How to compare two values in Realm Swift - swift

I have a Realm database called NewsCount. I need to download a new news only if there is a new news (respectively when newsCount change). And I make a comparison with the data parsing. But I can not compare them properly. How do you compare them?
Thi is my code
private func parseJSONData(_ data: Data) {
do {
let temp: NSString = NSString(data: data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
let myNSData = String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!
guard let jsonResult = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: myNSData, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.mutableContainers) as? NSDictionary else {
guard let jsonNews = jsonResult["categories"] as? [AnyObject] else {
print("Empty array")
let realm = try Realm()
let category = realm.objects(NewsCount.self)
var array = [Int]()
for i in category {
print("News COUNT2 \(category)")
for jsonnewes in jsonNews {
let newsJson = NewsCount()
if !UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "AppStarted") || jsonnewes["count"] as! Int > array[jsonnewes as! Int]{
newsJson.newsID = jsonnewes["term_id"] as! Int
newsJson.newsCount = jsonnewes["count"] as! Int
//print("News COUNT2 \(newsJson.newsCount)") NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "downloadNew"), object: nil)
} else {
newsJson.newsID = jsonnewes["term_id"] as! Int
newsJson.newsCount = jsonnewes["count"] as! Int
//print("News COUNT3 \(newsJson.newsCount)")
} catch {

Because Realm uses RealmOptional to use Int values you have to call the value atribute to the RealmOptional
Try change this:
for i in category {

First off, it's probably more appropriate to use Int(string) instead of as! Int force-casting to convert your JSON data to integers.
From the looks of it, jsonnewes is a dictionary full of JSON data, but you're casting it as an array index in array[jsonnewes as! Int] which (given array is an array and not a dictionary) shouldn't work.
Instead, in order to make sure you're explicitly retrieving the item you want, I'd recommend using Realm's primary key query method in order to retrieve the item you want.
let realm = try! Realm()
for newsItem in jsonNews {
let newsPrimaryKey = Int(newsItem)
let realmNews = realm.object(ofType: NewsCount.self, forPrimaryKey: newsPrimaryKey)
// Don't continue if a Realm object couldn't be found
guard let realmNews = realmNews else {
// Perform comparison
if Int(newsItem["count"]) > realmNews.newsCount {
// Perform the update


How convert Realm data to Json on Swift? Realm version 10.11.0

until version 10.7.6 of Realm I could convert to dictionary and then to json with this code below, but the ListBase class no longer exists.
extension Object {
func toDictionary() -> NSDictionary {
let properties = { $ }
let dictionary = self.dictionaryWithValues(forKeys: properties)
let mutabledic = NSMutableDictionary()
for prop in as [Property] {
// find lists
if let nestedObject = self[] as? Object {
mutabledic.setValue(nestedObject.toDictionary(), forKey:
} else if let nestedListObject = self[] as? ListBase { /*Cannot find type 'ListBase' in scope*/
var objects = [AnyObject]()
for index in 0..<nestedListObject._rlmArray.count {
let object = nestedListObject._rlmArray[index] as! Object
mutabledic.setObject(objects, forKey: as NSCopying)
return mutabledic
let parameterDictionary = myRealmData.toDictionary()
guard let postData = try? parameterDictionary, options: []) else {
List now inherits from RLMSwiftCollectionBase apparently, so you can check for that instead. Also, this is Swift. Use [String: Any] instead of NSDictionary.
extension Object {
func toDictionary() -> [String: Any] {
let properties = { $ }
var mutabledic = self.dictionaryWithValues(forKeys: properties)
for prop in as [Property] {
// find lists
if let nestedObject = self[] as? Object {
mutabledic[] = nestedObject.toDictionary()
} else if let nestedListObject = self[] as? RLMSwiftCollectionBase {
var objects = [[String: Any]]()
for index in 0..<nestedListObject._rlmCollection.count {
let object = nestedListObject._rlmCollection[index] as! Object
mutabledic[] = objects
return mutabledic
Thanks to #Eduardo Dos Santos. Just do the following steps. You will be good to go.
Change ListBase to RLMSwiftCollectionBase
Change _rlmArray to _rlmCollection
Import Realm

