Set custom accessibilityIdentifier for GMSMarker - swift

I use a Google Maps Api for maps and markers.
I enable accessibility for markers by setting: mapView.accessibilityElementsHidden = false
Now all my custom markers on map have accessibility ids like: myappname.GMSPlaceMarker_somenumbers, for example myappname.GMSPlaceMarker_0x600000170200.
How could i set a one accessibilityIdentifier for all pins, for example Map pin?
I already tried:
marker.accessibilityLabel = "Map pin" but it set label value, not id
marker.title = "Map pin" nothing changes
marker.setValue("Map pin", forKey: "accessibilityIdentifier") nothing changes
My marker is let marker = GMSPlaceMarker() where class GMSPlaceMarker: GMSMarker

try this,
func markPoints() {
var annotationCoord : CLLocationCoordinate2D = CLLocationCoordinate2D()
annotationCoord.latitude = (selectedLocation.latitude as NSString).doubleValue
annotationCoord.longitude = (selectedLocation.longitude as NSString).doubleValue
let annotationPoint: MKPointAnnotation = MKPointAnnotation()
annotationPoint.coordinate = annotationCoord
annotationPoint.title =
annotationPoint.subtitle = "Anand: 7348858742"

If you are using swift 4 try this one,
var destionationMarker: GMSMarker!
func setupDriverMarker(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) {
destionationMarker = GMSMarker(position: coordinate)
for pin: GMSMarker in self.DestinationMarkerArray {
if pin.userData as! String == "drivermarker" { = nil
destionationMarker.title = "Your Title"
destionationMarker.appearAnimation = GMSMarkerAnimation.pop
let images = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ic_map_marker")
destionationMarker.icon = images
destionationMarker.userData = "drivermarker"
destionationMarker.opacity = 1 = journeyMapView
Implementing like this
DriverLocation = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 21.2362546, longitude: 72.8751862)
setupDriverMarker(coordinate: DriverLocation)

I had a similar issue as well, there is no accessibilityIdentifier for GMSMarker. What I did, setting either an accessibilityIdentifier to icon or iconView such as:
marker.icon?.accessibilityIdentifier = "something" or
marker.iconView?.accessibilityIdentifier = "something"


GMUClusterRendererDelegate show marker iconview only when cluster is rendered and not before that swift 5

i am trying to create clusters in my google map. When i show clusters on map i want to show only the cluster count and when the cluster is clicked or zoom then only i want to show my Custom marker view.
Bu the marker view are already present before clustering and when i zoom in a cluster, the default pins are shown, which i dont want.
below is the code for clustering
for data in self.map_data {
//check if map data is on or off and show map data accordignly
let offerdata = data
let geocoder = CLGeocoder()
let strAddress = "\(offerdata.agent_street ?? "")"+" "+"\(offerdata.agent_city ?? "")"+" "+"\(offerdata.agent_zipcode ?? "")"
geocoder.geocodeAddressString(strAddress) {
placemarks, error in
let placemark = placemarks?.first
let lat = Double(placemark?.location?.coordinate.latitude ?? 0.00)
let lon = Double(placemark?.location?.coordinate.longitude ?? 0.00)
print("Lat: \(String(describing: lat)), Lon: \(String(describing: lon))")
let camera = lat, longitude: lon, zoom: 5)
let marker = GMSMarker()
marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: lat, longitude: lon)
marker.title = "\(offerdata.agent_firstname ?? "")"+" \(offerdata.agent_lastname ?? " ")"
marker.iconView?.backgroundColor = .lightGray
marker.userData = data
// Clustering
let item = POIItem(position: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(lat, lon), name: "marker.title" ?? "",data: data)
//map info views
var image = UIImage()
var currency = String()
if data.currency == "AUD"{
currency = "$\(data.currency ?? "")"
else if data.currency == "EUR"{
currency = "€\(data.currency ?? "")"
currency = "£\(data.currency ?? "")"
let amount = "\(data.offer_amount ?? "")".convertTo2Decimal+" "+currency
//create custom marker accordin to condtions
// "\(agent.offer_amount ?? "")".convertTo2Decimal+" "+"\(agent.currency ?? "AUD")"
if data.auto_approval_on_off == "ON"{
if (data.is_badge_display == "1") {
image = UIImage(named: "blueMarker.png") ?? UIImage()//blue
} else {
image = UIImage(named: "orangeMarker.png") ?? UIImage()//oranfge
else if (data.is_badge_display == "1") {
image = UIImage(named: "blueMarker.png") ?? UIImage()//blue
} else {
image = UIImage(named: "blackMarker.png") ?? UIImage()//black
let customMarker = CustomMarkerView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 40), image:image , lblText:amount)
// marker.iconView=customMarker = self.MapView = camera
and the same thing i do when in 'GMUClusterRendererDelegate willRenderMarker' delegate method and just uncomment the marker.iconView=customMarker
can anyone please help me what i need to be doing. It will be really helpful
Image for reference
Image for reference2
Two things i want:
1- show clustering for initial load without map icon views
2- show only map icon view and not the pins after cluster rendered/zoom
Please someone help me
I have a problem similar to this. The work around I came up with was to run the clearMarkers function and then re-add the entire array of markers back in using the addMarkers function
I'm still working on this so if I find a better answer I'll update

