Getting Photo Data from AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate - swift

I'm currently trying to build a camera application for fun and ran into a problem.
I was using an example that Apple provides you for the process of taking a photo or video. Found here:
I'm having a problem using the PhotoCaptureDelegate. So currently when the user takes a photo it will save it to the users photo library. What I would like to do, is after it captures the photo I want to store the photoData Object of the photo. So that I can display the photo on another view as a preview before you save it.
This is what Apple suggests to use:
func capture(_ captureOutput: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishCaptureForResolvedSettings resolvedSettings: AVCaptureResolvedPhotoSettings, error: Error?) {
if let error = error {
print("Error capturing photo: \(error)")
guard let photoData = photoData else {
print("No photo data resource")
PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization { [unowned self] status in
if status == .authorized {
PHPhotoLibrary.shared().performChanges({ [unowned self] in
let creationRequest = PHAssetCreationRequest.forAsset()
creationRequest.addResource(with: .photo, data: photoData, options: nil)
if let livePhotoCompanionMovieURL = self.livePhotoCompanionMovieURL {
let livePhotoCompanionMovieFileResourceOptions = PHAssetResourceCreationOptions()
livePhotoCompanionMovieFileResourceOptions.shouldMoveFile = true
creationRequest.addResource(with: .pairedVideo, fileURL: livePhotoCompanionMovieURL, options: livePhotoCompanionMovieFileResourceOptions)
}, completionHandler: { [unowned self] success, error in
if let error = error {
print("Error occurered while saving photo to photo library: \(error)")
else {
How would I take the photoData object from my delegate and pass it back to my view controller, that is calling on this delegate?

There are a couple ways to solve this. You could also have your view controller own the photo capture delegate (like Apple's example) and pass it back up after the photo is taken. You could also just have your view controller be the photo capture delegate and not worry about passing anything!
1) Pass the photo back up
There are (again) a couple ways to do this. You could have the delegate pass the value back up to the controller. You could also have the delegate tell the controller it is done, and have the controller come grab the photo. I'll explain the second way below.
Looking at Apple's example, we can see that the PhotoCaptureDelegate already tells the controller when it is done! Whenever a PhotoCaptureDelegate object is created, it is passed a completed block.
To to allow the controller to grab the photo, we just have to make the photo object public!
Change the private var photoData: Data? = nil in PhotoCaptureDelegate to be public var photoData: Data? = nil
In CameraViewController when you define the completed block, you now have the photo data:
, completed: { [unowned self] photoCaptureDelegate in
self.sessionQueue.async { [unowned self] in
self.inProgressPhotoCaptureDelegates[photoCaptureDelegate.requestedPhotoSettings.uniqueID] = nil
if let photoData = photoCaptureDelegate.photoData {
// You now have the photo data!
// You can pass this to another method in the Controller now
2) View Controller as the AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate
Another way to solve this is to just have your ViewController be the AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate. Then you'll already have the photo data in the view controller! It could look something like this:
class MyViewController: UIViewController, AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate {
func capture(_ captureOutput: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishCaptureForResolvedSettings resolvedSettings: AVCaptureResolvedPhotoSettings, error: Error?) {
guard let photoData = photoData else {
// You now have your photo data!


Swift: Apply CIFilter to video error - unfinished AVAsynchronousVideoCompositionRequest deallocated

I'm building a video editor that lets you apply a CIFilter to a video. And it works well.
The only problem I'm facing is that when I dismiss the ViewController I get this error:
Unfinished AVAsynchronousVideoCompositionRequest deallocated - should
have called finishWithComposedVideoFrame:, finishWithError: or
This error doesn't make the app crash or slower, but when I try to edit another video the preview in the AVPlayer becomes black.
This is my current code:
var mutableComposition = AVMutableVideoComposition()
let exposureFilter = CIFilter.exposureAdjust()
override func viewDidLoad() {
func updateComposition() {
mutableComposition = AVMutableVideoComposition(asset: player.currentItem!.asset, applyingCIFiltersWithHandler: { [weak self] request in
guard let self = self else {
self.exposureFilter.inputImage = request.sourceImage.clampedToExtent()
self.exposureFilter.ev = 5
let output = self.exposureFilter.outputImage!.cropped(to: request.sourceImage.extent)
request.finish(with: output, context: nil)
player.currentItem?.videoComposition = mutableComposition
If I remove the [weak self] no error it's printed, but it keeps the ViewController in memory when I dismiss it, creating an unwanted memory leak.