How to retrieve value from Dict

I'm getting JSON format data from the server, then I convert the data format to the [String:Any].
JSON--> {
integer = 1;
length = "<null>";
object = (
string = "SANJEEV TREHAN";
Here is the code:
if let data = data{
if let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any] {
if let integer = json["integer"] as? Int {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if integer == 1{
//retrieve data here
print("no name")
after converting the data as [String: Any]:
json = `["length": <null>, "integer": 1, "string": SANJEEV TREHAN, "object": <__NSSingleObjectArrayI 0x2806acb10>(
692b663b-b7d5-43d5-daadc2ff) ]`
I want to retrieve the object key value from the json variable.
The data I want only is 692b663b-b7d54a-7dd-aadc2ff as the String
I tried many things but not getting the data which format I want.
Since you're using Swift, why not use Codable types instead? They're much easier to use and you don't have to do weird casting or testing everywhere.
struct Response: Codable {
let length: Int?
let integer: Int
let string: String
let object: SomeObject
struct SomeObject: Codable {
let uuid: UUID
do {
let response = try JSONDecoder().decode(Response.self, from: data)
} catch {
Now you can now ask for the fields directly.
Seems like your object key is an array of string. Here is how you can get the value.
if let yourObject = json["object"] as? [String] {
if yourObject.count != 0 {
yourObjectValue = yourObject[0]

Cannot call value of non-function type [PFObject] when retriving info from

I'm new to Swift and I'm learning how to use to store data an retrive it. I'm downloading an array of PFObjects from PARSE and then I need to turn it into a structure, so I created this function:
func queryDownload (user : PFUser) {
let objects: [PFObject]
let query = PFQuery(className: "Gluc")
query.whereKey("user", equalTo: user)
do {
objects = try query.findObjects() as [PFObject]
} catch {
let returnedObjects = objects {
let elements = self.returnedObjects.count
for i in 0...elements-1 {
self.dataArray.append(MyData(gluc: Int(self.returnedObjects[i]["meassure"] as! String)!, fec: self.returnedObjects[i]["fec"] as! Date, alimento: self.returnedObjects[i]["alim"] as! Int, comentarios: self.returnedObjects[i]["notes"] as! String))
self.dataArrayOrdered = self.dataArray.sorted(by: { $$1.fec) == .orderedAscending})
But I can't run it because in this line:
let returnedObjects = objects {
It sais "Cannot call value of non-function type [PFObject]"
I'm not sure how to avoid this problem, so any help would be appreciated
let returnedObjects = objects { ... }
is a syntax error, you probably wanted to optional bind the value
if let returnedObjects = objects { ... }
but objects is non-optional and optional binding is not possible.
Just assign the value to the variable and remove the braces
do {
let objects = try query.findObjects() as [PFObject]
let returnedObjects = objects
let elements = self.returnedObjects.count
for i in 0...elements-1 {
self.dataArray.append(MyData(gluc: Int(self.returnedObjects[i]["meassure"] as! String)!, fec: self.returnedObjects[i]["fec"] as! Date, alimento: self.returnedObjects[i]["alim"] as! Int, comentarios: self.returnedObjects[i]["notes"] as! String))
self.dataArrayOrdered = self.dataArray.sorted(by: { $$1.fec) == .orderedAscending})
} catch {
print("ERROR", error)
It's very important to put all good code in the do block and print the actual error rather than the simple literal string "ERROR"
However this is Swift and there is a smarter and more convenient way using the map function
do {
let objects = try query.findObjects() as [PFObject]
self.dataArray = { MyData(gluc: Int($0["meassure"] as! String)!, fec: $0["fec"] as! Date, alimento: $0["alim"] as! Int, comentarios: $0["notes"] as! String) }
self.dataArrayOrdered = self.dataArray.sorted(by: { $$1.fec) == .orderedAscending})
} catch {
print("ERROR", error)

