Constraint violation with #OrderColumn in #ManyToMany - jpa

I get a violation of a primary key constraint of the join table, that is automatically created by EclipseLink for the following classes:
#Entity public class Link {
#ManyToMany #OrderColumn
private List<Node> nodes; ...
#Entity public class Node {
#ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "nodes")
private List<Link> links; ...
The violation occurrs, if I insert a Link with the same Node on first and second position of it's nodes. Indeed there is a generated index with NODES_ID and LINKS_ID (missing NODES_ORDER). How could I influence EclipseLink or other Providers in order to ommit or extend this constraint?
Using: Glassfish 4.1.1, EclipseLink 2.6.4 or 2.7.0 (cross post), Java 8

Try adding this:
#org.hibernate.annotations.ForeignKey( name = "none")
on both sides of the mapping.


EclipseLink MultiTenant and Spring Data JPA - #IdClass annotation required - Why?

I'm developing a multi-tenant (multi-schema) application using Spring-Data-JPA and EclipseLink.
When not using multi-tenant capabilities everything is ok, JPA entity works as a charme and obviously works with only one schema.
When I try to activate the multi-tenant adding the folloqing annotation to the entity :
#TenantTableDiscriminator(type=TenantTableDiscriminatorType.SCHEMA, contextProperty="")
and I restart the application, i get the following exception :
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No #IdClass attributes exist on the IdentifiableType [EntityTypeImpl#15818739:CrsMomiJob [ javaType: class com.gpdati.momi.model.core.CrsMomiJob descriptor: RelationalDescriptor(com.gpdati.momi.model.core.CrsMomiJob --> [DatabaseTable(CRS_MOMI_JOB)]), mappings: 7]]. There still may be one or more #Id or an #EmbeddedId on type.
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metamodel.IdentifiableTypeImpl.getIdClassAttributes(
at com.gpdati.momi.jpa.MultiTenantJpaRepositoryFactory.getTargetRepository(
... 79 more
It seems like the #Id annotation on the Id field is no more read from Spring-Data that look for a #IdClass annotation (I thought #IdClass annotation is required when using a composite primary key, that's not my case)
Any clue?
Here the full entity code :
#TenantTableDiscriminator(type=TenantTableDiscriminatorType.SCHEMA, contextProperty="")
public class CrsMomiJob implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -432489894772L;
private String abilitata;
private String hotCodice;
private String intCodice;
private Long intervallo;
private String note;
private String parametri;
private BigDecimal id;
public CrsMomiJob() {
... all getters and setters ...
Seems to be a bug in the EclipseLink meta model code in hasSingleIdAttribute(), this is returning true (as the id is composite for multitenants) but this should be hidden, so should be returning false.
Please log a bug.

JPA not updating ManyToMany relationship in returning result

Here are my entities:
public class Actor {
private List<Film> films;
joinColumns =#JoinColumn(name="actor_id"),
inverseJoinColumns = #JoinColumn(name="film_id"))
public List<Film> getFilms(){
return films;
//... more in here
Moving on:
public class Film {
private List actors;
joinColumns =#JoinColumn(name="film_id"),
inverseJoinColumns = #JoinColumn(name="actor_id"))
public List<Actor> getActors(){
return actors;
//... more in here
And the join table:
#javax.persistence.Table(name = "film_actor", schema = "", catalog = "sakila")
public class FilmActor {
private short actorId;
private short filmId;
private Timestamp lastUpdate;
So my problem is:
When I remove a Film from an Actor and merge that Actor, and check the database, I see that everything is fine. Say the actor id is 5 and the film id is 3, I see that these id 's are removed from film_actor table..
The problem is, in my JSF project, altough my beans are request scoped and they are supposed to be fetching the new information, for the Film part, they do not. They still bring me Actor with id = 3 for Film with id = 5. Here is a sample code:
public class FilmTableBackingBean {
FilmDao filmDao;
List<Film> allFilms;
public List<Film> getAllFilms(){
if(allFilms == null || allFilms.isEmpty()){
allFilms = filmDao.getAll();
return allFilms;
So as you can see this is a request scoped bean. And everytime I access this bean, allFilms is initially is null. So new data is fetched from the database. However, this fetched data does not match with the data in the database. It still brings the Actor.
So I am guessing this is something like a cache issue.
Any help?
Edit: Only after I restart the Server, the fetched information by JPA is correct.
Edit: This does not help either:
public class Film {
private short filmId;
#ManyToMany(mappedBy = "films", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
public List<Actor> getActors(){
return actors;
The mapping is wrong.
The join table is mapped twice: once as the join table of the many-to-many association, and once as an entity. It's one or the other, but not both.
And the many-to-many is wrong as well. One side MUST be the inverse side and use the mappedBy attribute (and thus not define a join table, which is already defined at the other, owning side of the association). See example 7.24, and its preceeding text, in the Hibernate documentation (which also applies to other JPA implementations)
Side note: why use a short for an ID? A Long would be a wiser choice.
JB Nizet is correct, but you also need to maintain both sides of relationships as there is caching in JPA. The EntityManager itself caches managed entities, so make sure your JSF project is closing and re obtaining EntityManagers, clearing them if they are long lived or refreshing entities that might be stale. Providers like EclipseLink also have a second level cache