Autolayout images inside cells in tableview. Correct layout but only once scrolling down and back up?

Im trying to get tableview cells with auto resizing images to work. Basically I want the image width in the cell to always be the same, and the height to change in accordance with the aspect ratio of the image.
I have created a cell class, which only has outlets for a label, imageView and a NSLayoutConstraint for the height of the image. I have some async methods to download an image and set it as the image for the cell imageView. Then the completion handle gets called and I run the following code to adjust the height constraint to the correct height:
cell.cellPhoto.loadImageFromURL(url: photos[indexPath.row].thumbnailURL, completion: {
// Set imageView height to the width
let imageSize = cell.cellPhoto.image?.size
let maxHeight = ((self.tableView.frame.width-30.0)*imageSize!.height) / imageSize!.width
cell.cellPhotoHeight.constant = maxHeight
return cell
And here is the UIImageView extension I wrote which loads images:
func loadImageFromURL(url: String, completion: #escaping () -> Void) {
let url = URL(string: url)
makeDataRequest(url: url!, completion: { data in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.image = UIImage(data: data!)
And the makeDataRequest function which it calls:
func makeDataRequest(url: URL, completion: #escaping (Data?) -> Void) {
let session = URLSession.shared
let task = session.dataTask(with: url, completionHandler: { data, response, error in
if error == nil {
let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse
switch response?.statusCode {
case 200:
case 404:
print("Invalid URL for request")
print("Something else went wrong in the data request")
} else {
print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Error")
This works for all the cells out of frame, but the imageviews in the cells in the frame are small. Only when I scroll down and then back up again do they correctly size. How do I fix this? I know other people have had this issue but trying their fixes did nothing.
I had to sorta recreate the problem to understand what was going on. Basically you need to reload the tableview. I would do this when a picture finishes downloading.
In the view controller that has the table view var. Add this to the viewDidLoad() function.
override func viewDidLoad() {
tableView.delegate = self
tableView.dataSource = self
//Create a notification so we can update the list from anywhere in the app. Good if you are calling this from an other class.
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(loadList), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "loadList"), object: nil)
//This function updates the cells in the table view
#objc func loadList(){
//load data here
Now, when the photo is done downloading, you can notify the viewcontroller to reload the table view by using the following,
func loadImageFromURL(url: String, completion: #escaping () -> Void) {
let url = URL(string: url)
makeDataRequest(url: url!, completion: { data in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.image = UIImage(data: data!)
//This isn't the best way to do this as, if you have 25+ pictures,
//the list will pretty much freeze up every time the list has to be reloaded.
//What you could do is have a flag to check if the first 'n' number of cells
//have been loaded, and if so then don't reload the tableview.
//Basically what I'm saying is, if the cells are off the screen who cares. NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "loadList"), object: nil)
Heres something I did to have better Async, see below.
My code as follows, I didn't do the resizing ratio thing like you did but the same idea applies. It's how you go about reloading the table view. Also, I personally don't like writing my own download code, with status code and everything. It isn't fun, why reinvent the wheel when someone else has done it?
pod 'SDWebImage', '~> 5.0'
class mCell: UITableViewCell {
//This keeps track to see if the cell has been already resized. This is only needed once.
var flag = false
#IBOutlet weak var cellLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var cell_IV: UIImageView!
override func awakeFromNib() { super.awakeFromNib() }
viewController.swift (Click to see full code)
I'm just going to give the highlights of the code here.
//Set the image based on a url
//Remember this is all done with Async...In the backgorund, on a custom thread.
mCell.cell_IV.sd_setImage(with: URL(string: ViewController.cell_pic_url[row])) { (image, error, cache, urls) in
// If failed to load image
if (error != nil) {
//Set to defult
mCell.cell_IV.image = UIImage(named: "redx.png")
//Else we got the image from the web.
else {
//Set the cell image to the one we downloaded
mCell.cell_IV.image = image
//This is a flag to reload the tableview once the image is done downloading. I set a var in the cell class, this is to make sure the this is ONLY CALLED once. Otherwise the app will get stuck in an infinite loop.
if (mCell.flag != true){
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.025){ //Nothing wrong with a little lag. NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "loadList"), object: nil)
mCell.flag = true

