate variable in between the 1st part and 2nd part?
Not sure what the $matches variable is for but try to replace your last line with something like below.
For Subject Line Items:
$sentMail.Items | % { $_.TaskSubject | Select-String -Pattern '^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}' | % {([string]$_).Substring(0,12)} }
For Message Body Items:
$sentMail.Items | % { ($_.Body).Split("`n") | Select-String -Pattern '^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}' |% {([string]$_).Substring(0,12)} }
Here is a refrence to Select-String which I use pretty often.
Here is a reference to the Phone number portion which I have never used but found pretty cool.
Good luck!
Here is an edited version for 7 digit extraction via subject line. This assumes the number has a space on each side but can be modified a bit if necessary. You may also want to adjust the depth by changing the -First portion to Select * or just making 100 deeper in range.
$outlook = New-Object -com Outlook.Application
$Mail = $outlook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(6) # Folder Inbox
$Mail.Items | select -First 100 TaskSubject |
% { $_.TaskSubject | Select-String -Pattern '\s\d{7}\s'} |
% {((Select-String -InputObject $_ -Pattern '\s\d{7}\s').Line).split(" ") |
% {if(($_.Length -eq 7) -and ($_ -match '\d{7}')) {$_ | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Temp\SomeFile.csv" -Append}}}
Some of this you have already addressed / figured out but I wanted to explain the issues with your current code.
If you expect multiple matches and want to return those then you would need to use Select-String with the -AllMatches parameter. Your regex, in your example, is currently looking for a sequence of digits at the end of the subject. That would only return one match so lets looks at the issues with your code.
$sentMail.Items | select -last 10 TaskSubject
You are filtering the last 10 items but you are not storing those for later use so they would merely be displayed on screen. We cover a solution later.
One of the primary reasons for using -match is to get the Boolean value that is returned for code like if blocks and where clauses. You can still use it in the way you intended. Looking at the current code in question:
$res = gc $sentMail.Items | ?{$_ -match $matches2 | %{ $_ -match $matches2 | out-null; $matches[1] }
The two big issues with this are you are calling Get-Content(gc) on each item. Get-Content is for pulling file data which $sentMail.Items is not. You also having a large where block. Where blocks will pass data to the output steam based on a true or false condition. Your malformed statement ?{$_ -match $matches2 | %{ $_ -match $matches2 | out-null; $matches[1] } wont do this... at least not well.
$outlook = new-object -com Outlook.Application
$sentMail = $outlook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(6) # == olFolderInbox
$matches2 = "\d+$"
$sentMail.Items | select -last 10 -ExpandProperty TaskSubject | ?{$_ -match $matches2} | %{$Matches[0]}
Take the last 10 email subjects and check if either of them match the regex string $matches2. If they do then return the string match to standard output.

Conditional Logic and Casting in Powershell

I'm creating a script that imports 2 columns of CSV data, sorts by one column cast as type int, and shows only the values between 0 and 10,000. I've been able to get up to the sorting part, and I am able to show only greater than 0. When I try to add "-and -lt 10000" various ways, I am unable to get any useful data. One attempt gave me the data as if it were string again, though.
This only gives me > 0 but sorts as type int. Half way there!:
PS C:\> $_ = Import-Csv .\vc2.csv | Select -Property User_Name, Minutes; $_ | Sort {[int] $_.Minutes} | Where {($_.Minutes -gt 0)}
This gives me 10000 > x > 0 but sorts as string:
PS C:\> $_ = Import-Csv .\vc.csv | Select -Property User_Name, Minutes; $_ | Sort {[int] $_.Minutes} | Where {($_.Minutes -gt 0) -and ($_.Minutes -lt 10)}
Here and here are where I tried recasting as int and it gave me many errors:
PS C:\> $_ = Import-Csv .\vc.csv | Select -Property User_Name, Minutes; $_ | Sort {[int] $_.Minutes} | Where {[int]{($_.Minutes -gt 0) -and ($_.Minutes -lt 10000)}}
PS C:\> $_ = Import-Csv .\vc.csv | Select -Property User_Name, Minutes; $_ | Sort {[int] $_.Minutes} | Where { ({[int]$_.Minutes} -gt 0) -and ({[int]$_.Minutes} -lt 10000) }
Error: Cannot convert the "($.Minutes -gt 0) -and ($.Minutes -lt 10000)" value of type "System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock" to type "System.Int32".
What is the proper syntax for this?
PowerShell usually coerces arguments of binary operators to the type of the left operand. This means when doing $_.Minutes -gt 10 the 10 gets converted to a string, because the fields in a parsed CSV are always strings. You can either switch the operands around: 10 -lt $_.Minutes or add a cast: [int]$_.Minutes -gt 10 or +$_.Minutes -gt 10.
Usually, when dealing with CSVs that contain non-string data that I want to use as such, I tend to just add a post-processing step, e.g.:
Import-Csv ... | ForEach-Object {
$_.Minutes = [int]$_.Minutes
$_.Date = [datetime]$_.Date
Afterwards the data is much nicer to handle, without excessive casts and conversions.
The problem is the use of the { and } brackets in the Where statement. Those are being interpreted as script blocks.
Where { ({[int]$_.Minutes} -gt 0) -and ({[int]$_.Minutes} -lt 10000) }
Try using ( and ) or excluding them altogether.
Where { (([int]$_.Minutes) -gt 0) -and (([int]$_.Minutes) -lt 10000) }
The way you're assigning values to $_ is also weird.
$_ represents the current value in the pipeline.
$list = #(1,2,3)
$list | foreach { $_ }
by assigning "$_" a value, you are losing that value as soon as you place it in the pipeline.
try something like:
$mycsv = import-csv .\vc.csv; $mycsv | select ...etc