facing Issue in parsing in swift3

I am trying to parse the emergency data in into emergency struct but it never statifies the condition and get into else case.Here is my code and structure.Some thing i have written woring in first line.
if let emergencyDict = snapshotValue["emergency"] as? [String:[String:Any]]{
for (emerId, emerData) in emergencyDict {
let emer = Emergency.init(emergency: emerData as NSDictionary)
let emer = Emergency.init(emerg: "" as AnyObject)
struct Emergency{
var emer_id: String
var emer_name: String
var emer_phoneNo: String
init(emergency: NSDictionary) {
if emergency.object(forKey: "id") != nil {
emer_id = emergency.object(forKey: "id") as! String
emer_id = ""
The problem you are having emergency as Array with type [Any] and if you remove the first object then you get Array of type [[String:Any]]. So try like this way.
if let array = snapshotValue["emergency"] as? [Any],
let emergencyArrar = Array(array.dropFirst()) as? [[String:Any]] {
for emergency in emergencyArray {
You have written wrong in this line:
if let emergencyDict = snapshotValue["emergency"] as? [String:[String:Any]]{
It should be:
if let emergencyDict = snapshotValue["emergency"] as? [[String:Any]]{
This question should belong to query from firebase database.
// you have to get the children in emergency,
// then get the value(dictionary) of each child
ref.child("emergency").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
let keys = value?.allKeys // [1, 2, 3 ....]
for key in keys {
ref.child("emergency").child(key)..observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
// Here is your dictionary
}) { (error) in

Cannot convert value of type 'String?!' to expected argument type 'Notifications'

I am trying to check the id of a record before I put it into the array, using xcode swift
here is the code. But, i get the following error
Notifications.swift:50:46: Cannot convert value of type 'String?!' to expected argument type 'Notifications'
on this line
*if (readRecordCoreData(result["MessageID"])==false)*
Please can some one help to explain this error
import CoreData
struct Notifications{
var NotifyID = [NSManagedObject]()
let MessageDesc: String
let Messageid: String
init(MessageDesc: String, Messageid:String) {
self.MessageDesc = MessageDesc
self.Messageid = Messageid
// self.MessageDate = MessageDate
static func MessagesWithJSON(results: NSArray) -> [Notifications] {
// Create an empty array of Albums to append to from this list
var Notification = [Notifications]()
// Store the results in our table data array
if results.count>0 {
for result in results {
//get fields from json
let Messageid = result["MessageID"] as! String
let MessageDesc = result["MessageDesc"] as? String
let newMessages = Notifications(MessageDesc: MessageDesc!, Messageid:Messageid)
//check with id's from core data
if (readRecordCoreData(result["MessageID"])==false)
return Notification
//check id
func readRecordCoreData(Jsonid: String) -> Bool {
var idStaus = false
let appDelegate =
UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
let managedContext = appDelegate.managedObjectContext
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "ItemLog")
do {
let resultsCD = try! managedContext.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest)
if (resultsCD.count > 0) {
for i in 0 ..< resultsCD.count {
let match = resultsCD[i] as! NSManagedObject
let id = match.valueForKey("notificationID") as! String
if (Jsonid as String! == id)
idStaus = true
idStaus = false
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Could not fetch \(error), \(error.userInfo)")
return idStaus
One of your methods is static and the other one is not :
func readRecordCoreData(Jsonid: String) -> Bool
static func MessagesWithJSON(results: NSArray) -> [Notifications]
Depending on what you want to accomplish you could declare both static, none, or replace
//check with id's from core data
if (readRecordCoreData(result["MessageID"])==false)
//check with id's from core data
if (Notifications.readRecordCoreData(Messageid)==false)
Not sure if the code will work past compilation however as there are many readability issues