UIImage returns nil on segue push

I have an image URL that needs to be parsed and displayed. The URL exists, but returns nil.
It successfully parses in the cellForRowAt function by calling cell.recipeImage.downloadImage(from: (self.tableViewDataSource[indexPath.item].image))
With this line the image displays. However, it doesn't exist when calling it in didSelectRowAt
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let Storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let resultsVC = Storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ResultsViewController") as! ResultsViewController
// Information to be passed to ResultsViewController
if (tableViewDataSource[indexPath.item] as? Recipe) != nil {
if isSearching {
resultsVC.getTitle = filteredData[indexPath.row].title
//resultsVC.imageDisplay.downloadImage(from: (self.filteredData[indexPath.row].image))
} else {
resultsVC.getTitle = tableViewDataSource[indexPath.row].title
// Parse images
resultsVC.imageDisplay.downloadImage(from: (self.tableViewDataSource[indexPath.row].image))
// Push to next view
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(resultsVC, animated: true)
extension UIImageView {
func downloadImage(from url: String) {
let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: URL(string: url)!)
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: urlRequest) { (data,response,error) in
if error != nil {
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
self.image = UIImage(data: data!)
class ResultsViewController: UIViewController {
var getTitle = String()
var getImage = String()
#IBOutlet weak var recipeDisplay: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var imageDisplay: UIImageView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
recipeDisplay.text! = getTitle
Returns the error
Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
From my understanding, the app is getting crashed at this line:
recipeDisplay.text! = getTitle
If it is, obviously this is not the proper way to do it. Just remove the force unwrapping because the text on the label here is nil by default. Force referencing a nil value will crash the app.
recipeDisplay.text = getTitle
- Let's make sure that you wired the label and the outlets properly. Connect ti to the VC, not the File Owner.
You're calling view-related code on views that haven't been initialized yet. Remember, IBOutlets are implicitly unwrapped properties, so if you try to access them before they're initialized they'll force-unwrap and crash. So it's not that the UIImage is coming up nil, it's that recipeDisplay is nil and is getting force unwrapped.
The idiomatic iOS thing to do is to hand a view model of some sort (an object or a struct) to the view controller, and then let it do the work with that item once it has finished loading.
So, in you didSelect method, you could create your view model (which you'd need to define) and hand it off like this:
let title = filteredData[indexPath.row].title
let imageURL = self.tableViewDataSource[indexPath.row].image
let viewModel = ViewModel(title: title, imageURL: imageURL)
resultsVC.viewModel = viewModel
And then in your resultsVC, you'd do something like this:
override func viewDidLoad() {
if let vm = viewModel {
recipeDisplay.text = vm.title
downloadImage(from: vm.imageURL)
So in your case all you'd need to do is hand those strings to your VC (you can wrap them up in a view model or hand them off individually) and then in that VC's viewDidLoad() that's where you'd call downloadImage(from:). That way there's no danger of calling a subview before that subview has been loaded.
One last note: Your download method should be a little safer with its use of the data and error variables, and its references to self. Remember, avoid using ! whenever you don't absolutely have to use it (use optional chaining instead), and unless you have a really good reason to do otherwise, always use [weak self] in closures.
I'd recommend doing it like this:
func downloadImage(from url: String) {
let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: URL(string: url)!)
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: urlRequest) { [weak self] (data,response,error) in
if let error = error {
if let data = data {
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
self?.image = UIImage(data: data)
Update: Because the 'view model' concept was a little too much at once, let me explain.
A view model is just an object or struct that represents the presentation data a screen needs to be in a displayable state. It's not the name of a type defined by Apple and isn't defined anywhere in the iOS SDK. It's something you'd need to define yourself. So, in this case, I'd recommend defining it in the same fine where you're going to use it, namely in the same file as ResultsViewController.
You'd do something like this:
struct ResultsViewModel {
let title: String
let imageURL: String
and then on the ResultsViewController, you'd create a property like:
var viewModel: ResultsViewModel?
or if you don't like dealing with optionals, you can do:
var viewModel = ResultsViewModel(title: "", imageURL: "")
OR, you can do what you're already doing, but I'd highly recommend renaming those properties. getTitle sounds like it's doing something more besides just holding onto a value. title would be a better name. Same criticism goes for getImage, with the additional criticism that it's also misleading because it sounds like it's storing an image, but it's not. It's storing an image url. imageURL is a better name.