Google Maps iOS is not allowing custom map marker image

I am using the Google Maps SDK for iOS -
Combined with the Maps SDK for iOS Utility Library
I am trying to use the utility library to render a kml file on a map. It mostly works, however the custom icons for the markers are not loading. The markers with their titles, snippets, and locations all load correctly. The only thing that does not work is the custom icon for the marker.
Originally, I thought it was an issue with the utility library, so I spent some time trying to write my own code to go through the kml file and add the custom markers myself. However, before I got too far I noticed that even when I try to add a basic marker with a custom icon, I cannot. This led me to believe it was an issue not with the utility library but with the Maps SDK for iOS. I've tried moving the folder that the image is in, and making sure that the code can see the path to the images, but I cannot get it to work.
This is the code that I have in my project
let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: testFile, ofType: "kml")
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path!)
let kmlParser = GMUKMLParser(url: url)
let camera = lat, longitude: long, zoom: zoom)
let mapView =, camera: camera)
mapView.mapType = GMSMapViewType.terrain
mapView.isMyLocationEnabled = true
mapView.settings.zoomGestures = true
mapView.settings.myLocationButton = true
let renderer = GMUGeometryRenderer(map: mapView, geometries: kmlParser.placemarks, styles: kmlParser.styles, styleMaps: kmlParser.styleMaps)
This also does not work
let position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: lat, longitude: long)
let marker = GMSMarker(position: position)
marker.title = "Test"
marker.icon = UIImage(named: "icon-1") = mapView
Thanks in advance for any help
I haven't figured out why the utils library wasn't working, but I did come up with my own fix. It's horrible, but I can come back and make it better later after we've finished adding all the other necessary features to the app and can focus on cleaning up the code .
First, I made a new array of placemarks that had everything except the map markers. I then used this array of placemarks instead of kmlParser.placemarks, so that everything else could be added by the utility library.
//Removing markers without icons
var myIndex = 0
var removed = [GMUGeometryContainer]()
for mark in kmlParser.placemarks{
if(mark.geometry.type != "Point"){
myIndex += 1
let renderer = GMUGeometryRenderer(map: mapView, geometries: removed, styles: kmlParser.styles, styleMaps: kmlParser.styleMaps)
After that, I made my own horrible horrible method that reads the kml file again, and only picks out the placemarks and styles for them and returns an array of Markers.
func addMarkers(fileName:String) -> [GMSMarker]{
var markers = [GMSMarker]()
if let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: fileName, ofType: "kml"){
let data = try String(contentsOfFile: path, encoding: .utf8)
let myStrings = data.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
var styleToIcon = [String: String]()
var lineNum = 0
for line in myStrings{
//Detecting new style that will be used in placemarks
if line.contains("Style id") && line.contains("normal") && !line.contains("line-"){
let newKey = String(line.split(separator: "\"")[1])
let newValue = String(myStrings[lineNum+4].split(separator: ">")[1].split(separator: "/")[1].split(separator: "<")[0])
styleToIcon[newKey] = newValue
//Detecting new placemark on map
else if(line.contains("<Placemark>") && !myStrings[lineNum+2].contains("#line")){
