IntelliJ print test run dependencies - scala

I am working on a scala project which uses sbt for build tools. When we run unit tests on command line 'sbt test', the tests are running fine. However, when I run unit tests in IntelliJ, it seems to be picking up incorrect version of a dependency as well.
I was wondering if there is a way for me to print the classpath that IntelliJ is running the unit tests with?

IntelliJ IDEA already does that, actually, for each test run.
Tests are run as an invocation of JVM with the classpath passed to command-line parameter.
You need to press on the ellipsis to see the whole command line.
Classpath will be there after -classpath argument.
It's better to copy it to another window and enable line wrapping for the further digging.


compile/package multiple configurations from command line sbt scala

is there a way to build/compile all configurations at once? I have a project that has a Dev configuration in addition to the default Compile and Test configuration, and i am looking for a command or a setting in my build.sbt that would allow me to compile/package all 3 configurations at once.
Basically looking for a way to avoid having to do these 3 commands to build the entire source tree:
sbt compile
sbt dev:compile
sbt test:compile
When I use sbt from IntelliJ it is able to do this on building the project, but I am looking to do this from the command line.
First, you can run multiple tasks with a single sbt invocation:
sbt compile dev:compile test:compile
Second, you could define an alias in your build which does what you want:
addCommandAlias("compileAll", "; compile; dev:compile; test:compile")
Then, just run sbt compileAll.

SBT - why sbt giving compilation errors while running?

I am trying to merge two modules into single module. Both are successfully running modules. I merge two modules. And trying to run the test cases.
i am compiling source and testcases by using sbt commands:
project module-read
Till test:compile everything working fine but after it:test, it showing lot of compilation issues.
Could I know best way of compiling?
The test:compile task will only compile tests within the src/test/scala folder as per the default sbt test configuration.
In order to compile your integration tests (in src/it/scala) you will have to run it:compile .
See for more info.

Getting test-only to work outside SBT console

I'm using Specs2 for tests, with latest Play, Scala and SBT.
In sbt console, this works great, running only tests in UserServiceSpec:
[my-project] $ test-only services.UserServiceSpec
Outside sbt console, in project root directory, this does not work:
$ sbt test-only services.UserServiceSpec
This runs all the tests. (Same happens with testOnly.)
How is test-only supposed to work outside sbt console?
Follow-up question: using Specs2 tags, how to execute only tagged tests on the command line, outside sbt console?
$ sbt test-only -- include unit
The above, again, tries to to execute all tests (while test-only -- include unit in sbt console works fine).
Basically, I'd like to run all unit tests on a CI server, and Specs2 tags seem like a good tool for separating different kinds of tests. In this scenario I couldn't use the sbt console, right?
Sbt consider two parameters as two separate commands. You should mark it as one.
Try: sbt "testOnly services.UserServiceSpec"

How to run a single test in scalatest from maven

I have not found any documentation on how to do this. For JUnit the equivalent would be:
mvn -Dtest=org.apache.spark.streaming.InputStreamSuite test
tl;dr mvn test -Dsuites="some.package.SpecsClass"
I found an answer from here and it works:(!topic/scalatest-users/Rr0gy61dg-0)
run test 'a pending test' in HelloSuite, and all tests in HelloWordSpec:
mvn test -Dsuites='org.example.
HelloSuite #a pending test, org.example.HelloWordSpec'
run all tests in HelloSuite containing 'hello':
mvn test -Dsuites='org.example.HelloSuite hello'
for more details:
Found the answer: it is
So here is the example command line:
mvn -pl streaming -DwildcardSuites=org.apache.spark.streaming.InputStreamSuite test
Update Newer versions of scalatest use
So the syntax would be:
mvn -pl streaming -Dsuites=org.apache.spark.streaming.InputStreamSuite test
Note that if you have some Java tests in the same module, as much of spark does, you need to turn them off -which you can do by telling surefire to run a test that isn't there
Here is the test that I've just been running
mvn test -Dtest=moo -DwildcardSuites=org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.ClientSuite
That skips the java test and only runs the scala one.
One thing which scalatest doesn't seem to do is let you run a single test within a suite, the way maven surefire does. That's not ideal if you have one failing test in a big suite.
[Correction 2016-08-22: looks like you can ask for a specific suite by name; look at the other answers below. Happy to be wrong].

How to compile tests with SBT without running them

Is there a way to build tests with SBT without running them?
My own use case is to run static analysis on the test code by using a scalac plugin. Another possible use case is to run some or all of the test code using a separate runner than the one built into SBT.
Ideally there would be a solution to this problem that applies to any SBT project. For example, Maven has a test-compile command that can be used just to compile the tests without running them. It would be great if SBT had the same thing.
Less ideal, but still very helpful, would be solutions that involve modifying the project's build files.
Just use the Test / compile command.
Test/compile works for compiling your unit tests.
To compile integration tests you can use IntegrationTest/compile.
Another hint to continuously compile on every file change: ~Test/compile
We have a build.sbt file that is used for multiple projects. Doing sbt test:compile compiled the tests for every single project and took over 30 minutes.
I found out I can compile only the tests for a specific project named xyz by doing:
sbt xyz/test:compile
Using sbt version 1.5.0 and higher test:compile returns deprecation warning.
Use Test / compile.