NSNotificationCenter Notification Not Being Received When Posted in a Closure

What I am trying to accomplish is posting a notification through NSNotificationCenter's default center. This is being done within a closure block after making a network call using Alamofire. The problem I am having is that a class that should be responding to a posted notification isn't receiving such notification.
My ViewController simply creates a First object that get's things moving:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let first = First()
My First class creates and instance of a Second class and adds itself as an observer to my NSNotificationCenter. This is the class that can't seem to get the notification when the notification is posted.
class First : NSObject {
let second = Second()
override init(){
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(First.gotDownloadNotification(_:)), name: "test", object: nil)
func gotDownloadNotification(notification: NSNotification){
print("Successfully received download notification from Second")
My Second class is what makes the network call through my NetworkService class and posts a notification in a closure once the request is successful and complete.
class Second : NSObject {
func sendRequest(){
let networkService = NetworkService()
networkService.downloadFile() { statusCode in
if let statusCode = statusCode {
print("Successfully got a status code")
// Post notification
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName("test", object: nil)
Finally, my NetworkService class is what makes a network call using Alamofire and returns the status code from the response through a closure.
class NetworkService : NSObject {
func downloadFile(completionHandler: (Int?) -> ()){, "") { temporaryURL, response in
let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
let directoryURL = fileManager.URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask)[0]
let pathComponent = response.suggestedFilename
return directoryURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent(pathComponent!)
.response { (request, response, _, error) in
if let error = error {
print("File download failed with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else if let response = response{
print("File downloaded successfully")
// Pass status code through completionHandler to Second
The output after execution is:
File downloaded successfully
Successfully got a status code
From this output I know the download was successful and Second got the status code from the closure and posted a notification right after.
I believe that I have tried resolving most other suggestions on Stack Overflow related to not receiving notifications such as objects not being instantiated before notification is posted or syntax of either adding an observer or posting a notification.
Does anyone have any idea why the posted notification is not being received in the First class?
Since there is a direct relationship between First and Second the protocol/delegate pattern is the better way to notify. Even better with this pattern and you don't have to take care of unregistering the observer. NSNotificationCenter is supposed to be used only if there is no relationship between sender and receiver.
And basically the thread doesn't matter either.
protocol SecondDelegate {
func gotDownloadNotification()
class Second : NSObject {
var delegate : SecondDelegate?
init(delegate : SecondDelegate?) {
self.delegate = delegate
func sendRequest(){
let networkService = NetworkService()
networkService.downloadFile() { statusCode in
if let statusCode = statusCode {
print("Successfully got a status code")
// Post notification
class First : NSObject, SecondDelegate {
let second : Second
override init(){
second = Second(delegate:self)
func gotDownloadNotification(){
print("Successfully received download notification from Second")

How to write image data and GPS metadata to saved photos album using swift?

I am trying to add GPS metadata to images I take using a custom camera application. My camera app takes images as expected and there are lots of apple specific metadata values included in each picture I take. However I can't seem to add GPS data. What am I a doing wrong? Thanks ahead.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var output : AVCaptureStillImageOutput!
var locationManager : CLLocationManager()
override func viewDidLoad()
func createCamera(){
//create camera code. works fine
func takePhoto(){
buffer, error in
if let error = error{
println("Error: \(error)")
var imageData = AVCaptureStillImageOutput.jpegStillImageNSDataRepresentation(buffer)
var metadata = self.getImageMetaData()
var library = ALAssestsLibrary()
library.writeImageDataToSavedPhotosAlbum(imageData, metadata, completionBlock: {
(assetURL: NSURL!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
func getImageMetadata() -> NSMutableDictionary{
var locDict = NSMutableDictioary()
locDict.setObject(self.locationManager.location.timestamp, forKey: "KCGImagePrropertyGPSTimeStamp")
locDict.setObject("N", forKey: kCGImagePropertyGPSLatitudeRef")
locDict.setObject(self.locationManager.location.coordinate.latitude, forKey: "kCGImagePropertyGPSLatitude")
locDict.setObject("W", forKey: "kCGImagePropertyGPSLongitudeRef")
locDict.setObject(self.locationManager.location.coordinate.longitude, forKey: "kCGImagePropertyGPSLongitude")
return locDict
//this returns the correct coordinates
//NOTE: I hard coded the Ref values for brevity.
NOTE: I am using ExifTool to view the metadata.