//Get name
var name = myStrings[lineNum+1].split(separator: ">")[1].split(separator: "<")[0]
//Sometimes name has weird CDATA field in it that needs to be removed
name = name.split(separator: "[")[2].split(separator: "]")[0]
//Get snippet (description)
var snippet = myStrings[lineNum+2].split(separator: ">")[1].split(separator: "<")[0]
//Sometimes snippet has weird CDATA field in it that needs to be removed
snippet = snippet.split(separator: "[")[2].split(separator: "]")[0]
//Get style
let style = String(myStrings[lineNum+3].split(separator: ">")[1].split(separator: "#")[0].split(separator: "<")[0] + "-normal")
//Get Coordinates
let coordStringSplit = myStrings[lineNum+6].split(separator: ",")
var lat = 0.0
var long = 0.0
long = Double(coordStringSplit[0].split(separator: "-")[1])! * -1.0
long = Double(coordStringSplit[0])!
lat = Double(coordStringSplit[1].split(separator: "-")[1])! * -1.0
lat = Double(coordStringSplit[1])!
//Create marker and add to list of markers
let position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: lat, longitude: long)
let marker = GMSMarker(position: position)
marker.title = String(name)
marker.snippet = String(snippet)
marker.icon = UIImage(named: styleToIcon[style]!)
lineNum += 1
return markers
This is so heavily related to how my kml files look that I doubt it will help anyone else, but I thought I should post it just in case.
Now that we have that method, all we need to do is go back to where we were rendering all of the kml data and render those markers on the map
//Adding markers with icons
let newMarkers = addMarkers(fileName: courseName)
for mark in newMarkers{ = mapView
I also had to go through my kml files manually and fix some of the image names, but that wasn't a big deal. Even if the utility library worked I would need to do that because the utility library only does kml files and not kmz, so each kml file references the same folder for images and uses the same names for images. It's fine, only takes a few minutes per file. Would be nice if there was a kmz library but oh well.
Hopefully this helps someone else, and hopefully I can find the real solution soon (unless its a problem with the utility library in which case hopefully it's fixed soon).
//call method by passing ;
if userLocation.coordinate.latitude != 0.0 && userLocation.coordinate.longitude != 0.0
self.updateCurrentPositionMarker(currentLocation: CLLocation(latitude: userLocation.coordinate.latitude, longitude:userLocation.coordinate.longitude))
func updateCurrentPositionMarker(currentLocation: CLLocation) { = nil
self.currentPositionMarker = GMSMarker(position: currentLocation.coordinate)
if self.imageDataUrl != ""
let camera: GMSCameraPosition = currentLocation.coordinate.latitude, longitude: currentLocation.coordinate.longitude, zoom: 18.0) = camera
//self.imageDataUrl == image to show
self.currentPositionMarker.iconView = self.drawImageWithProfilePic(urlString:self.imageDataUrl,image: UIImage.init(named: “backgroungImage”)!)
self.currentPositionMarker.zIndex = 1
} = self.mapView
func drawImageWithProfilePic(urlString:String, image: UIImage) -> UIImageView {
let imgView = UIImageView(image: image)
imgView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 90, height: 90)
let picImgView = UIImageView()
picImgView.sd_setImage(with:URL(string: urlString))
picImgView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 40, height: 40)
imgView.addSubview(picImgView) = =
picImgView.layer.cornerRadius = picImgView.frame.width/2
picImgView.clipsToBounds = true
// let newImage = imageWithView(view: imgView)
// return newImage
return imgView