Adding entity doesn't refresh parent's collection

the question and problem is pretty simple, though annoying and I am looking for a global solution, because it's application-wide problem for us.
The code below is really not interesting but I post it for clarification!
We use PostgreSQL database with JPA 2.0 and we generated all the facades and entities, of course we did some editing but not much really.
The problem is that every entity contains a Collection of its children, which however (for us only?) is NOT updated after creation a children element.
The objects are written to database, you can select them easily, but what we really would like to see is the refreshed collection of children in parent object.
Why is this happening? If we (manually) refresh the entity of parent em.refresh(parent) it does the trick but it would mean for us a lot of work in Facades I guess. But maybe there is no other way?
Thanks for support!
/* EDIT */
I guess it has to be some annotation problem or cache or something, but I've already tried
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "idquestion", orphanRemoval=true, fetch= FetchType.EAGER)
didn't work properly.
/* EDIT */
Some sample code for understanding.
Database level:
idQuestion SERIAL,
questionContent VARCHAR,
CONSTRAINT Question_idQuestion_PK PRIMARY KEY (idQuestion)
idAnswer SERIAL,
answerContent VARCHAR,
idQuestion INTEGER,
CONSTRAINT Answer_idAnswer_PK PRIMARY KEY (idAnswer),
CONSTRAINT Answer_idQuestion_FK FOREIGN KEY (idQuestion) REFERENCES Question(idQuestion)
Than we have generated some Entities in Netbeans 7.1, all of them look similar to:
#Table(name = "question", catalog = "jobfairdb", schema = "public")
#NamedQueries({ BLAH BLAH BLAH...})
public class Question implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
#Basic(optional = false)
#GeneratedValue(strategy= GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "idquestion", nullable = false)
private Integer idquestion;
#Size(max = 2147483647)
#Column(name = "questioncontent", length = 2147483647)
private String questioncontent;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "idquestion", orphanRemoval=true)
private Collection<Answer> answerCollection;
Getters... setters...
We use (again) generated facades for them, all implementing AbstractFacade like:
public abstract class CCAbstractFacade<T> {
private Class<T> entityClass;
public CCAbstractFacade(Class<T> entityClass) {
this.entityClass = entityClass;
protected abstract EntityManager getEntityManager();
public void create(T entity) {
The father entity is updated automatically if you use container managed transactions and you fetch the collection after the transaction is complete. Otherwise, you have to update yourself the collection.
This article explains in detail this behaviour: JPA implementation patterns: Bidirectional associations
The simplest way to use Container Managed Transactions is to have transaction-type="JTA" in persistence.xml and use Container-Managed Entity Managers.
You seem to be setting the ManyToOne side, but not adding to the OneToMany, you have to do both.
In JPA, and in Java in general you must update both sides of a bi-directional relationship, otherwise the state of your objects will not be in sync. Not doing so, would be wrong in any Java code, not just JPA.
There is no magic in JPA that will do this for you. EclipseLink does have a magic option for this that you could set through a customizer (mapping.setRelationshipPartnerAttributeName()), but it is not recommended, fixing your code to be correct is the best solution.

Merging an object with FetchType.EAGER relation leads to "FailedObject"

