Create and run scala code from package in IntelijIDEA - scala

I have the following problem:
Below is the Rational.scala file that has a package name Week_3, which i am trying to import in the file.
But I get an Error:
Object Rational is not a member of package Week_3
Below is the file i am trying to import Rational class.
Anyone knows how can i deal with it?


install4j how to parse json in a form component

I'm trying to parse json in an action script for a form component.
I tried to:
import javax.json.JsonObject;
And get the following on a test compile:
Failed to compile script
1. ERROR in /private/var/folders/3t/l3dvn7tx1j76wsx17xfjcpww0000gn/T/ (at line 1)
import javax.json.JsonObject;
The import javax.json cannot be resolved
How do I achieve the equivalent of this import so I can parse json? I started going down the rabbit hole of create a JMOD for javax.json but that's starting to seem like the wrong path.
The package javax.json is not part of the JRE, but a JEE 7 API. You can download the JAR file from
and add it on the "Installer->Screens & Actions->Custom code" step. Then the class will be available in all scripts.

Is there a way to import a class module (psm1) into another class module (psm1)?

I have two class modules. Each in its file. I'd like to use Class1.psm1 inside Class2.psm1.
I am using: using module '.\path'
but I get this error Unable to find type [Class1].
Is there a way to do that in powershell 5.1?

Error: Could not resolve the package 'app' in 'package:app/app_controller.dart

In my last flutter project, I included files placed in my lib/ directory by using import 'package:app/file_name.dart'.
For example, my file located at lib/app_controller.dart was imported via:
import 'package:app/app_controller.dart'
I just started a new flutter project, and it is giving me the error:
Error: Could not resolve the package 'app' in 'package:app/app_controller.dart'
When I remove the portion package:app/, it builds fine. I find this very strange because my previous project is still building just fine without any changes. Does anyone know what's happening here?
What is allowing my old project to respect package:app/..., but not my new project?
package:app/ would work only for an application that is called app. What is the name of your new application? When you import items from your own project, it goes like this:
What is the name in your pubspec.yaml file? It's usually on the very first line.
it is because a dart class can be imported in two ways(AFAIK),
local import from the root of current file where import is being used for example import '../folder/file.dart
with a package name which should begin from package for example import package:packagename/any_file_in_the_lib_folder.dart, a package will have a pubspec.yml which defines a package name which will be used to import the content of the lib folder of that package, in your case your first project is named app so it respected this import style but your second project isn't respecting it because its not named app but something else.

How to import libraries in Spark Notebook

I'm having trouble importing magellan-1.0.4-s_2.11 in spark notebook. I've downloaded the jar from and have tried placing SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --packages harsha2010:magellan:1.0.4-s_2.11 in the Start of Customized Settings section of the spark-notebook file of the bin folder.
Here are my imports
import magellan.{Point, Polygon, PolyLine}
import magellan.coord.NAD83
import org.apache.spark.sql.magellan.MagellanContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.magellan.dsl.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
And my errors...
<console>:71: error: object Point is not a member of package org.apache.spark.sql.magellan
import magellan.{Point, Polygon, PolyLine}
<console>:72: error: object coord is not a member of package org.apache.spark.sql.magellan
import magellan.coord.NAD83
<console>:73: error: object MagellanContext is not a member of package org.apache.spark.sql.magellan
import org.apache.spark.sql.magellan.MagellanContext
I then tried to import the new library like any other library by placing it into the main script like so:
This didn't work and I'm left scratching my head wondering what I've done wrong. How do I import libraries such as magellan into spark notebook?
Try evaluating something like
:dp "harsha2010" % "magellan" % "1.0.4-s_2.11"
It will load the library into Spark, allowing it to be imported - assuming it can be obtained though the Maven repo. In my case it failed with a message:
failed to load 'harsha2010:magellan:jar:1.0.4-s_2.11 (runtime)' from ["Maven2 local (file:/home/dev/.m2/repository/, releases+snapshots) without authentication", "maven-central (, releases+snapshots) without authentication", "spark-packages (, releases+snapshots) without authentication", "oss-sonatype (, releases+snapshots) without authentication"] into /tmp/spark-notebook/aether/b2c7d8c5-1f56-4460-ad39-24c4e93a9786
I think file was to big and connection was interrupted before whole file could be downloaded.
So I downloaded the JAR manually from:
and copied it into the:
And then :dp command worked. Try Calling it first, and if it will fail copy JAR into the right path to make things work.
Better solution
I should investigate why download failed to fix it in the first place... or put that library in my local M2 repo. But that should get you going.
I would suggest to check this:
I think the :dp magic command is depreciated, instead you should add your custom dependencies in the notebook metadata. You can go in the menu Edit > Edit notebook metadata, there add something like:
"customDeps": [
"harsha2010 % magellan % 1.0.4-s_2.11"
Once done, you will need to restart the kernel, you can check in the browser console if the package is being downloaded properly.
The easy way, you should set or add the EXTRA_CLASSPATH environnent variable to point to your .jar file downloaded :
export EXTRA_CLASSPATH = </link/to/your.jar> or set EXTRA_CLASSPATH= </link/to/your.jar> in wondows OS. Here find the detailed solution.

Why does the scala-ide not allow multiple package definitions at the top of a file?

In scala it is common practice to stack package statements to allow shorter imports, but when I load a file using stacked packages into the scala ide and I attempt to use an import starting with the same organization I get a compiler error from what appears to be the presentation compiler. The code compiles fine in sbt outside of the IDE.
An example code snippet is as follows:
package com.coltfred
package util
package time
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
On the import I get the error object github is not a member of package
If I move the import to a single line the error will go away, but we've used this practice frequently in our code base so changing them all to be single line package statements would be a pain.
Why is this happening and is there anything I can do to fix it?
I used the eclipse-sbt plugin to generate the eclipse project file for this. The directory structure is what it should be and all of the dependencies are in the classpath.
Edit 2:
It turns out there was a file in the test tree of the util package (which should have been in the same package), but had a duplicate package statement at the top. I didn't check the test tree because it shouldn't affect the compilation of the main tree, but apparently I was wrong.
Not sure why the Scala IDE is not liking this, but you can force the import to start at the top level using _root_:
See if that avoids irritating the IDE.
This is a common annoyance that annoyed paulp into an attempt to fix it. His idea was that a dir that doesn't contribute class files shouldn't be taken as a package. If you can take util as scala.util, you should do so in preference to foo.util where that util is empty.
The util dir is the usual suspect, because who doesn't have a util dir lying around, and in particular, ./util?
apm#mara:~/tmp/coltfred$ mkdir -p com/coltfred/util/time
apm#mara:~/tmp/coltfred$ mkdir -p com/coltfred/util/com
apm#mara:~/tmp/coltfred$ vi com/coltfred/util/time/test.scala
apm#mara:~/tmp/coltfred$ scalac com/coltfred/util/time/test.scala
./com/coltfred/util/time/test.scala:5: error: object github is not a member of package
import com.github.nscala_time.time._
one error found
apm#mara:~/tmp/coltfred$ cat com/coltfred/util/time/test.scala
package com.coltfred
package util
package time
import com.github.nscala_time.time._
class Test
To debug, find out where the offending package is getting loaded from.