Not able to add Multiple Markers in GSMapView xCode Swift 3

I am trying to add multiple Markers on Googlemaps in my app.
In the viewcontrolller under viewDidLoad I am able to load the map and a single marker.
override func viewDidLoad() {
title = NSLocalizedString("section_map", comment: "test")
let camera = 48.7784, longitude:9.18121, zoom: 12)
let mapView = .zero, camera: camera)
view = mapView
mapView.settings.myLocationButton = true
mapView.delegate = self
let marker = GMSMarker()
marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 48.7784,longitude: 9.18121)
marker.title = "title"
marker.snippet = "snipple"
marker.icon = UIImage(named:"pin_you") = mapView
It call mapData() and from there is json file is generated
after parsing setPin is called to set the markers
func setPin(){
DispatchQueue.main.async {
for item in self.mapItems {
print (" \( \(item.marker) \(item.latitude) \(item.longitude)")
let marker = GMSMarker()
marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: item.latitude,longitude: item.longitude)
marker.title =
marker.snippet = item.fulladdress
var iconImage: String
switch (item.marker){
case 1:
iconImage = "pin_silver"
case 2:
iconImage = "pin_blue"
case 3:
iconImage = "pin_gold"
case 6:
iconImage = "pin_you"
iconImage = "pin_silver"
marker.icon = UIImage(named:iconImage) = self.mapView
The pins are not shown.
The print in for item in self.mapItems shows
Position number A 1 48.76947562 9.15440351
Position number B 1 48.75716485 9.17081058
Position number C 1 48.81191625 9.22752149
Position number D 2 48.81192516 9.22766708
this means all the proper data is available.
However the map is there the one pin made in viewDidLoad
The Markers in function setPin are not shown or maybe not set.
Does any-one have an idea?
I have solved it in have changed the mapData(mapView: GMSMapView!) also for setPin(mapView: GMSMapView!)
func setpin(mapView: GMSMapView!){
DispatchQueue.main.async {
for item in self.mapItems {
print (" \( \(item.marker) \(item.latitude) \(item.longitude)")
let marker = GMSMarker()
marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: item.latitude,longitude: item.longitude)
marker.title =
marker.snippet = item.fulladdress
var iconImage: String
switch (item.marker){
case 1:
iconImage = "pin_silver"
case 2:
iconImage = "pin_blue"
case 3:
iconImage = "pin_gold"
case 6:
iconImage = "pin_you"
iconImage = "pin_silver"
marker.icon = UIImage(named:iconImage) = mapView
Clustering your markers, you can put a large number of markers on a map without making the map hard to read. The marker clustering utility helps you manage multiple markers at different zoom levels.
For the full code sample, see the ObjCDemoApp and SwiftDemoApp on GitHub.
To add a simple marker clusterer.
/// Point of Interest Item which implements the GMUClusterItem protocol.
class POIItem: NSObject, GMUClusterItem {
var position: CLLocationCoordinate2D
var name: String!
init(position: CLLocationCoordinate2D, name: String) {
self.position = position = name
The following code creates a cluster manager using the GMUNonHierarchicalDistanceBasedAlgorithm and the MUDefaultClusterRenderer that are included in the utility library:
class ViewController: UIViewController, GMUClusterManagerDelegate,
GMSMapViewDelegate {
private var mapView: GMSMapView!
private var clusterManager: GMUClusterManager!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Set up the cluster manager with the supplied icon generator and
// renderer.
let iconGenerator = GMUDefaultClusterIconGenerator()
let algorithm = GMUNonHierarchicalDistanceBasedAlgorithm()
let renderer = GMUDefaultClusterRenderer(mapView: mapView,
clusterIconGenerator: iconGenerator)
clusterManager = GMUClusterManager(map: mapView, algorithm: algorithm,
renderer: renderer)
// Generate and add random items to the cluster manager.
// Call cluster() after items have been added to perform the clustering
// and rendering on map.
Feed your markers into the cluster as GMUClusterItem objects by calling clusterManager:addItem:. The following code randomly generates cluster items (POIs) within the scope of the map's camera, then feeds them to the cluster manager:
/// Randomly generates cluster items within some extent of the camera and
/// adds them to the cluster manager.
private func generateClusterItems() {
let extent = 0.2
for index in 1...kClusterItemCount {
let lat = kCameraLatitude + extent * randomScale()
let lng = kCameraLongitude + extent * randomScale()
let name = "Item \(index)"
let item =
POIItem(position: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(lat, lng), name: name)
/// Returns a random value between -1.0 and 1.0.
private func randomScale() -> Double {
return Double(arc4random()) / Double(UINT32_MAX) * 2.0 - 1.0
Handle events on markers and clusters
class ViewController: UIViewController, GMUClusterManagerDelegate, GMSMapViewDelegate {
private var mapView: GMSMapView!
private var clusterManager: GMUClusterManager!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// ... Rest of code omitted for easy reading.
// Register self to listen to both GMUClusterManagerDelegate and
// GMSMapViewDelegate events.
clusterManager.setDelegate(self, mapDelegate: self)
// MARK: - GMUClusterManagerDelegate
func clusterManager(clusterManager: GMUClusterManager, didTapCluster cluster: GMUCluster) {
let newCamera = GMSCameraPosition.cameraWithTarget(cluster.position,
zoom: + 1)
let update = GMSCameraUpdate.setCamera(newCamera)
// MARK: - GMUMapViewDelegate
func mapView(mapView: GMSMapView, didTapMarker marker: GMSMarker) -> Bool {
if let poiItem = marker.userData as? POIItem {
NSLog("Did tap marker for cluster item \(")
} else {
NSLog("Did tap a normal marker")
return false
For more Details please follow the Here

How to open a info windows by default using swift [duplicate]