I have an entity VM with a relationship to another entity BP. The relationship is eagerly fetched. First I load a VM. After loading the VM is detached, serialized and changed at the client side. Now I want to update the changed entity so I use the EntityManager.merge() method from JPA. Now I run into the following error from OpenJPA:
"Encountered new object in persistent field "Vm.bp" during attach. However, this field does not allow cascade attach. Set the cascade attribute for this field to CascadeType.MERGE or CascadeType.ALL (JPA annotations) or "merge" or "all" (JPA orm.xml). You cannot attach a reference to a new object without cascading."
Why do I have to add a Cascade.MERGE to a relationship to another entity that will never change? And why does JPA think that BP is a new object ("...cannot attach reference to a new object...")?
When using ManyToOne relationships do I always have to add Cascade.MERGE in order to update the entity or is this because of the EAGER fetch type?
Here's my entity:
#Table(name = "VM")
public class Vm extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {
public static final long serialVersionUID = -8495541781540291902L;
#SequenceGenerator(name = "SeqVm", sequenceName = "SEQ_VM")
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "SeqVm")
#Column(name = "ID")
private Long id;
// lots of other fields and relations
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
#JoinColumn(name = "BP_ID")
private Bp bp;
// ...
I found the reason why this error message comes up: The #Version annotated database field of the related Bp entity was initialized with "0". Apparently OpenJPA (1.2.3) is not able to cope with entity versions of zero.
Setting the version to 1 solved my issue.

Why is this JPA 2.0 mapping giving me an error in Eclipse/JBoss Tools?

I have the following situation:
JPA 2.0 mappings (It might probably suffice to consider only the Zip and ZipId classes as this is where the error seems to come from):
#Table(name = "GeoAreas")
#Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
#DiscriminatorColumn(name = "discriminator", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING)
public abstract class GeoArea implements Serializable
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id")
protected Integer id;
#Column(name = "name")
protected String name;
#Table(name = "Countries")
#DiscriminatorValue(value = "country")
public class Country extends GeoArea
#Column(name = "iso_code")
private String isoCode;
#Column(name = "iso_nbr")
private String isoNbr;
#Column(name = "dial_code")
private Integer dialCode = null;
#Table(name = "Zips")
#IdClass(value = ZipId.class)
public class Zip implements Serializable
#Column(name = "code")
private String code;
#JoinColumn(name = "country_code", referencedColumnName = "iso_code")
private Country country = null;
public class ZipId implements Serializable
private String country;
private String code;
Pretty simple design:
A country is a geo area and inherits the ID from the root class. A ZIP code is unique within its country so it combines an ISO code plus the actual ZIP code as PK. Thus Zips references Countries.iso_code, which has an alternative unique, not-null key on it (reference to non-primary key column!). The association gets an #Id annotation and its variable name is the same as the one in its ID class ZipId.
However I get this error message from within Eclipse (also using JBoss Tools):
Validation Message:
"The attribute matching the ID class attribute country does not have the correct type java.lang.String"
Why is this wrong in JPA 2.0 syntax (see #Id annotation on I don't think it is. After all the types of and can't be the same for JPA 2 because of the #Id annotation on the #ManyToOne and the PK being a simple integer, which becomes the ID class counterpart. Can anyone check/confirm this please?
Could this be a bug, probably in JBoss Tools? (Which software component is reporting the above bug? When putting the 3 tables and entity classes into a new JavaSE project there's no error shown with the exact code...)
Answering own question...
The way I modeled the reference, I use a String because the FK points to the iso_code column in the Countries table which is a CHAR(2), so basically my mapping is right. However, the problem is that JPA 2.0 doesn't allow anything but references to primary key columns. This is what the Eclipse Dali JPA validator shows.
Taken from "Pro JPA 2.0" by Keith/Schincariol p.283 top, "Basic Rules for Derived Identifiers" (rule #6): "If an id attribute in an entity is a relationship, then the type of the matching attribute in the id class is of the same type as the primary key type of the target entity in the relationship (whether the primary key type is a simple type, an id class, or an embedded id class)."
Personal addendum:
I disagree with JPA 2.0 having this limitation. JPA 1.0 mappings allow references to non-PK columns. Note, that using JPA 1.0 mappings instead isn't what I'm looking for. I'd rather be interested in the reason why this restriction was imposed on JPA 2.0. The JPA 2.0 is definitely limiting.
I'd say focus your attention on the CompoundIdentity relationship. See this question, and my answer there
Help Mapping a Composite Foreign Key in JPA 2.0
ZipId has no "country" field in your case
I have not tested your code, but it looks pretty much related to the use of the #PrimareKeyJoinColumn annotation.
The JPA 2.0 specification in section 11.1.40 states:
The PrimaryKeyJoinColumn annotation is
used to join the primary table of an
entity subclass in the JOINED mapping
strategy to the primary table of its
superclass; it is used within a
SecondaryTable annotation to join a
secondary table to a primary table;
and it may be used in a OneToOne
mapping in which the primary key of
the referencing entity is used as a
foreign key to the referenced
The example in the spec looks like your case.
public class Customer { ... }
public class ValuedCustomer extends Customer { ... }
I hope that helps!