I am new to iOS development. This is regarding Marker info window in Google Maps iOS SDK.
I understand, we can create a marker with info window using GMSMarkerOption.
GMSMarkerOption *myLocationOption = [GMSMarkerOption alloc];
myLocationOption .title = #"My Location";
myLocationOption .snippet = #"Lat:...., Lang:....";
[mapView addMarkerOption:myLocationOption];
As per the above code, Marker displayed in the Map View as expected.
And tapping on marker shows the "My Location" info window in Google maps which is good.
Is there anyway we can show the info window programmatically when the user goes to Custom Map Screen?
This has changed on Google Maps SDK and it's easier to understand:
GMSMarker *marker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
marker.position = coordinate;
marker.title = #"Location selected";
marker.snippet = #"Testing"; = mapView_;
//Show info window on map
[mapView_ setSelectedMarker:marker];
You use now setSelectedMarker method to show an info window of a marker
GMSMarkerOptions *myLocationOptions = [GMSMarkerOptions options];
myLocationOptions.title = #"My Location";
myLocationOptions.snippet = #"Lat:...., Lang:....";
mapView.selectedMarker = [mapView addMarkerWithOptions:myLocationOptions];
(note that it's Options, not Option)
Swift 3.0
func addMarker(_ location:CLLocation){
var locationMarker: GMSMarker!
if locationMarker != nil { = nil
locationMarker = GMSMarker(position: location.coordinate) = mapView
locationMarker.appearAnimation = kGMSMarkerAnimationPop
locationMarker.icon = GMSMarker.markerImage(with:
locationMarker.opacity = 0.85
locationMarker.isFlat = true
locationMarker.snippet = "My Location"
below line is the answer
swift 3
self.mapView.selectedMarker = marker
In the case of swift 3, you can open the snipet usint the selectedMarker
If you are creating the marker in a similar way to:
marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 34.1331168, longitude: -118.3550723)
marker.title = "My super place name"
marker.snippet = "Are you looking a place to play? This is your place! "
marker.appearAnimation = kGMSMarkerAnimationPop = self.mapView
// Below line will shows the infowindow for marker with out tapping on it
[mapView setSelectedMarker:myLocationOptions]; // myLocationOptions is your desired GMSMarker to show Infowindow with out tapping .
Happy Coding :)
mMapView.selectedMarker = marker
GMSMarkerOptions is deprecated. Using this helped me to show info window without tapping-
func mapView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, idleAt position: GMSCameraPosition) {
myMapView.selectedMarker = myGMSMarker
--> It shows multiple infoWindows without tapping on marker. You can easily customise it.
for i in 0..
let dict = arrNearByPlacesArray.object(at: i) as? NSDictionary ?? [:]
let lat = dict.object(forKey: "latitude") as? String ?? ""
let long = dict.object(forKey: "longitude") as? String ?? ""
let company_id = dict.object(forKey: "company_id") as? String ?? ""
let totaljobs = dict.object(forKey: "totaljobs") as? String ?? ""
let location = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: Double(lat) ?? 0.0, longitude: Double(long) ?? 0.0)
print("location: \(location)")
let marker = GMSMarker()
//marker.icon = UIImage(named: "maps")
let viewData = Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("MarkerXibView", owner: self, options: nil)?.first as! MarkerXibView . //UIView
marker.iconView = viewData . //UIView
marker.position = location
marker.accessibilityLabel = company_id = vwGoogleMap

GoogleMapView showing only one marker even its has 2 or more

I am trying to figure it out why my google map view only show one marker on the screen even the fetch data got 2 records.I use realm to store latitude and longitude of each position.Even my realm has two markers position,why it drop only one marker,Any help?
#IBOutlet weak var mapView: GMSMapView!
var locationMarker: GMSMarker!
var locationList : Results<TowerLocationList>!
#IBAction func findAddress(sender: AnyObject) {
// Clearing all marker to protect duplicate marker drop
//Fetching all marker from realm object
locationList = realm.objects(TowerLocationList)
print("The list included at Realm DB is : \(locationList)")
print("List count : \(locationList.count)")
for var i = 0 ; i < locationList.count; i++ {
let coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: Double(locationList[i].latitude)!, longitude: Double(locationList[i].longitude)!)
print("For Loop i : \(i)")
func setupLocationMarker(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) {
locationMarker = GMSMarker(position: coordinate) = mapView
locationMarker.appearAnimation = kGMSMarkerAnimationPop
locationMarker.icon = UIImage(named: "Radio_Tower")
//locationMarker.opacity = 0.75
locationMarker.flat = true
locationList = realm.objects(TowerLocationList).filter("longitude = '\(coordinate.longitude)' AND latitude = '\(coordinate.latitude)'")
locationMarker.snippet = locationList[0].siteCode
When I click findAddress button,
The Output is :
The list included at Realm DB is : Results<TowerLocationList> (
[0] TowerLocationList {
siteCode = AY0121;
longitude = 96.1265519633889;
latitude = 16.8548376155088;
[1] TowerLocationList {
siteCode = AY0119;
longitude = 96.1268738284707;
latitude = 16.8490258657804;
List count : 2
For Loop i : 0
why the loop stop at index 0 and doesn't go to index 1?
try setting this up inside your method for setupLocationMarker(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) this is where you will need to place all of your individual markers.
for spot in locationList {
let marker = GMSMarker(place: spot) = self.mapView
marker.snippet = spot.title